
sparkyanyone know how i can change the color of these drop down menus? https://i.imgur.com/YiDJ8Sa.png cant find the place to set it...00:33
deenoWant software installation managers are most recommended for kubuntu?01:01
Dragnslcrdeeno- if you don't like Discover, Muon should still be available in the repository01:30
DragnslcrOr there's always the option of using apt from a terminal01:30
=== lethu__ is now known as lethu
skadinnaSynaptic should also be in the repository, if you prefer that ("old-school") kind of approach01:54
=== kubuntu is now known as FlameStrike
=== usuario2 is now known as NatashaHack
Landeskoganyone help me with a grahpics issue.    i think its hdmi scaling i have to do in windows  i have a radeon r7 370  vid card and im using ashitty 32' tv for a montior   in windows i have to use hdmi scaling 5% to get the screen to fit 1920x1080    its just a little to big without it.    seems to be the same thing in kubuntu   im using mesa drivers for steam04:49
Landeskoggames but i am currently using 1680x1050 because i cant figure out how to get 1920x1080 to fit for me04:49
valorieLandeskog: did you try using xrandr?04:55
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:56
valorieoh yeah, new page, but that's the right info I think04:56
valorieit's been a long time since I had to use that04:56
Landeskogthank you    xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan on   works from console05:51
Landeskogis there a way i can make this perm   sorry im very new to linux05:51
valorieit always stayed permanent for me05:53
valoriebut that page should stay05:54
Landeskogno it didnt stay on06:04
Landeskogfor a reboot06:04
valoriewell, perhaps someone will come along who knows how to do that, Landeskog06:13
Landeskogthanks for your help06:14
valorieor you can ask in #ubuntu which is a much larger channel06:14
valoriethis is not really a Kubuntu issue06:14
Landeskogeverything i see on google says to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:19
Landeskogbut theres nothing there06:19
valorieoh, just create it06:19
valoriein the commandline, `mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf`06:20
valorieif you don't have permission to do that, use sudo before that command06:20
valoriecopy /paste between the `06:20
valoriecontrol shift v to paste in konsole06:21
FlameStrikeIs there someone here who can help me? I have just installed Kubuntu on a laptop and I cannot get it to boot.06:23
valorieFlameStrike: did it finish installing?06:24
valorieand now what happens?06:24
FlameStrikeThe machine still tells me to select a proper boot device06:25
valoriedoes it boot if you leave the USB in the machine?06:25
FlameStrikeYes, it boot with the USB drive.06:26
valorieI had this happen one time06:26
FlameStrikeI hope what worked for you will work for me06:26
valoriethere is a rare bug where the grub file is written to the USB instead of to your hard drive06:27
valoriebasically you have to write a new grub file06:27
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:27
FlameStrikeAnd how do I do that?06:27
valorieFlameStrike: I would ask in #ubuntu if the above links don't tell you enough06:28
valoriethis is an Ubuntu bug, not really Kubuntu06:28
FlameStrikeThanks, I'll give it a try.06:28
valorieit's a lot bigger channel06:28
diogenes_FlameStrike, try to disable eri in bios06:28
valorieand this one is sorta dead right now06:28
valoriediogenes_: what?06:28
valoriethis isn't uefi06:29
valoriesince it will boot with the usb in06:29
FlameStrikeI tried that, and then I couldn't even start from USB06:29
valoriedoesn't happen often, and it's an oooold bug06:30
diogenes_because usb should be fat3206:30
valoriebut since it rarely happens, nobody so far has figured out how to stop it happening06:30
valoriebut writing grub isn't that tough06:30
valorieI just don't remember how06:30
FlameStrikeWell, I'm loading from the USB now, so I'll see what I can do.06:31
lordievaderGood morning.06:33
valorieooo, lordievader might know06:33
Landeskogiveasked in a few channels im in hoping someone whos decent at nix can guide me    i dont think its to hard to do i just dont know enough about linux06:35
diogenes_FlameStrike, maybe you could try this http://dpaste.com/2R8F78606:35
FlameStrikeAny help will be appreciated06:35
lordievadervalorie: What might I know?06:36
