
mupBug #1680990 opened: A failed deployment cannot the fixed using Rescue mode <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680990>00:15
mupBug #1680993 opened: [2.1.3] Ubuntu deployment fails in BIOS/Legacy mode <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1680993>00:46
DerpmeisterHi, everyone. Attempt #2 in hoping to get help here with MAAS web-UI. Specifically, I'm still trying to get HTTPS to work properly with MAAS. Should I try a iptables port redirect or can I get away with doing this with apache2?15:50
DerpmeisterAnd if I can get away with doing this with apache2, what config do I need to look at? Because the maas-http.conf for some reason doesn't seem to want to work on port 443.15:51
DerpmeisterHmm... I wonder...15:57
DerpmeisterCurrent config for apache2 as it stands: https://pastebin.com/BfdcKSUd15:59
Derpmeisterlol I think I blew up the config.16:11
DerpmeisterYep, it's not even working even when reverting the changes...16:16

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