
fred1807how do I specify my "ladcomp" alsa plugin, as MPD output, in mpd.conf?  device          "hw:0,0"13:48
AdroHello everybody, I'm having problems with my new Presonus 1818vsl audio interface,  there's poping and crackling sounds, if jack manages to start I get a lot of xruns... I've been looking around for solutions and I suspect it might be related to a usb3 issue, I think I managed to disable usb3 through my BIOS setup, but nothing seems to change... sorry guys but I'm desperate for help!!!16:42
Adrorunning ubuntu studio 16.04lts16:46
OvenWerksAdro: you may need to get a pcie USB card. The intel USB ports do have issues.17:22
AdroI'll check that OvenWerks , I think there might be some extra ports in my motherboard17:23
OvenWerksAdro: first try each USB port on your computer though, it may just be the usb port you are using shares irq with something else17:23
Adrothat I know it is an issue in my system17:24
OvenWerksAdro: you may be interested in http://crimeandtheforcesofevil.com/blog/2016/07/24/usb-2-0-chipsets-digital-audio-workstations-and-linux/17:25
OvenWerksand it's follow up article.17:25
AdroOvenWerks: I did some research in that subject but it gets really confusing, I know I have both usb3 and usb2 hubs but can't understand how are they routed to the actual ports17:25
AdroOvenWerks: thank you so much17:26
OvenWerksis the second one. It turns out to be the usb 1.1 part of the intel chipset that is the problem17:26
OvenWerksUSB 2.0 uses some of the usb1.1 stuff and the intel chipset expects the system cpu to do a lot more of the work which means many more interupts17:27
adro_hello all, xhci-hcd seems to control all my usb buses even if they are 2.0, I'm  having issues with a usb audio interface Presonus 1818vsl, this does not work well with usb3, I have learn that installing a PCI card with ohci-hcd drivers would solve it but, is there a reason why I can't force xhci to manage only my usb3 ports??? help and thanks for any insight!!!21:38
adro_sorry OvenWerks , thanks for the links, I gathered some info about this and it raised more questions! I just asked again this time why xhci seems to be controlling all my buses... I don't understand why lsusb lists 4 buses and all my devices are managed under one that's not even the 3.0 hub but the driver is xhci... sorry to bother you but I'm just confused, I consider getting a pci card but now I need to understand this issue21:44
OvenWerksadro_: the USB 1.1 part of things is traffic control. If you have xhci on all of them, it is because of the USB chipset in use. (probably Intel)21:46
adro_OvenWerks: yes, the chipset is 8 Series/C220 Series21:49
OvenWerksadro_: have you edited your rtinit file yet?21:50
adro_OvenWerks: but I don't get it why apparently having 3 controllers of which only one is xhci it has to manage all...21:51
adro_OvenWerks: nope21:51
OvenWerksadro_: the way I have dealt with that is first find out if the port you are using shares irqs with something else21:51
adro_OvenWerks: you'll have to excuse me for I'm quite a newbi21:52
OvenWerksDo you know which USB the 1818 is plugged into?21:52
adro_OvenWerks: oh yes, I think all my buses are in just 2 slots21:52
adro_OvenWerks: yes, that's the thing21:53
OvenWerksok. in a terminal type cat/proc/interrupts21:53
adro_OvenWerks: yes I've got it21:54
OvenWerksuse shift uparoow to get back up to where the usb ports are listed.21:54
adro_OvenWerks: 16 and 23 are for ehci and 26 seems to be xhci21:54
OvenWerksadro_: you want to A) make sure you are using the one on 23 (16 is almost always shared) and B) make sure nothing else is using that USB port.21:55
OvenWerksThat is no mouse/kb etc.21:55
OvenWerks(mouse generates a lot of interupts)21:56
adro_OvenWerks: the issue is no matter where I plug what everything is under the same bus21:57
OvenWerksYou are begining to see why another USB card would be helpful :(21:59
OvenWerksOn my netbook (several years old now) there were two ports in use (USB2 and 3) I was able to get only my sound device on USB3 and then raise the priority on just that USB port.22:01
OvenWerksI used USB2 for everything else (hard drive and mouse as happens)22:01
adro_OvenWerks: that's where I get confused, since my motherboard has 4 usb3 ports and 8 usb2 ports i just don't get it22:01
OvenWerksYa, I think things have changed since USB3 came out.22:03
adro_OvenWerks: where can I find the rtinit file?22:03
OvenWerks/etc/default/rtirq it is rtirq I guess I had it wrong22:04
OvenWerksit is a system file so sudo nano to edit.22:04
adro_OvenWerks: yes, I see why a pci card would help, but then I gathered that there might be an issue with a my 64 bit system22:04
adro_OvenWerks: says... it requires an IOMMU or a computationally expensive bounce buffer to work with a 64-bit operating system22:07
adro_OvenWerks: I don't have a clue what that means really22:07
OvenWerksI got the idea pretty much any NEC USB pcie card would work.22:07
OvenWerksI have heard that even the NEC based USB3 cards work well22:08
adro_OvenWerks: but still, should I use that only for the audio interface?22:09
OvenWerksPersonally, I still use an old Delta66 PCI card so I don't know.22:09
adro_OvenWerks: or means I can use usb3 devices on the same22:09
OvenWerksyes, I would use it just for the audio box22:09
OvenWerksI would use the ones on the MB for everything else22:10
adro_OvenWerks: yes, I was searching for that sort of pci interface but they are difficult to find!22:10
OvenWerksThe Intel USB chips are fine for most uses22:10
adro_OvenWerks: ok22:10
adro_OvenWerks:  so the important ist it should have ohci drivers?22:11
OvenWerksNEC is known to have good drivers22:12
OvenWerksThe hardware determines the drivers22:12
OvenWerksThe Kernel will load the right drivers for the card22:13
adro_OvenWerks: ok22:13
adro_OvenWerks: "Backward compatible with USB 1.1 & 2.0" that's the thing right?22:14
OvenWerksYa, you need USB2.0 for the 181822:14
adro_so, you recon that one specifically would work on my machine???22:15
adro_just any pcie with nec chipsets?22:15
OvenWerksIf the card has two plugs and shows up as two ports, then you could use the other port for other uses.22:16
OvenWerksThat is what I have heard. To be honest... unless I try it in my system, I don't know.22:16
adro_hmm ok22:17
adro_well, that article you sent me earlier gives hope!22:17
OvenWerksI remember a message in the LAU mailing list, but not when... it gave some other NEC chips known to work as well as the one in that article.22:19
adro_oh, I'll check for compatibility then22:21
* OvenWerks has to go for a while22:26

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