[03:38] Is this the channel for questions about the installer? Or is it just development only? [16:50] CarlFK: your late-command can be running some pre-made script from somewhere, I've seen examples (but of course right now I can't find them) [16:51] cyphermox: I can use late_command to wget/chmod.. but I am 'sure' I saw something else that took just a uri [16:52] I concur [16:52] I just don't remember what exactly off the top of my head; you could look at the source for preseed though [16:52] and also I am sure if you give it a host name, it will construct the path similar to preseed - d-i/flavor [16:53] oh, it was for a preseed path, not for the late_command or early_command. [17:15] um.. I am saying it was like preseed... [17:16] I do this: [17:16] d-i preseed/late_command string cd /target/tmp && wget http://$url/lc/late_command.sh && chmod u+x late_command.sh && chroot /target /tmp/late_command.sh $(debconf-get mirror/suite) $(debconf-get passwd/username) [17:17] what I remember was d-i preseed/late_command string late_command.sh [17:18] well, you can do that, but it depends on late_command.sh already being on the system, AFAIK [17:19] I do not think this works as a URL at all, but I haven't exactly tested this [17:20] er... d-i preseed/late_script? string late_command.sh [17:20] late_something [20:42] You might be thinking of preseed/run (IIRC), which is like early_command. I don't think there's a late equivalent [20:43] (it's actually not quite like early_command either, but it's closer to that)