
anamikHi, could someone help me here I am having some issues trying to install anything essentially I tried to installed Kali linux tools to my ubuntu-mate using Katoolin and after that everything went bad... also before this I had kali install which changed the bootloader now when i am trying to install ubuntu via USB nothing happens00:32
anamikim new to linux and all would really appreciate any help that I can get I searched around google already cant seem to find any fix00:32
ouroumov__hi anamik01:06
ouroumov__anamik, couple of things: the software boutique has a "fixes" section (last icon on the right) : run them.01:07
ouroumov__anamik, then, I recommend you try another USB port if you have one for your USB boot key, alternatively re-do the key, I've seen strange blacklisting behavior on machines where a stick is recognized one first time, and stops working after that01:09
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
alkisgGood morning06:41
ubuntu-matealkisg, are u dev07:45
alkisgYes but not of ubuntu-mate :)07:45
ouroumov_hi ubuntu-mate07:45
ubuntu-matehi there ouroumov07:46
ubuntu-mateim testing ubuntu mate on live right now.. first time using linux07:46
ouroumov_Cool, what version are you using? 16.04?07:46
ouroumov_I just completed a bare-metal install of 17.04 on my laptop.07:47
ouroumov_I'm gonna use it as a daily driver I think.07:47
ubuntu-matelinux seems nice just wish the software i use on windows could work over here07:48
ouroumov_You can have some of it working through Wine.07:48
ouroumov_What specific software are you using?07:48
ubuntu-matemetatrader 407:49
ubuntu-mateif i could get this working in ubuntu, i might switch07:49
ouroumov_What kind of hardware are you using?07:51
ouroumov_Specifically, how much storage space do you have?07:51
ubuntu-mateits hp19.. got intel celeron 4gb ram07:52
ubuntu-matenot my main rig tho07:52
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, I mean your hard disk07:53
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, then you can maybe try for a dual-boot setup07:54
ubuntu-mateyeah that was my last option if i cant seem to get that program working07:55
ubuntu-mateim complete noob in linux but is it true that u can req devs for a specific software to be added in software rep07:55
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, more or less07:56
ubuntu-matewhat distro are you using ouroumov?07:56
ouroumov_Ubuntu MATE 16.04 LTS and 17.04 Beta 207:56
ubuntu-matecool.. you dual boot windows or do you only use linux07:57
ouroumov_Only Linux now, but I started by dual booting 10.04 & Windows 7 a few years ago.07:59
ubuntu-matebtw, what do you think of solus budgie in comparison to ubuntu mate07:59
ouroumov_I haven't tried Solus, so I can't really say. However one of the Solus devs, ikey is contributing code to Upstream MATE & working on projects that benefit Ubuntu MATE too.08:00
ubuntu-mateyeah i heard about some collab between two08:01
sixwheeledbeastmetatrader4 seems to be cross platform08:01
ubuntu-matesixwheel.. do i need wine to use that program or can i install it directly to linux08:02
sixwheeledbeastah reading a bit more they say cross platform but actually they recommend wine08:03
sixwheeledbeastlooking at it though wine will be fine08:03
ouroumov_Yeah. You can install wine from the software boutique btw08:04
ubuntu-mateyeah ill try through wine and see if it works smoothly otherwise back to shitty win 1008:04
sixwheeledbeastalso i would consider a windows vm over a dual boot08:04
ubuntu-mateoh any particular reason for that six?08:05
ouroumov_It's more secure.08:05
sixwheeledbeastno need to reboot for windows and if the vm dies or has a virus you can open a new vm and delete the old one08:06
ouroumov_Or restore a snapshot08:07
ubuntu-mategreat idea.. ill try that08:07
sixwheeledbeastI looked at dual booting when I switched to Ubuntu many years ago. I never bothered, everything worked fine or I found Cross platform solutions to switch to08:08
ubuntu-matedo you guys game?08:08
ouroumov_I don't08:09