valorieFlameStrike's problem, which I was hit by once06:37
valorieafter installing, "select a proper boot device"06:37
valoriein my case, grub got written to my usb drive06:37
[Relic]cd/dvd/usb or bad hd06:38
lordievaderYeah, that happens.06:38
lordievaderDoes look that way.06:38
valorieI didn't use that boot-repair ppa, but it looks legit06:39
valoriedunno for sure06:39
valorieas I recall, I had to chroot in to write a new grub06:39
FlameStrikeNone of the suggested solutions I've found even mentioned that as a possibility, so any help in trying a fix for that would be appreciated06:39
valorieit was no fun and took a long time06:39
lordievaderFlameStrike, valorie: that is probably the best way. Chroot into the install, from there install grub and update the grub config.06:41
valorielordievader: did you see this http://dpaste.com/2R8F78606:42
lordievaderFlameStrike: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update_Failure06:42
lordievaderYes, I personally don't like boot-repair.06:42
diogenes_boot-repair is well known solution06:44
FlameStrikeFor what it's worth, this is a new HD, so there was no update or OS replacement involved, except for the Windows on the defunct drive that preceded this one. I can't imangine why that would make a difference though.06:45
lordievaderFlameStrike: It doesn't ;)06:45
valorieif you find that old bug report, you'll see that it doesn't happen often, but afaik still happens06:45
lordievaderThat is, it shouldn't.06:45
valorieright, in many, many installs it only happened to me once06:46
FlameStrikeBoot-repair has been tried and found lacking. It's telling me there's no efi partition, when there is in fact just such a partition.06:46
diogenes_FlameStrike, so you see06:47
valoriechrooting in works06:47
diogenes_uefi is what's causing the trouble06:47
valorielack of grub is the problem06:47
FlameStrikeAnd getting rid of uefi prevented me from booting from usb or hd, so that make things worse06:48
diogenes_boot-repair should have managed to restore grub06:48
valoriechrooting works06:48
diogenes_FlameStrike, is your usb format fat32?06:48
lordievaderFlameStrike: Does /sys/firmware/efi exist in the live environment?06:49
FlameStrikeI think so. I've never reformatted a usb drive, so it's whatever is the default format.06:50
diogenes_FlameStrike, open gparted06:50
diogenes_and see the exact format of usb06:50
FlameStrikefat16 on the usb06:51
lordievaderFlameStrike: Could you check, that is a directory only created when the usb-stick is booted in efi mode.06:51
FlameStrikeYes, I can find sys/firmware/efi06:52
diogenes_I'd advice you to find a working pc or another usb drive, format it with fat32, burn kubuntu, enable uefi in bios and when you boot press f9, f12 or whaever key responsible for choosing boot device, and give it boot from your usb06:53
lordievaderRight, so you do  have uefi. Then it could be perfectly reasonable grub is 'missing'.06:55
lordievaderFlameStrike: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:55
FlameStrikeThe machine is currently booting from usb, that's not an issue. If fat32 and not fat16 is the issue, then I'll give it a try in a bit.06:56
FlameStrikeI'm familiar with that page, it suggests I change BIOS settings I can't even find in my BIOS06:57
lordievaderFilesystem should not matter.06:58
FlameStrikeI didn't think it should, but I'm not going to completely write off any possible fix, no matter how unlikely,06:59
lordievaderIf everything else fails, I suppose you could set the boot mode in the bios/uefi to legacy, i.e. bios mode.07:01
FlameStrikeNo, because then I can't even boot from the USB, which prevents me from even trying a new install.07:01
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot07:02
diogenes_lordievader, filesystem matters when it has to deal with eufi boot07:04
lordievaderdiogenes_: How come?07:05
diogenes_lordievader, try to boot from ntfs usb in uefi mode07:06
lordievadervalorie: Can't say it ain't true ;)07:06
diogenes_and you'll see why07:06
diogenes_uefi doesn't see any device other than fat3207:06
* lordievader still uses bioses exclusively07:06
FlameStrikeWell, the grub fix, or at least the instructions I found for one, did not help07:14
lordievaderWhat instructions were they?07:17
FlameStrikeI don't recall the address, but they involved chroot, grub-install, mount points07:18
