
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapcraft#1231 closed: pluginhandler: exclude `/snap/` from libraries <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1231>01:50
mupPR snapcraft#1232 opened: nodejs plugin: switch to the newer LTS. (#1228) <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1232>01:53
mupPR snapcraft#1233 opened: docs: update contribution guide <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1233>01:59
HaxxaShould I be using snap? Is it like docker or lxc?02:08
mupPR snapcraft#1234 opened: core: find the correct libraries as a snap <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1234>02:17
mupPR snapd#3142 opened: daemon: Give the snap directories via GET /v2/system-info <Created by robert-ancell> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3142>02:53
mupPR snapcraft#1232 closed: nodejs plugin: switch to the newer LTS. (#1228) <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1232>03:32
_28Kbcan I list core interfaces and stuff to mess with im my ubuntu core 16?03:34
_28KbI want to do some code and make my own snaps... how do I find those "system variables" that I want to call and controll?03:37
_28Kbto tell my core: do that and then that..03:39
_28Kband snacraft is not actually a snap?03:48
_28Kbsnap help03:49
niemeyerForum going down for an update... please assume crash landing position.04:02
niemeyerWe've landed successfully. Please calmly return to your cell phones.04:14
morphisrobert_ancell: ping05:01
robert_ancellmorphis, hi05:01
morphisrobert_ancell: thanks for doing those changes!05:01
morphisrobert_ancell: just commented on the bug05:03
robert_ancellmorphis, weird, is that the query you were doing from inside g-s?05:03
morphisrobert_ancell: but why do we have extra code in gnome-software to query snapd?05:03
morphisrobert_ancell: yes05:04
morphislet me give this another try05:04
robert_ancellmorphis, it existed before snapd-glib existed and I haven't switched all the functions over yet (there seems to be a weird interaction with the g-s threading model I haven't solved)05:04
morphisah ok05:05
robert_ancellmorphis, so weird your g-s did a short read. Your response is the same length as mine.05:06
robert_ancellI'll have another look tomorrow05:06
morphisrobert_ancell: tried it again now in my 17.04 VM and now it works with gnome-software05:06
morphisrobert_ancell: I now removed rocket-chat and installed through gnome-software again and get the truncated message again05:07
robert_ancellmorphis, this is 17.04 with standard snapd?05:07
morphiswith 2.23.605:08
morphisrobert_ancell: but I can debug through this a bit over my day05:09
robert_ancellmorphis, cool05:10
robert_ancellgtg, bye all!05:10
morphisrobert_ancell: bye!05:10
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygagood morning06:15
zygamvo: hello06:16
mvohey zyga - good morning06:17
zygamvo: I just re-triggered tests on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3126 (they failed on github connectivity before), once those land I will do another pass at merging master into open branches06:19
mupPR snapd#3126: store: handle EOF via url.Error check <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3126>06:19
zygamvo: yesterday's exercise was worthwhile as most open PRs got green06:19
zygamvo: still, I have a question about one particular problem:06:19
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/314006:19
mupPR snapd#3140: overlord: increase prune test wait by x10 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3140>06:19
zygamvo: I attempted a naive "fix" for this racy test06:19
zygamvo: but was surprised when it just failed again after making it wait x10 longer06:20
zygamvo: do you think it is worth mocking time all the way so that it is reliable?06:20
zygamvo: or finding another approach at making it fail less06:20
zygamvo: (it consistently fails in many PRs)06:20
mvozyga: I have a look, I'm not really sure what the best course of action is06:22
mvozyga: but I did notice that its one of the culprits for a lot of the failures too06:23
zygamvo: maybe it could run in a loop06:23
zygamvo: and any out of N tries could succeed06:23
zygamvo: what surprised me is that making the timer longer has caused the test to fail everywhere in that particular run06:23
zygamvo: did I misunderstand something about it? I would assume the opposite behavior06:24
mvozyga: I need to look at the test, but we have one test that checks that purge happens only after a specific time, i.e. wait a little bit: change still there, wait a bit more: change gone - maybe it was this test, I need to look at it though to be sure06:25
zygamvo: thanks, let me know when you chceked that06:26
mvozyga: right after I finished my open review tabs :)06:27
zygamvo: did you see this failure:06:55
zygaApr 04 13:31:57 autopkgtest /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[13737]: hookmgr.go:380: DEBUG: Cannot report hook failure: cannot upload error report, return code: 50006:55
zygamvo: should we try to upload error reports in spread runs?06:55
mvozyga: we should not, there is code that prevents this (i.e. checks if its run under spread). but we had a bug there before (some test nuked the snapd systemd config). maybe we have it again :/06:56
zygamvo: it seems so06:56
zygamvo: but when you wrote that test, would it just fake the upload but say it did upload anyway06:56
zygamvo: or would it skip the upload and the message entirely?06:57
zygamvo: I prepared a tiny patch for this but I'm not sure if it should be sent:06:57
mvozyga: thanks, checking06:59
mvozyga: aha, I think I found the issue, the wrong spot is checking for the snappy_testing :/ let me fix that07:00
mvozyga: thanks for discovering!07:00
zygamvo: perfect, thanks!07:01
zygamvo: what's curious is that it fails infrequently07:01
zygamvo: so we either submit most error reports successfuly07:01
zygamvo: or something else is wrong07:01
mvozyga: the normal snap install failures are all skipped, just the new hook failure stuff is not doing that :/ so its only very few tests plus daisy is usually reliable07:03
zygamvo: so will the test stay as-is and we just print the message that the report got sent but not really send anything?07:03
tvossmvo: after a quick chat with tyhicks yesterday, he would appreciate your feedback/commitment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1660550. Once we have that, we can continue the MIR process07:07
mupBug #1660550: [MIR] snapd in trusty <snapd (Ubuntu):Incomplete by ubuntu-security> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1660550>07:07
mvotvoss: sure, checking07:08
tvossmvo: thx07:09
morphiszyga, mvo: I've seen https://paste.ubuntu.com/24318373/ this morning when I tried to use snapd on a Ubuntu 16.04.2 live cd07:12
tvossmvo: ack07:12
morphiszyga, mvo: after doing an apt upgrade though07:12
zygamorphis: looking07:26
zygamorphis: interesting07:26
zygamorphis: not sure if related but live CD has things that make snapd not work07:27
zygamorphis: not sure if it is overlayfs or aufs or something like that07:27
zygamorphis: did you get any apparmor denials for snap-confine?07:27
zygamorphis: if you did that would probably explain it07:27
morphiszyga: didn't checked that but after loading the apparmor profile for snap-confine I got the the libudev error07:30
zygamorphis: do you still have that environment around?07:33
zygamorphis: dmesg | grep DENIED07:33
morphiszyga: its easy to recreate07:33
zygamvo: I'ld like to land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/308407:33
mupPR snapd#3084: packaging: use templates for relevant systemd units <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3084>07:33
morphisbut no, don't have it anymore07:33
zygamvo: has 2 +1s07:33
zygamorphis: ok07:33
zygamorphis: I'll try it out today07:33
mvozyga: yeah, I was wondering about the foreach()07:34
mvozyga: otherwise it looks really great07:34
morphiszyga: thanks07:34
mvozyga: but its not a blocker07:34
zygamvo: looking at foreach07:34
morphiszyga, mvo: just tell me what you guys prefer, happy to change it again :-)07:34
morphiszyga, mvo: need go for errands now but can change once I am back or do a followup PR07:35
zygamorphis: I think mvo means that the foreach is OK but the particular install command is different07:35
zygait even means we don't need foreach07:35
zygayeah, less magic is fine with me ;)07:35
zygamorphis: if you can quickly push that change I'd love to merge it07:35
mvozyga, morphis: lets just merge it and we do a followup, poor morphis had to do enough in this already :) but I'm super happy about the structure now, I think it looks really nice07:38
zygamvo: +107:39
jibelmvo, morning07:39
mvohey jibel! good morning07:40
jibelmvo, will you reupload a version of 2.23.6 with the fix for bug 1679616 ? or what is the plan there07:40
mupBug #1679616: ADT failure in snapd 2.23.6+17.04 <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1679616>07:40
jibelmvo, because currently 2.23.6 is blocked in proposed and it'll block the srus too07:40
mvojibel: this error should be fixed with the new spread, i.e. we just need to retrigger the adt runs, it should be fine without a new upload07:41
mvojibel: hm, not sure how to do that for zesty, let me explore07:42
jibelmvo, ah good, can you re-run it please http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#snapd I'm cannot07:42
mvojibel: sure, let me do that07:42
* zyga packs and goes to the library07:42
zygasee you soon07:42
mvojibel: done for 17.0407:42
mvozyga: enjoy07:42
jibelmvo, thanks!07:42
zygamvo: can you do a sanity check and merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3126 ; I think it's okay but I want to be on the safe side :)07:47
mupPR snapd#3126: store: handle EOF via url.Error check <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3126>07:47
Chipacamvo— o/07:50
Chipacamvo— about #314107:50
Chipacamvo— I think I'd rather have the current channels be foo/bar instead of having a nested structure07:51
Chipacamvo— however I suspect ordering is going to be an issue with either approach07:52
Chipacawe can probably ignore ordering for a first pass though07:52
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mvoChipaca: ok, I agree07:59
mvoChipaca: I will rework :)07:59
Chipacamvo— hold on07:59
mvoChipaca: sure07:59
Chipacamvo— the fact that not all snaps have a channel_maps_list is a blocker in my mind07:59
Chipacamvo— what're you going to do for snaps that don't?08:00
mvoChipaca: just use the fakeChannels as before08:00
mvothat was my thinking08:00
mvoand ensure that the store is aware of this cludge08:00
mvoChipaca: but either way is fine, I can hold back too. but it seems the workaround is relatively cheap and I would love to land basic support soon(ish) (but maybe thats not wise, I'm just a bit impatient sometimes)08:01
Chipacamvo— just cc'ed you on an email asking about that08:02
Chipacamvo— the problem with sending a big fat list is twofold08:02
mvoChipaca: thank you!08:02
mupPR snapd#3139 closed: tests: run gccgo only on ubuntu-16.04-64 <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3139>08:02
Chipacamvo— one, it makes printing it nicely grouped by track harder08:03
Chipacamvo— two, it makes sorting an issue08:03
Chipacamvo— so, i propose this: keep on having "channels", using foo/bar, but *also* have a *list* of track names08:03
mupPR snapd#3084 closed: packaging: use templates for relevant systemd units <Created by morphis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3084>08:03
Chipacamvo— finally, at least for a little bit, keep having the latest/foo appearing as foo in the channel map (either exclusively, or duplicated, i don't know)08:05
mvoChipaca: *nod*08:05
Chipacamvo— my assumption here is that the server knows what it's doing wrt ordering (note the channel map list is a list after all), and follow that order08:05
* mvo nods08:07
mvoChipaca: thanks, I think this makes sense08:07
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Chipacamvo— also it's the cheapest approach :-)08:08
mvoChipaca: ha! that I also like08:08
mupPR snapd#3143 opened: data/systemd: tweak data/systemd/Makefile to be slightly simpler <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3143>08:12
