
superflyGood morning South Africa!05:09
MaNIgood one for currency traders at least 06:06
Kilosmorning paddatrapper poppingtonic propagandhi MaNI K_K_N ambo_ thatgraemeguy 06:29
Kilosand of course inetpro 06:29
paddatrapperMorning Kilos, everyone 06:59
chesedomorning MaNI Kilos- paddatrapper and all others07:37
Kilos-hi chesedo 07:41
Kilos-power again this time07:42
pavlushkamorning chesedo08:30
inetproit is another day yet again?08:36
inetprohi every body08:36
chesedohi pavlushka inetpro08:44
paddatrapperMorning chesedo08:51
Kilos-hi vulcan 11:49
vulcanHey Kilos- :)12:04
Kilos-hi zoidbergwill 15:54
zoidbergwillHey there15:54
Kilos-welcome to ubuntu-za15:55
Kilos-have you een here before15:55
zoidbergwillJust lurking. :P15:55
Kilos-you welcome15:55
Kilos-have some cyber coffee15:56
Kilos-Maaz coffee on15:56
* Maaz puts the kettle on15:56
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos-!16:00
Kilos-Maaz thanks man16:00
MaazKilos- It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)16:00
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
paddatrapperhey zoidbergwill welcome :)16:06
smilehi Kilos 17:01
smileyou're awake again?17:01
smileor was your internet down?17:01
nsnzerogood evening all17:27
nsnzerohi superfly - how are you ?17:27
superflyI'm good thanks, and you? 17:28
nsnzeroa little on the tired side but good otherwise 17:28
Kilossorry smile just woke now17:32
Kiloshi superfly nsnzero 17:32
smileKilos: don't worry17:32
smileKilos: slept well?17:32
Kilosyes ty17:32
nsnzerowell if isnt the long lost mr Kilos 17:32
nsnzerohi smile 17:32
nsnzerohow you doing Kilos ?17:34
Kilosbit bitter ty been all day just meat and veggies and black coffee with no sugar17:34
Kilosand only water from midnight tonight17:35
nsnzerosweetner ?17:35
Kiloshi Langjan 17:35
nsnzeroy not ? 17:35
Kilosgo for nuclear scan again tomorrow morning17:36
LangjanHello guys, how you keeping Kilos, missed you!17:36
Kilosyes i een very slack oom jan sorry17:36
LangjanNo apology needed, as long as youre ok17:37
Kilosand most likely no on tomorrow and maybe the day after17:37
nsnzeroi hope everything goes well tomorrow Kilos 17:37
nsnzerohi Langjan 17:37
Kilosall should be well ty17:37
Langjanhi nsnzero you fine?17:37
nsnzerofine thanks and you Langjan ?17:37
LangjanGoing for scan at Biko Kilos? 17:37
LangjanAlso fine thks nsnzero 17:38
smilehi nsnzero 17:38
Kiloswith the stronger iso thing17:38
nsnzerogood to hear Langjan 17:38
Kiloshopefully this tme they see what can be seen17:38
LangjanThks nsnzero 17:39
LangjanCould they not make progress last time around Kilos? 17:39
nsnzeroKilos: how many rads will the new dose be ? 17:39
Kilosnope they said the doc that does the report from the scan was mystified  so they needed to get a stronger isotope thing17:40
Kilosi have no idea nsnzero 17:40
Langjanthey must demist the guy17:41
Kilosthey had to specially order it, not a coomonly used one17:41
Langjanso he can see clearly17:41
Kilosmaybe he forgot his glasses at home17:41
Langjanmaybe they got mystified too17:42
Kiloslast test was a 4 hour process, this one is 24 hours so i have no idea what they goona do extra17:42
LangjanSjoe! Strongs my friend17:42
LangjanHow many days do you expect to be there?17:43
nsnzerothey have to monitor you to see if you turn into the hulk or spiderman 17:43
Kilosbest thing was last time after nothing sweet or bread or anything like that for about 30 hours they give you a bar one to eat17:43
LangjanHope it was a big one17:44
Kilosjust so they can see if blood sugar spikes i think17:44
Kiloswas very lekker17:44
Kilosthen they were amazed as well hehe17:44
LangjanMist in the maze, no wonder theyre battling to see 17:45
Kilosblood suagr hadnt changed at all after 30 mins and still the same 2 hours later17:45
Kilossupposed to spike withing 30 mins after the bar one i believe17:46
LangjanAre you also suffering diabetes?17:46
Kilosi can eat or leave anything17:47
LangjanSo is blood sugar affected by testing or whats the story with blood sugar?17:47
Kiloswill suffer if i have to stop meat though17:47
LangjanMaybe less suffering than with meant17:48
Kilossomething to do with how the nuke stuff will affect you 2 hours later17:48
LangjanHey whats going on?17:48
LangjanThe chat17:49
Kilosits unity17:49
Langjannoboody asked what I had broken17:49
Kilosmine is fine17:49