FlameStrikeHere's the address, found it again: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd07:20
lordievaderThat is what valorie and I had in mind.07:23
valorieso what part didn't work, FlameStrike?07:24
FlameStrikeI'm still getting the "proper boot device" message07:24
valoriedamn it07:25
FlameStrikeNot quite how I phrased it, but yeah07:25
Landeskoganyone know how i can get xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan on    to fuckin stay perm i keep havin to enter than to get 1920x1080 to fit then its gone on reboot07:25
diogenes_Landeskog, make a script07:27
Landeskogi managed to get grub2  resolution right  but my login screen and my tty1 and wrong still07:27
lordievaderLandeskog: ^, xrandr settings are not permanent. Make a script and let systemd or something run it for you on boot.07:27
Landeskoglike a bash script?07:28
Landeskogsorry im very new to nix07:28
Landeskogi used to play around with it when iwas a kid  but been a long time07:28
diogenes_Landeskog, what is the command you have to run every time?07:29
Landeskogxrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan on07:30
diogenes_now open terminal07:30
diogenes_run: touch ~/Desktop/myscript07:31
Landeskogok just dropped to next line07:32
diogenes_echo '#!/bin/bash07:32
diogenes_xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan on' >~/Desktop/myscript07:32
Landeskog2 lines ?07:32
Landeskogor one07:32
diogenes_copy paste07:33
diogenes_tell me when u done07:33
diogenes_cat ~/Desktop/myscript07:33
diogenes_and tell me what you see07:33
Landeskog cat ~/Desktop/myscript07:34
Landeskog#!/bin/bash xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan on07:34
diogenes_run: chmod +x ~/Desktop/myscript07:34
diogenes_now look on desktop07:35
diogenes_do you see the file?07:35
Landeskogi dont see it but i see it in /home/Desktop07:36
diogenes_right click on myscript and open with a text editor07:37
Landeskogi dropped it down into 2 lines07:37
diogenes_you should see the exac this:07:38
diogenes_<diogenes_> xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set underscan o07:38
Landeskogit was all one07:38
Landeskogits proper now07:38
diogenes_without diogenes07:38
diogenes_ok now07:38
diogenes_in terminal: ~/Desktop/myscript07:38
diogenes_and see if it runs07:38
FlameStrikeWell, I think I'll give up for tonight. I'll try again another day. Thanks for trying to help.07:40
valoriesorry we couldn't help, FlameStrike07:41
Landeskogit ran i think07:41
valorieyou might search for that bug report on launchpad and see if there is any help in there07:41
valorieand report that "it is still happening!"07:41
* valorie logs out as well07:41
diogenes_Landeskog, now open system setting and go to starup applications07:41
Landeskogadd script?07:42
FlameStrikeWill do. and I'll be checking the format of my usb drives, just in case it helps.07:42
diogenes_Landeskog, yes07:42
diogenes_add script07:42
diogenes_flashdel, yes, format in fat 32 and burn iso again and don't forget, you have to switch uefi ON07:43
Landeskogit wont let me add to pre kde unless i make it a .sh?07:43
diogenes_Landeskog, DO'T USE pre os07:43
Landeskogjust startup?07:44
diogenes_it should let you add /home/&USER/Desktop/myscript07:44
Landeskogwill that fix the login screen and the tty1 or just after i login itll be correct07:44
Landeskoggonna try a quick reboot   brb07:45
diogenes_did you add the script?07:45
diogenes_or not07:45
Landeskogdiogenes_:    it worked i guess07:47
Landeskogits working after i login perfect07:47
diogenes_if it's working there, then it will work after reboot also07:47
Landeskogbut my login screen and tty1   before i login are still incorrect resolution   because i need the  underscan to be on07:47
Landeskogi rebooted already07:47
diogenes_Landeskog, is it alright when you rebooted?07:49
Landeskogwhen i start my pc now.    it boots to the grub menu because im dual booting windows 10.   the grub menu is 1920x1080 resolution perfect because i edited /etc/default/grub   but after i click kubuntu and i see the login screen   its at 1920x1080 but its to big for my screen if that makes sense       if it hit ctrl f1 or whatever it is to get to the cmd07:51
Landeskogprompt  tty1      it is also   in 1920x1080 but to big for the screen07:51
Landeskoghope that makes sense07:51