mupPR snapd#3126 closed: store: handle EOF via url.Error check <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3126>08:16
pstolowskithank you!08:16
JamieBennettfgimenez: I want to push out 2.23.6 in the ubuntu-core snap today, can you do a validation of the beta channel please?08:21
mvoChipaca: I updated the forum post to include what we just discussed, thanks again for your input08:21
mvopstolowski: thank *you* - really nice work on that branch08:21
Chipacamvo— I've adjusted to being back on IRC just fine, but not so much to the forum08:21
* Chipaca looks08:22
pstolowskimvo, yw. i hope it helps08:22
mvoChipaca: no worries - fwiw, I made the forum entry a wiki so you can also edit it if you want/need08:22
fgimenezJamieBennett: sure on it08:22
Chipacamvo— tweaked it because that's how i roll, but it seems fine08:25
fgimenezJamieBennett: we have rev 1940 of ubuntu-core in the beta channel, is that the version to be validated?08:25
renatHi, guys=)08:26
renatIt's Renat, from Screenly=)08:26
morphisSon_Goku: ping08:26
renatI have a question related to the network_setup_control interface. Do I need any additional interface/permission to run the netplan to generate the config after I update netplan config files?08:27
mvoChipaca: what can I say08:27
mvoChipaca: thank you!08:27
JamieBennettfgimenez: just checking now08:28
Chipacamvo— you're welcome. Also, check your PMs :-)08:29
JamieBennettfgimenez: yes, r194008:29
JamieBennettHey renat, I personally have no idea, maybe mvo knows more about this?08:30
Chipacarenat— did you get the image working? i'm left waiting for it to debug at my end08:31
renatChipaca, I think - I missed something. The issue with a snapd and gadget snaps installed from the store is not resolved (or, I don't know about it=)) Even signing the model with the store owner's key didn't help=(08:33
fgimenezJamieBennett: thanks will let you know how it goes08:33
Chipacarenat— ack. When yo get around to it, if you send a link to the image our way we'll take a look (ogra and myself)08:34
mvorenat: you should be able to do read/write of netplan config when you have network_setup_control.08:34
mvorenat: did you try it and it did nt work? if so, what kind of denial did oyu get?08:34
mvorenat: you may need the extra network-control iface to actually apply the config though08:35
renatmvo, I didn't try, honestly. Just checked the interface file (network_setup_control.go) and I didn't see anything related to the netplan. network_control seems too poweful to me.08:36
renatI mean, netplan execution. There is only access to the netplan config dir.08:37
renatHm. network control may do the trick for now, really. Thanks, mvo, I will try!08:38
mvorenat: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/interfaces/builtin/network_setup_control.go#L27 mentions /etc/netplan but yeah, not netplan the binary08:38
Chipacamvo— network_setup_control sounds like it should be able to run netplan (i mean, from the name :). Maybe it was an oversight?08:40
mvoChipaca: worth checking with jdstrand08:41
zygamvo: you now have conflicts in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/311108:43
mupPR snapd#3111: snapd: initial implementation for systemd software watchdog for snapd <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3111>08:43
mvozyga: thanks, I have a look. there is a super strange error in there that kill the network-observer-test08:45
zygamvo: aha, looking08:45
mvozyga: which i have not tracked down, I have no idea where this issue comes from, looks like snap-exec gets killed from seccomp for trying to bind08:45
mvozyga: but how my branch does trigger this is a bit a mystery08:45
zygamvo: lets land this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3129/files08:47
mupPR snapd#3129: interfaces/mount: add InfoEntry type <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3129>08:47
zygamvo: I added a tweak to debug output08:47
zygamvo: we should be able to see seccomp kills better08:47
zygamvo: and see what was connected08:47
zygamvo: if you want I can cherry pick that to a separate branch08:47
mvozyga: aha, interessting. fwiw, this PR is slightly strange, it seems to mix two things. but yeah, the extra debug output will be very useful08:48
zygamvo: I added that to chase the failure i saw there08:50
zygaChipaca: can you please have a look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/amd64/s/snapd/20170405_014746_f1886@/log.gz08:51
zygathere's a failure in tab completion there08:51
zyga+ systemctl stop snapd.service snapd.socket08:51
zygaJob for snapd.service canceled.08:51
zygaah, sorry08:51
zygathe error is:08:51
zyga+ rm testdir/foo.snap bar.snap08:51
zygarm: cannot remove 'testdir/foo.snap': No such file or directory08:51
zygaChipaca: probably trivial to address08:51
Chipacazyga— error in prepare08:52
nanodronesnappy vs flatpak (i came across it just like a few minutes ago), which one is better for a beginner?08:53
Chipacazyga— that's probably not completion failing08:53
zygapedronis: there's a failure in TestEnsureRefreshesAlreadyRanInThisInterval here, can you have a look https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty-snappy-dev-image/zesty/amd64/s/snapd/20170404_110852_3f885@/log.gz08:53
zygapedronis: if that's just a race please let me know08:53
Chipacananodrone— you're asking us, we're going to say snappy :-)08:53
fgimenezmvo: regarding the 2.21 -> edge reexec scenario in spread-cron, after installing the missing debs from the ppa we are getting these errors https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/spread-cron/builds/218741347 iirc those are expected (some required changes haven't landed yet) if you could take a look to confirm that would be great08:53
zygananodrone: I think it doesn't matter if you are a beginner or not, it depends on what you want to do08:53
zygananodrone: snappy has wider scope08:54
Chipacazyga— worse, I can't see why prepare failed :-/08:54
nanodroneflatpak seems like a fedora/redhat project, and snappy seems more debian/ubuntu (i dont know much)08:54
mvofgimenez: sure, checking08:55
nanodronewhere's the snappy hello-world page?08:55
zygananodrone: if you trace the money (who is working on a payroll) then that is probably redhat / canonical, respectively but that doesn't matter in any way08:55
zygananodrone: everyone makes a living somehow08:55
zygananodrone: did you see snapcraft.io?08:55
zygaChipaca: another interesting failure: we ran out of memory in a test on zesty: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty-snappy-dev-image/zesty/amd64/s/snapd/20170404_114038_f7ff1@/log.gz08:56
nanodroneof course.08:56
zyga-- /tmp/go/src/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/session.gotee: /tmp/autopkgtest.1y2jH6/integrationtests-stderr: No space left on device08:56
zygano space left on device08:56
zygamay be a test bed failure more than our fault08:56
nanodronebut there's no hello world like flatpak, there should be one dont you think08:56
nanodronei really liked that they have a hello world page.08:57
pedroniszyga: I don't understand what you are doing with your remark on PRs and failures?08:57
zygananodrone: what do you mean a 'hello world' page?08:57
nanodroneit makes it less scary to start learning fast08:57
zygapedronis: I'm going through all the PRs that have failing tests08:57
Chipacazyga— http://flatpak.org/hello-world.html08:57
zygapedronis: and try to figure out what is wrong08:57
nanodronejust look at this and you'll know what i'm trying to say http://flatpak.org/hello-world.html08:57
mvofgimenez: hm, maybe edge is a tiny bit outdated, we should definitly keep an eye on this though, afaics the last build is yesterday so this is probably ok but lets double check tomorrow08:57
zygananodrone: go to https://snapcraft.io/ and scroll to "hello-world"08:58
zygananodrone: and then read https://snapcraft.io/create/08:58
zygapedronis: some failures are racy tests08:58
pedroniszyga: yes08:58
zygapedronis: some failures are buggy code or buggy tests08:58
zygapedronis: I'm trying to make our tests less broken08:59
nanodronei already did, but i'm saying shouldn't there be a big hello world link somewhere...08:59
fgimenezmvo: ok thanks08:59
nanodronelike at the very top08:59
pedroniszyga: well, no, I don't understand why you pointed me at that log? is it one my PRs, do you think I can help? I don't remember writing that test08:59
Chipacananodrone— the "create" link is at the very top though09:00
zygananodrone: I think it depends on who you are, the front page shows you what snaps are and how to use them, we have prominent links to instructions on how to create a snap09:00
zygapedronis: aha, sorry09:00
zygapedronis: I assumed you did as it was in the overlord/state engine parts09:00
davidcallenanodrone: have you seen https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/create-first-snap? That's less scary than create09:00
davidcalle(in terms of time investment)09:00
nanodroneno i haven't davidcalle09:00
Chipacadavidcalle— I think nanodrone's point, which is valid, is that it's not easy to find that page09:01
pedroniszyga: no, I think mvo wrote that bit09:01
zygapedronis: I see, thanks!09:01
davidcalleChipaca: there is change coming next week on this front, tutorials being front and center09:01
pedroniszyga: anyway maybe better using a forum posts to collect these? or something, lots of micro pings on these are not helpful09:01
davidcalleChipaca: nanodrone: so yeah, I fully agree09:02
nanodroneChipaca, you know those huge COLORED DOWNLOAD links or SIGN UP links you see on websites, that kinda link i'm sure there's an ubuntu theme (?template) we can follow09:02
nanodroneit can be an orange creat/hello world link, super friendly09:02
Chipacananodrone— the problem is that the snapcraft.io is not only for developers09:02
nanodronewho is it for then09:03
Chipacaso not everybody there will want to jump straight for creation09:03
Chipacananodrone— users? system integrators?09:03
Chipacananodrone— packagers?09:03
zygapedronis: yeah, I'll start tracking those on the forum09:03
pedroniszyga: anyway I think most tests with a time.Sleep in them are potentially racy (there's probably only a couple where that is not true)09:04
* zyga actually goes to the library now09:04
nanodronebut i'm a user and a developer and i'm being referred to that site...09:04
zygapedronis: yeah, I understand09:04
Chipacananodrone— "not only for X" does not mean "not for X"09:05
Chipacain any case i look forward to the new thing, davidcalle09:05
nanodroneso it's really broad09:05
Chipacaalso i need to get back to work09:05
nanodroneeither way i'm packaging using snap now.09:06
nanodronetime already invested.09:06
mvozyga: happy to help with the test, is that the same prune one we talked about before?09:07
pedronismvo: no, actually, is a new/modifired test in your refresh schedule branch09:07
pedronisso why zyga pinged me is even more mysterious09:07
pedronismvo: but yes all Prune tests seem prone to fail because of slowness/raciness09:08
mvopedronis: yeah, I have that on my list, just wanted to finish some other things first, I will also have a look at my branch failure thing (that is also on my list :)09:08
zygaah, what a great idea to move and work at a library09:39
zygait's summer all around :)09:39
zygapedronis: I started the thread as suggested09:41
zygaI could use some reviews on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3135 and definitely on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/309509:42
mupPR snapd#3135: interfaces/mount: add high-level Profile functions <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3135>09:42
mupPR snapd#3095: cmd/snap-update-ns: add C preamble for setns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3095>09:42
pedroniszyga: the issue why we don't mock the time is that the time is checked in a different package09:42
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: ok, I've found the problem why snapd.socket doesn't get enabled on Fedora09:43
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: the rpm macro only calls systemctl preset <unit>09:43
morphisand we don't install any preset file for systemd09:43
morphisso systemctl doesn't know what to do and leaves the units unstarted09:43
pedroniszyga: anyway I think I have an idea that might work for Prune, if it still doesn't work then we try to mock time09:44
