
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:44
PennthUbuntu updated the update-manager and update-notifier packages today. You know what that means, kids... :)19:32
waltmanumm, no?20:03
waltmanDo they do this before a new version comes out?20:33
rmg51they do that whenever they want20:35
waltmanThat's what I thought. So does it mean I have to reboot?20:38
waltmanI think I have a new kernel waiting for me anyway.20:38
rmg51the updater will tell you if you need to reboot20:39
waltmanI *think* it was telling me I needed to reboot just because I ran "apt auto-remove".20:40
* waltman wonders what Pennth was getting at :(20:41
rmg51a new version of Ubuntu will be coming out in a few weeks20:42
waltmanYes, I know.20:48
waltmanThat's why I suggested it!20:49
Pennthwaltman, rmg51 has it. 17.04 due soon. Though I'm staying on 16.04 :)21:05
* waltman is confused21:08

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