
=== tsimonq2alt is now known as tsimonq2
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
acheron-ahas anyone noticed or reported about the nautilus file manager hanging and time-out after you insert an USB drive and click on it to browse the files?  seemed to have started after the eject update16:53
acheron-aalso when you do a clean install and enter the computer name - host name in the installer, nautilus never picks that up, it just shows "Computer" but if you change the host name in16:55
acheron-a[System Settings], [All Settings], System =>16:56
acheron-a[Details], [Overview] Device name16:56
acheron-aand change it, then the computer name shows up in nautilus16:56
acheron-apretty quiet here19:31
flocculantacheron-a: yea - has been quiet since balloons went off to do other things http://i.imgur.com/Hs4aS75.png19:36
balloonsflocculant, lol19:36
flocculantscreenshot makes it look like you only just left :D19:37
flocculantprior to the 22ns gQuigs said something on the 21st :p19:37
acheron-ai see19:38
acheron-ai mentioned a couple of things here and no one said a word19:38
flocculantacheron-a: u+1 might get more talk19:38
acheron-awhat is u+1?19:39
flocculant#ubuntu+1 the dev supporty type channel19:39
balloonsor just plan #ubuntu19:41
balloonswell then19:41
flocculantballoons: are they not likely to say 'that's for +1 not here' ?19:42
flocculantanyway - back to just idling in this channel :p19:42

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