
=== matsasc_ is now known as matsasc
ducassegood morning all07:36
=== boshhead_ is now known as boshhead
ducassemorning EriC^^ - how are things?08:47
EriC^^ducasse: good thanks you?08:49
ducasseok, thanks. electrician installed smart meter this morning.08:50
ikevinhi guys :)09:07
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:58
brunch875'Morning BluesKaj12:08
BluesKajHi brunch87512:16
=== technochips_ is now known as technochips
=== JanC is now known as Guest85044
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
acheron-ahello Bashing-om21:36
Bashing-omHey hey acheron-a ; what up ?21:37
acheron-ahave you got a moment for a couple of questions21:37
acheron-ai am still new to ubuntu and don't know all the internals21:37
Bashing-omacheron-a: Sure , fire away . ( may not accept the responses though ) .21:37
daftykinsi'm game too :>21:37
daftykinsfor that little which hasn't changed since i knew it...21:38
Bashing-omacheron-a: I been a heavy user for better then 10 years and I still do not know :P21:38
acheron-ai noticed that nautilus will just say "Computer" unless there is a machine-info in /etc21:38
acheron-athen it picks up the name from that file21:39
acheron-aproblem is, that file only gets generated if you change the computer name in [System Settings], [All Settings], System => [Details]21:40
acheron-abut that would be after the initial install21:40
acheron-ayou can actually sit there with nautilus open and see the name change while you type it in details21:41
daftykinsis this something you want when installing Ubuntu for others? because i'd imagine that's what the OEM setup thingy would help with21:42
acheron-abut then when you are done, it changes the host name to all lower case!21:42
daftykinsbut off hand i can't see why a name matters so much :)21:42
naccacheron-a: so far you haven't stated the problem21:42
naccacheron-a: so you don't wnat it to be lower case?21:42
daftykinshostnames should always be lowercase :)21:42
acheron-athen, it should say so in the install!21:42
daftykinsmeh, everything is case sensitive in Linux land so it's always worth bearing in mind21:43
acheron-abecause the way the install is now, it allows up and lower case21:43
naccacheron-a: what is in the file and what is displayed might be different21:43
naccacheron-a: what variable did you assign to in the file?21:43
nacc(it has a manpage btw)21:43
daftykinsyeah i'm sure it allows both, i'm just saying from experience it should be lower :>21:44
naccalso why does it matter what nautilus tells you the current computer's name is?21:44
nacc"Computer" is good enough given that nautilus is browsing locally21:44
acheron-acorrect, but why did it change when i just wanted to correct my host name21:44
acheron-aeverything kind of went beserk21:45
naccacheron-a: what did you change and where?21:45
daftykinshmm i just change hostname via CLI, not sure of graphical methods21:45
naccacheron-a: and what do you mean berserk? it just changed what was displayed21:45
naccagain, actually describe something! :)21:45
acheron-a[System Settings], [All Settings], System => [Details], [Overview] Device name21:45
acheron-athats where i changed it21:46
acheron-aweren't you paying attention?21:46
naccok, so you changed the 'device name' in settings21:46
naccwhat do you think 'went berserk'?21:47
daftykinsacheron-a: i'm talking about how you're supposed to, not how you chose to do it21:47
acheron-atry it for yourself and see21:47
naccand what did you put in that field?21:47
daftykinsacheron-a: btw your language is extremely rude.21:47
naccno, i'm not going to change my system's hostname just to test out something21:47
acheron-ayou can do it in a live boot21:47
acheron-ai was double checking it today21:47
naccagain, *what* went berserk?21:48
daftykinswell it could've been fixed since a live ISO, so would be best on a fully updated VM21:48
daftykinsnot necessarily fixed but changed21:48
acheron-aforget it guys21:49
acheron-asorry i brought it up21:49
daftykinsyou're behaving very strangely21:49
naccfeels like you don't want to answer the simplest of questions21:49
* nacc assumes trolling21:49
acheron-ayou guys just want to argue with me instead of checking out my questions21:49
daftykinsi'm not going to install a VM and mess about with a completely useless feature just because you want it to say something other than 'computer'21:50
daftykinsfucking ridiculous.21:50
* nacc isn't arguing -- i would like an actual explanation of what is expected and what happened21:50
naccwhich doesn't seem forthcoming21:50
naccas i said, trolling (or the equivalent) and moving on now21:51
Bashing-omacheron-a: You "assume" we have access to what you see ... far from the case . For example presently I boot xubuntu . no nautilus here .21:51
* nacc basically has a desktop environment purely to run 50 terminals :)21:51
acheron-ai expected the host name to be changed just as if i entered it when i did the initial install21:51
naccand what happened?21:51
* nacc notes that he has a string in 'Device Name' and nautilus stills says 'Computer'21:52
acheron-aeverything went to lowercase and then "Computer" got changed to what was changed in the device name21:52
Bashing-omnacc: ^* and when I boot 14.04 same same .. only enough to boot my terminal emulator(s) .21:53
naccBashing-om: yep21:53
acheron-awell when i say everything, i mean the host names are in the hosts files21:53
acheron-a16.04.2 is what i am on21:53
acheron-awell the 2nd issue was has anyone noticed or reported about the nautilus file manager hanging and time-out after you insert an USB drive and click on it to browse the files?  seemed to have started after the eject update?21:54
naccacheron-a: you changed the hostname and are wondering why it changed the hostname in /etc/hosts?21:55
acheron-athats not it21:56
acheron-ai changed, just corrected a few missing letters21:56
acheron-aand instead of just making those changes, it put everything to lowercase21:56
acheron-adeleting machine-info causes nautilus to show "Computer" again21:58
naccacheron-a: what was in machine-info?21:59
naccacheron-a: note that i have a string in Device Name in settings and no /etc/machine-info file21:59
OerHeksit is  strongly recommended to write the hostname in lowercase, since some protocols, particularly NIS, ignore capital letters .. so say thank you for changing lowercase21:59
naccand i also would be very hesitnat to delete files owned by systemd21:59
naccand the manpage says to use hostnamectl to make changes to it22:00
acheron-ai understand the all lower cases22:00
naccah i see, i'm guessing if /etc/machine-info doesn't exist it falls back to /etc/hostname22:00
acheron-abut why didn't the installer do that?  because i had backups of those files in /etc22:01
acheron-ait was just the lack consistency that threw me off22:01
Bashing-omacheron-a: Big changes from what was (upstart) to what is (systemd) :)22:03
Bashing-omI note that not all is fluid to this time .22:04
acheron-ai read about that but legacy's sake of having those files around, it should have been lower case in the first place22:04
naccacheron-a: why didn't the installer do what?22:04
acheron-awrite them all out in lower case22:05
naccso you're saying that /etc/hosts had upper case strings in it?22:08
acheron-abefore i made the correction in the gui22:08
acheron-aupper and lower22:09

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