
manukapuacool that seemed to work ok cheers sarnold for the assistance00:09
sarnoldmanukapua: don't forget to put back the -meta kernel package if you removed it earlier, to keep getting kernel updates00:09
manukapuaits still there : )00:10
lxleAnyone know if when 'unattended-upgrades' is set to download the packagelist, does it download an entire packagelist or just the 'allowed' repository parameters you have set, like 'security'00:22
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lordievaderGood morning06:20
zioprotocoreycb, rbasak at SWITCH testing our new Xenial/Newton setup we figured out that we are hitting this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/1647389 This must be fixed before we can move on from Trusty/Mitaka. We need to bug fixed to be able to live-migrate VMs safely, because we evacuate the nova-compute nodes to reprovision them with11:50
zioprotoXenial/Newton. Do you know about this bug ?11:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1647389 in qemu (Ubuntu Xenial) "Regression: Live migrations can still crash after CVE-2016-5403 fix" [High,Confirmed]11:50
rbasakI don't know about it, sorry.11:52
rbasakI'd ask cpaezler but he's out11:52
rbasakjgrimm: ^11:52
zioprotorbasak: but you commented on the bug :O !11:53
zioprotoare you Robie Basak (racb) ?11:54
rbasakzioproto: not with any knowledge, just referring more relevant people.11:54
zioprotoah ok :)11:54
zioprotoI all come back here when is daytime in the US :)11:54
coreycbzioproto, did you see the workaround mentioned?11:57
coreycbzioproto, i'm just scrolling through the bug coming up to speed11:57
zioprotocoreycb: if you mean  'virsh dommemstat --live --period 0 <VM instance name>' we tried this and did not work11:59
coreycbzioproto, it looks like turning live_migration_tunnelled off is a work around too12:00
zioprotocoreycb: ok, I found something else to check. We had the default value for live_migration_tunnelled12:03
mdeslaurzioproto: FYI, there are _untested_ pre-release packages to work around that bug here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages12:04
zioprotonow it looks like Mitaka has live_migration_tunnelled default to True and Newton has live_migration_tunnelled default to False12:04
coreycbthanks mdeslaur12:04
mdeslaurthey haven't had any sort of QA yet, but you're welcome to try them out in a test environment12:05
zioprotomdeslaur: thanks ! I will try them !12:05
zioprotomdeslaur: the source server is Trusty, the destination server is Xenial. It is enough to install the qemu package on the Xenial server to test the live migration fix ?12:09
mdeslaurzioproto: I think so, but I'm not sure, sorry.12:10
cpaelzerrbasak: here chiluk is the expert on this bug12:11
* cpaelzer is not here12:11
cpaelzerand I see mdeslaur is also here, perfect12:13
cpaelzerso I can be away then12:13
* cpaelzer silences his speaker to not get back to the office on a highlight12:13
zioprotoI have a question on live_migration_tunnelled in nova.conf12:16
zioprotoso this is an important setting to be explicit in nova.conf on the controller or on the compute nodes ?12:16
zioprotomdeslaur: so we installed qemu-system-x86_2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.11_amd64.deb and qemu-block-extra_2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.11_amd64.deb only. These packages we installed them only on the Xenial target compute-node. We did not touch at all the source Trusty compute node. I can confirm this packages fixed the bug #1647389 for me12:30
ubottubug 1647389 in qemu (Ubuntu Xenial) "Regression: Live migrations can still crash after CVE-2016-5403 fix" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164738912:30
mdeslaurzioproto: oh, great, thanks for testing it12:31
zioprotomy team here is thanking you, because these package repo is not linked on the bug report12:31
zioprotoI guess if the link was there more people had tested the packages, because 12 people are watching the bug12:32
mdeslaurzioproto: they will be released as security updates once they have been through QA...probably in a couple of weeks12:32