sixwheeledbeasta little, Steam has made a huge amount of games available for Linux now.08:09
ubuntu-mateis it true there is bit fps problem in linux with games08:10
ubuntu-mateyou get high fps in games compare to playing in windows08:10
ubuntu-materead this somewhere.. not sure how true it is though08:10
sixwheeledbeastSteam is also pushing to have Linux compatibility due to SteamOS. Never had an issue but I'm not a big gamer. There's so many variables, could be closed graphics card drivers or whatever.08:13
ubuntu-matei see08:14
ubuntu-matenoob question but whats gdebi package installed in system tools08:15
ouroumov_I think it's a graphical application to install programs that are distributed as .deb files08:18
sixwheeledbeasthttps://launchpad.net/gdebi  yep08:19
ubuntu-mateso deb files are like exe files08:20
ouroumov_deb files are like archives that can contain, among other files, executables.08:22
ubuntu-mateoh ok08:22
sixwheeledbeastnot really. A deb is a standard way of packaging a program for Debian based systems. .exe are windows executables08:22
ubuntu-mategot you08:24
ubuntu-mateSo if i wanna download any software through a website like we do in windows, can i do it or its only through software boutique08:26
ubuntu-matebtw is software boutique available in live version? im not able to find it lol08:27
sixwheeledbeastYou should ideally use a package manager to install programs when starting out.08:28
sixwheeledbeastSystem > Admin   for Boutique08:29
ubuntu-mategot it thanks08:30
ubuntu-matecan you guys recommend any web where i can learn basic commands for linux08:31
sixwheeledbeastThere's loads of information out there. Either written in magazines, in video or text online. It depends how best you like to learn.08:44
sixwheeledbeastWhen you say basic commands I assume you mean CLI?08:45
ubuntu-matelike installing or removing programs through terminal08:45
ubuntu-matenavigating etc08:46
ubuntu-matealso whats synpatic package manager08:47
sixwheeledbeastanother package manager08:49
ubuntu-matein software boutique, i dont see any search area to look for a particular software. is wine available in boutique?08:51
sixwheeledbeastFirst you need to learn how to use the shell and then how apt works which is a CLI package manager. Yes wine is in boutique, magnifying glass for search08:52
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, I think the best way to learn basic CLI would be by reading our forums. Especially the "Tips, Tricks & Tutorials" category and the support category.08:52
alkisgOr just install synaptic, which is a graphical package manager :D08:52
ubuntu-matei dont see any magnifying glass in boutique08:53
ouroumov_Update your boutique08:53
ouroumov_There's a "Retrieve latest software listings" thingy on the bottom I think08:54
ouroumov_That also updates the boutique software itself08:54
ubuntu-mateok let me update08:54
ubuntu-mateYES now i can see magnifying glass.. i have mastered linux my friends xd08:55
sixwheeledbeastdebian.org/doc/ is a good place to start re learning08:55
ubuntu-matethanks six.. ill look into it08:55
ubuntu-matewine development builds is the full name right?08:56
sixwheeledbeastIt depends how much you like reading and how much you like getting stuck in. I believe dev builds is the only one in the boutique08:58
sixwheeledbeastit's a ppa I believe08:59
sixwheeledbeasthttps://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.en.html seems useful to bookmark if you like docs.09:02
ubuntu-matesynaptic package manager also contains software like boutique?09:02
ubuntu-mateill bookmart it09:03
sixwheeledbeastpackage managers just list what is in repositories. Boutique is designed to help new users get started with it's own selection of ppa's/repos providing useful programs.09:05
ubuntu-mateoh ok09:06
* sixwheeledbeast is off to work, bbl09:07
ubuntu-matebye six. thanks again09:07
ubuntu-matetake care09:08
ubuntu-matewhat software do i need for .tar files09:12
ouroumov_Engrampa, the archive manager, it's installed by default.09:13