zygapedronis: thank you for the insight, if you comment on the forum I can try to implement your idea09:44
zygamorphis: I think the preset files cannot be installed by any random package, aren't they all collected in one special package? I reacall we got a pull request accepted there that aded snapd.socket and snapd.refresh.timer09:45
zygamorphis: and if I systemctl status snapd.socket it does say vendor preset: enabled09:45
zygamorphis: I'm installing Fedora 24 Server now, let's see what we get there09:46
morphiszyga: yeah its there09:46
morphisin /usr/lib/systemd/system-presets/90-default.preset09:46
morphiszyga: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=136793209:46
zygamorphis: so I don't think I understand your comment, let me re-read09:47
zygamorphis: so we don't install any preset file, yes09:47
zygamorphis: should we?09:47
morphisits done by the system09:48
morphisand snapd.socket is already09:48
morphisif you install snapd you need to reboot, then snapd.socket is started09:48
zygamorphis: aha09:48
zygamorphis: so is this a bug in the preset system or in our %post script/09:48
morphisbut wondering if we're allowed to do systemctl start snapd.socket09:48
morphiszyga: presets only allow enable/disable as far as I know09:48
zygamorphis: aha09:50
zygamorphis: let's ask what Son_Goku thinks, we can also ask for advice on the fedora mailing list09:50
morphisyeah that would be my next step, hardcoding a `systemctl start snapd.socket` in the spec file doesn't sound great09:51
morphisbut let me see if I find other examples09:51
zygamorphis: I think it is not allowed09:51
morphisyeah most likely09:54
morphiszyga: ok, looks like this is the default, you need to reboot to get the service active, no direct start09:58
morphiszyga: same happens for lircd.socket for example09:58
zygamorphis: aha10:03
zygamorphis: we can say something like that in %post maybe, is there a way to signal this to the user?10:03
morphiszyga: not sure, asking on fedora-devel now10:05
morphisas even https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:DefaultServices isn't saying anything about this10:05
morphisbut would expect on systems like a server you want services to run out of the box after installation without manual work10:05
pedroniszyga: posted some diff pastebin in the forum10:06
zygapedronis: thanks!10:06
zygamorphis: FYI, rebooting on f24 doesn't start the socket10:14
zygamorphis: vendor preset is disabled10:15
morphiszyga: can you check /usr/lib/systemd/system-presets/80-default.preset?10:15
morphiszyga: looks like they only submitted packages for 25 with https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=136793210:15
mupBug #1680011 opened: snapd support for xdg-desktop-portal <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680011>10:16
zygamorphis: looking10:17
zygamorphis: I have system-preset (not presets) and I have 90-default.preset (not 80), nothing in that directory mentions snapd10:19
zygamorphis: in general, I'd patch snap (client) to give a smarter message10:20
zygamorphis: the current one is terrible10:20
zygamorphis: installing hello-world just to see if it works10:20
zygait does :)10:21
nanodronezyga, what's the snappy 'core' that's downloaded at the very start?10:21
zygamorphis: so I'd change the narrative in client/*.go10:21
zygananodrone: it's a snap that provides base runtime environment for all other snaps10:21
zygananodrone: it contains the root filesystem, basic executables and basic libraries10:21
zygananodrone: on core systems (those that use snaps exclusively) it is also used as the actual root file system10:22
zygananodrone: over time it will shrink and get split into a core snap that has just skeleton rootfs and snapd, and one of many base snaps10:22
zygananodrone: (e.g. a base snap providing ubuntu 16.04 runtime, a base snap with fedora 26 runtime, etc)10:22
zygananodrone: a particular snap will then declare which base snap it was built against10:23
zygananodrone: so you can run 16-based apps alongside 18-based apps or fedora/yocto/etc10:23
zygananodrone: the core snap is already small but with this approach it will shrink significantly10:24
Chipacajdstrand— you around?10:24
nanodronewho's programming this stuff, it sounds really awesome.10:24
zygananodrone: and it will be possible to build even smaller embedded devices, with stripped down base snaps10:24
zygananodrone: we also have kernel snaps but those are not used on classic systems (those that use regular distribution filesystem alongside snaps)10:24
zygananodrone: let me know if you have any more questions, feel free to post this conversation in the forum for others to find10:25
nanodroneubuntu core comes to mind... lol10:25
nanodronecan i just publish my app now, is that okay?10:26
zyganottrobin: snapd is made by a wide variety of individuals, you can see full development history on github.com/snapcore/snapd (e.g. here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/graphs/contributors10:26
zygananodrone: ^10:26
morphisnanodrone: sure, the store is open for your apps :-)10:26
zygasorry, tab completion error :)10:26
zygananodrone: in addition various parts of the core snap are made by 100s of people in various communities10:26
morphisnanodrone: https://snapcraft.io/docs/build-snaps/ will get your started10:27
zygananodrone: yes, you are welcome to publish your snaps at any time10:27
nanodronethis is huge, i can't wrap my head around this concept, and to think it actually works and i have access to it right now.10:27
nanodronei've already built a snap10:27
nanodroneit was easy.10:27
zygananodrone: they can be immediately installed on ubuntu/debian and deriviatives and also on fedora (currently in testing but should go out this week) and opensuse (not in the main archive yet, a separate system:snappy repo exists)10:28
zygananodrone: you are welcome :)10:28
morphiszyga: you saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1680011 ?10:28
mupBug #1680011: snapd support for xdg-desktop-portal <cross-distro> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680011>10:28
zygananodrone: snapd is also pretty portable so your application can easily be installed on a new distribution by simply working on packaging snapd there10:29
morphiszyga: wondering if there were already any conversations regarding support for portals10:29
zygamorphis: looking10:29
nanodronei was really scared when i first saw the ~80megs core installation at first but after actually getting to know the basic concepts, i'm a fan...10:29
zygamorphis: intereting10:29
zygananodrone: note that the 80mb is shared by all the snaps you can currently install10:30
nanodronemaybe yall should mention this on the homepage10:30
morphisnanodrone: https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/ may help you to dive a bit deeper10:30
zygananodrone: and we also have delta updates so they should not be noticeable10:30
zygamorphis: so I see some benefits here and some issues10:30
zygamorphis: one is that we probably don't want to delegate security to a 3rd party trusted helper10:30
zygamorphis: let's start a thread about this and see what jdstrand and tyhicks think about it10:30
nanodronejust to be sure, is snapcraft.io the official homepage?10:30
zygamorphis: one think that feels like an obvious approach is to stack the helpers10:31
morphisnanodrone: yes10:31
zygamorphis: so that we can sit between snaps making requests and if we veto it ok relay that to platform helper10:31
morphisnanodrone: for snaps in general it is10:31
zygananodrone: yes10:31
morphisnanodrone: if you want more about Ubuntu Core https://docs.ubuntu.com/core/en/ is the official documentation10:31
nanodronenoted. thanks.10:32
zygamorphis: I'm curious about `.flatpak-info`10:32
morphiszyga: I guess it is similar to snap.yaml10:32
zygamorphis: aha, I see10:32
zygamorphis: so we'd have to generalize that aspect10:32
zygamorphis: I think if we can engage in portal development10:32
zygamorphis: that is something to consider10:32
zygamorphis: currently portals look too flatpak centric given their "xdg" branding (though that is to be expected)10:33
morphiszyga: so you say having an xdg-portal snap which overs all these services?10:33
zygamorphis: I think we can collaborate on those though10:33
zygamorphis: I wasn't thinking about that10:33
zygamorphis: I see some possiblities (making portals really generic and just adopting them)10:33
zygamorphis: implement portal api in snapd10:33
morphisI see10:33
zygamorphis: or put snapd as a proxy between platform portals and snaps10:34
zygamorphis: it depends on security aspects10:34
zygamorphis: on design considerations (does this block any cool ideas on first having an agreement with flatpak developers working on portals)10:34
zygamorphis: and usability considerations (is this what we want?)10:34
zygamorphis: let's start a thread about this or discuss on the bug report10:34
pedronismorphis: I tend there was a thread on a mailing list about portals10:35
morphispedronis: ok, worth bringing this into the discussion10:35
zygamorphis: I would love if we could collaborate on shared technology with flatpak developers personally10:36
tvosszyga, I think we want to have snapd being the ultimate source of anything trust in the system. That being said, a backend talking to snapd does not seem to be unreasonable. I'm working on a similar setup for PolicyKit10:36
zygatvoss: I agree10:36
morphistvoss: +110:36
zygatvoss: I think that is not negociable as this is the root of trust on the system really10:37
morphislet me comment on the bug so we get that discussion started in the forum10:37
* zyga jumps off IRC to work on some test improvements10:37
popeyogra: remember the pinebook? https://www.pine64.org/?page_id=3707 - they just sent out pre-order emails. $99 for an arm laptop :)11:04
popey"We do not wish to discourage anyone from getting a Pinebook, as it is a good piece of hardware, but if you are looking for a device to replace your current work or school laptop, then perhaps it’s wise to look elsewhere."  :)11:04
* Chipaca ~> lunch11:08
ograpopey, heh, yeah, it is closer to a chromebook i guess11:09
Chipacapopey— 99 for the 14", 89 for a 12"?11:10
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: hardcoding starting the socket isn't allowed11:33
morphisSon_Goku: so what is the recommend way for the user here? reboot?11:34
Son_Gokuwell, actually, it looks like we could technically start the socket if the preset enables it11:37
Son_GokuI see that we do this for lvm211:37
Son_Gokumorphis, zyga: systemd presets were designed for the provisioning use-case, so I guess I don't see a reason not to auto-start it11:42
Son_Gokusince we *are* enabling it for F25 and up11:42
morphisSon_Goku: maybe we do a is-enabled check before we start it11:42
sborovkovWhat's going on here?11:43
sborovkovroot@localhost:/home/pi# snap set core pi-config.disable-overscan=true11:43
morphisSon_Goku: so we respect if an administrator has a preset which disables snapd in contrast to the distro default11:43
sborovkoverror: cannot perform the following tasks:11:43
sborovkov- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": awk: not an option: --sandbox)11:43
Son_Gokumorphis: right11:43
sborovkovMy snapd is: snapd   2.23.6+201704041910.git.e7f0423~ubuntu16.04.111:43
morphissborovkov: is that on a stable core snap or edge?11:43
sborovkovmorphis: stable. Should I upgrade to edge?11:43
sborovkovit's edge11:44
sborovkovinstalled:   16-2 (1632) 70MB -   edge:      16-2 (1632) 70MB -11:44
morphissborovkov: ok, but still a bug11:44
sborovkovmorphis: manually trying to get pi-config from the REST api does not work as well11:45
morphisogra, mvo: ^^11:45
sborovkov>>> r = session.get('http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/core/conf', params={'keys': 'pi-config'})11:46
sborovkov>>> r.text11:46
sborovkov'{"type":"error","status-code":400,"status":"Bad Request","result":{"message":"snap \\"core\\" has no \\"pi-config\\" configuration option"}}'11:46
zygamorphis: I like the is-enabled check11:47
zygasborovkov: that's gawk/mawk11:47
zygasborovkov: I think we fixed that (^ mvo )11:47
sborovkovzyga: why is there no pi-config option returned by rest api though?11:49
zygasborovkov: no idea11:49