mdeslaurI'll add a comment to the bug12:32
zioprotothank you12:32
nacccpaelzer: re: LP: #1673714, what is dquilt?15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1673714 in usd-importer "provide a subcommand to convert a git sha to ubuntu patch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/167371415:10
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roaksoax/w/win 816:00
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erick3kquick question16:40
erick3kthe command route add is permanent16:40
naccerick3k: that's not a question, but no16:44
naccerick3k: if you reboot, the routes will be gone16:45
erick3knacc whats the best way to add them permanent that don't involve puting them in /etc/network/interfaces?16:55
erick3kand apart from puting them in /etc/rc.local16:55
erick3kor rc.local best way?16:55
naccerick3k: any reason for not using /e/n/i ?16:56
erick3kYes, cloud-init will remove the post up / post down commands16:57
erick3kin interfaces16:57
erick3kso it has to be somewhere else16:57
naccerick3k: that seems like soething to ask cloud-init about, i assume there is either a way to not do that or some config option16:58
erick3kyes am sure cloud-init has an option, but my current system won't allow me16:59
erick3kso forget about cloud-init16:59
erick3kback to first question hehe16:59
naccerick3k: will c-i remove /e/n/i.d entries too?16:59
erick3kwell am wrong, and you are kind of right17:00
erick3kthats where ci puts the config17:01
erick3kso i guess it doesn't touch interfaces17:01
naccthere you go :)17:01
erick3kthats the best place anyway to put them permanent routes?17:01
naccerick3k: aiui, but i'm not necessarily an expert on it :)17:01
erick3kkool ty17:02
naccerick3k: np17:02
erick3kany ideas what can be wrong? looks good to me https://i.imgur.com/dyJhjhD.png17:13
naccerick3k: do you have the `route` command? or what is happenig?17:15
erick3knot sure, i am following this guide http://docs.ovh.ca/en/guides-network-bridging.html17:15
erick3kbut yea route command is there17:16
erick3ki can use it manually to add the routes and works17:16
naccerick3k: oh sorry misread the bottom f it17:16
naccerick3k: which line is 14?17:16
erick3kfirst post-up command17:17
naccerick3k: oh of course17:18
naccerick3k: it's an iface option17:19
naccerick3k: what are you post-up'ing in that file? :)17:19
erick3kumm the routes17:19
naccerick3k: as in, post "what"'s up state woudl that command run?17:19
naccerick3k: routes aren't up17:19
erick3kit should run route add when the interface goes up17:19
naccerick3k: right, *which* interface17:19
naccerick3k: syntactically your file makes no sense17:19
erick3kis on /.d17:19
naccerick3k: post-up only makes sense in the context of a interface definition17:20
erick3kok so can't put them on .d cuz is gonna be modified by ci17:20
erick3kso am stuck to rc.local then?17:20
naccerick3k: so you want to add a route to a iface that c-i configures?17:22
erick3kci configures on /e/n/i/.d17:22
erick3kwithout having to tell ci to do it because i can't17:23
nacci don't understand fully why you can't but ok17:24
naccerick3k: you don't control your cloud-config?17:24
naccerick3k: it seems like you can define routes vai systemd.network as well17:24
erick3kyes and no, is limited. That would be the obvious solution but perhaps why am here looking for another solution17:25
erick3krc.local is gonna work, ive used before but i don't think is the  best way17:25
erick3knacc i would have to somehow modify rhev completly, templates etc to be able to add routes on cloud-init launch17:26
erick3kthat is beyond me17:26
erick3kthats why17:26
naccerick3k: huh?17:26
erick3krhev / orvirt17:26
naccerick3k: you aren't able to pass cloud-config to your instances?17:26
erick3kbut limited config17:26
erick3kso ovirt which is the system i use17:27
naccerick3k: hrm, dunno17:27
erick3kdoesn't have an option to pass routes throught cloud-init17:27
naccerick3k: but ok17:27
erick3kso i simple can't use cloud init to pass routes17:27
erick3kvery simple17:27
erick3kso i want permanent routes on the O.S17:28
