
qswz please guys, upvote this (if you use github) they didn't implement dragdrop on sublime text, which is a pain :( https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/136110:32
qswzmore upvote will push it I imagine10:32
=== Zren_ is now known as Zren
wiz561Hi! I have a question about using a touchpad in Xubuntu with the synaptics driver.  Is there anybody out there that can assist?14:07
knomeask the question and find out?14:08
wiz561hehe...ok, thanks.  i just wasn't sure if anybody was listening.  :)  I have an xps13 laptop and have an issue with the palm detection14:08
wiz561it seems like my cursor still jumps all over the place, even though i have it checked to disable the touchpad while typing14:09
wiz561i've used synclient to set some touchpad options and put them in my xorg.conf file14:09
wiz561this is what's in my xorg14:09
wiz561Option "PalmDetect" "1" Option "PalmMinWidth" "4" Option "PalmMinZ" "50"14:09
wiz561It's better, but it's still a bit jumpy...  Is there a better way to do this?  Do I raise the palmminwidth and palminz numbers or lower them if I'm still having problems?14:10
wiz561and lastly, can I make the left click to touch button only on the bottom part of the touchpad and not the entire thing?14:11
ZeiothUbuntu will use Gnome from now on ->19:26
genii!discuss| Zeioth19:27
ubottuZeioth: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:27
xubuntu35iam in the middle of installing xubuntu, the enabled irc is a good idea19:34
xubuntu35ijoin xubuntu-offtopic19:50
xubuntu84imy installation appears to be frozen at removing conflicting operating system files, any suggestions?20:31
xubuntu84isource id 39378 in paticular20:31
knomethe source id doesn't help in debugging20:32
knomehow is it frozen? did you select something?20:32
xubuntu84isorry if unclear... from the terminal veiwbox, it hasn't advanced in 10 minites since failing to find source is 3927820:35
tsglovexubuntu84i, are you installing in the same hdd as Windows?20:36
tsgloveor is this a stand-alone installation?20:36
xubuntu84ino, its reinstalling xbuntu, (with the intention of keeping user files) was wondering if i should abort this and do a clean install, or if theres a chance this might be sucessful20:38
tsgloveif it was me, I would liveUSB, copy the user files to a usb drive, and just re-install from zero20:39
tsglovethat's just me... sometimes I do a balance test between how much time something is taking me, and how much I want to progress20:39
xubuntu84iive got it backup up, trying to save times copying it back, its sizable20:39
tsgloveahhh... ok ok20:40
tsgloveThen, at least from my side, not sure what to try.  =)20:40
xubuntu84ilol i think i'll bit the bullet and do a clean install20:41
xubuntu84ibe back20:41
tsgloveyay! Be back =)20:42

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