ouroumov_You can just right click and go "Extract here"09:13
ubuntu-mateawesome thanks09:13
ubuntu-mateis there anything in ubuntu u cant do graphically and must use terminal for that?09:13
ubuntu-matealso, any bugs which should i know of09:14
lhtdTry and find out09:25
lhtdI haven't found any important bugs so far09:25
ubuntu-matelooks promising so far09:25
lhtdthe only bug i found I cannot track it and it's linked to my job, so probably nothing major on ubuntu-mate09:26
ubuntu-mateoh... yeah everything seems to work perfectly.. i have been testing live from last couple of hours09:26
ubuntu-matedo i need antivirus? lol09:27
ubuntu-matewhats the shorcut key to open synapse09:28
ouroumov_CTRL+Space by default09:34
ubuntu-matedidnt work for me.. that program comes pre installed right?09:36
anamikcan anyone help me with my issue here i had installed katoolin like an idiot and then tried to remove it only to find out the software changed the release information09:38
anamiki really dont know what to type in there09:38
anamikfor ubuntu mate that is09:38
ubuntu-matekatoolin? what pokemon is that? xd09:39
ubuntu-mateis there any good free vpn for linux?09:42
ouroumov_Depends what you mean by "free" and "vpn".09:43
ouroumov_You can freely use the OpenVPN client, and install your own VPN server as well.09:43
ubuntu-matevpn for anonymous browsing09:44
ubuntu-matenot for severs09:44
ouroumov_If you're referring to VPN services providers, then it's more or less the same as for Windows09:44
anamikubuntu-mate, its a stupid decision was attempting to install kali tools into ubuntu-mate like an idiot09:44
anamikdid not work out too well lol09:44
anamikhere are the instructions that i followed except this is for ubuntu-desktop since i could not find any instructions for mate09:45
anamikhere is the code thats on my system09:45
ubuntu-mateyeah like vpn services.. in windows some vpns are free and some charge..09:45
anamiktrying to edit it but i searched online for what exactly should I put in there just cant figure it out as im new to linux09:46
ubuntu-mateso wondering if there is a free vpn client for ubuntu09:46
anamikcould you help?09:46
ouroumov_ubuntu-mate, well it's the same on Linux.09:46
anamikubuntu-mate, ouroumov_ i personally use Windscribe you may want to try it out its 10gb free and the monthly cost is very low and the speed is fast https://windscribe.com/09:47
anamikubuntu-mate, could you help out bud?09:48
anamikjust need to know what to put in these files09:48
anamiksince the information is wrong its upable to reinstall software center as it should09:48
anamikand also kali-linux messed up my bios09:48
ubuntu-mateanamik today is my first day using linux bro09:48
ubuntu-matei have no idea sorry09:48
anamikur using 16.04 ubuntu-mate right?09:49
ubuntu-matetry asking ouroumov.. he is helping me out with my questions09:49
ubuntu-mateyea 16.04 bro09:49
ouroumov_Yeah sorry but I'm drawing a blank here. I can only recommend you try the fixes from the software boutique and reinstall if that doesn't work.09:50
anamik2 days trying to figure out what the dam issue is seriously just rather toss my laptop out the window and stick to my mac lol09:50
anamikturned on startup disk creator guess what? it does not recognize its own software cuz if i load up .iso for ubuntu it cant read it09:51
ouroumov_anamik, so use dd command instead.09:52
anamikouroumov_, would you have a moment to help out bud?09:52
anamiki did09:52
anamik5 times09:52
ubuntu-mateanamik, what makes u stop using mac and come to linux09:52
anamikit worked and didnt work at the same time09:52
ouroumov_anamik, what command exactly did you use?09:52
ouroumov_anamik, and did you check the sha256sum of the ISO before burning?09:53
anamikdd if=... of=... bs=1M09:53
anamikdont know how to do that09:53
ouroumov_Yeah, that's not the whole command anamik09:53
anamikoh that explains it09:53
ouroumov_just type sha256sum ubuntu.iso and make sure the ISO matches what's listed on the website09:54
ouroumov_(On the downloadpage)09:54