erick3kthat has nothing to do with cloud-init17:28
naccerick3k: but you can write arbitrary files? i'm super confused :)17:29
erick3knacc sorry got dced17:34
erick3kbut nvm i'll just stick to adding routes with rc.local17:35
naccerick3k: yeah, i think that's easiest for wht you've described17:35
tewardhas anyone had an issue where an upgrade on Xenial of mysql-server-5.7 would totally lag out and just consume all the memory and swap?18:27
tewardbecause that happened on my mail server :/18:27
erick3ki see in ubuntu 16.04 /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf was removed18:44
erick3kwhat is it now?18:44
sarnoldI can't figure out what that thing's supposed to do..18:46
erick3kwhat thing18:47
sarnolderick3k: systemd aims to run multi-user.target, and runs whatever is supposed to be run to make that happen18:47
sarnolderick3k: if you want to change the systemd target, this might help https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/System_Administrators_Guide/sect-Managing_Services_with_systemd-Targets.html#sect-Managing_Services_with_systemd-Targets-Change_Default18:47
erick3ki just wanted to change start on (filesystem and static-network-up) or failsafe-boot18:48
erick3kbut is no longer in ubuntu 1618:48
erick3k14 the file is there18:49
sarnoldwhat's the task that you're actually trying to solve?18:49
erick3kmy problems is network timeouts on boot18:51
erick3kso i want to disable network to start on boot18:52
erick3kor bypass all timeouts or waits for network18:52
erick3kin centos i put ONBOOT=no18:52
erick3kubuntu 14 change start on (filesystem)18:52
erick3know on 16 i don't know18:53
erick3kdoesn't have same options as 1418:53
erick3kthe root of the problem is that i don't use dhcp for network, instead i use static but is injected by cloud-init18:54
erick3kand is done after the network is started18:54
erick3kso it will timeout18:54
erick3ksarnold this worked perfectly on ubuntu 1418:56
erick3ki want the same for ubuntu 1618:56
Logos01... I'm assuming you mean 14.04 and 16.04 respectively18:57
Logos01( Y.ear Y.ear . M.onth M.onth ) -- sorry, that's a pet peeve of mine18:57
erick3kbut those files are not present on ubuntu 16.04 only in 14.0418:57
Logos01Right because it operates differently18:58
Logos01You're seeing the timeout/delay?18:58
erick3kvery long18:58
Logos01Oh wait ... "instead I use static but is injected by cloud-init"18:58
Logos01This is in what cloud provider?18:58
rharpererick3k: please join #cloud-init and we can help debug from there18:59
erick3koh trust me18:59
erick3kalready tried18:59
erick3konly one that can help is smores and he busy all the time18:59
rharperI work on cloud-init as well, have you filed a bug with the details ?19:00
erick3ki know cloud-init has a timeout on cloud-init-nonet.conf that i already removed19:00
erick3kam not looking for cloud-init timeouts but the looking for network in ubuntu 16 while booting19:00
Logos01erick3k: Have you looked at /etc/network/interfaces yet?19:00
erick3kyep, no timeout19:01
Logos01No there wouldn't be there; that's not even a concept.19:01
rharperin general, the 'networking' service in 16.04 will look at the eni and for each iface thats marked 'auto'; it will wait for all of those to become up19:01
Logos01Care to share your /etc/network/interfaces ?19:01
rharperif one or more of those marked auto does not come up, then the networking service itself blocks;19:02
Logos01Yeah -- I was going to suggest changing the device from "auto" to "manual" in the config and then let cloud-init handle initializing it19:02
Logos01It's not so much that it *blocks*19:02
Logos01But that you never pass the network target and so never reach the multi-user target19:02
rharperbut the service itself does block19:02
rharperthat's by design19:02
erick3klord i just want the corresponding files /etc/init/failsafe.conf and /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf but for ubuntu 16.04 that are no longer present19:02
Logos01rharper: I'm saying this in systemd terminology19:02
rharperyou told it, bring all of these interfaces up19:02
