
=== Schnabeltierche- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
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amishcan someone help me with my amd graphics card06:15
amishlooks like this channel is inactive06:23
alkisgamish: be more specific06:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:23
alkisgAlso, in IRC you might get answers after hours or even days06:24
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:24
amishok thanks for the response06:24
amishactually, this is my issue:06:24
amishI have a laptop with intel core i3 + amd radeon r5 m33006:25
amishI am using Ubuntu Mate 16.0406:25
amishI am not able to use the amd card for games. Only intel driver runs06:26
amishxserver-xorg-video-ati is installed06:27
alkisgOK. Note that if the problem isn't specific to mate, then it might be best to ask in #ubuntu, as more users are there; but of course you can ask here too.06:27
alkisgNow wait for possible answers; I can't help you because I'm not using proprietary drivers06:27
amishsuggestion taken06:28
amishby the way I do not need proprietery drivers06:28
amishI need open source drivers to use the amd card06:29
amishit only uses intel card currently06:29
Astro7467I have an AMD R480 installed currently and I see 3 potential 'drivers' related to ur card amish06:33
amishcan you elaborate06:34
amishshould I just install  xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu-hwe-16.04 from synaptic?06:35
Astro7467I'm currently not in a position to research it, but depending on age, ur card would use 1 of those three - amdgpu being the latest06:36
Astro7467there is info on the correct driver on the amd site from memory06:36
Astro7467the 'hwe' is the hardware-enablement pack - which is newer drivers - there are other dependencies06:37
Astro7467these are part of 16.04.2 - inc kernel and xorg changes06:37
amishsorry got disconnected by mistake06:40
amishI dont see my card listed in any  xserver-xorg-video-{amdgpu,ati,radeon}-hwe-16.04 in the synaptics package descriptions06:54
alkisglspci -nn -k | grep -A 2 VGA => this only lists one card?06:55
amish00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0a16] (rev 0b)06:56
amishSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller [103c:80c4]06:56
amishKernel driver in use: i91506:56
alkisgIf it only lists one card, then maybe you need to go to your bios settings and enable the other card06:57
alkisgAt least that was the case when I was last trying multiple cards; but this was before optimus06:57
amishok. I am going to bios and check if I can find that setting. BTW I was able to use amd card using bumblebee when I was using Manjaro06:58
amishthere was no option for graphics card in bios07:11
alkisgamish: if you were able to make it work in manjaro, check the related kernel/xorg versions, and try to find an ubuntu version with similar kernel/xorg07:13
amishin Manjaro, bumblebee supports both amd and nvidia cards07:14
amishprobably, it supports only amd cards in ubuntu07:15
amishi dont know why07:15
alkisgThere they say that it's only for nvidia, while for ati they suggest fglrx07:18
alkisgI think fglrx isn't available in 16.04 though07:18
alkisgSo you might want to try 14.04 instead07:18
alkisgYou can also ask in #ubuntu-x. The people there will definately know; but they may answer in ..monday :D07:18
amishI like 16.04...07:19
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chr1sshallöli, jemmand deutsches da? ;)09:37
chr1sshabe probleme mit trafficserver programm konfiguration, aus der fehlermeldung werd ich nicht schlau, falls wer erfahrung hat pls msg me09:38
ouroumov_!de | chr1ss09:51
ubottuchr1ss: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:51
chr1sskay thx10:38
chr1ssi can speak eng too... but is more like engrish10:38
erwinhello, I just did a clean install of the UbuntuMate 16.0.2 image on a raspberrypi3. Direct after install I tried to do updates (216MB). However I get an error, the root / disk is about 4 MB too small to do the update. Any suggestions, other than use gparted to enlarge the root partition? ( I tried that also, however there i get an error because the extra space that i allocated can't be used).12:10
ouroumov_hello erwin. This issue has been widely reported on our forums: https://ubuntu-mate.community/12:12
erwinok I will try to find this there. Thanks for the reply.12:16
lime_about to boot  this on a powerbook g413:07
lime_just got it in the mail13:08
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DarkPsydeLordlol from resbaloso to turroncito how are those related from slimy to sweet14:52