sborovkovor it because nothing is set there.11:49
morphiszyga: me too11:49
morphisSon_Goku: is that an option for you?11:49
Son_Gokumorphis: yes11:50
Son_Gokuit's certainly better than what some other people have been doing11:50
zygaSon_Goku: I think we want to start it if enabled and patch snap to give useful advice if it's not started11:51
zygaSon_Goku: right now it's really barf-from-the-system11:51
mvosborovkov: its because nothing is set there, only once you set something it will return something, its not (currently) smart enough to look at existing values that have not been set via the config. if that is something you need, it might be worth catching up with niemeyer so that we put it on the agenda11:51
Son_Gokusnap will need to give useful advice anyway, since F24 won't have it11:51
zygaSon_Goku: can we push an update to F24 to enable it there too?11:52
zygaSon_Goku: not ourselves I mean11:52
zygaSon_Goku: via the same process we used for F2511:52
sborovkovmvo: well I guess, I can live with it not returning anything. And just handling that case.11:52
zygapedronis: I applied your patch and got to the point were I think I understand how it works, I'll follow up with the 2nd test now11:53
Son_Gokuzyga: yes, technically, but I think they don't like modifying presets for released distros11:53
zygaSon_Goku: I see11:53
Son_Gokuremember that F25 got it because we requested it back before F25 was released11:53
zygaSon_Goku: I think that's fine11:53
Son_Gokuand F24 EOLs a month after F26 releases anyway11:53
zygaSon_Goku: we can try but we should definitely patch snapd to just be nicer UX wise11:53
Son_Gokuso it's not a terrible situation11:53
zygaSon_Goku: right11:53
zygaSon_Goku: exactyl11:53
zygamorphis: the install instructions can say that on F24 we need to enable+start the services manually11:54
sborovkovOne more question about rest API. Am I doing something wrong here? >>> r = session.put('http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/core/conf', data={'pi-config.disable-overscan': 'true'}) ,"result":{"message":"cannot decode request body into patch values: invalid character \'p\' looking for beginning of value"}}'11:54
sborovkovMight be dumb question, but I am not working with REST apis very often :(11:54
morphiszyga: sounds good, will take care to update the instructions on snapcraft.io11:54
zygasborovkov: no idea but I bet Chipaca knows11:54
Son_Gokumorphis: don't forget I already have a PR for the Fedora instructions11:54
zygameanwhile I'm going to get back to test reliability :)11:55
sborovkovChipaca: hello :-) do you know what I might be doing wrong there?11:55
morphisSon_Goku: you have one?11:55
Son_Gokugo look at snappy-docs :)11:55
morphisah great!11:55
morphisdidn't saw that one yet11:56
davidcalleSon_Goku: do you have any timing on when this will be mergeable btw?11:56
morphisSon_Goku: let me review11:56
Son_Gokudavidcalle: Fedora bodhi updates can be pushed after five days of being in updates-testing with zero changes and not enough feedback11:56
morphisSon_Goku: really?11:57
morphisso karma is optional?11:57
Son_Gokumorphis: karma makes it go faster11:57
Son_GokuI have autokarma enabled, so that means that if enough positive karma is set, bodhi will push immediately11:58
zygamorphis: I tested F24 and will give my +1 soon11:58
zygamorphis: did you see my feedback there?11:58
zygamorphis: we could look at bumping the progress bar library11:58
morphiszyga: yes11:58
zygamorphis: and perhaps do a survey to see where the libs in fedora are older than what we vendor11:58
morphiszyga: I am testing f24 currently too11:58
zygamorphis: it's just a _visible_ difference so I noticed11:58
zygamorphis: but we may be facing other issues11:58
morphisright, I already have that on my list11:59
morphiszyga: would be good if we can automate that somehow11:59
morphisagainst any distro11:59
morphis(for those where we don't use vendor=11:59
zygamorphis: I bet you can11:59
zygamorphis: but I'd do it manually at least once too11:59
morphiszyga: let me do that :-)11:59
morphiszyga: btw. interesting is that docker for openSUSE uses vendoring12:00
zygamorphis: oh, who maintains the package?12:00
Son_Gokumorphis: there was some SERIOUS drama being golang packaging12:00
zygamorphis: maybe it is a commercial thing12:00
morphiszyga: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/Virtualization:containers/docker/docker.spec?expand=112:00
Son_Gokuzyga: remember I told you about that12:00
zygaSon_Goku: no, I didn't12:00
morphiszyga: Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.12:00
davidcallezyga: for now, until the above gets pushed, what's the missing command for fedora install, I'm deploying in a couple hours, so can be added right now12:01
Son_Gokuzyga: you mentioned it here: https://new.zygoon.pl/post/state-of-snapd-support-across-distros/12:01
Son_Gokudavidcalle: the current instructions for Fedora are correct for now12:02
Son_Gokumy PR revises it for the state it will be once they are merged into the repos12:02
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis, davidcalle: if I don't get +6 karma before Friday, I think, I'll be able to push it manually12:03
davidcalleOk, from reading up, I thought there was a missing command to start the services (in addition to enabling them)12:03
morphiszyga: sounds good12:03
Son_Gokudavidcalle: in the instructions, no12:03
zygaSon_Goku: my memory is very rusty then :)12:04
Son_Gokuzyga and morphis would like me to make it start them automatically from package install12:04
zygaSon_Goku: I should send a follow-up to that post12:04
zygaSon_Goku: as the reality now is much happier than before12:04
Son_Gokuthat's a different thing ;)12:04
zygaI just commented on https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2017-ce0fdd87a412:04
zygaI didn't test snapd-glib in any way though12:04
Chipacasborovkov, zyga, sorry was having lunch. What's the question?12:05
zygaI'll do F26 in the evening, I have to download the alpha ISOs and I have little power to spare on the installation now12:05
zygaChipaca: some questions about the REST APIs earlier12:05
zygaChipaca: about config specifically12:05
Son_Gokuzyga: morphis and I already know there are issues with snapd-glib12:05
Chipacaah, I don't know much about config; that's pstolowski12:05
Son_Gokuzyga: hughsie is trying to use it and is getting weird/broken results12:05
pstolowskiwhat's up?12:06
Chipacapstolowski, sounds like the REST docs for config aren't enough for sborovkov here to apply them in the real world12:06
zygaI'll let you figure it out , scroll back to "13:54 < sborovkov> One more question about ..."12:06
fgimenezzyga: quick question about the core:network-bind plug, on a classic system with ubuntu-core installed, if i install a snap which declares a plug on network-bind before the transition happens, after the transition i see core:network-bind disconnected, is that the expected behaviour?12:06
zygaSon_Goku: about the extra APIs for figuring out where /snap directory is?12:06
zygafgimenez: mhh12:06
Son_Gokuzyga: no, that's a different thing12:07
zygafgimenez: and it was connected before the transition?12:07
Son_Gokuthough I'm not sure if gnome-software needed that12:07
morphiszyga: ignore snapd-glib for now12:07
zygamorphis: ok12:07
zygafgimenez: if it was then this does feel like a bug12:07
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: I am currently trying to get g-s/snapd-glib into shape12:07
morphiszyga: you should have a mail in your inbox about that topic12:07
pedronisfgimenez: seems a bug, bit strange we never noticed it? I thought the test were actually testing that case12:07
zygamorphis: aha12:08
morphisSon_Goku, zyga: but getting g-s requires some more work12:08
pedronisfgimenez: I mean the core transition spread tests, anyway seems a question for mvo12:08
morphiszyga, Son_Goku: as upstream isn't that happy with the current snap-support state12:08
zygafgimenez, pedronis: we definitely move connections over from ubuntu-core to core but perhaps something else is intervening; I also recall that if you had both core snaps installed you'd not auto-connect12:08
zygafgimenez: so if you are 100% sure it was connected before then this is a bug12:08
Son_Gokumorphis, zyga: I'm not surprised12:08
morphiszyga, Son_Goku: list of bugs I filed so far https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bugs?field.tag=cross-distro12:08
Son_Gokumorphis: you should connect those to gnome-software package in Fedora in LP12:09
morphisSon_Goku: not yet12:09
zygamorphis: it would be interesting to grow UI for connections in g-s12:09
morphiszyga: yes but I am wondering on which list that is12:09
zygamorphis: so that you can click on something "interface connections" and have something sensible there12:09
fgimenezzyga: before the transition core:network-bind is not llisted as plug, this is the complete sequence http://paste.ubuntu.com/24319937/12:10
pstolowskisborovkov, i'm not familiar with that side of config (rest api) either, but quick look at the code where this error is thrown reveals that a json map is expected at this point12:10
mvofgimenez: uh, that should not happen. there is even a test (xkcd-webserver iirc) that checks for this12:10
pstolowskisborovkov, i.e. data should be a json map12:11
zygafgimenez: woah12:11
zygafgimenez: that's so weird12:11
zyganote that network-bind is listed _twice_12:12
fgimenezzyga: mvo if no snap declaring a plug on network-bind is installed, then after the transition you see ":network-bind    core,test-snapd-python-webserver"12:12
zygagive me a sec12:12
fgimenezi mean ":network-bind    core"12:12
mvofgimenez: what did you do to reproduce?12:12
sborovkovpstolowski: well I tried r = session.put('http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/core/conf', json={'pi-config.disable-overscan': 'true'}). That does nothing though, hmm. '{"type":"async","status-code":202,"status":"Accepted","result":null,"change":"27"}'12:13
fgimenezmvo: it's all in the paste, this is from a fresh 16.04.2, while validating ubuntu-core from beta12:13
morphiszyga: sounds like a good idea12:13
pstolowskisborovkov, mind creating a forum topic with that?12:14
fgimenezmvo: "apt install -y snapd" is missing, other than that is all there12:14
zygafgimenez: do you have that system around?12:14
zygafgimenez: can you get the raw response for GET /v2/interfaces12:14
mvofgimenez: thank you12:14
fgimenezzyga: i can bring it up again, 1sec12:14
pstolowskisborovkov, actually nvm, let's try to figure out here12:14
zygafgimenez: so what that looks like to me12:15
zygafgimenez: is that the transition failed but we have both installed12:15
zygafgimenez: note that we hide both "core" and "ubuntu-core" in the client12:15
zygafgimenez: so that thing at the end is a plug, not a slot actually12:16
zygafgimenez: so that's the disconnected "network-bind" plug on the core snap12:16
zyga(sorry I got confused earlier)12:16
morphiszyga, mvo: are you guys happy with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096 so that we can merge it?12:16
mupPR snapd#3096: many: abstract path to /bin/{true,false} <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096>12:16
zygafgimenez: still, really weird12:17
zygamorphis: checking12:17
zygamorphis: you need to get +1 from niemeyer on that12:17
morphiszyga: "Please feel free to merge when you're happy about the handling of these problems."12:17
pstolowskisborovkov, so looks like it worked, that should have triggerd your configure hook?12:17
morphisniemeyer: can you review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096 again?12:18
mupPR snapd#3096: many: abstract path to /bin/{true,false} <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096>12:18
zygamorphis: yes but you'd have to override a review that requested changes to do that12:18
sborovkovpstolowski: No. Since it did not set anything. Doing get after that: '{"type":"error","status-code":400,"status":"Bad Request","result":{"message":"snap \\"core\\" has no \\"pi-config\\" configuration option"}}'12:18
niemeyermorphis: Will do12:18
zygafgimenez: I have a theory12:18
morphisniemeyer: thanks!12:18
zygafgimenez: when we install new core over ubuntu-core12:18
zygafgimenez: we briefly have both installed12:19
zygafgimenez: and then auto-connects bail out12:19