rharperI mean, it's a oneshot service, calling ifup and friends19:02
rharperso, is it systemd is it the unit script?19:03
Logos01erick3k: The concept doesn't exist anymore; there is no corresponding files.19:03
rharperdoesn't really matter; the effect is to block until all interfaces in eni marked auto are up19:03
erick3kso i want to know where are the waiting for dhcp timeouts on boot19:03
Logos01erick3k: The thing that those files were doing, that you needed to tweak -- it no longer exists.19:03
Logos01You have a different problem.19:03
erick3klogos01 i understand they no longer exist perhabs why am asking for a 16.04 solution19:04
Logos01rharper: Well if you speak it in systemd nomenclature it helps you to troubleshoot/diagnose what/where is going on.19:04
rharperit does an ifquery --allow-auto to list the interfaces from eni which are marked auto; until ifup on each of those interfaces returns and they're up it blocks (for some fixed time)19:04
Logos01erick3k: Right. Are the interfaces marked auto or manual in /etc/network/interfaces ?19:04
erick3klogos01 they will be auto after cloud-init injects it19:05
erick3know say i seal the vm before using cloud-init19:06
Logos01erick3k: Right but they're *NOT* auto when the VM is booting.19:06
erick3kwhat should be on interfaces to avoid any timeouts19:06
erick3kso what should i put there19:06
erick3kto avoid them timeouts19:06
Logos01erick3k: Can we see your /etc/network/interfaces file?19:06
erick3kauto lo19:07
erick3kiface lo inet loopback19:07
erick3ksource /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg19:07
erick3kthats it19:07
Logos01Okay what's in the /etc/network/interfaces.d/ directory?19:07
rharperso cloud-init will write a 'dhcp on "first" interface' on instances which do not provide a network configuration;  if do not want cloud-init to attempt to configure networking via fallback, you can tell cloud-init to disable network configuration19:07
rharperthere's a 50-cloud-init eni file which will attemtp to dhcp on one of the interfaces19:07
erick3kyes i can delete that 50-cloud-init.cfg before sealing the vm19:08
erick3kthats not a problem19:08
Logos01erick3k: lpaste the output of:  `grep -H '' /etc/network/interfaces.d/*.cfg`19:08
erick3kthe only file that is on inderfaces.d will be deleted19:08
erick3kbefore sealing the vm logos0119:09
erick3kso makes no sense showing you that file19:09
Logos01Well this is where your problem is ... because the machine is attempting to dhcp up -- it has to, because that's how cloud-init *works*19:09
Logos01Even if you get a static lease on whatever the following interface/address is, that's different.19:09
rharperno, you need to tell cloud-init via config that you don't want it to attempt ot configure networking;  you can write out "network: {config: disabled}" into a /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/network-disable.cfg19:10
Logos01You're getting blocked because you're not *getting* dhcp addressing the machine is looking for.19:10
erick3kso on ubuntu 14 i fixed by using those commands or mods i showed you on ask ubuntu19:10
rharperthat prevents cloud-init from attempt to configure networking for you19:10
Logos01erick3k: That didn't actually fix the problem in question. 14.04 used a *completely different* networking model than 16.0419:10
Logos01All it did was make the problem non-blocking to boot.19:10
Logos01You cannot do that in 16.04.  It cannot be done.19:10
Logos01You have to either resolve the problem or have a successful startup of the networking service that doesn't depend on the problem's being solved.19:11
erick3kok so i will get 15 minutes time out while booting no matter what i do?19:11
Logos01Did I just say that?19:11
erick3kwell the solution would be not to get network up until cloud-init injects the static ip19:11
erick3kbut that is not how is happening19:12
rharperhow are you injecting networking in cloud-init ?19:12
erick3kconfig drive / nocloud19:12
rharperthen you have control over what gets rendered in the 50-cloud-init.cfg file19:12
erick3kand it works19:13
