
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
ali1234flocculant: if it is really hanging, then you can attach gdb to it after it hangs13:47
ali1234or strace13:48
ali1234and then you can see where it happened13:48
ali1234-p <pid of hung process>13:48
knomepleia2, we have a mail we need to reply to in the -contacts mod queue15:14
knomepleia2, re: hardware endorsement15:14
flocculantali1234: k15:37
flocculantanyone with a zesty install - can you check suspend and lock please16:01
flocculantI'm seeing suspend come out of lock and then lock again - eg needs 2 password inputs 16:02
flocculantlock appears to not do that here16:02
geniiIn case someone didn't see this already. https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/04/05/growing-ubuntu-for-cloud-and-iot-rather-than-phone-and-convergence/18:01
ochosiholy crap, srsly no more unity8?19:40
knomenot even april fools day19:42
ochosiyeah, i know19:43
knomeso re: lightdm (and why not something else), maybe it's time to start looking for some friends outside ubuntu20:06
knomewhat i mean by this that we could cooperate and focus efforts on getting $x working with xfce on all operating systems20:06
knomeinstead of trying to fix everything in an isolated environment20:06
ochosigetting $x?20:07
knome$x being lightdm, light-locker, ...20:08
Unit193Well, we don't know what's all going out the door yet either.20:11
knomebut there are likely other operating systems using thunar as well20:12
knomethey don't seem to be too active with the development, but maybe we could try contacting them20:12
Unit193Manjaro Xfce looks to be using LXDM.20:14
knomeis that going to be a nogo too if/when lxde becomes lxqt?20:15
knomeor is that project discarded?20:15
Unit193https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/Install_Display_Managers see also.20:15
Unit193lxqt is alive and "well"20:15
ochosihaven't heard any lxqt news in a while20:16
knomeme neither20:16
knomethat's why i asked...20:17
ochosianyhow, no reason to freak out just yet20:18
knomenot at all20:18
knomemy suggestion wasn't a freak out reaction20:18
ochosii wonder what the ubuntu gnome guys are thinking right now...20:19
knomemaybe they are freaking out... :P20:19
ali1234the biggest problem for xubuntu will be indicators20:19
ochosinot just xubuntu, but yeah, us too20:22
ochosiwe probably should fork them20:22
Unit193Can't honestly maintain them though.  Might be easier just to find out from someone what all Canonical is dropping.20:25
ali1234would probably be easier to port the indicators over to be panel applets20:44
ali1234rather than maintain the full indicator stack, which consists of lots of stuff that nobody outside of canonical seems to understand20:44
ali1234would save all that trouble with upstart events to get the all running20:45
ochosii think elementary also relies on them heavily20:45
ali1234mmm yes, that certainly was true a few years ago20:45
ali1234not sure where they are now though20:45
ali1234i seem to recall they were going to drop them, or rewrite them as native plugins for their desktop, or something20:46
ali1234looks like they forked them20:56
Unit193So, indicator-{application,sound}, but what about the base libraries?21:10
ali1234looks like they still use ayatana21:11
bluesabreEvening all21:26
knometime for a polo raffle.21:37
knomeubottu, random dave david unit21:38
ubottuknome: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:38
knomeubottu, random dave david unit21:38
knomesomeone else plz21:38
knomeubottu, random dave david unit21:38
knomethere we go21:38
knomeakxwi-dave, slickymaster: you're the new happy owners of xubuntu polo shirts21:38
knomeUnit193, and i guess you kind of got what you wanted as well... so congrats? (and sorry for the bad luck)21:39
Unit193I knew it didn't like me.21:39
knomemaybe we'll contact the other vendor and ask for some t-shirts later :P21:39
Unit193Congrats, akxwi-dave, slickymaster.21:40
knomepleia2, i'll check if there's any difference in shipping costs to uk/portugal (i'm guessing it's all the same for you) and confirm once i'm done. ok? :)21:41
pleia2knome: sure21:51

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