
moshaWell did not have time to try unity8 on studio if someone should care... Now it seems something not to invest my own time anyway since ubuntu has dropped it. Towards wayland maybe...06:28
Unit193UbuntuStudio uses Xfce, so not for a bit yet.06:29
moshayeah I know06:30
moshaIf I was a sensible person I would just stick with $$$-SW on my freetime =)06:32
ginggsIs too late to merge wine 2.0?  i see it is seeded on the ubuntustudio dvd - please ack or nack in LP: #167241214:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1672412 in wine-development (Ubuntu) "FFe: Merge wine 2.0-4 and wine-development 2.4-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167241214:19
OvenWerksStudio should not have wine14:23
krytarikIndeed, it's not on the image.14:30
* OvenWerks has found that installing wine messes with the video drivers14:31
ginggsis there a bug in seeded-in-ubuntu then?  it says fonts-wine, wine-stable and wine32 are all seeded in ubuntustudio: dvd14:33
OvenWerkswine seems to depend on some video stuff that video blobs have their own version of.14:33
OvenWerksginggs: the question might be how old is that seed list?14:40
OvenWerkskrytarik: it may be in the 32bit version if we still include dssi-vst14:42
ginggsOvenWerks: seeded-in-ubuntu fetches from qa.ubuntuwire.prg, so i assumed it was "live"14:44
ginggsif you can drop the seed, then that works for me too :)14:46
krytarikOvenWerks: Eww, indeed.14:51
OvenWerkskrytarik: krytarik if thgis is the case I would suggest dropping dssi-vst15:23
krytarikWell, that's not the cause anyway, since the last version of it is in Xenial.15:26
OvenWerksso we have already dropped it?15:27
krytarik!info dssi-vst zesty15:27
ubottuPackage dssi-vst does not exist in zesty15:27
OvenWerksmaybe dssi-vst is no longer in the repo. It has certainly not been maintained for years15:28
OvenWerkskrytarik: is there anything else that pulls in wine?15:29
krytarikaudio-plugins:#  dssi-vst - removed due to i32-libs transition to multiarch libraries15:35
krytarikAnd looking..15:35
krytarikAlso, I guess it'd be nice if we could move this to -devel. >_>15:36
OvenWerksnot a big deal :)15:36
krytarikOvenWerks, ginggs: It's down the chain of: lmms → lmms-vst-server [i386] → wine3216:02
OvenWerksSo what does the 64 bit version do?16:03
krytarikNothing, since lmms-vst-server is only available for i386, as indicated.16:04
OvenWerksCan lmms be installed in 32bit without lmms-vst-server?16:07
OvenWerks(is it a hard dep?)16:08
ginggslmms recommends lmms-vst-server16:09
OvenWerksI would consider that lmms-vst-server needs to be updated before it is included... actually I would suggest it should not be included in our seeds16:09
OvenWerksincluding wine by default for very few use cases seems like a bad idea16:10
ginggsi guess you want to downgrade the Recommends to a Suggests16:15
OvenWerksginggs: we could just blacklist the one package.16:16
ginggsok, but might be worth filing a bug in debian lmms package if lmms-vst-server is not a common use case (and getting a surprise wine)16:18
OvenWerksin the long run of course all the packages that use wine will need to be upgraded to use the new version.16:20
OvenWerksbut yeah, we need to think about that.16:20
krytarikFor context: LP #1182604.16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1182604 in lmms (Ubuntu) "AMD64 lmms package doesn't have Vestige VST support while the i386 does" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118260416:31
OvenWerkskrytarik: there is now 64bit windows and vsts... there are vst2 and vst3... there are vsts for osx and vsts for linux neither of which use win...16:32
OvenWerkskrytarik: I expect that wine will have 64bit...16:33
krytarikOvenWerks: Are you going to try blacklisting lmms-vst-server then?16:35

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