rharperin the network config in the nocloud seed, make sure you don't attempt to dhcp on non-existent interfaces19:13
erick3konly after 15 minutes of timeouts19:13
rharperso I suspect that your first nic isn't getting the name 'eth0'19:14
rharper16.04 uses persistent nic naming, so it'll be like ens3 or ens1p119:14
erick3kyea i did the grub biosdevicename thingy19:14
erick3kna, it must be eth019:15
rharperthat looks fine, if eth0 is present, then ifup on eth0 should be just fine;19:15
erick3kright but when i seal the vm19:15
erick3keth0 will not exist until cloud-init injects it19:15
erick3kso ubuntu will timeout trying to get it with dhcp19:15
rharperso you must not be embedded the datasource into /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/19:16
erick3klet me try19:16
rharperwhen you boot it soemwhere else, it'll have a new instance id, in which case the previous config may not apply19:16
rharperin there you'll also set a meta-data with an instance-id: <unique string>19:16
erick3kyes that i delete before sealing19:17
erick3k /var/lib/cloud/instances19:17
rharperif this is a template then, yes;19:18
erick3kokay no timeout19:22
erick3kthat worked19:23
erick3ki think i wasn't clearing /var/lib/cloud/instances and caused the problem19:23
rharperyou can also write a network-config file for the nocloud-net seed like so19:23
rharperformat is documented here: http://curtin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/networking.html  ;   I've an PR to get that published under the cloud-init docs19:25
ThiagoCMCGuys, I'm trying to launch an Instance on Ocata / Ubuntu 16.04, with DPDK and hugepages, the following error is appearing on nova-compute.log:20:18
ThiagoCMCcan't open backing store /dev/hugepages-1048576/libvirt/qemu for guest RAM: Permission denied20:18
ThiagoCMCAny tips?20:18
ThiagoCMCMight be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1524737 ?20:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1524737 in libvirt (Ubuntu Wily) "systemd presents hugetblfs at /dev/hugepages" [Undecided,New]20:18
ThiagoCMCI'm also seeing "apparmor="DENIED"" at my syslog...  =/20:21
sarnoldThiagoCMC: ubuntu-bug libvirt, please, and make sure to include those DENIED lines20:25
ThiagoCMCDamn... ok!20:25
ThiagoCMC"ubuntu-bug libvirt0", right?20:27
ThiagoCMCnever mind, sending20:27
rharpermay be of help as well20:28
sarnoldrharper: nice, thanks20:29
rharperall thanks go to cpaelzer20:29
sarnoldcpaelzer, thanks for the nice https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/DPDK.html guide it looks like good reading :)20:30
ThiagoCMCReported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/152473720:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1524737 in libvirt (Ubuntu Wily) "systemd presents hugetblfs at /dev/hugepages" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:33
ThiagoCMCDamn clipboard are...20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1680956 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Fail to launch an OpenStack Instance with hugepages on top of OVS+DPDK" [Undecided,New]20:33
ThiagoCMCI can easily use Ubuntu with DPDK for my VMs...20:33
ThiagoCMCProblem is when with OpenStack... Plain KVM is fine.20:34
naccThiagoCMC: do you know ifthe libvirt in openstack has the fix to LP: #1524737 in it?20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1524737 in libvirt (Ubuntu Wily) "systemd presents hugetblfs at /dev/hugepages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152473720:35
ThiagoCMCIt is: libvirt-bin 2.5.0-3ubuntu5~cloud020:36
naccThiagoCMC: do you know ifthe libvirt in openstack has the fix to LP: #1524737 in it?20:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1524737 in libvirt (Ubuntu Wily) "systemd presents hugetblfs at /dev/hugepages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/152473720:36
naccThiagoCMC: do you know ifthe libvirt in openstack has the fix to LP: #1524737 in it?20:36
nacci'm also a bit confused why that bug was closed by 1.2.21-2ubuntu320:36
ThiagoCMCHmmm.. I don't...20:36
ThiagoCMCIf it was fixed a long time ago...20:37
naccThiagoCMC: sorry bad keystroke earlier20:37