Kilosi was gonna let you get away with it17:49
Kilosbut anyway what has broken in the last 3 weeks17:50
Langjanno wonder I'm a year older17:50
Kiloshahaha when17:50
Langjanthe aging thing is catching up 17:50
Kilosyou doing well man17:50
Kiloscongrats my friend17:50
Langjanthks 17:50
nsnzerohappy belated birthday Langjan 17:50
Langjancaught you17:50
Langjanthks nsnzero 17:51
Kiloscaught me?17:51
Langjancaught you too 17:51
Langjanwhat was date on Saturday?17:51
Kilosapril fool17:51
Langjancaught you again17:51
Kiloscoming saterday17:51
Kiloswhen then man17:52
nsnzerolol 17:52
Kilosim too sleepy to think17:52
Langjan1 April17:52
Kilosare you born 1st april17:52
Kilosa whole lifetime of being a fool17:53
LangjanI think so, celebrrated my b/day on 1 April ever since I can remember17:53
Langjanyeah thats why I keep breaking things17:53
Kilosmust be17:54
Langjanbut you can relax, fortunately I'm on Unity, not KDE so all is working fine17:56
Kilosim gonna remind you next time i see a mail about things that wont work as they used to17:56
Langjanso how long do you expect to be waything the nursies Kilos 17:57
Langjanwatching and pinching17:57
Kilosid like to be home tomorrow night but 24 hours from 7 am tomorrow makes me think im gonna sleep there17:58
LangjanOK well strongs, will be thinking of you, praying for best results17:59
Kilosthere was a very cute one that put the drip feeder into my arm last time. hope she is there again17:59
Kilosnever felt the needle even go in17:59
LangjanHi debs welcome to the chat17:59
Kiloshahaha i told her as well man17:59
Langjanhow are the girls18:00
Kilosshe said good , they not allowed to hurt my miley18:00
Kilosthey doing fine ty18:00
Langjangood, convey my best wishes when you chat18:01
Kiloshows your side of things18:01
Langjanmy side is fine thks18:01
Kilosi will, tara calls you that oom guy18:01
LangjanOK tell her love from the oom guy18:02
Kilosi will18:02
Kilosshe is getting too wise with afrikaans words18:02
LangjanGood. Die taal sal haar goed doen. I had a bit of a time getting the car tip top18:03
Kilossomeone in the shop did something stupid and i remarked whatta doos18:03
Kilosshe said whats a doos18:03
Kilosi said a box18:03
Kilosnow when she sees anyone drive bad or do stupid stuff she calls them doos18:03
Kilosone day shell say it to a van der merwe18:04
LangjanI met an American lady who married a boer and wanted to learn Afrikaans  18:04
Langjanshes a bright one, doctor i n marine biology18:04
Langjanso some guys help het18:04
Langjanthey tell her when she meets new peeps she must say "ek is jags"18:05
Kilosses man18:05
Kilosthats cruel18:05
Langjanwas horrible when she realised what it means18:05
Langjannot a nice joke18:05
Langjanbut she can now also laugh about it18:05
Kilosunless she big and fat and ugly18:06
Langjanshes lovely lady18:06
Langjancalled the manta queen18:06
Kilosshe is nice18:10
Kilospoor girl18:10
nsnzerolol Kilos did you even read the article ?18:10
Kilosthe start yes18:10
LangjanShe is doing a great job to protect the large sea animals18:10
Kilosi didnt go to read i went to see what she looked like18:11
nsnzerolol 18:11
Kilossjoe busy lady18:16
LangjanOk Kilos and nsnzero I am logging off, glad you're all fine, will chat later. Give the nursie a pinch for me and come back well and kicking18:16
nsnzerotake care Langjan - have a good night 18:17
LangjanHope I have something for you to fix when next we chat!18:17
Kilosgo well Langjan and ty for the visit18:17
Langjanthks nsnzero  you also18:17
Langjanmy pleasure18:17
chesedohi nsnzero i just sent you a pm18:19
chesedobut seems that your pm's are broken :P18:21
nsnzerohi chesedo - how did you send it ?18:23
chesedovia /query18:26
chesedonsnzero: ^18:26
chesedonsnzero: i should be in the list where the channels are (lke #ubuntu-za)18:27
nsnzerogot it - replied 18:27
Kilosdid you get mine nsnzero ?18:28
Kilosget a decent irc client man18:28
nsnzerolol - i trying to but it wont build 18:36
nsnzerowelcome back Kilos 18:43
Kilos-ty stupid internet18:44
nsnzeroand i quote "get a decent irc client man"18:45
nsnzeroMaaz: tell Kilos we wish him everything of the best 19:09
Maaznsnzero: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:09
chesedonight all19:19
nsnzerogood night chesedo 19:19
Kilos-night all. sleep tight20:12

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