
mwhudsoni presume it's more or less standard policy that tzdata changes end up getting SRUed?01:38
Unit193Pretty normal.01:38
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Laneyzul: Your neutron is still failing tests.10:38
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tsdgeoswas a pleasure working for Canonical! /me waves13:32
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bdmurraybarry: What did you say about the pyclean package install failure issue?17:55
barrybdmurray: it just looks like pyclean is being run by python3 which makes no sense given that py3clean should be run by python317:56
bdmurraybarry: so presumably a local configuration issue?17:57
barrybdmurray: my guess is that this is another case of someone pointing /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python317:58
barrywhich no one should do17:58
dobeyor if you're going to do it, you should at least remove all the python2 stuff, and pin those packages so they can't be installed again18:00
bdmurraybarry: Maybe we should check for that in apport?18:01
barrybdmurray: that would actually be very helpful for debugging these cases because it seems like it might not be an uncommon thing for people to do, even though they have to manually toggle the symlink18:02
bdmurraybarry: bug 1681528 if you are interested18:09
ubottubug 1681528 in apport (Ubuntu) "Include information about python versions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168152818:09
barrybdmurray: thanks18:10
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* xnox feels kind of bad for flying united20:30
* xnox hopes the fares will go down even further20:30
ogra_wel, according to some news sites you might need to use ships to leave your country after brexit :)20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681566 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "nvidia-375 DKMS module not recompiled on upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,New]20:38
jackpot51Updating from 16.10 to 17.04 is broken on NVIDIA systems20:38
bdmurraycould you add your upgrade log files found in /var/log/dist-upgrade?20:39
jackpot51Will do20:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681566 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "nvidia-375 DKMS module not recompiled on upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:42
jackpot51bdmurray: Maybe it should be moved to nvidia-graphics-drivers-375?20:52
bdmurrayjackpot51: I found something else suspicious20:54
jackpot51bdmurray: What is it?20:59
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bdmurrayjackpot51: Do you know what the system76-driver-nvidia package does?21:02
dmj_s76Why yes!21:02
dmj_s76bdmurray: It just depends on nvidia-375 and ubuntu-driver-common.  It also installs some xorg quirks to handle a few specific gpu/display combinations.21:05
bdmurraySo in apt-term.log we can see dkms building the driver for the 4.8 kernel - around line 410021:07
jackpot51Right. It does not trigger for 4.1021:07
jackpot51On line 4928, it should have run21:08
jackpot51And 525621:09
bdmurray4928? Mine only goes to 10 er 482321:09
dmj_s76Line 5450 shows it loading nvidia dkms modules for 4.821:10
jackpot51Oh, sorry. There are \r's that are counted as newlines21:10
dmj_s76Line 5450 -> 414121:13
bdmurrayThe suspicious thing I saw was in main.log re nvidiaUpdate() and "no old nvidia driver installed" but that probably isn't causing this21:14
jackpot51I wonder where that comes from21:18
bdmurrayubuntu-release-upgrader's DistUpgradeCache.py21:19
bdmurrayIt looks like its for transitioning from different driver version numbers, but I'm guessing a bit.21:20
bdmurrayRegardless ubuntu-drivers-obsolete.pkgs seems a bit old to me21:21
jackpot51bdmurray: Any ideas on how to fix this?21:26
bdmurrayjackpot51: Could you test w/o the system76 ppa?21:29
jackpot51Sure thing bdmurray21:30
bdmurrayjackpot51: thanks!21:32
ZtaI'm trying to build a package from some random app. I want to properly fill in the Depends: section of my DEBIAN/control file.  Is there a tool for this? I mean something that analyses (ldd) the binary and looks up the epoch version?21:43
ZtaSo that given a binary I get "Depends: liballegro4.4, libc6 (>= 2.14), libgcc1 (>= 1:3.0), libgif7 (>= 5.1), libjpeg8 (>= 8c)"21:43
ZtaI've scripted it in bash for now, but it's not pretty21:46
tarpmanZta: sounds like you might be working one or two levels too low. the stuff that goes in the binary package (DEBIAN/ and such) is normally auto-generated by the dpkg-dev tools (dpkg-gencontrol and friends). the specific tool you're looking for is called dpkg-shlibdeps. at a higher level, most packages use debhelper to orchestrate the build. start here: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/21:55
ZtaI'll look into this tomorrow.21:57
cardboard64my touchpad stops working after some time on 17.0422:10
cardboard64how can I troubleshoot that?22:11
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