zygafgimenez: I think that's easy to test12:19
morphisSon_Goku: can you cross-check if we now have all PRs merged we need for fedora?12:19
zygafgimenez: we should fix the auto-connect logic to skip ubuntu-core if core is installed12:19
zyganiemeyer: hey12:19
Son_Gokumorphis: there's one issue we still need solved, and that's the thing with the constants12:19
Son_Gokuthere's no pr for that because you said you'd fix it properly12:20
zyganiemeyer: will you have the time to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3095 today?12:20
mupPR snapd#3095: cmd/snap-update-ns: add C preamble for setns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3095>12:20
fgimenezzyga: aha fwiw the core:network-bind plug seems to work fine (ie autoconnects) when no snap declaring a plug on network-bind is installed before the transition start12:20
morphisSon_Goku: ah right12:20
morphisSon_Goku: let me look into that today12:20
zygafgimenez: ubuntu-core doesn't use it12:21
zygafgimenez: so it's not connected12:21
zygafgimenez: then you install core which currently does use network-bind12:21
zygafgimenez: and since you have two provides auto-connect does nothing12:21
niemeyermorphis: Why is it bundling changes from retry?12:21
niemeyermorphis: That doesn't look right12:21
zygafgimenez: so you just install core but that plug just is left as-is12:21
niemeyermorphis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096/files#diff-373b88c8996bc0465932cbb690320cf612:22
mupPR snapd#3096: many: abstract path to /bin/{true,false} <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096>12:22
zyganiemeyer: that's my fault, sorry12:22
morphisniemeyer: yeah somebody updated my branch12:22
zyganiemeyer: we discussed that with mvo yesterday12:22
morphisniemeyer: just placed my last change on top of what was pushed12:22
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/sVS0uNm4fHAmKSKVAlgi815M1UNdIGYhyRLivL9gydE=12:22
Son_Gokuhow does that look?12:22
zyganiemeyer: I can revert that there, at the time we hoped it would land in master and the extra EOF retry would fix the failures we (randomly) got there12:22
Chipacazyga— is there a sh-friendly runtime way of knowing libexecdir?12:22
morphisSon_Goku: looks good to me12:22
niemeyerzyga: That's pretty dangerous.. the other branch was still unreviewed12:23
zygaSon_Goku: looks good to me12:23
zyganiemeyer: at the time it had only positive feedback and it looked as if it would land imminently12:23
mvoniemeyer: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/04/04/%23snappy.html#t11:4212:24
zyganiemeyer: lesson learned12:24
niemeyermorphis: Right thing here now is to merge master on it, and then fix conflicts.. these unrelated lines must go away from the diff12:24
fgimenezzyga: so, going back to the initial question :) is that the expected behaviour, is it ok to have the core:network-bind plug disconnected in some cases after the transition?12:24
niemeyermorphis, zyga: The PR did change before landing12:24
zygafgimenez: no, it's a bug12:24
mvoniemeyer: i.e. the same point was raised yesterday, no disagreement12:24
pstolowskisborovkov, can you execute your snap-set request again and check if 'snap changes' as well as journalctl show anything interesting?12:24
morphisniemeyer: fine with that12:24
Son_Gokumorphis: if everything is dealt with, then I can propose to merge the snapd spec for Fedora for snapd 2.2412:25
zygamvo: I think we have one interesting bug in core transition12:25
zygamvo: something that didn't affect us at the time12:25
mvozyga: yeah, I was just reading backlog12:25
niemeyermvo: *thumbs up*12:25
zygamvo: if you are in the transition then none of the new plugs on core will be connected12:25
zygamvo: I'll try to fix it today with something very simple but I wanted to let you know12:26
niemeyerzyga: About 3095, I will12:26
mvozyga: \o/12:26
zyganiemeyer: thank you12:26
mvozyga: I was about to ask if you have an idea for a fix :)12:26
zygamvo: yes, I would check if core and ubuntu-core are both installed and then totally ignore ubuntu-core when looking for auto-conncet candidates12:27
zygamvo: it would then connect correctly unless I'm missing some detail12:27
mvozyga: that sounds good12:27
Son_Gokumorphis: the (bad? good?) news is that snapd-qt from snapd-glib isn't used at all by Plasma Discover12:27
morphisniemeyer: done12:27
niemeyermorphis: Looks great, thank you for the changes!12:28
mvofgimenez, zyga: how to best track this? a new forum post? or should I just put it on the 2.24 release page?12:28
morphisniemeyer: np12:28
sborovkovpstolowski: Alright, so one of my commands worked. The one with typo in command. So I am trying to figure out which one. Or if there is just a big lag between execution of async request.12:28
morphisSon_Goku: :-)12:28
* zyga -> quick walk before the standup12:28
morphisa different story ..12:28
zygasee you soon12:28
sborovkovpstolowski: Apr 05 12:28:35 localhost.localdomain /usr/lib/snapd/snapd[1016]: task.go:303: DEBUG: 2017-04-05T12:28:35Z ERROR run hook "configure": awk: not an option: --sandbox12:28
sborovkovafter post requests.12:29
Son_Gokumorphis, so I can update snapd and snapd-glib with the new changes (new scriptlet for snapd, new version for snapd-glib), but that will kick the update back out12:29
SimooonThe snaps available using the "snap find" command are the same, regardless of what system I'm on, correct?12:29
Son_Gokuand unless you have a number of people who have Fedora accounts to give karma on the new update, it's going to have to wait another week12:30
fgimenezmvo: not sure, maybe the branch with the fix could be added to the release page once it's up?12:30
Son_Gokumorphis, on the other hand, the user experience improvement might be worth it12:32
fgimenezmvo: quick question, this problem showed up while validating the ubuntu-core snap on beta in order to promote it, other than that all looks fine, do you think we should continue with the promotion or wait for the fix?12:33
mvofgimenez: I think the issue is independant of ubuntu-core, i.e. it will also manifest itself with the stable ubuntu-core. its core itself that is the problem12:35
fgimenezmvo: great thank you12:35
mvofgimenez: do you see ill effects ? can you run snap config get core refresh.disabled12:35
mvofgimenez: or do you get apparmor/seccomp denials in syslog if you do that on the system that you transitioned?12:36
fgimenezmvo: haven't checked, let me try12:36
pstolowskisborovkov, if you have an error in your configure script (if it exits with status 1), then this will abort entire change to the config, so the config option won't be set12:39
sborovkovpstolowski: why does it even set unsupported keys then? '{"type":"sync","status-code":200,"status":"OK","result":{"pi-config":{"disble-overscan":"false"}}} :-(12:42
pedronisso awk on that system doesn't have --sandbox?12:42
pedronishow is that possible12:43
* pedronis is confused12:43
sborovkovI don't know. zyga mentioned that it was fixed somewhere I think.12:45
sborovkovalright, I can set the options now. I guess I need to reboot to see if config.txt will change?12:45
Chipacamawk vs gawk?12:45
sborovkovOr when that change is going to be triggered?12:45
pedronisChipaca: yea, but it comes from core12:45
pedronisdid we have the wrong one setup for a bit?12:45
mvosborovkov: I'm not an expert for the pi config.txt details, but my understandig is that this is pretty lowlevel (firmware) so a reboot seems to be needed12:46
Chipacapedronis— on classic you get a symlink12:46
Chipacaor used to, i haven't tracked that one12:46
pedronisso much fun for classic snaps12:46
pedronis /snap/core/current/usr/bin/awk -> /etc/alternatives/awk12:47
pedronisnot that I think it's the issue here12:47
Chipacaniemeyer— is it expected that spread'd segfault?12:48
sborovkovmvo: Ok I rebooted. Config.txt is unchanged. Hmm.12:48
mvosborovkov: meh12:49
mvosborovkov: the option did not get applied?12:49
sborovkovdisregard that. I had typo in option name.12:49
sborovkovLet me recheck12:49
sborovkovwhy does it not reject arbitrary keys in such cases?12:49
mvosborovkov: this indicates that we really need to validate those option names!12:49
sborovkovdoes that make sense?12:49
fgimenezJamieBennett: all seems to be fine with ubuntu-core at beta, there's a problem with the ubuntu-core -> core transition (see the backlog) but it's not specifically related to the ubuntu-core snap12:49
niemeyerChipaca: Definitely not, thanks for the traceback12:49
pstolowskisborovkov, i'm not familiar with pi config, but in general you can make up any options as long as the configure script of given snap allows this and doesn't error out on something unknown (which is probably impossible to implement in configure script anyway because there is no way of getting all options afair)12:50
mvosborovkov: its not doing it right now because we have no "schema" for the config currently. afaik niemeyer has some ideas about config validation so that we can reject invalid options (or option values) early12:50
sborovkovmvo: Ok I understand why I am going crazy here12:50
sborovkovSo it does not work when I set proper name12:50
sborovkovany arbitrary name is working though12:50
fgimenezJamieBennett: if you want to take a look to the tests executed i've written a small spread task for this kind of validations https://github.com/fgimenez/validate_image/pull/6/files12:50
sborovkov>>> r = session.put('http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/core/conf', json={"pi-config.disable-oasdfsdfverscan": "true"}) - works12:50
mvosborovkov: what error do you get with the correct name?12:51
Chipacaniemeyer, I'd pretend to be surprised, but this endeavour has been hitting this kind of corner case weirdness all across the stack :-)12:51
mvosborovkov: sorry for the trouble :/12:51
sborovkov>>> r = session.put('http+unix://%2Frun%2Fsnapd.socket/v2/snaps/core/conf', json={"pi-config.disable-overscan": "true"}) no change12:51
sborovkovmvo: that's fine. I get no error. It just gets ignored12:51
mvosborovkov: ok, let me try to reproduce12:51
JamieBennettfgimenez: so you are happy to us to promote to candidate and have jibel do a test?12:51
niemeyerChipaca: Sorry for the pain there :)12:52
sborovkovmvo: https://hastebin.com/alovofejaz.scala12:52
fgimenezJamieBennett: yes, all looks fine12:53
niemeyerChipaca: Some of them are pretty amazing I must say12:53
Chipacasborovkov— so12:53
JamieBennettjibel: Are you the team OK to do a sanity check on the ubuntu-core snap?12:53
Chipacasborovkov— you're getting 202 Accepted12:53
Chipacasborovkov— do you then look at the change?12:53
Chipacasborovkov— (sorry, jumping in because i happened to look at the pastebin, haven't been following)12:54
Chipaca2m test startup time does that to me12:54
niemeyerChipaca: We should suggest a replacement of Spotlight Awards by Breakage Awards.. I think that makes a lot more sense12:54
sborovkovChipaca: look at the hastebin. If I set proper name it's accepted. next get returns no difference. With arbitrary key I see that it changes.12:54
Chipacasborovkov— Accepted does not mean it worked12:54
Chipacasborovkov— you need to look at the change to know that12:54
sborovkovAh, alright, I will check12:55
Chipacasborovkov— you get the change id as part of the 202 response12:55
pedronissborovkov: it's an async api12:55
Chipacasborovkov— and then you hit /v2/changes/<id>12:55
Chipaca(from memory)12:55
jibelJamieBennett, yes, when do you need it done?12:55
JamieBennettWell, I have published the core snap, just waiting for a validation of the ubuntu-core snap so when ever you are ready12:55
jibelJamieBennett, ubuntu-core not core, correct?12:55
JamieBennettjibel: right12:56
sborovkovChipaca: '{"type":"sync","status-code":200,"status":"OK","result":{"id":"50","kind":"configure-snap","summary":"Change configuration of \\"core\\" snap","status":"Error","tasks":[{"id":"135","kind":"run-hook","summary":"Run configure hook of \\"core\\" snap","status":"Error","log":["2017-04-05T12:50:02Z ERROR run hook \\"configure\\": awk: not an option: --sandbox"],"progress":{"label":"","done":1,"total":1},"spawn-time":"2017-04-05T12:50:01.752141739Z","12:56