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flexiondotorgAt 17:00 UTC it is Ubuntu MATE testing day on Ubuntu On-Air. Come and join the live stream - http://ubuntuonair.com/15:48
flexiondotorgThat's about 10mins from now.15:49
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jarco_Hello, Does ubuntu mate support uefi, I just created a usb with ubuntu mate on it but I cant seem to find the efi folder16:33
Akulijarco_, it should, how are you booting from the stick?16:47
Artemis3jarco_, 64bit, should work if you dd the iso into the thumbdrive16:49
jarco_I just want to alter the efi files to be able to boot from a 32 bit uefi, but the efi files are not in the image16:49
jarco_I did the 32 bit image tho16:50
jarco_So thats probably it16:50
jarco_its a pavilion x2 tablet16:50
jarco_it doesnt have fancy 64 bit uefi, So I am trying to add that myself16:50
Artemis3isn't this tablet 64 bit?16:52
jarco_yes it is16:52
jarco_but the uefi is not16:52
jarco_If I had known ...16:52
jarco_there are workarounds16:53
jarco_but they are insanely hard for a noob like me16:53
Artemis3hmm seems someone did an iso for debian16:53
jarco_I almost managed to get arch running, Almost, untill i couldn't find initramfs on the image anymore :D16:53
jarco_yes debian works16:53
jarco_BUT, it has next to no support for the hardware16:53
Artemis3tried this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support16:54
jarco_Not yet16:55
jarco_I am currently trying to write my own efi config16:56
jarco_and then make grub upgrade it to 64 bit16:56
jarco_this solution seems to do something similar16:56
jarco_But I would prefer mate instead of ubuntu itself, actually I would prefer antergos, but ubuntu mate seems cool to. I like the work wimpy puts in it a lot so I am trying to give it a go16:57
Artemis3well switching is simple, and if you can manage to install mini.iso even better, not sure its possible16:58
Artemis3need one of those to try...16:58
Akulijarco_, just install the normal ubuntu and switch to mate, or use an mini.iso like Artemis3 suggested :)16:59
Artemis3if you can make mini.iso basic text installed, its a simple apt-get install ubuntu-mate-desktop17:00
jarco_Akuli, isn't it a huge overhead in ubuntu when you install another desktop? Last time I tried (about 8 years ago), they where meta packages that drew in gigs and gigs of stuff. I only have 32 gb harddrive in that thing :)17:00
Artemis3the instructions can probably be adapted for mate anyway17:01
Akulijarco_, i have never had trouble with that, if you do just ask someone with an ubuntu mate to check which packages they have and get rid of everytihng else :)17:01
Artemis3depending on the method you end using17:01
jarco_Also I first want to have it booted live to see if it actually has drivers for everything (or, the important stuff)17:01
Artemis3reading from forum posts...17:01
Akuliubuntu's instructions should work great on ubuntu mate too though17:01
Akulithe desktop is just one tiny tip of the iceberg17:01
jarco_Yeah It will probably work out. I was just puzzled by the missing efi folder17:02
Artemis3"I got Ubuntu 16.04.1 running on it, and this works quite well. (Had to create a custom USB bootstick, described here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/392719/32-bit-uefi-boot-support). Also no luck for sound. Power mgmt. works partly: Suspend or hibernate do halt the system and blank the screen, but fail to turn it off. The system does not respond to the power button or any other than the upper "volume" button (sic!), which wakes it17:02
Artemis3 up. The SD card reader works out of the box here."17:02
Artemis3"Xubuntu and  the latest Mint Mate both work well.  I can't get the sound card working"17:03
Artemis3maybe its not worth jarco_17:03
Akuli$ alsactl init17:03
Akulisolves many weird sound problems17:03
jarco_I cant accept that without first being frustrated a few more hours. I WILL simply not work on windows17:04
Artemis3ok xD17:04
Artemis3they say it works, with caveeats17:04
jarco_I do everything in the terminal, grunt, composer, ssh ...17:04
jarco_I don't need a lot17:04
jarco_its a work device17:04
Artemis3well you are fine then17:05
jarco_The only problem I have with ubuntu are the old packages :(17:05
jarco_(not a troll, just a thing that scares me)17:05
Akulijarco_, why does that bother you?17:07
Artemis3jarco_, if you stick to LTS, and PPAs, you can probably be fine the next 4 years or so17:07
