
lubot<Simon> Ok00:09
=== scott is now known as Guest75173
lubot<Julien> RIP Unity :-)17:49
lubot<RedWolf> O.O17:49
wxlheh, yep. maybe even RIP Mir!17:49
lubot<RedWolf> Why?17:49
wxlcuz why would they need it at that point? they can just hop on the Wayland bandwagon.17:50
lubot<Simon> https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/04/05/growing-ubuntu-for-cloud-and-iot-rather-than-phone-and-convergence/17:50
lubot<Julien> Simon was faster :-)17:50
acheronukquote: mhall on telegram "unless someone takes over Unity 8 and Mir, it essentially means the end for those projects"17:51
lubot<Julien> Mostly RIP all desktop specific components17:51
lubot<Julien> Indicator and all17:51
wxlsoooooo is "Ubuntu GNOME" going to end then?17:51
lubot<Simon> I've been talking to Mark himself on Telegram17:51
lubot<RedWolf> OMG17:51
lubot<Simon> The Ubuntu GNOME and Ubuntu main projects are merging17:51
wxl.@tsimonq2 tell me about wayland!!!17:51
lubot<Simon> I just asked him about Mir. No response yet.17:52
lubot<Julien> so RIP ubuntu gnome too :-)17:52
wxlyep that too17:52
lubot<RedWolf> RIP everything!17:52
lubot<Simon> Well not RIP, it's just being merged17:52
wxli'm gonna rip you, rafael17:52
lubot<Julien> That the polical way to say it :-)17:53
lubot<RedWolf> O.O17:53
lubot<RedWolf> That sounds gay! .__.17:53
wxlever thing that may have been the intention? :)17:53
lubot<RedWolf> Yer, actually LOL17:53
lubot<Simon> Hahahahahaha17:54
lubot<RedWolf> So I, using the Ubuntu gnome desktop now, am the future?!17:54
lubot<RedWolf> ^^17:54
lubot<Julien> No, a traitor17:55
lubot<RedWolf> LOL17:55
lubot<Julien> :-P17:55
lubot<Simon> Hahahahahaha lol17:55
wxlwhat it means is, for once, we'll all be working on the same basic thing17:55
lubot<RedWolf> In my defense, i have Lubuntu VMised17:55
lubot<Simon> Except for Snaps. We'll still be fragmented as all hell in that regard17:56
lubot<RedWolf> We should use one package type17:57
lubot<RedWolf> ONE17:57
lubot<Simon> /me joins the .deb camp17:57
wxlwell we might be forced to :O17:57
lubot<RedWolf> It's our main weakness17:57
lubot<Simon> I wonder what would happen if we went to Canonical's office with signs and protested XD17:58
lubot<Simon> (kidding)17:58
lubot<Julien> Why ? In fact, it's kind of good news :-)17:59
lubot<RedWolf> Or we could to to canonical building and eat a pizza. The restaurant at the first floor is amazing .__.17:59
wxljulien: he means protest snaps17:59
lubot<Simon> Wait... YOU'VE BEEN THERE?!?17:59
lubot<Julien> Except for my french dev friends which work hours on unity17:59
lubot<Julien> What is snap ? I only know .deb ;-)18:00
wxlit seems that some canonical employees have been reassigned to so-called snap advocacy so they're pushing hard on it18:00
lubot<RedWolf> Emmm yes? It's my birthplace, remember? I go every time i have the chance18:00
wxlsimon, it's only too bad rafael doesn't speak the language anymore XD18:00
lubot<RedWolf> I installed a snap once. It failed 😂18:00
lubot<RedWolf> I still remember PIZZA 😍18:01
lubot<RedWolf> Wait, that's Italian...18:01
wxli've only used them in core and had no problem18:01
lubot<Simon> Bah. Let's go protest! Lol18:01
lubot<Julien> I think it's a dead end, the battle is lost, the real standart is android packaging for apps18:01
lubot<RedWolf> Yes. I'm calling for a pepperoni pizza.18:01
lubot<RedWolf> But android itself isn't good at all.18:02
wxlandroid packaging? :O18:02
wxli assume you mean .apk?18:02
lubot<Julien> Yes, well, apps which are distributed for Android18:03
lubot<Simon> @julienlavergne Snaps are Canonical's new fancy bloated proprietary-as-in-lack-of-collaboration packaging format. :P18:03
lubot<RedWolf> Wait, so if we use Gnone3, Wayland, and we implement flatpak... Aren't we using Fedora?!18:03
lubot<Julien> Remenber, I'm french and on phone, it's difficult :-)18:03
wxlremember, rafael, a linux distro is entirely defined by its community18:04
wxl(so, no)18:04
lubot<RedWolf> Let's merge too!18:04
lubot<RedWolf> Orgy!18:05
wxlthat sounds gay18:05
lubot<RedWolf> Again, intention embedded18:05
lubot<RedWolf> .__.18:05
wxlembedded sounds gay too18:05
lubot<RedWolf> LOL18:05
lubot<RedWolf> Inserted?18:05
lubot<Julien> if you remove the google stuff, it's not so bad (my Fairphone like it :-))18:06