sborovkovready-time":"2017-04-05T12:50:02.953066325Z"}],"ready":true,"err":"cannot perform the following tasks:\\n- Run configure hook of \\"core\\" snap (run hook \\"configure\\": awk: not an option: --sandbox)","spawn-time":"2017-04-05T12:50:01.752253041Z","ready-time":"2017-04-05T12:50:02.953071898Z"}}'12:56
pedronisso the awk wrong12:56
mvosborovkov: $ sudo snap set core pi-config.disable-overscan=true12:56
mvoerror: cannot perform the following tasks:12:56
mvo- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": awk: not an option: --sandbox)12:56
mvosborovkov: is what I get :/ I'm working on that no, sorry for this12:57
Chipacamaybe our awk is suddenly bb.awk or sth12:57
Chipacaon core rpi12:57
* Chipaca looks at ogra 12:57
sborovkovmvo: Alright, I guess that's all related. Can you ping me when it gets fixed or there is some PR for this or whatever12:57
ograheh, no, it is still gawk as always :)12:57
Chipacamvo— this is an extra nice reason to move the python configure hook in; what's that blocked in again?12:58
pedronisit seems not to believe that12:58
Chipacas/blocked in/blocked on/12:58
mvoChipaca: not sure if there is anything blocking, zyga did raise an issue with the context manager iirc12:58
* Chipaca looks12:59
zygaChipaca: sorry, I think you want to fix/test that context manager12:59
ograhmm, or not ... looks like the alternative points actually to mawk13:00
mvoChipaca: lets talk aobut it during the standup13:01
niemeyerSorry, omw13:02
mvoChipaca: but +1 for python13:02
ogramvo, mawk doesnt know --sandbox (dont ask why we ship mawk instead of gawk now)13:02
mvoogra: yeah, I'm slightly uneasy without --sandbox, feels to me like going to python is indeed the easiest option13:02
Chipacaoh, standup13:02
* Chipaca runs13:02
ograwell, it is definitely a diff towards any normal ubuntu that we dont have gawk13:03
ograjdstrand, mind taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1674509 (specifically my last comment)13:06
mupBug #1674509: Unable to find bluetooth device on RPi3 running Ubuntu Core 16 <Snappy:Confirmed> <linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu):Invalid by p-pisati> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1674509>13:06
Son_Gokuzyga, why is it that we don't modprobe squashfs as ExecStartPre for snapd.service?13:20
ogra(after checking /proc/filesystems first indeed :P )13:21
zygaSon_Goku: mmmm, not sure, I think we used to have that13:22
zygaSon_Goku: but I didn't notice it is needed now13:22
zygaSon_Goku: I didn't test the cloud variants, just workstation _and_ server though13:22
zygaSon_Goku: but good catch, I think we should13:22
Son_GokuI guess would squashfs be loaded automatically when you attempt to mount?13:22
Son_Gokuit would make sense, since you don't really need it if nothing is mounted...13:23
mupPR snapcraft#1207 closed: kernel plugin: stop duplicating initrd and image file, use symlinks f… <Created by piso77> <Closed by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1207>13:24
Chipacazyga— sprinkled some exception handling to core#24, if you can take another peek13:26
mupPR core#24: Rewrite meta/hooks/configure into python3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24>13:26
sborovkovmvo: I submitted a bug for that btw. https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/168008813:27
mupBug #1680088: Can't change Pi-config values using snap set command or via REST API <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680088>13:27
mvojibel: looks like http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#snapd is happy again(except ubuntu-image, I did a retry on that, lets see if it was a fluke)13:28
mvosborovkov: thank you! https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24 is one possible fix13:29
mupPR core#24: Rewrite meta/hooks/configure into python3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24>13:29
mupBug #1680088 opened: Can't change Pi-config values using snap set command or via REST API <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680088>13:29
jibelmvo, yup, I saw, thanks.13:30
sborovkovmvo: understood. Btw why is the full list of config.txt commands not supported? Should not be a lot of code to have them all there13:30
jibelmvo, why is 2.23.1 still in -proposed and not 2.23.6?13:31
jibelfor t, x, y13:31
mvosborovkov: its trivial to extend, we just went a conservative route, happy to add more if you need more13:31
mvojibel: I have no idea, I suspect because z is not updated yet :/(13:31
mvosborovkov: I'm here for you :) just let me know which one you need, if it's not super dangerous I'm happy to add it13:32
mvo(dangerous as in "brick it")13:32
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: so I'm going to bump to 2.23.6-4 to add the test for starting socket+timer13:32
Son_Gokuthat will be for F25+ updates13:32
ogramvo, for the moment, no dtoverlay option please ...13:32
Son_Gokuand I'll simultaneously update snapd-glib to 1.1013:32
Son_Gokuand drop the karma requirement from +6 to +313:32
mvoogra: you have veto on the PRs :)13:33
ogra(until we have a proper sotry for upgrating dtbs from the kernel snap into gadget)13:33
ograah, indeed :)13:33
Son_Gokufor F24, snapd-glib will also be updated, and I will drop the karma requirement to +3 as well13:33
sborovkovmvo: haha, alright. I will check if we are using any other options.13:34
mvosborovkov: thank you13:34
zygaSon_Goku: we shuold rally more people to give it a try13:34
jibelmvo, ah autopkgtest of snapcraft are failing on y & x, and for trusty need to poke the release team13:34
Son_Gokuzyga: well clearly no one seems to give a damn :(13:35
zygamorphis, Son_Goku: we should look at (later perhaps) upstreaming kernel fixes we found recently (not apparomr related) and making them available in fedora as well13:35
zygaSon_Goku: I bet people will over time13:35
zygaSon_Goku: it's the firs time this is available13:35
Son_Gokuzyga: if they are merged into mainline tree, you can request them to be backported into Fedora kernels13:35
zygaSon_Goku: that's good, I think those will be merged quickly13:35
zygaSon_Goku: I can recall bugs in clone and AT_SECURE13:35
zygaSon_Goku: and there's one more bug related to clone AFAIR13:35
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: all karma has reset on the updates13:40
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-snapd-2-23-on-fedora/127/7?u=conan_kudo13:48
zygaSon_Goku: yep, nice :)13:49
mvoogra: I just had a look at the cloud-init thing, how about we merge it and create a new core right away (the usualy sync-lp, create core dance). this way we can verify now that it has no regressions. if that sounds good, could you pull the trigger(s)?13:52
ogramvo, i can indeed ... but given that the self-tests already create a core snap by default, how about we hook up something that makes use of this snap too ;) (will indeed make the tests really long i guess)13:53
ogra(not right now, but as a long term plan indeed)13:53
Son_Gokuwow, I got super lucky13:54
Son_GokuI managed to update the updates in time for bodhi mash13:54
ograi'm also not sure if these changes need to go hand in hand with the ubuntu-core-config change that rharper has pending ...13:54
Son_Gokudavidcalle: if zyga and morphis can rustle up people to test the updates, we might even be lucky enough to release to stable today13:55
Son_Gokuzyga, morphis: doc update PR: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/6013:55
mupPR CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs#60: [DO NOT MERGE YET] Revise content related to Fedora <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/snappy-docs/pull/60>13:55
morphisSon_Goku: I am on fedora 24 currently13:55
morphisand a 26 alpha1 is installing13:56
morphisbut I see I need to give 25 another try :-)13:56
morphiswish we had automation for this already :-)13:56
morphisSon_Goku: btw. how do you want to celebrate once we landed snapd? you have a blog you could post a story about this?13:56
Son_GokuI don't really have a blog or anything13:57
Son_Gokuwell, I technically do13:57
Son_Gokubut I haven't updated it since 2009 :)13:57
Son_Gokuhttp://pharaohtechblog.blogspot.com/ :P13:57
fgimenezzyga https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1680097 i've updated the test to check for core:network-bind connected after the transition https://github.com/fgimenez/validate_image/pull/6/files13:58
mupBug #1680097: core:network-bind plug is not connected after ubuntu-core -> core transition <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680097>13:58
morphisSon_Goku: up to you :-)13:58
zygafgimenez: thank you13:58
fgimenezzyga: np thank you!13:59
mupBug #1680097 opened: core:network-bind plug is not connected after ubuntu-core -> core transition <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680097>13:59
zygaSon_Goku: I think we should also celebrate with beer and a hangout together13:59
zygaSon_Goku: I would love to know if your nintendo switch is getting bent14:00
zygaSon_Goku: or if it gets hot while gaming14:00
Son_Gokuit does get warm, but not "hot"14:01
Son_Gokuand bent? don't think so14:01
zygaSon_Goku: did you see the article on slashdot where some devices started bending about a month after purchase?14:02
zygaSon_Goku: looks heat related14:02
zygaSon_Goku: yes14:03
zygaSon_Goku: nintendo WRAP14:03
mvoogra: I'm all for doing more tests14:05
mvoogra: I have no idea if it needs to be synced with the core config change, so maybe worth double checking first14:05
rharperogra: mvo : the core config changes are also needed;  in particular the ubuntu-core-config package will include the ds-identify policy file which configures cloud-init to ensure a datasource is present so it dones't needlessly run14:06
mvoogra, zyga, Chipaca, niemeyer: what do you think needs to happen before https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24 can land?  my (biased) opinion is that the python code is more readable and (much) more (unit) tested. but I'm open for concerns, maybe a good forum topic actually?14:07
mupPR core#24: Rewrite meta/hooks/configure into python3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24>14:07
mvorharper: can we land one before the other or do they need to land strictly in sync? i.e. does landing them out-of-sync break anything?14:08
Chipacamvo— any reason not to plop it on edge and see how it fares? especially in view of the mgawk thing14:08
rharpermvo: no; the final piece would be the snap prepare change which removes the writing of cloud-init.disabled14:08
zygamvo: looking14:09
mvoChipaca: not from my POV :) but I'm (super) biased, I have a thing with shell14:09
Chipacamvo— you should play with expect for a while14:09
rharperas long as that file is present, then cloud-init won't run at all; so the remaining changes won't have an affect for users not enabling cloud-init14:09
mvorharper: great, so we can just land things and eventually fix ubntu-image and it all works14:09
Chipacamvo— tcl is awesome for making you appreciate the shell14:09
mvoChipaca: lol14:09
rharpermvo: there may be some users of gadgets which supply a cloud.conf which could be affected since they wouldn;t have a cloud-init.disabled file in the image created14:10
mvoChipaca: when I did that I was (more than once) abou to rewrite those tests, I did the gpg2 expect stuff and it was a PITA. but I guess nothing compared to your tab completion work14:10
mvorharper: hm, do we have a way to notify them (or know about them)?14:10
Chipacamvo, it's been a learning experience14:10
Chipacait boils down to not a lot of code fortunately14:10
mvoChipaca: a learning experience in zen like stoicism ;) ?14:11
rharpernot sure; certainly we can poke on mailing list (like devices?)  I don't think their behavior will change if they're supplying cloud-init config (via usb or cdrom, or the nocloud datasource) that all gets detected anyhow14:11
Chipacamvo, well, I didn't know {} were quotes in tcl, for example14:11
Chipacamvo, nor that you grouped things with []s14:12
rharpermvo: I was hoping there might be a way to have daily images or something with the changes together14:12
Chipacae.g.: set back1 [string repeat "\b" [string length $::env(_KEY1)]]14:12
HaxxaWill snappy packages work under lxc containers in proxmox? I heard their may be some issues present at this time?14:12
Chipacain python that would be: back1 = "\b".repeat(len(os.getenv("_KEY1")))14:13
