[00:08] tsimonq2: while i'm sure this is hilarious between you two, please consider that other people read what you say and form an opinion of the project based on your behaviour. [00:09] It seems i have to fix my bouncer again. Grunt! [00:11] what's the issue, elky? [00:11] elky: I apologize, it was meant entirely as a joke. [00:11] I love elks :) [00:11] wxl: I believe this statement is what he was referring to: "tsimonq2> @VikingRedwolf: No more gay porn .__." [00:11] I'm logged in as redwolf- [00:12] ahh [00:12] That's our running inside joke. :P [00:12] And i need a good android client [00:12] But we might want to keep it off of #lubuntu-devel now... [00:12] yes i know. and yes, we do. [00:12] elky: Again, apologies. [00:13] Apologies? Meh XD [00:14] elky: VikingRedwolf = redwolf = Rafael Laguna fwiw [00:14] yup [00:21] wxl: If you're curious what I'm working on: https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-next/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+packages [00:28] OOOOOOOOoooOOOoooOOooOOOooOOoooOOoooooooooo [00:29] wxl: Fancy, right? [00:29] so fancy [00:29] wxl: I'm working with a VM and snapshots, and I'm getting this to work how I want it to. [00:29] wxl: So far I've dropped two stupid deps... like, why do we install LXDE when lubuntu-qt-desktop is installed?!?!? [00:30] nice [00:30] when you get it fixed up lemme know and i'll test it out [00:30] I plan on getting done for Monday [00:30] well [00:30] might be a nice thing to have once ZZ is released :) [00:31] Yeah, I wanted to meet with the whole Lubuntu team sometime next week and present my schematics and such [00:31] Present a roadmap now that this stupid thing is fixed and it looks good, [00:31] do it after ZZ is released, tho [00:32] or you'll probably just get ignored :) [00:32] Oh [00:32] Well [00:32] Ok [00:32] :P [00:32] wxl: I mean just have an INTERNAL meeting with Lubuntu CORE people to ask y'all about roadmaps going forward [00:32] wxl: And once we ALL decide on something, go super public [00:32] (like, more than IRC( [00:32] ) [00:33] ) [00:33] yeah sounds good [00:33] i'm just saying we're all going to be dealing with release, so do it after that :) [00:33] Ah, got it [00:34] lol [00:34] wrong chan [01:16] wxl: TIL when someone installs lubuntu-qt-desktop, they pull in KDE, GNOME, *and* Qt libraries. [01:16] wxl: This is going to be fun to fix. [01:17] Hah [02:19] tsimonq2, I do not have a smartphone [02:19] so what would that get me when I don't have irc open [02:20] We need to make an IRC to shortwave bridge for you XD [02:25] Yeah XD [05:54] @tsimonq2, Don't forget the corresponding merge proposal, easier for patches :-) [11:40] @julienlavergne, I'm just gonna hack on it and keep uploading to the unstable PPA, and when I have what I want, I'll submit an MP :) [14:06] Hey @tsimonq2 could you turn off joins and parts? [14:10] @wxl23, I thought that was? [14:10] It came back? [14:11] Idk