
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
phunyguyUnit193: how would I go about restoring the xubuntu default session settings?  my home dotfiles are pretty messed up already from all of this.01:55
Unit193phunyguy: Generally speaking, nuke .cache/session(s?) and .config/xfce4/ , I'd do it after stopping lightdm though.  Should set you back to defaults.01:58
phunyguyUnit193: I am on regular ubuntu now to test things out, and I am having the same type of issues with the qt apps and indicators.04:10
phunyguyso who knows.04:10
knomeyou're welcome07:17
=== dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
xubuntu45wwould you recommend installing the LTS over 17.0413:30
xubuntu45won a system that I use exclusively13:30
xubuntu45wfor everything13:30
xubuntu45wbecause I'm currently running 16.10 and haven't experienced many bugs. 16.10 has actually run more smoothly than 16.04 from what I remember. So why do people recommend the LTS releases as being more 'stable' images?13:33
pmjdebruijnxubuntu45w: support for nonLTS releases is only 8 months13:46
pmjdebruijn9 months13:46
pmjdebruijnso you're forced to move to a new nonLTS within 3 months after a releases to be able to get security updates13:46
pmjdebruijnand possibly have to deal with new issues13:46
pmjdebruijnkeep in mind that 16.04.2 has the hardware enablement stack from 16.10 builtin13:47
pmjdebruijnso hardware support should be similar to 16.1013:47
pmjdebruijnxubuntu45w: hopefully that clears some stuff up?13:47
xubuntu45wSo it's just a matter of how long the support term is?13:48
xubuntu45wIn other words, if I plan on upgrading in another 3 months anyway, shouldn't I just install 17.04?13:49
xubuntu45wpmjdebruijn: if I can upgrade to the latest release without experiencing bugs or system issues, I'd rather do that than use an LTS13:53
Artemis3xubuntu45w, it everything works, stick to LTS14:01
Artemis3xubuntu45w, it is the pain of having to endure a system upgrade every 6~9 months, an upgrade which may not be reliable. Stick to LTS and that annoyance only comes every 2~5 years.14:03
pmjdebruijngenerally speaking I tend to agree with Artemis314:06
pmjdebruijnlife is too short to upgrade every six months14:06
pmjdebruijnbut in the end it's whatever anybody wants14:10
=== Guest96888 is now known as IdleOne
=== GridCube is now known as GridNick
=== GridNick is now known as GridCube
adrian_1908hey, could anyone be so kind to visit youtube and check out some random video. I'm suddenly getting a strange font for numerical elements (view count, release date, thumbs up) and wonder if that's on my side, e.g. accidental deletion of something.20:14
YankDownUnderadrian_1908: Safe to assume you've closed the browser, restarted it and tried again?20:16
adrian_1908so you don't have it occur, right?20:19
YankDownUnderadrian_1908: Nah, bro.20:19
adrian_1908ok, thanks. I'll try more things then, strange.20:21
YankDownUnderadrian_1908: Questions to ask: What did I do before this happened? What did I change? What did I update? What did I install? What settings or configurations were changed?20:21
YankDownUnderadrian_1908: One minor thing can cause a ripple effect.20:21
adrian_1908Fresh boot, I don't recall doing anything in term of updates yesterday, at least not anything that wouldn't have occurred for others like an update. (phone, brb)20:23
YankDownUnderadrian_1908: Something has changed in between the time it worked properly and now. It's generally merely a matter of digging to find out exactly what it is. It can't be aliens or solar flares or terrorists.20:25
adrian_1908Sorry phone, back. I wanted to make sure it's not on YouTube's side or something that otherwise happened to everyone. I'll do the annoying stuff now like rebooting, deleting all cookies etc :D20:40
mrkrampsadrian_1908, cleaning the cache might already help20:40
mrkrampsbut yeah, i recognized some minor font stuff going on at YT in the last days20:41
mrkrampsfor me it was just some more bold fonts where i did not expect them20:41
adrian_1908I see. Strange though, that the non-numerical text is rendered in a different font (Roboto) than the numbers (Noto Naskh Arabic UI), without actually being a different HTML element, like a <span>.20:43
adrian_1908Ok, i'll go through the routine now, thanks guys!20:44
mrkrampsmight be an issue with noto sans … o.O20:53
YankDownUnderI've sent a complaint letter - very strongly worded - that YouTube needs to be rebooted, and if they've changed anything, it MUST be changed back. ASAP. STRONGLY WORDED. With a heap of exclamation points. (end sarcasm)21:23

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