zygamvo: I'm with you on the bias to drop shell14:13
rharpermvo: I've got to run to an appt; but please ping me here with any issues and i'll respond when I get back14:13
zygamvo: python is a much safer and better language for this kind of functionality14:13
zygaChipaca: why did you have to touch tcl?14:14
Chipacazyga— expect is tcl14:14
mvoHaxxa: once https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3136 has landed lxd should be fine14:14
mupPR snapd#3136: snap-confine: add code o ensure that / or /snap is mounted "shared" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3136>14:14
mvorharper: thank you!14:14
morphiszyga: how do you feel about https://paste.ubuntu.com/24320508/ ?14:15
stevehopeI'm trying to learn a bit more about snap packaging and have some time if anyone could use a tester, know some python but snapcraft newcomer14:15
Haxxamvo, wow this is hot of the press indeed - issue I guess it won't find its way into ubuntu for awhile and are their any preconditions for how old a kernel can be? proxmox is based on debian and thus host kernel is pretty old.14:17
zygamorphis: note that suse should be fine14:18
morphiszyga: yeah, though I didn't tried and we may have to drop the global /snap dir there14:19
zygamorphis: it's just fedora/centos/rhel that need more love14:20
zygamorphis: otherwise fine with me14:20
zygamorphis: and add "yet" to it14:20
zygamorphis: not *yet* supported14:20
zygamorphis: I hope we don't have to14:20
zygamvo: I have a few low-priority comments on the python branch14:20
zygamvo: but I honestly didn't read it in depth14:20
zygamvo: so if you plan to push it through serious testing +1014:21
morphiszyga: so you think we should leave suse in there?14:21
morphisI feel if we move it now closer to inclusion in suse we need to drop the global /snap directory14:21
zygamorphis: yes, it should work out of the box today14:21
morphisand with that it will stop working14:21
zygamorphis: maybe so maybe not14:21
mvozyga: thank you, looking14:21
fgimenezjibel: JamieBennett ubuntu-core 1941 (i386) is ok on beta, ready on candidate for validation14:21
morphiszyga: ok, so we leave it for now and disable once that happens14:21
zygamorphis: s/once/if/14:22
King_InuYashazyga: yes you will have to14:23
King_InuYashathe /snap directory is _verboten_ in SUSE14:23
King_InuYashaand they don't have an exception process like Fedora does14:23
zygaKing_InuYasha: you know what they say14:24
zygaKing_InuYasha: rules are made to be broken :)14:24
zygaKing_InuYasha: maybe it will not be that much vreboten ;)14:24
King_InuYashawell, the only reason rpmlint hasn't been rejecting your builds is because you weren't properly creating and owning /snap in the package14:24
King_InuYashaonce you do that, OBS will refuse to allow your builds to succeed14:25
Chipacazyga— os.path.sep is '/', not ':' :-)14:25
zygaKing_InuYasha: it's like docker I think, where there is will there are means14:25
King_InuYashawith Docker, the paths are changed14:26
zygaChipaca: os.path.pathsep14:26
King_InuYashaand the vendoring thing was because of the feud with golang packagers14:26
zygaChipaca: thanks!14:26
zygaKing_InuYasha: I mean if SUSE really wants to embrace snaps they can allow /snap14:27
zygaKing_InuYasha: it's entirely within their will14:27
Chipacamvo— I'm going to pretend you're picking core#24 back up now :-)14:27
mupPR core#24: Rewrite meta/hooks/configure into python3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/24>14:27
pedronisChipaca: there's pathsep, seems a bit overkill (this things won't run on non unix)14:28
zygapedronis: sure but it looks nicer :)14:28
pedronisdoes it?14:28
pedronissep vs pathsep sounds super obscure14:28
ogramvo, well, wh9ile i'm not particulary tied to shell for the config hook (you knwo i prefer it, but i can live with other langs there), i'm particulary sceptical about using python there ... remember that one of the reasons of re-writing snapd in go was that it sucked in python on embedded ... my fear is that the configure hook will easily exceed 100 lines at some point (especially if we add each and every boards gadget config to it over time)14:29
ograand then just kill single core ARM boards with low ram14:29
ogramvo, i wonder  how hard would it be to do it in go instead ?14:29
mcphailzyga: are there reasons it needs to be /snap rather than /opt/snap? I've always wondered why the root directory gets polluted like that14:29
zygamcphail: we cannot use /opt/snap everywhere14:29
zygaah, time to run for kids14:30
shuduozyga: hi, i'm reading https://snapcraft.io/docs/core/interfaces and confuse about "Creating an interface" part. To say, The OS snap exposes a number of interfaces to grant snaps access to system functions. You can extend this access by creating your own interfaces.14:31
zygashuduo: hey14:31
shuduozyga: does it mean anyone (end user) can add a new interface to snapd and make it working with all-snap system?14:31
kyrofashuduo, no, they must be supported in snapd, so that's saying "you can extend this by contributing your own interfaces" basically14:34
shuduozyga: I suppose we only encourage requesting an interface via bugs.lp.net or submit a PR but always be reviewed by core team, right?14:34
shuduokyrofa: ^14:35
zygashuduo: re14:35
kyrofashuduo, that's the only way, yes14:35
shuduozyga: I suppose we only encourage requesting an interface via bugs.lp.net or submit a PR but always be reviewed by core team, right?14:35
zygashuduo: so the answer is simple: anyone can propose an interface for inclusion and once merged it will make its way to all the users14:35
shuduozyga: kyrofa already answered me. :)14:35
zygashuduo: yes14:35
zyga(sorry, I was going to my car)14:36
shuduozyga, kyrofa thanks. one customer is asking "How to write our own interface that could act as a provider(slot) for multiple snaps ?"14:36
kyrofashuduo, it's important to note that not only does the interface need to be supported in snapd, but the application the end-user is using must utilize that interface14:36
kyrofashuduo, indeed, assuming it's not a slot already supported in snapd that they simply need to implement in their snap, they'd need to write and propose it14:37
zygashuduo: it depends on what that interface is about14:37
zygashuduo: we have existing interfaces that can be consumed by many snaps at the same time14:37
shuduokyrofa: so the answer to customer is "no. or you can request it if it's common scenario".14:38
zygashuduo: the best answer is "let's discuss this", it really depends on what you need the interface for14:39
zygashuduo: central review is requred as it is the only way to ensure the system remains secure14:39
shuduozyga: kyrofa. Customer requests "Example use case: Location Service/ Alarm Service in iOS/ Android. “14:40
zygashuduo: we have an interface for location services14:40
zygashuduo: we have no notion of alarm service, you'd have to tell us what permission is needed for it14:40
shuduozyga: is the location interface landed in latest snapd?14:41
zygashuduo: it was there for months, the snap that uses the interface is separate though (it is not provided by core)14:41
zygashuduo: not all interfaces have slots on the core snap14:42
zygashuduo: but all interfaces are defined inside snapd14:42
shuduozyga: so i can't see it from my desktop is expected.14:42
zygashuduo: yes14:42
kyrofazyga, let's say the "alarm service" they want is super wonky and non-generic. Would that still go become a built-in interface, just not implemented by the core snap?14:42
zygashuduo: you should look at the snapd tree, at the interfaces/builtin directory14:42
shuduozyga: got it. thanks!14:43
zygashuduo: also writing an interface is 2nd step, you should just try to do something and see if you need any extra permissions14:43
kyrofazyga, I guess the location service is a bit non-generic in that sense14:43
zygashuduo: if in doubt ask in the forum (forum.snapcraft.io)14:43
shuduozyga: okay. i will.14:44
zygashuduo: good luck14:44
mvoogra: I can create a forum topic to discuss, this way its easier to follow than irc. I'm not aganst go at all, just feels like more work to make the build per-architecture etc14:45
mvoChipaca: yeah, I pick up the python stuff again14:45
ogramvo, well, we're building the core snap pre arch anyway, it could just be part of that ... i just want to go back to the python issues we had before14:46
ogramvo, i commented on the PR btw14:46
ogra*i just *dont* want to go back (indeed)14:46
zygamvo: I gave my feedback on the PR now14:47
zygaI'll switch to another task14:47
ograzyga, dude ... multi-tasking ...14:48
zygaogra: I just *swapped* to my car :)14:48
zygathe car power adapter works very well though14:48
zygaI'm super happy with what I ended up with :)14:48
mvozyga: I addressed some/most14:53
zygamvo: offtopic, I was meaning to ask you: how do you disable touchpad while typing on your laptop?14:53
mvozyga: I totally disabled mine, I only use the trackpad14:54
zygamvo: how did you do that?14:56
zygamvo: I really miss the fn+Fsomething that used to do it on older models14:56
mvozyga: system-settings/mouse&touchpad/touchpad: "off" on the right hand side14:56
mvozyga: yeah, I (much) prefer the old keyboard14:56
mvozyga: I wish there was a model with that, I would buy it instantly14:57
zygamvo: ohh, fantastic :)14:57
zygamvo: I didn't see that option before :)14:57
Chipacaif I make changes to interfaces/apparmor/template.go, is that picked up by the tests somehow?14:57
zygax250 is so far really the best laptop I ever had, by far14:57
Chipacaspread tests i mean14:57
zygaChipaca: yes14:57
zygaChipaca: well14:57
zygaChipaca: what do you mean picked up?14:57
zygaChipaca: it gets used14:57
zygaChipaca: if that what you mean14:57
Chipacazyga— is it used in the core under test?14:58
zygaif that's what you meant14:58
zygayes because we swap snapd with the one we built14:58
zygaand we refresh security on startup14:58
zygaChipaca: and even if not, we install snaps in each test so it does get used14:59
mupPR snapd#3143 closed: data/systemd: tweak data/systemd/Makefile to be slightly simpler <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3143>14:59
zygapedronis, mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/314014:59
mupPR snapd#3140: overlord: fix TestEnsureLoopPrune not to be so racy <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3140>14:59
zygaI can do the 2nd test as a separate branch on top, this will help people with random failures already15:00
mvozyga: nice work15:00
zygamvo: all the credit goes to pedronis :)15:01
zygamvo: I just pasted and studied that code15:01
mupPR snapd#3096 closed: many: abstract path to /bin/{true,false} <Created by morphis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3096>15:22
morphismvo: thanks!15:23
mvomorphis: thank oyu15:23
mupPR snapd#3144 opened: overlord,release: disable classic snap support for fedora/rhel/centos <Created by morphis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3144>15:24
morphismvo, zyga: ^^15:24
morphismvo: can you tag that one for 2.24?15:26
morphisonly if you guys agree15:26
mvomorphis: done15:31
morphismvo: thanks15:32
zygashuduo: I replied on the forum15:35
morphiszyga: adding a test case for snapstate.go still15:35
Pharaoh_Atemmorphis, zyga: I can practically guarantee that suse will flip from true to false if we want it to get into Factory15:37
zygamorphis: have a look15:37
zygaPharaoh_Atem: let's not use our crystall balls (sic!) yet :)15:37
zygaPharaoh_Atem: once we get there15:38
Sky_Hi everyone,  I just want to know how to run the snaps15:39
morphiszyga: updated15:39
zygaSky_: hey, snap install hello-world; hello-world15:39
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: I don't need a crystal ball15:39
Pharaoh_Atemyou shouldn't assume optimism for this15:39
zygaPharaoh_Atem: but you cannot say what SUSE the company will do15:39
Sky_Then I get hello 2.10 from 'canonical' installed15:40
Pharaoh_Atemsuse the company doesn't care, but opensuse the distribution does15:40
zygaSky_: then run hello-world15:40
Pharaoh_Atemthey're unlikely to include snapd in sle1315:40
zygaSky_: you've just ran your first snap :)15:40
zygaPharaoh_Atem: I think we are fine where we are now, let's not worry too much15:40
zygamorphis: did you push? I don't see any changes15:41
