
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-sensors-plugin 1.2.98 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-sensors-plugin-1-2-98-released-tp49065.html (by Fabian Nowak)22:28
ochosiflocculant, bluesabre: pushed the fix for notifyd's progressbars to greybird master, can do a micro-release if needed for zesty: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/commit/8c9ea7b1788899e69082821cd4aea4d8be7a9a7322:38
ochosisorry for the oversight22:38
ochosishould've noticed and fixed that before22:38
knomeyes you lazy one22:39
knome(just kidding)22:41
knomewhat's up? :)22:41
ochosiknome: quite a bit of RL work latel22:53
ochosiand i think i caught a cold :'(22:53
ochosiother than that mostly working on the panel port and automated testing22:54
ochosiand fixing small issues like the one i just mentioned22:55
knomeget well soon22:55
ochositime to get some rest now22:56
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