naccah it was fixed in 1.2.21-2ubuntu2 and lp is being weird20:37
ThiagoCMCmaybe re-introduced?20:37
naccThiagoCMC: about to eat lunch but i can check on it20:38
ThiagoCMCEnjoy it!   :-D20:38
erick3komg help21:15
erick3krharper you still on?21:16
tsimonq2!help | erick3k21:16
ubottuerick3k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:16
erick3kthe machine now gets stuck here https://i.imgur.com/DVpf0RX.png21:16
erick3kwhy is raid loading am using no raid thing21:16
naccerick3k: that's mdadm reloading21:29
naccerick3k: *loading21:29
naccerick3k: it has to know what raid levels are allowed so that you can use raid if you want or not21:29
naccerick3k: i'm 99% sure that's not what'21:29
nacc*that's not what's hanging21:29
naccThiagoCMC: back, sorry for the delay21:31
erick3knacc ok checking21:32
ThiagoCMCnacc, oh, that's totally ok!   ^_^21:33
naccThiagoCMC: ok, so 2.5.0-3ubuntu5, in the source, does have21:34
nacc  # for access to hugepages21:34
nacc  owner "/run/hugepages/kvm/libvirt/qemu/**" rw,21:34
nacc  owner "/dev/hugepages/libvirt/qemu/**" rw,21:34
naccThiagoCMC: should be abel to confirm by looking at /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu on the host21:36
naccThiagoCMC: oh!21:37
naccThiagoCMC: the path changed!21:37
naccThiagoCMC: why is it /dev/hugepages-1048576 ?21:37
naccThiagoCMC: can you pastebin `ls -ahl /dev/hugepages*`?21:37
ThiagoCMCYes, /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu have those two lines.21:38
ThiagoCMCls -ahl output: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24336518/21:40
naccThiagoCMC: is this the system where you were using 1g hugepages?21:40
ThiagoCMCI can launch an Instance on top of OVS+DPKD (OVN topology), but, when I try the hugepages on OpenStack's flavor, it doesn't boot because of this apparmor stuff21:42
naccsarnold: being completely dumb about apparmor, can you look at LP: #1689056 ? I am unable to put my comment in lp, due to timeouts righ tnow, but: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24336524/21:42
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1689056 could not be found21:42
naccLP: #168095621:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1680956 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Fail to launch an OpenStack Instance with hugepages on top of OVS+DPDK" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168095621:42
naccsarnold: also, why does `man apparmor` on 17.04 refer to upstart? :)21:43
nacc"Ubuntu systems use upstart(8) instead of a traditional SysV init system."21:43
ThiagoCMCNevertheless, something else is going on here... I mean, this is for sure a problem (LP 1680956). And, when I try it without hugepages, the VM boots up but, it can't ping OVN L3 Router... But, this is a different problem entirely.21:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1680956 in Ubuntu Cloud Archive "Fail to launch an OpenStack Instance with hugepages on top of OVS+DPDK" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168095621:45
ThiagoCMCOh this ubottu... lol21:45
naccsarnold: and one last thing for the security time, the manpage refers to : http://wiki.apparmor.net/index.php/Distro_ubuntu21:45
naccwhich, um, is as currnet as 11.04 :)21:46
erick3knacc what could it be?21:54
erick3ki can't find out why is getting stuck21:54
erick3knacc now booted, where can i look for that ugly timeout21:55
naccerick3k: i'd look in syslog, messages, dmesg, etc21:55
erick3knacc is the stupid network again21:57
erick3ki can reproduce by using cloud-init network as dhcp21:57
naccerick3k: ah21:57
erick3ki use static btw21:57
naccerick3k: do you not have network on first boot or something? or using dhcp but not really?21:57
erick3kthis is the options on the template hold on21:58
sarnoldnacc: wow, nice bugs all around :)21:58
naccsarnold: my guess on profile seems ok, at least :) but will probably need a fix and sru, cpaelzer21:58
erick3kshould i remove the start on boot?21:58
naccerick3k: i have no idea how ovirt works so i don't know21:59
erick3kor untick network21:59