morphiszyga: refresh, jsut added the snapstate test case15:41
morphisother fixes are coming15:41
zygamorphis: ah, great15:42
Pharaoh_Atemmorphis: added comments15:42
morphiszyga: check again15:43
zygamorphis, Pharaoh_Atem commented again15:44
zygasorry for not realizing this earlier15:44
ograrharper, did you see my comment in the mail i CCed you on ? could you move your MP from the bzr tree of ubuntu-core-config to https://github.com/snapcore/core-build ?15:45
zygais it reali-z-ing or reali-s-ing15:45
morphiszyga: good point15:45
zygaah, thanks :)15:45
ograi think depends on the dictionary you use ;)15:45
Pharaoh_Atemunless your a barmy British idiot, then it's "realising"15:45
zygaPharaoh_Atem: maybe after brexit UK will adopt US englishg15:45
Pharaoh_Atemwell, ours was the original English15:45
ograsuuure ... thats why they left after all ... to be more american :)15:46
Pharaoh_Atemthey de-emphasized /z/ in UK English and writing to be more French15:46
Pharaoh_Atemthough in contemporary UK English, /z/ is present in most dialects, and leaks in to Received Pronounciation from time to time15:46
* ogra gets the popcorn15:47
Pharaoh_Atemthey still spell with "s" though, as a holdover from the Victorian era15:47
mcphailPharaoh_Atem: I'm sure it was just an Oxford/Cambridge thing15:47
Pharaoh_Atemprior to the Victorian era, it was somewhat mixed15:47
Pharaoh_AtemScots and Irish used spelling familiar to Americans, as their accents used /z/ and even today that remains the case for speech15:48
Pharaoh_AtemEnglish and Welsh were mixed, though the affluent sections of England used the current UK English spellings more often15:49
morphiszyga: ok, this gets a bit more tricky, dirs and release have a dependency on each other15:50
zygamorphis: oooh :)15:52
zygamorphis: have fun untangling that15:52
morphishah :-)15:52
zygamorphis: but I think that's the correct solution for this problem15:52
zygamorphis: you can move some logic so that deps go one way15:52
morphisyeah, I think I know what I do15:53
morphisI make the logic part of dirs so its a CurrentDirConfigSupportsClassicConfinement-thing15:53
morphisas that is what it really is15:53
morphisits not a distro specific thing its a setup thing15:53
ograooooh !15:55
ograthe electron forum app actually integrates with the desktop notifications of unity8 properly °!15:55
Pharaoh_Atemthat's... terrifying15:55
* ogra just got a proper notification for a reply on the forum ... so awesome15:56
zygaogra: oooh15:57
zygaogra: I need to try that15:57
zygaogra: does it work on fedora?15:57
ograzyga, no idea, i never used fedora in my life15:58
zygaogra: really?!15:58
zygaogra: why not, try it :)15:58
zygaogra: at least a VM15:58
ograRH 4.2 was the last redhat product i used15:58
ograsince then i never had to touch any15:58
zygaogra: some nice things there15:59
zygaogra: look at fedora server booting, really beautiful and fast15:59
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
* zyga breaks from coding and goes to read the forum16:00
zyganiemeyer: for all the experiments we did as a team the forum is by far the clearest 'win-win' we did16:00
zygapedronis: can I merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3140 now?16:00
mupPR snapd#3140: overlord: fix TestEnsureLoopPrune not to be so racy <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3140>16:00
zyga(when green, I'm asking if you can +1 it(16:01
morphiszyga: check again16:03
mupPR snapcraft#1235 opened: Store API interactions for developer collaboration  <Created by psivaa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1235>16:03
zygamorphis: look again16:06
zygamorphis: +1 overall16:06
morphiszyga: thanks!16:19
niemeyerzyga: +1!16:20
niemeyerWait.. I mean, ..16:20
niemeyerzyga: Indeed, the experiment is working well.. I didn't mean to +1 some PR :)16:20
zyganiemeyer: haha OK :)16:20
zyganiemeyer: it's just so great to see lots of people flock to the forum16:21
niemeyerYeah, it's just so much nicer to learn about what's going on and to talk to people this way16:21
zyganiemeyer: about our discussion on security16:24
zyganiemeyer: http://source.android.com/security/bulletin/2017-04-01.html16:24
zyganiemeyer: that's a crazy baaaaaaaaaad list to be in16:24
zyganiemeyer: I think we need to find the right way forward16:25
rharperogra: I can move it to core-build16:31
ograrharper, thanks !16:31
niemeyerzyga: Indeed16:36
zygachecking if 3G works here16:37
mupPR core-build#5 opened: Update cloud-init configuration <Created by raharper> <https://github.com/snapcore/core-build/pull/5>16:39
pedroniszyga: it failed on the job taking too much in general :/16:48
pedronisI have seen that happen more, haven't looked if it's machine allocation or something else16:48
zygapedronis: yes, we have many tests sometimes16:53
zygapedronis: that's all right, it is another cause of failure we know about16:53
Chipacahow is apparmorspeak for "can read stuff in this directory"?17:12
Chipaca(where stuff are shell scripts)17:12
zygaChipaca: mmm17:14
zygaChipaca: /path/to/dir/** r,17:14
zygaChipaca: note that you may need /path/to/dir/ r, as well17:15
Chipacazyga— ** means all subdirs also, no?17:15
mupPR snapd#3145 opened: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>17:17
zygaChipaca: yes17:17
zygaChipaca: if you just want stuff in one dir use one star17:17
zygamvo: not sure if still around: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/314517:18
mupPR snapd#3145: overlord/ifacestate: fix auto-connect during core snap transition <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3145>17:18
zygamvo: I think we want this for 2.2417:18
zygawe should close 2.23.6 milestone17:18
zygaChipaca: can you have a look at that too, I bet the switch code can be simplified but I had no idea how17:20
Chipacazyga— what's the deadline for branches for this release?17:21
Chipacais it 20 minutes ago?17:21
zygaChipaca: welll17:22
zygamvo: what is it?17:22
zyga(I think we want this branch, it may break people upgrading)17:22
Chipacai was asking for mine, not for yours -- mine is still too far away i fear :-(17:27
zygaChipaca: oh, which one is that17:27
zygaChipaca: can I help with review?17:27
Chipacazyga— completion17:27
Chipacazyga— was racing to get it out today, but alas17:28
dougquaidI'm having problems with mongo and rocketchat installed via snap. Where can I find their logs? They're not in the usual /var/log17:29
Chipacadougquaid— they'll be under /var/snap/17:29
ChipacaI'm going to go for a run, see if I find a different approach to this17:30
dougquaidI guess rocketchat-server doesn't have a log file. All I see in /var/snap/rocketchat-server is its mongo database files17:31
Chipacadougquaid— I don't have rocketchat here (and i'm about to leave for a bit), but if you know the rocketchat unit name you can get the logs17:32
Chipacadougquaid— try:17:32
Chipacasystemctl | grep rocket17:32
Chipacathat should get you the unit names17:32
Chipacathen, journalctl -u <the unit>17:32
Chipacashould get you the logs17:32
dougquaidawesome, thanks17:33
dougquaidsystemctl | grep rocket retured 5 unit names, but journalctl -u on each of the 5 units returned no entries17:36
zygaChipaca: good luck17:38
zygadougquaid: are you on 14.04?17:39
* zyga EODs for now17:40
dougquaidzyga: 16.0417:49
dougquaidMy problem is that rocketchat won't start. Here's systemctl status: https://pastebin.com/D6mZktxV17:51
pedronisniemeyer: getting issues with tests taking too long quite frequently https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/21892535917:51
zygadougquaid: I'm sorry I cannot help you today, I need to take a break now17:52
dougquaidzyga: no problem17:52
mupPR snapcraft#1234 closed: core: find the correct libraries as a snap <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1234>18:18
pepe__hi, I have a basic question while researching if snap fits our needs. Can it be used to package configured apps like an apache web server + mysql DB + perl web app? Anyone did this?18:26
naccpepe__: well owncloud is snapped18:26
pepe__nacc: thanks! will look into it.18:29
naccpepe__: that seems like the closest to what you described, to me18:29
naccpepe__: np18:29
ogranacc, is it ? i thought nextcloud was snapped ;)18:36
naccerr, maybe i meant nextcloud :)18:37
nacc*cloud :)18:37
niemeyerpedronis: That's definitely due to the merge of unit tests into spread19:05
niemeyerpedronis: We've padded our tests by 6-8 minutes on amd64 due to that19:06
zyganiemeyer: I wonder if we can run on VMs with less RAM now19:16
zyganiemeyer: and just run more of them19:16
niemeyerNo, we can't19:17
niemeyerzyga: We need more than a machine needs to just run it19:18
chani_hi guys a question is it possible to install snaps in docker containers19:20
zygachani_: hi, I don't believe I tried; we recently made it possible to install snaps in LXD so it's definitely possible but I don't know if docker and snapd connected all the pieces19:21
zygachani_: it also depende on the docker host (kernel)19:21
zygachani_: if you try please share your experience here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/19:22
chani_yeah sure19:22
chani_i have tried to install snap on docker with host as ubuntu 16.04 but no luck19:23
chani_i was getting this error19:23
chani_2017/04/05 19:19:19.113943 main.go:220: WARNING: cannot create syslog logger error: cannot communicate with server: Post http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd-snap.socket: connect: no such file or directory19:23
chani_zyga: by the way have you documents the process with LXD some where19:25
zygachani_: I think it was blogged about frequently a few weeks ago when it went live19:26
zygachani_: technically some kernel features were needed (stacked apparmor)19:26
zygachani_: and some integration points between lxd and snapd19:26
zygachani_: what happens when you "sudo systemctl start snapd"19:26
chani_zyga: it says no such file or directory19:28
zygachani_: oh, that's curious19:29
chani_zyga: "Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory"19:29
zygachani_: so your host is ubuntu 16.04?19:29
zygachani_: and the guest? same?19:29
zygachani_: ok, I'd suggest opening a forum topic19:30
chani_yes both are 16.0419:30
zygachani_: I bet we'll get to the bottom of it19:30
zygachani_: but I was about to close my laptop and read a book now (it's late)19:30
chani_thanks zyga19:30
zygachani_: and the forum has more feedback from diverse timezones19:30
zygachani_: I think stgraber may help out as he is the lead dev of lxd19:31
zygachani_: and I bet the rest of the snapd team will be eager to help too :)19:31
chani_zyga: oh thats good to hear19:31
chani_zyga: thanks again i will open a thread on forms19:32
niemeyerpedronis, zyga: I'll take a break outside now, and will be back later to dive into PRs and see what I can do to bring the total execution time down again19:32
zyganiemeyer: thanks, enjoy the rest of the sunshine :)19:32
mupPR snapd#3140 closed: overlord: fix TestEnsureLoopPrune not to be so racy <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3140>21:25
mcphailsabdfl: Is the plan for snaps to use Wayland? Can this offer the same containment as Mir? Or are we going to be using X for the immediate future? Curious to know how much to invest in snaps, but much less enthused if we are going to be relying on X21:25
kyrofamcphail, that may be a better forum topic21:56
mcphailkyrofa: yes, maybe you're right22:00
naccis it possible to tell me what/who is reserving the 'usd' snap?22:04
kyrofanacc, I doubt it, but you can submit a complaint if you think you should have it22:05
kyrofaDispute rather, heh22:05
nacckyrofa: ok22:06
nacc"We can rename snaps to ensure their names match the expectations of most users. If you feel that needs to happen please fill a dispute by filling this form"22:06
kyrofaYep, that one22:06
naccwhere "this form" is not a link and is on the page for registering the snap22:06
naccso ... no form :)22:06
naccoih i see the page changed22:06
mupPR snapcraft#1210 closed: Add platforms for the nightly tests <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1210>22:40
mupPR snapcraft#1236 opened: snap: use the gpg tarball instead of git:// <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1236>23:07

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