
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
=== shardy is now known as shardy_mtg
=== shardy_mtg is now known as shardy
syed_Hey guys, I am a commiter for apache-cloudstack and wanted to contribute a change to the CloudStackDataSource in cloud-init15:52
syed_I am signing for a contributer licence agreement and it is asking for a canonical project manager15:52
syed_who am I supposed to add there?15:53
syed_ok so I put  "Don't know" in there and it let me continue15:59
jgrimmsyed_, sorry, just noticed your question,  you can put Scott Moser (smoser) or Jon Grimm (jgrimm) if you find out its needed16:00
jgrimm\o/ for cloudstack contributions, would be great to have someone tune the codebase up for cloudstack16:01
=== shardy is now known as shardy_afk
smoserjgrimm, i'll update HACKING.rst as i'm guessing that would have sufficed to answer syed_'s question16:03
jgrimmsmoser, cool16:03
syed_jgrimm: regarding tuning for Cloudstack, what needs to be done?16:04
jgrimmsyed_, I just don't think anyone's particularly tested it out lately.. code is constantly in development so great to have someone go make sure its all working and open bugs and even fix16:05
syed_jgrimm: I see. We've been using it pretty much everyday. I found that it doesn't work for newer CentOS templates so was planning to open a PR16:06
jgrimmgotcha.  thanks for jumping in to help16:06
syed_I can take a more thorough look with folks here. Happy to contribute!16:07
smoserjgrimm, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/32202116:10
jgrimmsmoser, I'd just put Scott Moser (commented as such)16:12
jgrimmyour email and irc nick area already there. its consistent16:13
syed_Thanks for the help guys. The documentation is very well written. Opening a PR was a breeze16:18
smosersyed_, only comment.... chang your Description to be git style16:24
smoser<blank line>16:24
smoserBody Paragraph16:24
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
jgrimmsmoser, and i think closes this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/136874716:47
smosersyed_, ^ you agree with that ?16:47
smoserif so, please put a LP: #1368747 in the last line of commit message (or description)16:48
madornis anyone here17:14
naccmadorn: yes17:17
syed_smoser:  sorry was out for lunch. Yes I'll change that18:02
syed_smoser: Done.18:06

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