
gamerchick02agree, mrgoodcat.01:05
jrwreni don't follow any of those sites :)01:10
cmaloneyI gave up on the macintosh when Apple decided "going nuclear" was more imporant than competing.02:51
jrwrenwtf does that mean?03:09
cmaloneyPatent nonsense03:09
jrwrenoh, well then you really can't buy a laptop.03:10
jrwrenstick to 15yo desktops... :)03:10
cmaloneyWe bought a Dell w/ Ubuntu on it.03:10
jrwrenlots of patents in that laptop, i'm sure.03:11
cmaloneyIt was kind of the last straw for me with Apple03:11
cmaloneyI don't have a problem with patents03:11
jrwreni'm happy mp3 patents expired and are expiring.03:11
cmaloneyI have a problem when companies use them to try to screw with other companies03:11
jrwrenwhat other purpose would a patent serve?03:12
jrwrenoh, that was always the rumor wasn't it... that Jobs was PISSED about android.03:12
cmaloneyHe was03:13
cmaloneyand understandably so03:13
cmaloneybut it was totally the look-and-feel bullshit of the 1980s03:13
cmaloneyit didn't work then and it didn't work in 201103:13
jrwrenyeah, such a waste03:13
cmaloneysave for a few things that they got Samsung to stop doing because they were really close to what Apple was doing03:14
cmaloneybut yeah, I hate it when companies do software patent pile-on03:14
cmaloneyNot that I missed much. Unfortunately Apple was dealt a mortal blow when Steve passed03:14
cmaloneyMerlin Mann had a good quote about it in this last Back to Work episode03:15
jrwreni laugh at folks who think that.03:15
jrwrenif anything, apple is making worse IP decisions with Jobs gone.03:15
jrwrenthe samba removal in favor of the other shittier SMB client wouldn't have happened under Jobs IMO... because it works for shit.03:16
cmaloneyalong the lines of a razor where he says "what would an Operations-person at Apple do"03:17
cmaloneytheir software decisions have been sketchy at best03:18
jrwrenyeah, no plugable codecs in corevideo... no plugable codecs at all because Quicktime is gone.03:20
jrwrenmacos just gets worse and worse with every release.03:21
jrwrenHUGE opportunity for someone to come in and do better.03:21
jrwrenBecause same is true for windows... worse and worse with every release for 10yrs now.03:21
cmaloneyYeah, it's like mobile became a thing and then suddenly everyone lost sight of making the desktop better. ;)03:26
cmaloneySpeaking of boneheaded moves: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/04/microsoft-formally-bans-emulators-on-xbox-windows-10-download-shops/03:27
cmaloneyAnd the first coding interview of the morning is done15:17
cmaloneyGot another one where I'm "pair programming" over Zoom15:17
cmaloneythat's at 1pm15:17
cmaloneyPut another nickel in the cup and watch the monkey dance15:18
ZimdaleBy "pair programming" do they mean "You program while we watch"?15:18
cmaloneyFuck if I know15:19
cmaloneyThis is for Deepfield, so...15:19
cmaloneyToday's twist on the fibonacci sequence: print the first number that has X digits in it15:23
cmaloneyalso: not fizzbuzz, and adding English-comma-rules for a list.15:23
Zimdalewhile still fibonacciing?15:23
cmaloneySo I looked up a fibonacci sequence online (brute force, recursive) and added logic for string length15:24
cmaloneyThey had one for memoized versions but it was also a timed test and I knew the one worked.15:25
cmaloneysince I'm going to use it for my example code for my debugging talk15:26
cmaloneySince apparently the only thing computers are good for are fib sequences.15:26
ZimdaleI mean that's all I ever do all day15:26
Zimdalefibonacci as a service15:27
cmaloneyThat and printing FIZZ BUZZ15:27
jrwrenhow many digits? larger than int64? do you have ot use bigint?15:27
cmaloneyjrwren: Didn't say15:27
cmaloneyIf it goes over bigint then it'll stack overflow15:27
cmaloneyand frankly that's not a problem for a 3 problem 45 minute test. :)15:27
cmaloneycode works for the tests provied.15:28
cmaloneyI programmed out of a paper bag. You didn't say it was Tyvek. :)15:28
jrwrennew barbership quintet, right there.17:33
razmaheh.  I'm newer to linux and looking for a community of sorts17:34
jrwrenrazma: we are that. Welcome.17:34
mrgoodcatrazma: i'd give you a proper welcome but my torch and pitchfork are in the shed and I don't really feel like going to get them so I guess i'll just settle with 'hello'17:35
cmaloneyJust finished my interview18:00
jrwrencmaloney: how did it go?18:01
rick_hcmaloney: cheering from down here.18:07
cmaloneyIt was processing data from an obviously messed up csv file18:11
cmaloneywhile two people looked in via screen share18:11
cmaloneyTry it some time18:11
cmaloney(oh, and then blank out about how Python dictionaries handle adding data without a key being present. That's a fun one too.)18:12
cmaloneyso I made code, and it looks like shit18:12
cmaloneybecause stream-of-conciousness coding is what people want now18:13
ZimdaleWas that the "pair programming"?18:13
Zimdaledid they contribute?18:14
cmaloneyPair as in "you code on your machine, we watch voyeuristically"18:14
cmaloneya bit18:14
cmaloneyIt was sort of helpful, but kind of stressful18:14
Zimdale"You code on your machine while we watch and make judgemental noises"18:14
mrgoodcathad to do something similar while i was looking for the job i'm at now18:15
cmaloneyOr "What are you thinking now"?18:15
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Fun stuff18:15
mrgoodcatand the guy watching me code randomly said "sorry i walked away for a bit what did i miss?"18:15
jrwrenlol, yeah... you have to get used to explaining EVERYTHING as you are doing it... cuz they want to know what you are thinking at each step for that kind of interview.18:15
mrgoodcati was like um idk how long you've been gone18:15
jrwrenI pretend that I'm teaching 5th graders how to program when I'm those interview situations.18:15
cmaloneyI'm kind of an introverted coder though18:16
cmaloneyexplaining as I'm going is not how I tend to think18:16
cmaloneyMaybe if I were in "presenter mode"18:16
cmaloneybut I'm also under stress, so presenter mode tends to shut off18:17
mrgoodcatwhen i'm preparing for interview i make screencasts for the wmu computer club18:18
cmaloneymrgoodcat: That's a good idea.18:18
mrgoodcatthey're all young and easily impressed and it helps get me into the mindset of explaining my code18:18
cmaloneyAh well.18:27
mrgoodcatapparently NYC just made it illegal to ask about previous salary in interviews19:35
mrgoodcatspeaking of job interviews19:35

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