erick3knice back to square 1 again :(21:59
erick3kthats why21:59
naccerick3k: i would guess you could try those options, but i wonder if it will just fail to boot at all21:59
erick3ki wanted to attack the stupid timeouts21:59
erick3knot cloudinit or ovirt who cares22:00
erick3kis stupid ubuntu timing out looking for dhcp22:00
erick3kall other O.S work great, including 14.0422:00
erick3k5 days trying to fix the stupid timeout, bout to give up on ubuntu22:01
erick3kmy customers can stick to 14.04 lol22:01
naccthis seems relevant: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/416664/22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1653812 in tripleo "Five minute delay DHCP'ing isolated nics" [High,Fix released]22:04
nacclooks like ONBOOT is the issue, but i'm not sure if you actually need it for your case22:04
erick3knacc on centos 7 yes i put ONBOOT=no and thats it issue fixed22:05
erick3kis there an option like that in ubuntu?22:05
naccerick3k: where do you put that?22:05
erick3kcentos /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth022:06
erick3kis there a way to completly block the network from starting on boot and then just rc.local a command to start it?22:07
erick3kam desperate22:07
erick3kanything works i dont care22:07
naccerick3k: ip=off maybe22:08
naccerick3k: on the kernel commandline22:08
naccbut i don't understand, if you're cloud based, you depend on network in order to boot, i'd assume22:08
erick3knot really since am not using dhcp22:08
erick3kam using static network22:08
naccthat doesn't matter22:09
erick3ki put the ip's22:09
naccyou still depend on network22:09
naccit sounds like you've got a configuration issue22:09
naccsomewhere, id on't understand your deployment22:09
naccbut it should not be doing dhcp, i think is your root point22:09
naccbut you aren't telling it (afaict) that it's got static networking22:09
naccerick3k: you can of course pass networking information to guests on the kernel command-line, but i don't understand when you're having this issue22:09
erick3kso i got 5 oses working but ubuntu 16.04 am sure the system / deployment is fine22:10
naccfirst boot with cloud-init?22:10
erick3ki just want ubuntu to stop waiting for dhcp22:10
erick3kwhere is the dhcp wait time set in ubuntu 16?22:10
naccprobably /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf22:10
naccyeah, it's set to 300 there22:10
naccbut again, it only would do that if it is configured to dhcp at all22:11
naccso don't configure your images to dhcp22:11
erick3kok gonna try that22:11
nacci don't understand why you think you don't have a configuration issue22:11
erick3kyes am not sure why is even picking dhcp22:11
nacci don't carea bout your other images22:11
erick3ki don't have no dhcp nowhere22:11
naccyes, i understand -- so how are your other instances getting network configuration?22:11
naccerick3k: you boot an instance and configure it?22:11
erick3kall get them throught cloud-init22:11
naccerick3k: how do you do that?22:11
naccthey dont' have network at boot22:12
naccsince you're not using dhcp22:12
nacci think you or I am missing something obvious22:12
erick3kno, you clean the vm, sealed, boot it with cloud-init (ovirt plugs a floppy with config drive / nocloud) and boots while picking up the info injected throught the floppy22:12
naccah you are using a config drive22:12
nacci don't know what 'sealed' is22:13
naccyeah, so if you don't need network to boot, don't set it to onboot (that gui you showed earlier)22:13
naccor send ip=off, i guess22:13
erick3kjust get it ready for customer, delete /var/lib/cloud/instances, history, interfaces etc22:13
erick3kyes, i tried all options on that gui, nothing works22:14
erick3kwhere do i add that ip=off22:14
erick3kGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"22:15
erick3kthere nacc?22:15
naccyeah, i think so22:15
naccerick3k: but that will disable networking period, possibly, that's what i'm not sure about22:15
naccerick3k: hence, test it :)22:15
erick3kby disable you mean you can't even start it with manual command after it boots?22:16