ouroumov_anamik, actual full command is dd if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fdatasync09:54
anamikdidnt add the last part09:55
anamikis that to close out the drive?09:55
ouroumov_if you forget the conv=fdatasync part, then you have to issue the "sync" command after dd completes09:55
ouroumov_It's to flush the disk I/O buffer09:55
anamikgotcha let me handle this now09:56
ouroumov_I'm gonna have a smoke, ttyl09:56
ubuntu-matethanks our.. bye09:56
anamikDownloads sha256sum ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso09:57
anamike3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso09:57
anamikis that it?09:57
ubuntu-mateanamik are you reinstalling?09:58
anamikwell cant really figure out what the issue is so have no choice09:58
anamikbut even with that i have an issue09:58
ubuntu-matewhich issue09:59
anamikkali highjacked the bootloader thanks kali09:59
ubuntu-mateoh shit09:59
anamikand now it wont load up any bootable usb09:59
ubuntu-matethat happened to me when i installed ubuntu along with windows09:59
ubuntu-matesome grub loader messed everything09:59
anamikbecause my *release information is wrong and i cant find the right information i cant do software center reinstall so that i can fun grub loader fix10:00
ubuntu-mateman that sucks10:00
anamikyea im not a kind of person who would ask for help unless i have exhausted all other options lol 2 days im suffering on this now10:00
ubuntu-matedont worry... u will find a solution10:01
ubuntu-mateHas anyone here tried solus budgie?10:02
ubuntu-matelooking for some insights in comparison to ubuntu10:02
anamikyea trying to figure out out10:03
anamikactually ubuntu-mate could you let me know what your system has in those files?10:04
anamikperhaps i can just use your information since you are using 16.04 anyways?10:04
ubuntu-matewhich files10:05
ubuntu-mateim in live version right now10:05
anamikwell 3 of them10:05
anamikhmm not sure if you would be able to access them10:06
ubuntu-matehmm i dont see any files10:06
ubuntu-matei can only see files of my main os10:06
ubuntu-matewhich is windows10:06
anamikbut need 3 files 1) /etc/*release   2) /etc/os-release  and 3) /etc/*issue10:06
anamikoh to access it all you have to do is turn out terminal10:07
anamikand type in perhaps nano /etc/*release may have to sudo it first10:07
ubuntu-matei dont know how to use terminal as of yet10:09
ubuntu-matewhats the full command10:09
ouroumov_<anamik> e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855  ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso10:09
ouroumov_<anamik> is that it?10:09
ouroumov_It should be: 39cb4d4069dd79a9104b8c1c5d0d4a5b009779eec55fafeceafcf43c7ebcaba410:09
ouroumov_==> Your iso is corrupted10:09
anamikouroumov_, oh no i did a mistake10:09
anamik16.04 version i have was failed download i have a version 17 which is fully downloaded10:10
anamikDownloads sha256sum ubuntu-17.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso10:10
anamik7884a0f453abb912d14474ac11b15d85a275dedc92b197968b6f6bb1be724085  ubuntu-17.04-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso10:10
ouroumov_That's not good either10:10
anamikidk whats going on then10:11
ouroumov_ 410f7531b457fc6ec2d86775845a5855b96b6c0e75d63b5b8c918908299035ff is the correct hash10:11
anamiki downloaded from ubuntuy website itself10:11
ouroumov_oh wait10:11
ouroumov_but that's not the ubuntu mate release!10:11
ouroumov_That's the normal ubuntu you're using10:11
anamikyea just trying to resolve the issue whatever the OS does not matter10:12
ouroumov_lemme check the hash again10:12
ouroumov_okay... I can't find the hashes for ubuntu standard -_-10:14
anamiklol f my life10:14
ouroumov_So screw that, please proceed to dd the iso and test if you can boot it10:16
anamikok doing so now10:17
anamik__ouroumov_ still going10:30
anamik__takes forever at times eh? lol10:30
ouroumov_Depends on the Speed of your USB connector and your key10:31
anamik__yea its an old computer10:34
anamik__trying to setup where i use my mac for work and linux for personal coding etc10:34
