
mate|74317hello tes00:22
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chatter29hey guys01:35
chatter29allah is doing01:35
chatter29sun is not doing allah is doing01:36
chatter29to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger01:36
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chr1sshi pplz12:34
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swift110hey all15:08
ITwrxdoes ubuntu mate automatically handle the issue with ubuntu where the kernels fill up the boot partition? or would i have to setup a cron job to run apt-get autoremove on every machine?15:38
MenzadorITwrx: You have to remove old kernels yourse.f15:50
MenzadorITwrx: See http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/remove-old-kernels-ubuntu-16-04/15:50
ITwrxok thanks, menzador16:16
ITwrxit would be nice if ubuntu mate came with a cron job for autoremove since ubuntu is supposed to be Linux for Human Beings but they won't do it, even though it's caused a lot of young or new users a lot of problems.16:19
alkisgITwrx: update autoremoves the previous kernels except for the last 216:22
alkisgEh, or is apt-get purge --auto-remove still needed?16:23
ITwrxalkisg: when did that start happening?16:24
alkisgI think somewhere around 14.0416:24
alkisgBut I'm not sure if it's completely automatic, or if --auto-remove is still needed16:25
ITwrxalkisg: yeah, i'm wondering if it happens when a user uses the gui updater. i don't use ubuntu myself. i'm wanting to use ubuntu mate for PCs for kids so i don't want them having to deal with this.16:27
ITwrxalkisg: i also don't feel like manually setting up a cron job for every computer.16:27
alkisgYeah it would be a mess that way :)16:27
alkisgAlso, it would be an apt hook, not a cron job16:28
ITwrxhadn't thought of that.16:28
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walterpumpwhere to get instructions to install16:47
Astro7467@walterpump: you referring to installing Ubuntu MATE? If you need info on making a Bootable USB etc, they are on the bottom of the download page on ubuntu-mate.org16:54
Astro7467AFAIK you need to pick the architecture to get the relevant info (eg RPi SD card creation etc)16:55
walterpumpTnx Astro 7467:  I have downloaded the dvd image now need to install on my computer.  Since I have never done this before I want to read how.16:57
ITwrxwalterpump: you need to write the iso to a cd or usb, then boot to/with it.17:02
ITwrxwalterpump: first make sure your download was good by checking the sha sums.17:03
Astro7467@walterpump from the installer / live environment you can access this IRC, so any questions can be asked (but be patient cos most ppl here check in to help as & when free)17:05
walterpumpTnx all.  I will try it live first to see that all is well, then try the install.17:11
ozmagewhich are compositors around ? similar to compton that can use glx ?18:28
dooley should I be showing some kind of network traffic at all times in ubuntu-mate?21:15
nicolas_je viens d'installer ubuntu mate sur mon PI3 merci super travail21:18
dooleyit appears I am having a lot of blocked traffic in my UFW  log21:20
dooleyhow do I fix or stop this21:20
sixwheeledbeastwhat traffic?21:25
sixwheeledbeastI assume outbound?21:26
dooleylooks like it stuff coming in21:30
dooleyI can paste a line of the log21:30
dooleyit can be out I may not have looked at it correctly21:31
dooley2017-04-04 14:21:19.00 PRIV TCP packet:  SOURCE IP= DESTINATION IP= PROTOCOL=TCP21:34
sixwheeledbeastWould there be a reason a Chinese IP is trying to ping your firewall?21:38
sixwheeledbeastSeems inbound, I assume trying to port scan telnet or the like?21:41
dooleynot that I know of? anything from xbox live?21:42
dooleyI had one from london, one from Kiev21:42
sixwheeledbeastI would say it's not related to Ubuntu-MATE and people are trying to connect to your machine. Is UFW your only firewall?21:45
dooleyI have my router firewall21:52
dooleywhat are you recommending?21:52
sixwheeledbeastWell you need to find out for for certain where the traffic is from and why. UFW maybe doing it's job. Can you check router firewall is it working? Are there logs?22:10
sixwheeledbeastReally i would expect the router firewall to block traffic first unless forwarded to your LAN.22:10
dooleylet me go look22:12
dooley2017-04-04 18:12:53.00 PRIV TCP packet:  SOURCE IP= DESTINATION IP= PROTOCOL=TCP22:14
dooleythat is what the line was out of, sorry, I got the two log files mixed up22:14
TechWombatI was wondering if anyone can help me find a tool that would be able to monitor loads of IP address and tell me if they are currently up or down, I am looking something with a GUI22:16
sixwheeledbeastping or Gping?22:22
TechWombatI want something more than ping22:24
TechWombatI want a tool like https://emcosoftware.com/ping-monitor but open sources22:25
ouroumov__dooley, you're not behind a router? o_o22:31
dooley  yes22:32
dooleyI am behing a router22:33
ouroumov__Then you shouldn't see external port scans, I don't get it22:33
dooleythis is from the router logs22:36
sixwheeledbeastAh, so these are not ufw then, this is the router logs?22:37
dooleyI have never done a lot with networking. but I figured this has to impact my bandwidth somewhat22:37
dooleyI could have sworn I had some ufw logs that showed external ips such as these being blocked, leet me look22:38
sixwheeledbeastIf you are behind a router with firewall and it is working then you would only get forwarded traffic inbound to ufw. You may see outbound traffic like DNS requests and other normal stuff in ufw if your logging or blocking them.22:42
dooleywhat would have me getting pinged from all over Europe and Asia and how much impact would it be22:44
sixwheeledbeastThere's not a lot you can do about it, if it's occasional then probably minimal impact. Is there a reason for targeting your IP? Open Ports? Do you have DoS protection on your router? Is it enabled?22:50
dooleyyes I do, I just hope I do not impact my sons xbox live traffic, he is the only machine on the network and for about a month no he has had a mod connection, suddenly out of no where,. wonder if this could be why?22:54
dooleycould be someone trying to get into his system?22:55
dooleyThanks for the assist sixwheeledbeast and ouroumov__  I will see if it goes away or stays going23:01
TechWombatAnyone got a server they want to give away, to a starting enterprises in Latin America?23:27
eletiousHello all23:31
Astro7467TechWombat: physical or VPS?23:31
TechWombatPhysical, we need to because with a VPS the taxing can get a little complex23:41
Astro7467Okay. not in a position to help then23:45
TechWombathaha thanks anyway yeah you would have to give us XML that have been signed by the Mexican government and your costs...23:51
TechWombatIts a nightmare to start a business here, the cost of computer parts the taxing.. Gah it makes you want to pull your hair out23:52

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