
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
maclincyphermox: hi18:31
maclinhave ShuiLu Pi  talked to you about the problem of slideshow for Ubuntu kylin?18:32
cyphermoxI've only seen a merge proposal, it's been merged and uploaded already18:33
cyphermoxwhat is the problem?18:33
maclinIt may be a problem of translation: Bug #167841518:34
ubot5bug 1678415 in Ubuntu Kylin "Failed to translate English words in slide show to Chinese" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167841518:34
cyphermoxgive me a moment I'll look at those translations18:35
cyphermoxdo you know if ShuiLu had selected zh_HK or zh_TW?18:36
cyphermoxor zh_CN18:36
cyphermoxzh_HK appears to include the translation string (it doesn't mean it got used, but at least it is there)18:37
cyphermoxsame for zh_TW18:38
cyphermoxzh_CN however appears to not be translate18:38
cyphermoxoh, if I look at the glyphs carefully I should be able to tell18:38
cyphermoxyes, this is zh_CN18:39
maclinyes, I just found the translations in zh_HK is latest. but zh_CN is still  last version.18:41
maclinIs it the problem of configuration from Shuilu Pi ?18:41
cyphermoxthere isn't even a translation suggestion for zh_CN18:41
cyphermoxno, if ShuiLu fixed this already, it is because I applied a translation export on top of his changes18:42
cyphermoxlet's see, I will go back to look at his merge proposal18:42
maclinthanks! I will check the above link of translations.18:44
cyphermoxI see, I reverted the translation Shuilu had done manually when I applied the translation export18:45
cyphermoxwe can fix this18:45
cyphermoxmaclin: is only Chinese simplified the one broken?18:46
cyphermoxare zh_TW and zh_HK good as far as you know?18:46
cyphermoxthere *are* some changes in Shuilu's merge for the others though18:49
cyphermoxhe's not here?18:50
cyphermoxI don't read any variation of Chinese so there is no way I can verify the translations unfortunately18:51
cyphermoxmy thought is to re-apply all of his changes directly18:51
maclinIt is 2:50 here, so he is sleep now18:51
cyphermoxyes, I figured :)18:53
cyphermoxmaclin: go sleep, I will fix this now and tomorrow's image should be good :)18:53
cyphermoxhikiko: hey! :)18:54
maclinit is so kind of you, thanks a lot:)18:55
maclincyphermox:  I have sent a message to Shuilu Pi to concern the updates tomorrow. I have to go sleep now. Thanks!  good night:)19:01
hikikohi cyphermox :) i was out, just came back19:01
cyphermoxmaclin: 不客气19:02
cyphermox(hopefully that's right :)19:02

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