
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
=== ouned_ is now known as ouned
=== wyre_ is now known as wyre
jbicharicotz: I've got a gtk4 (3.90.0) package, do you want me to push it to the gnome3-staging/zesty PPA?13:08
ricotzjbicha, please do, that is what this PPA is for! ;)13:10
jbicharicotz: done14:13
=== technochips_ is now known as technochips
=== Qasker- is now known as Qasker
=== janne_ is now known as dylo
nanodronemy mouse cursor is doing this weird thing, on some apps it's the theme i selected, on others it's the default gnome/adwaita theme...?20:14
quartariannanodrone: did you install gnome after you install ubuntu?20:15
nanodroneis that wrong20:16
quartarianNo, just helpful in determining the cause20:16
quartarianTry this: sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme20:17
quartarianRef: http://askubuntu.com/questions/126491/how-do-i-change-the-cursor-and-its-size Apparently that requires a reboot20:18
nanodronethis won't break my system?20:18
quartarianProbably not :)20:19
quartarianDid it work?20:26
nanodronenope lol20:26
nanodronei did alt f2,r,enter20:26
nanodroneno good20:26
nanodronequartarian, are you on gnome?20:27
quartarianAh you'll need to reboot20:27
nanodronethis never happens?20:27
quartarianIt has before to me before. But nowadays I just use the ubuntu-gnome distro which takes care of these issues for you.20:29
nanodronei just downloaded the default iso, i wasn't too optimistic it'd even work on my laptop/tablet, but after a kernel upgrade it does minus the active sleep part.20:31
nanodroneit's surprising to see support for my system.20:31
nanodronei had issues on windows 10 with no solution anywhere but the linux community seems really active20:32
quartarianYou made the right decision ;-)20:37
jbichadarkxst: good morning, I got a gtk4 package in the gnome3-staging repo now21:05
jbichait doesn't do much but it's nice that the initial packaging is done21:05
TechWombatI was wondering if anyone can help me find a tool that would be able to monitor loads of IP address and tell me if they are currently up or down, I am looking something with a GUI21:43
jbichaTechWombat: I recommend you ask in a more generic channel21:45
TechWombatI have been asking there but nobody has any suggestion for me21:46
TechWombatI thought it was worth a go asking here to21:46
jbichaI'm not aware of any GNOME app that does what you're asking21:47
TechWombatYeah I was hopping there might be something built into Gnome for it21:48
TechWombatEven a extension21:48
quartarianTechWombat: MTR https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-traceroute-and-mtr-to-diagnose-network-issues22:18
TechWombatThanks quartarian, that helped me out a lot22:24

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