Landeskogbut once i login your script activates and its good07:51
diogenes_so you want it to fixx your resolution in pre os? before you login?07:53
Landeskogyeah i was looking to fix it  all07:54
Landeskogits not really a big deal i guess    it just makes it very hard if somthing happens and gui crashes07:54
Landeskogi cant see anything in tty107:54
diogenes_well now you got the corerect script, all you have to do is to read the docmentation how to make it work in pre os07:56
diogenes_you can start with reading this: https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kde-workspace/kcontrol/autostart/07:56
diogenes_and good it a bit more07:56
diogenes_I mean google it a bit more07:57
Landeskogthanks for the help i appreciate it im readin this now08:04
Landeskogdiogenes_:    think this would work?08:07
diogenes_Landeskog, don't know08:10
Landeskogbout to try08:10
lordievaderAin't it better to make an Xorg config for this setting?08:16
lordievaderThat way both the login screen and the normal session benefit from it.08:16
lordievaderThe tty won't since it doesn't run X ;)08:16
=== lordievader is now known as Guest5998
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BluesKajHiyas all10:58
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BluesKajHi Mad_John15:43
Mad_JohnOh sorry is it an english channel ? I'm new and I'm discovering15:44
BluesKajthat's fine, your English seems good, but you can join #ubuntu-fr if you wish15:47
Mad_JohnYes I speak english not that bad, thanks you for the french channel haha15:56
Mad_JohnOne last question : how do I join a new channel ?15:58
Mad_JohnOne last question : how do I join a new channel ?15:59
Mad_JohnIt's ok, I found how to do16:00
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sadkfadklsfasdkfhey everyone, i have a laptop w/nvidia graphics + nvidia binary installed, and i have a problem with unplugging from an external LCD19:57
sadkfadklsfasdkfso far, here's what i've diagnosed: working on laptop LCD works OK. plugging in an external monitor (HDMI) works OK. unplugging the LCD works fine. restarting without the LCD plugged in goes into X, shows me a login screen, then goes to a black screen instead of loading KDE19:59
sadkfadklsfasdkfif I plug in the external LCD and restart, everything works okay.19:59
sadkfadklsfasdkfswitching to another console works OK. killing Xorg + sddm + whatever and restarting it brings me to login, but then it does the black screen thing again.20:00
sadkfadklsfasdkfnow, i tried to delete some stuff in my home dirs to fix the problem, and it does fix it20:01
diogenes_what did you remove?20:02
sadkfadklsfasdkfi'm digging through "history" and trying to remember20:02
sadkfadklsfasdkfi have done it a few times before too, so I narrowed it down a bit, but it's been more of a trial-and-error approach than anything20:03
sadkfadklsfasdkfi remember it's definitely probably in ~/.kde or ~/.config or ~/.cache20:03
sadkfadklsfasdkfor maybe ~/.local20:03
sadkfadklsfasdkfyeah, it may have been ~/.local/share/20:04
diogenes_never ran into such issue20:05
sadkfadklsfasdkfhere's my session from when I last did this20:06
sadkfadklsfasdkflooks like it may have been anything in ~/.local, ~/.config, and ~/.kde so not very helpful20:07
diogenes_did it have such behavior before you installed nvidia driver?20:09
sadkfadklsfasdkfI don't think I've ever run without the NVIDIA driver, but I've been through several versions and it's always been the same.20:10
diogenes_how did you install nvidia driver?20:10
sadkfadklsfasdkfwget, chmod +x, ./NVIDIAblahblahblah, mokutil --import, shutdown -r now20:11
sadkfadklsfasdkfidk? the usual method.20:12
diogenes_this is not the recommended way20:13
diogenes_you should have used driver manager20:13
sadkfadklsfasdkfhere's the thing, it works fine with choosing "gnome" from sddm login screen20:13
sadkfadklsfasdkfon either config20:13
sadkfadklsfasdkfit's only Plasma that breaks, and only after login20:13
diogenes_then it's plasma 5 another bug, plasma 5 is the buggiest of all the previous versions20:14
sadkfadklsfasdkfso... check in #plasma?20:16
diogenes_yeah I guess20:18
R13oseI am getting a warning when I doing "sudo service network-manager status".  Arping could not be found; no ARPs will be sent.20:21
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