lubot<Simon> Oh, we can protest at LFNW by NOT talking about Snaps to anyone unless they ask. :P18:06
lubot<RedWolf> I don't need a single bit of Google. I don't use it.18:06
wxli guess i don't see any significant value to apks except for their widespread usage. i'm not sure we'd have the same flexibility as we do with debs.18:07
wxli've been ridding myself of google slowly18:07
lubot<Simon> Me too.18:07
wxlonce i discovered using an imap client caused an ip leak, that was enough18:07
wxlwebrtc enabled by default kind of sucks, too18:07
wxl(which is another form of ip leak)18:07
lubot<Julien> That's the point, it's widespread18:08
wxli guess i'd need to explore it further18:08
lubot<Julien> Even Microsoft have difficulties to make apps for windows phone ...18:09
lubot<Simon> But there's Telegram for that now ;}18:10
lubot<RedWolf> Windows Phone project has been closed18:13
wxli guess that explains a lot. if microsoft is getting out of the convergence game, there's no reason to bother19:17
lubot<RedWolf> but Samsung presented their S8 with "convergence". it runs On a monitor in desktop mode19:18
lubot<RedWolf> also, there's an Android fork (can't recall its name) that works in multi-window, taskbar, etc. everybody's tempted on it19:19
wxlwell there you go. samsung clearly is providing competition and they OWN the non-iOS market, so again, why bother?19:19
lubot<RedWolf> 😞19:19
lubot<RedWolf> but Ubuntu Touch is beautiful19:20
wxltizen pass, actually, i think19:20
wxlunfortunatelly, it's also massively insecure https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2017/04/samsungs-tizen-is-riddled-with-security-flaws-amateurishly-written/19:21
lubot<RedWolf> no, not Tizen, a Chrome-thing19:21
lubot<RedWolf> also, there're ChromeOS Images that run in x86 and amd64 machines now (desktop mode too)19:26
wxlwell that's what chromebooks are aren't they?19:26
lubot<RedWolf> yup, normal laptops, more or less19:26
lyn||ianI really wonder what this means for say ubiquity19:28
wxlit's sad. my friend warned me there was little hope of surviving in the mobile market19:28
wxlshould say nothing, really19:28
wxldid you make the telegram public, simon?19:29
lubot<RedWolf> you can use t.me urls19:30
wxlthat's what i intend19:30
wxlhey @tsimonq2 make the telegram public19:31
wxlalso make us all admins @tsimonq219:31
lubot<RedWolf> @tsimonq2 do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it! do it!19:31
lubot<RedWolf> omg, I just realised you can expand names,  @wxl2319:31
lubot<RedWolf> ...using TAB key19:32
wxlunfortunately @vikingredwolf on this end you can't see the actual telegram username. it's.. dumb.19:32
wxli need to file a bug19:32
lubot<RedWolf> yup, the bridge isn't "fully" working19:32
wxlcuz you mean it doesn't show images?19:33
lubot<RedWolf> no19:33
wxlwhat do you mean then?19:33
lubot<RedWolf> can you see diz?19:33
wxlall that gay talk from before was registered on our public channel XD19:33
lubot<RedWolf> O.O19:34
lubot<RedWolf> /me changes Lubuntu official wallpaper into pink19:34
lubot<RedWolf> /me adds Britney as startup sound19:35
lubot<RedWolf> "oops I did it again" mainly19:35
* lyn||ian ends up thinking about #ubuntu-release oh wait you meant britney spears eww19:35
lubot<RedWolf> yer XD19:36
wxlyeah that's just offensive19:39
lubot<RedWolf> .__.19:39
wxlyou know i have no idea why it shows you as <RedWolf> here. based on others, it should show <Rafael>19:41
lubot<RedWolf> no, there's no such Rafael in my Telegram account19:41
wxloh ok that explains it19:41
wxlmus tbe an address book thing over here19:42
lubot<RedWolf> how does it show?19:43
lubot<RedWolf> good :)19:44
lubot<RedWolf> OMG! I just realised that Canonical will drop all the QML technology20:22
wxloh yeah20:22
wxlthey'll be kind of getting rid of Qt20:22
lubot<RedWolf> yes! back to pure GTK20:23
lubot<RedWolf> this means that a Lubuntu going to Qt/QML just for Unity compatibility shouldn't be a goal at all20:23
wxlyeah no not at all20:23
wxlit would be because GTK sucks XD20:23
lubot<RedWolf> GTK3 is better20:24
lubot<Simon> Oh.20:24
wxlnot good20:24
lubot<Simon> Qt is WAY better :P20:24
lubot<Simon> Amirite?20:24
wxlhey @tsimonq2 is it public?20:24
lubot<RedWolf> I confess I never liked Qt20:24
lyn||ianuh probably not all yes20:24
lubot<Simon> @wxl23 hm?20:24
wxlmake the telegram group public20:24
lubot<RedWolf> walter, prepare your body for GTK4 ;)20:25