anamik__idk every time i use linux i somehow become more productive its strange lol less distraction like games etc i guess10:35
=== Postre is now known as PostreAFK
conHi all I'm new i will watch and learn10:50
anamik__ouroumov_ still around?11:00
anamik__ouroumov_ restarted, hit f9 to select boot order, selected USB and it still goes straight to the following screen - https://www.dropbox.com/s/687gg9rwlkjfndm/IMG_1250.JPG?dl=011:02
ouroumov_anamik__, well, that's normal?11:37
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, I have a weird issue with my bare-metal install of 17.04 Beta2, I'm not sure if the compositor or mate-panel is to blame: when I hover over an item in the task bar (standard layout - bottom), a split second before the tooltip appears there's a flash of the top-left corner of the screen. I'm using marco+compton.11:47
ouroumov_(On an intel integrated graphics)11:47
flexiondotorgouroumov_ Please try Marco software compositor and let me know it is works correctly.11:48
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, same deal with software compositor11:49
ouroumov_trying compiz11:49
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, compiz not affected11:50
flexiondotorgouroumov_ Just tested on my laptop with Intel integrated. I can't reproduce.11:51
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, marco with no compositor is not affected either11:51
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, I've made a screen capture, the glitch is visible once 24 seconds into the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IretNifjdYc11:59
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, it's not limited to the taskbar, basically any panel item that triggers a tooltip shows it12:04
nomici hate tooltips .. I disable 'tooltips'12:06
nomicon panel -- everywhere12:06
nomicall notifications .. I will not have anything 'helpfully' obscuring bits of the screen12:07
nomicwith information that I know12:07
ouroumov_nomic, sure, that's what you prefer12:09
ouroumov_For new users, tooltips are useful12:09
ouroumov_It's part of system discovery12:09
nomicfor new users12:11
=== scott is now known as Guest75173
SuperEngineerssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.... you'll wake everyup up14:11
* DarkPsydeLord is now awake... 0_014:20
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, if you've watched it I'd like to take down the video. Do you know what component is likely to be responsible for this?14:58
=== PostreAFK is now known as Goku_chi-chi
Akuliouroumov_, have you tried with another gtk theme?15:01
ouroumov_Akuli, it appears to affect all themes except High Contrast Inverse15:06
Akuliis this a gtk 2 or 3 mate?15:06
ouroumov_It's 17.04 Beta 2 - GTK315:06
Akulido other gtk 3 tooltips have this?15:07
ouroumov_Yes, all tooltips I can see15:07
Akulie.g. this? http://termbin.com/bto215:08
ouroumov_Akuli, what packages do I need to install for this to work? (It's a fresh install sorry)15:10
Akulino problem :) python3-gi and gir1.2-gtk-3.015:11
Akulii think15:11
ouroumov_hm, those are already installed though, any special import in the python script?15:12
Akuliyou're running with python3 right?15:12
Akulican you pastebin the error?15:13
Akulior just find some other program that you know is written in gtk3 and has tooltip15:13
Akulifrom gi.repository import gtk15:14
Akulishould be15:14
ouroumov_Akuli, ok, yes I confirm this tooltip triggers it too.15:15
Akulithen it could be a mate thing or a gtk 3 thing15:15
Akulii think pretty unlikely limited to ubuntu mate15:15
flexiondotorgouroumov_ What video?15:19
ouroumov_I'm gonna15:19
ouroumov_<ouroumov_> flexiondotorg, I've made a screen capture, the glitch is visible once 24 seconds into the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IretNifjdYc15:19
=== Goku_chi-chi is now known as PostreAFK
flexiondotorgI watched it.15:57
flexiondotorgNot sure what I can do until I can reproduce it,.15:59

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