[00:49] I tried Lubuntu today. [00:57] It seems very nice. === Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen [10:07] please, upvote this (if you use github) they didn't implement dragdrop on sublime text :( https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1361 [15:42] hello, [17:08] how can i tell my netbook on lubntu to do nothing when the lid is closed, i want to operate it 100% lid closed via ssh [17:09] reight now when i reboot it doesnt start networking if lid is closed but yes if open [22:04] Test. [22:04] Good. [22:45] tsimonq2: Telegram? [22:45] genii: see offtopic [22:45] genii: This was. [22:45] genii: Yep, what wxl said. :P