lubot<RedWolf> (fully integrated with Wayland)20:25
lubot<Walter> oh20:27
lubot<Simon> @wxl23 What happens when you make a Telegram group a supergroup?20:27
lubot<Walter> it's a group not a channel20:27
lubot<Walter> boooooo20:27
lubot<Simon> Changing to supergroup here if that's OK with you, @wxl2320:29
wxlunfortunately i don't think that will do it :(20:29
lubot<RedWolf> what's the difference?20:30
wxlit's ok with me @tsimonq2 if you can get a public short link but i can't freaking figure it out20:30
Unit193wxl: You guys switching to sddm?20:30
wxlUnit193: presently, no. why?20:31
Unit193Of course not now, but with LXQt.20:31
lyn||ianUnit193, is upstream default20:31
tsimonq2Unit193: I think so.20:54
tsimonq2Unit193: Unless we're told otherwise, yes.20:54
tsimonq2Unit193: And by "told", I mean an overwhelming response from the community or the TB or something like that.20:55
lyn||ianisn't kubuntu using sddm now20:56
tsimonq2Yes, they are.20:56
tsimonq2wxl: Do you have matterbridge.toml open on your end?20:59
wxltsimonq2: not anymore21:00
wxlmaybe you're using webhooks to get updates???21:01
tsimonq2wxl: Bah just let me do21:01
lubot<Simon> @wxl23 READ https://github.com/42wim/matterbridge/blob/master/matterbridge.toml.sample#L61521:05
lubot<Simon> Use your freaking eyes next time! :P21:05
lubot<Walter> i read that diphead21:05
lubot<Walter> i read that diphead21:05
lubot<Walter> read that!21:05
tsimonq2wxl: HEY21:05
lubot<Simon> HEY21:06
lubot<Simon> Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy21:06
wxlhow did you get the chat id? probably because you have direct access to the bot..21:06
tsimonq2wxl: All it needed was the BOT id. The bot has access to the messages, therefore it shows up in the bot's read-only API thing.21:06
wxlexcept the bot id starts with a 3, not the -1 you are using21:07
wxlthe chat id is always a large negative number.21:07
wxlif you use the `getMe` method you can see the bot id, which is part of the token. not the same.21:08
tsimonq2No. That's not what you need. You need the bot ID, then going to that HTTP page I PMed you, associated with each message is the channel ID the message came from.21:08
tsimonq2Let me prove it to you. One sec.21:08
tsimonq2There, I intentionally Ctrl + C'ed out.21:09
wxlyeah i was using curl calls21:09
tsimonq2wxl: Look at that link I PMed you;21:09
wxloh WEIRD21:09
tsimonq2"message":{"message_id":50,"from":{"id":209628372,"first_name":"Simon","last_name":"Quigley","username":"tsimonq2"},"chat":{"id":-1001092992674,"title":"Lubuntu Devel","type":"supergroup"},"date":1491426548,"text":"Hai"}}]}21:09
wxlwhy does it not work when it's connected?21:09
tsimonq2The ID is right there. See it?21:09
tsimonq2wxl: Because when it's connected, it removes the messages from there.21:09
wxlwell that's freaking annoying. didn't see that documented anywhere21:10
tsimonq2wxl: Ok, I'll turn it back on now. Watch that screen.21:10
lubot<Simon> Hai21:10
tsimonq2wxl: I know, that took me about an hour of messing around to figure out. ;)21:10
wxlso dumb21:10
tsimonq2I know. Really dumb.21:10
wxlnow let's see if i can leverage the api to get the username21:10
tsimonq2Please do.21:11
tsimonq2Then if you recompile it, we can run that then. :)21:11
wxlbecause then we can use @username for chat_id and even if it changes it's no big deal21:11
tsimonq2Yep yep.21:11
tsimonq2No, there's a binary.21:11
wxlyeah but we shouldn't need to recompile it21:12
wxlunless it's hardcoded to be a freaking integer21:12
tsimonq2Ok, you'll see when you try to edit it. :P21:12
tsimonq2wxl: If you wish, I can stop the bot for a minute to get #lubuntu and #lubuntu-offtopic bots as well?21:13
wxlit does not have a username21:14
tsimonq2Ok, well I'm INTENTIONALLY Ctrl + C'ing this then. One sec.21:14
wxl{"ok":true,"result":{"id":-1001092992674,"title":"Lubuntu Devel","type":"supergroup"}}21:14
wxllooking at https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chat it would have username if it was a thing21:15
tsimonq2This is also a test.21:22
lubotNo chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id!22:02
tsimonq2Oh bah.22:02
lubotNo chat_id set! Add me to a Telegram group and say hi so I can find your group's chat_id!22:02
lubot<tsimonq2> Now maybe?22:03

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