
bluesabreNow that's a changelog00:00
bluesabreRunning a test build, then uploading00:00
Unit193Oh, so you're doing it. Backing off.00:03
bluesabreUnit193: go for it00:03
bluesabreYour diff is more work than I was going to do00:03
* bluesabre hopes Unit193 backs back onto doing the upload00:12
Unit193Yeah, just about to push.00:13
Unit193Since I don't have push rights: https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/xubuntu-docs/pkging-updates/+merge/32217500:39
bluesabreSince I apparently do: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-doc/xubuntu-docs/zesty/revision/63500:45
Unit193Oh poop, I forgot to tag.00:52
bluesabreTempted to just add you :D00:55
bluesabreSince you're so handy with fixing the issues that arise00:57
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [pkging-updates] r635 Update packaging and changelog. (by Unit 193)00:57
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-docs:: [zesty] r635 Unit 193 2017-04-06 Update packaging and changelog.... (by Sean Davis)00:57
Unit193I will never understand bzr merges, btw.01:01
bluesabreYeah, they are a little... straaaange01:06
Unit193Because I know I didn't use that message!  OH WELL.  We'll fix that once we convince the docs team to use git.  Noticed when building there was even a git page.01:07
Unit193I suppose we should get XC/XTL or someone to ACK on -release.01:08
flocculantali1234: not letting me attach - possibly because marked fixed/resolved. I think ochosi wanted a new bug to cut out the chaff and have a new base to report against06:14
ali1234flocculant: okay please make a new one then :)07:45
flocculantali1234: xfce 1348108:56
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 13481 in core "Indefinite hang" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1348108:56
=== GridCube is now known as GridNick
=== GridNick is now known as GridCube
ochosibluesabre: just fyi (even if it's too late for zesty), here it is: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/releases/tag/v3.22.321:28
* bluesabre high fives ochosi21:31
* ochosi high fives back21:32
ochosibluesabre: you should really give xfce-test a try, especially with behave. it could replace most of our manual GUI testing (at least where we have well defined test-cases)21:48
bluesabreI know nothing about any of this21:48
* flocculant thinks he knows about it - thinks it's what he didn't get his head around :p21:52
flocculantevening bluesabre :)21:52
bluesabreevening flocculant 21:53
ochosii've backported the "primary" (RandR) support for xfce4-panel to 4.1221:55
ochosiany takers?21:55
ochosior even:21:56
flocculantwhat needs testing?21:56
flocculantand where?21:57
ochosithe feature is that you can in multi-display scenario use the "primary" option to tell the panel where to go21:57
ochosithis can be checked in the display dialog21:57
flocculantoh right21:57
ochosiso e.g. your laptop is always primary if you want21:57
ochosiand never "the projector" or whatever21:57
ochosiworks in gtk3 already21:58
ochosiaka git mster21:58
* flocculant has another monitor in the loft ... 21:58
ochosiyou'll see my branch here any minute: https://git.xfce.org/users/ochosi/xfce4-panel22:01
flocculantI'll dig it out over the weekend ... again :p22:01
flocculanthi knome :)22:02
knomeoi flocculant 22:02
flocculantochosi: I assume I'll need some installation other than zesty for this? 22:02
ochosianything should work with this22:02
ochosiit's plain 4.1222:03
ochosiwith one patch on top22:03
flocculantonly just got the gtk3 panel 'just so' here recently :D22:03
ochosiyou can test the other thing anywhere else if you prefer to keep the gtk3 panel ;)22:04
ochosianyway, night everyone22:04
knomenighty ochosi 22:04
flocculantochosi: if it can wait a day or so I'll do so on a clean zesty once we have RC22:04
bluesabreg'night ochosi22:04
flocculantand good night :)22:04
ochosiknome, pleia2: regarding the shirt - still in memphis i presume (https://xkcd.com/281)22:04
flocculantha ha ha 22:05
ochosiflocculant: there's no rush with this, the maintenance release won't make it into zesty directly22:05
flocculantochosi: okey doke - I'll concentrate on RC's etc for akxwi-dave this week :)22:06
ochosibluesabre: unless you think we can sneak in another small patch..?22:06
ochosi(it's literally tiny)22:07
flocculantbut literally needs testing :p22:07
ochosiyeah, it's well tested on gtk3 though and the code is identical22:08
ochosiit's just in different places ;)22:08
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r503 Fix buttons in Nautilus notification (closes #168)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)23:15
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r504 Update xfce-panel.rc (by Kate Richardson)23:15
bluesabreochosi: I can try to land those tonight or tomorrow23:18

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