Akulithere's only one program that i have wanted newer than what was in the repos :)17:08
jarco_Because it will take a long time and loads of maintenance to maintain all up to date packages myself17:08
Akuliwhich packages would you update?17:08
jarco_php 7.1 ... newest drush etc.17:08
Akulilike, ubuntu is not arch17:08
Artemis3jarco_, there is even a newer kernel in 16.04.2 (4.8)17:08
Artemis3jarco_, apt can handle the updates just fine17:09
jarco_I know I know. I hope snaps or something similar gains traction soon, if only to get rid of ppa17:09
Artemis3ppas get updates as well (as long as the maintainer uploads them)17:09
Akulijarco_, are you a php programmer or is there some other reason why you want the newest php?17:09
Artemis3(on a tablet)17:10
jarco_Yes I am a php dev (among other stuff)17:11
Akulithen i think it makes sense to install php from source17:11
jarco_This is getting of topic a lot but I actually bought this thing for my dog. He doesn't like me sitting in the house for hours on end while he is bored. So I bought this think to be able to go outside with him and still get some work/learning done17:12
jarco_There is a keyboard on the tablet so its cool for me to get some basic stuff done. And he can play with the other dogs in the dog park17:13
jarco_I should have known ;)17:13
Artemis3This appears to be a popular php PPA https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php17:13
jarco_I don't really like ppa, they are such a mess after a while17:14
Artemis3if you use the ppa the updates come automatically with the rest of the system updates, they take longer since its the person who maintains it who needs to re-upload the source17:14
Akulijarco_, same here, compiling with source with --prefix is nice17:14
jarco_Nvm my complaining. If I get mate to boot on this its the best distro ever for me17:14
Artemis3its not a mess if you use with care, a single ppa or two are usually no problem17:14
jarco_I understand17:15
Artemis3also jarco_ you CAN make your own PPA as well, make an account, upload code, and it compiles for you17:15
jarco_I might look into that. I have been more of an arch/manjaro guy in the past. But I might look into that17:16
Artemis3thats if you don't trust the popular guy there. compiling deb packages need some extra knowledge and distro quirks (you might need patches, etc)17:17
Akulidebs are sooo much easier than debian's guides make them look like17:17
Akulia minimal deb is like a / of a computer and a DEBIAN/config file17:18
Artemis3well you could start by looking at the popular guy himself17:18
Artemis3what is he patching, why, etc.17:18
jarco_I don't mind engaged people, I just don't like the whole ppa idea17:20
Artemis3its just a personal repository compiled and hosted at canonical's17:20
Artemis3not unlike other 3rd party repositories, but saves you from signing and other annoyances17:21
jarco_Does canonical host them? I remember some nonresponsive ones17:23
jarco_I get a black screen now, So I am not sure if its mate with an error or jut not working but also no errors displayed :D17:28
=== mortalius__ is now known as mortalius
PlainDaveI'm going to upgrade to 17.04 beta. Is there a way to keep all my settings?18:50
PlainDaveand... I also want to keep my installed programs.18:58
AkuliPlainDave, they should just stay there, if you want to make sure they stay back up all files and folders starting with . from your home folder18:58
Akuliwhy do you upgrade though?18:59
Akuliand how?18:59
PlainDaveI want to see the changes18:59
jarco_Hello, I finally managed to make a bootable 32 bit efi disk. But now I get a black screen while trying the live version of mate. Any solutions for this?18:59
Akulijust grab the new iso and try it off of a usb stick18:59
PlainDavehow? from a USB stick. Oh, okay. cool.18:59
Akulino need to install anything just to see if something changes :)19:00
jarco_oh I just saw some text flashing by, black again now but there seems to be hope19:01
=== sandeep is now known as Guest22263
=== Guest22263 is now known as sandeep84
sandeep84Hi everyone. New to Ubuntu MATE.19:15
sandeep84Using it on an old Lenovo T41019:15
Akulihi sandeep84 :)19:16
sandeep84Hi Akuli :) Hope you having a good friday evening19:21
Akulihi fathi :)19:23
fathii am happy her19:23
fathijast set up ubuntu :)19:24
sandeep84Loving Ubuntu so far19:26
mate|43310hello, anyone would be willing to advise on wich version of ubuntu mate is advisable to install is 17.04 stable enough?22:15

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