
=== harish is now known as Guest22812
Nani_Dragondoes anyone have google drive working on here?00:05
thunk123Nani, I have had in the past, whats the problem?00:15
thunk123Using MEGA atm, but maybe I can help00:16
Nani_Dragonthunk123: thanks00:17
Nani_Dragonthunk123: I just want to know how to sync my google drivre00:17
thunk123Nani, as far as I know google drive doesnt have a sync function, for syncing I used Foldersync on android store, that syncs your pc to your phone if you set up an ftp server, or to a cloud service.00:19
Nani_Dragonhow do I get my files then?00:22
maximobuenas noches. un gusto01:02
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ThefirstnizzaHow do i undo a torrent from initial seeding config? (rtorrent)09:55
Thefirstnizzadoes not work09:55
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
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BluesKajauge, ??14:36
augeBluesKaj: sorry, ist meine Angewohnheit, wenn ich in einen # komme. Eine Art Begrüßung. Ich war aber sicher 10 Jahre nicht mehr hier.14:37
BluesKaj!de | auge14:39
ubottuauge: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:39
augeubottu: Sorry, I forgot. No problem, I am going to switch language to English right now. Thanks for the reminder.14:40
ubottuauge: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:40
BluesKajok auge, what's your question again?14:42
=== AlexandruRC is now known as Darredevil
augeblablablubb: thx, I have no question at the moment. Just wanted to look around if there are any friends from about 10 years ago. There is nobody around. cy14:45
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest92659
oemmy Discover program isn't working properly. It has many missing entries.15:21
=== oem is now known as Deeno
BluesKajDeeno, suggest you use the original Muon, it's a bit old and sticky, but it shows all the available packages in the repos.15:30
user|59078wat traducion kubunto portugues?15:30
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:30
BluesKajDeeno, I use apt installl packagename in the terminal, Muon is mostly just a reference15:33
DeenoBlueKaj: I am going to need help installing it,15:36
BluesKajDeeno, sudo apt install muon , in the terminal15:37
DeenoThe package python-xdg needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.15:38
Deenoafter 'sudo apt install muon'15:39
BluesKajDeeno, open another tab in the terminal, sudo apt install python-xdg15:41
BluesKajonce python-xdg is installed return to the other terminal tab and finish installing muon15:43
Deenosame message15:43
BluesKajclose the terminal and try again15:45
Deenosame thing15:46
BluesKajdid python-xdg install ?15:47
DeenoI can't even remove it, so much as spit upon it.15:47
BluesKajremove what?15:47
Deenothe package.15:47
BluesKajwhich package?15:48
Deenopython-xdg seems to be the worst. I think I needed to use a udeb instead or .deb, but it is broken.15:49
BluesKajDeeno, which kubuntu are you running ?15:52
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BluesKajhow often do you update/upgrade your packages , recommend you use, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, at least once every few days16:07
Deenoseems to help16:09
Deenoit has helped much more than expected.16:12
DeenoIs there a quick way to text-only terminal mode?16:14
BluesKajDeeno, yes i use yakuake , it's a drop dowm terminal using the F12 key, sudo apt install yakuake, then enable it in the kmenu search by typing yak and it will show there, then just click on the icon16:16
BluesKajfrom then on yakuake will be available with F12 key16:17
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DeenoHow do I remove and reinstall discover?16:32
Deenosoftware center16:32
BluesKajsudo dpkg -r discover , might work but i'm not sure16:39
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ross_hi, i installed steam but when i open in, it appears only in the  task bar for 5-10 seconds then disappears. Anyone have any ideas?16:54
deenoI am having good upgrades, but are taking a long time. (?!)19:05
deenohow do I restore package lists to Software Center - Discover?19:10
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IrcsomeBot1<icibon> Last night i created new VM, Kubuntu but when I share folder from Host, it did  not appear on guest (Kubuntu) … Host and Guest are Kubuntu both. … I've installed guest addition tool.  … Please advise21:32
=== harish is now known as Guest8367

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