
anrah_Does destroy-model and destroy(kill)-controller use same methods to delete instances from openstack provider?05:37
anrah_I have weird problem where I can not delete model correctly, as the destroy fails to juju.worker.dependency engine.go:492 "undertaker" manifold worker stopped: destroying storage: listing volumes: <openstack IP> x509: certificate signed by unknown authority05:37
anrah_I have ssl-hostname-verification     model    false on both controller and other models05:39
kklimondahow do I access models of other users?06:25
kklimondaseems like juju status -m user/model doesn't work06:25
kklimondaand I can't do juju switch user/model06:25
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anrah_kklimonda: Has the other user granted permissions for your user?07:13
kklimonda@anrah_ should he, if I'm a superuser?07:14
blahdeblahBlackDex: are you Fairbanks from launchpad?10:38
BlackDexblahdeblah: Yes10:53
blahdeblahBlackDex: Got your message about nrpe charm - good to hear the patch worked for you.  I'd like to do a little more testing over the weekend if that's all right with you.10:53
blahdeblahI'm happy to push to candidate channel if you have some things you'd really like to do with it today.10:53
BlackDexOw, now, i can deploy it localy :)10:54
BlackDexand i can switch to the cs version when it is pushed10:54
blahdeblahOK - cool10:54
BlackDexthat doesn't bother me10:54
BlackDexBut nice that is is fixed :)10:54
BlackDexYou thx :)10:55
BlackDexfor fixing this10:55
dgonzoSaMnCo: following your blogpost I'm able to get a gpu/cpu kubernetes cluster deployed12:52
dgonzoI'm hitting an error when to trying to `juju deploy mydir/bundle.yml`12:53
dgonzoERROR cannot deploy bundle: cannot resolve URL "local:xenial/cuda-1": unknown schema for charm URL "local:xenial/cuda-1"12:53
dgonzonow that path i put in there was just a guess12:54
dgonzoHow can I list locally build charms?12:54
tvansteenburghdgonzo: just use a local path to the charm12:56
tvansteenburghdgonzo: in your bundle -> charm: /path/to/my/charm12:57
tvansteenburghdgonzo: which blog post are you following? maybe i can help.12:58
SaMnCodgonzo: Cool, happy you succeed :)13:34
SaMnCohttps://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Be2u6c50/enable-efs.sh https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/DW4bx2vM/enable-gpu.sh https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/DUCnVqKo/k8s-gpu.yaml13:35
SaMnCodgonzo: these are my latest versions. deploy the bundle first, then watch until it is finished13:35
SaMnCothis deploys 3x CPU workers on m4.xlarge, and 3x on p2.xlarge13:36
SaMnCothen run enable-gpu.sh13:36
SaMnCoif you need an EFS drive, edit enable-efs.sh and add the EFS ID, then run it13:36
SaMnCoregarding building charms, you need the charm-tools package13:38
SaMnCothen there is a fair amount of info here : https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/developer-getting-started13:40
SaMnCothis describe how to get started13:41
Budgie^Smoreo/ juju world :)15:24
stormmoreo/ juju world16:57
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
kklimondais there a way to forward agent with juju ssh?19:07

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