naccerick3k: i'm not sure, i can't remember if that twiddles anythin gmore than just not doing any network configuration at boot22:17
erick3kthat would work22:17
sarnoldkind of strange that the only mention of 'network-interface' in the docs is on the nocloud datasource :( http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html?highlight=network-interfaces22:18
naccsarnold: right, but earlier erick3k said they didn't have control over cloud-init22:19
naccsarnold: but agreed, it's strange22:19
sarnoldnacc: I'm surprised no one's needed to integrate cloud-init with an IPAM service before to make this easier..22:20
jgrimmsarnold, nacc: more docs on the way fwiw -> https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+ref/network-config-doc22:20
erick3kok with ip=off booted now let me add an ip see what happens22:21
naccjgrimm: thanks22:21
* jgrimm EOWs22:21
=== jgrimm is now known as jgrimm-away
sarnoldjgrimm-away: thanks, have a good weekend22:23
* jgrimm-away waves22:30
erick3knacc ip=off just completly remove network22:31
erick3kcloud-init doesn't even add an interface22:31
erick3knacc, is there a default that after the 300 seconds timeout on dhcp, ubuntu will retry?22:34
erick3ki see on /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf is commented out #retry 60; so  by default ubuntu does not retry?22:34
naccerick3k: did you rebuild your initrd after changing that file?22:38
erick3kif you mean update-grub yes22:39
naccthat updates grub22:39
nacchas nothing to do with your initrd22:39
nacci'm fairly sure you need to update the initrd on the image in order for that file to affect boot22:39
erick3kyes i know :)22:40
erick3keitherway ip=off is a nono22:40
erick3kis like removing the nic card physically22:40
erick3knacc sorry you mean dhclient?22:45
naccerick3k: yeah /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf edited without an initrd update doesn't do anything afaict22:45
erick3kk doing it22:49
erick3knacc update-initramfs -?22:51
naccerick3k: yeah, maybe with -k <version> or -k all22:52
sarnoldif you're editing the image and you just don't want networking, could you use systemctl disaable networking or something similar?22:54
naccsarnold: afaict, they do want networking, just not hte dhcp on boot22:55
naccsarnold: and i still don't understand how this works on other OSes or if this is a systemd change or what22:56
naccas i would think most would be attempting to dhcp on all interfaces by default, if not told otherwise22:56
erick3kat this point22:56
erick3kam not even sure is a dhcp problem22:56
erick3ki mean a machine its been stuck for 1 hour22:57
erick3ktried that nothing22:57
erick3kstuck https://i.imgur.com/UDKYAHZ.png22:58
erick3kwhy is raid showing any idea? am not using any raid device22:58
naccerick3k: again, i already explained that to you22:58
sarnoldyou could probably blacklist the modules if you don't want their startup routines firing22:58
naccerick3k: mdadm loads and determines what raid levels are supported22:58
nacciirc, at that poitn, it's trying to mount your root fs22:59
nacc(also based upon my own dmesg)22:59
erick3kthe only difference23:00
erick3kbetween me firing the vm manually and with my script (they get stuck) is that the disk size is changed23:00
erick3kcould that make ubuntu not boot?23:00
erick3kor get stuck there23:01
erick3ki am sorry guys, maybe has nothing to do with the network23:02
naccyou're changing the disk size under a fs?23:02
erick3ki increased the disk size before turning on the machine and reproduced the error :(23:03
erick3kyes, virtio23:03
naccwell, at least you disparaged ubuntu in the process! :)23:03
* nacc goes back to other work23:03
erick3kwhy, isnt it suppose to run growpart and just expand?23:04
erick3klike the other cloud images i have working?23:04
erick3knvm me23:05
erick3kit booted and did resize the disk https://i.imgur.com/TINxMPD.png23:05
erick3ki don't know guys i give up for now, maybe one will boot tomorrow and will collect some more info. Thank you nacc and all for your help and time.23:11
naccerick3k: gl!23:13

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