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LinuxmeisterGot a quick question.. Yesterday my WiFi was working perfectly fine and today I booted up and there is no WiFi icon or anything to connect to the WiFi. I tried restarting network manager and such but the only answers I could find were for Ubuntu07:25
LinuxmeisterDid anyone answer my question? I got disconnected, on my phone right now07:43
valorieLinuxmeister: I tried, but you disappeared! Kubuntu uses the same networkmanager as the rest of Ubuntu07:45
valoriethe only difference is the widget07:45
valorieso probably best to ask in #ubuntu which is a larger channel and probably busier at this timeofday07:46
LinuxmeisterAh right I see. Well I tried plugging in my usb WiFi card but still has no network manager in the bar07:46
valorieLinuxmeister: you may have to resort to nmcli if something crashed and messed with some of the settings07:53
valorie"nmcli" is short for networkmanager commandline07:54
valorieand you may have to install it in the konsole, and use man nmcli to figure out how to figure out what is working, what isn't, and how to turn things back on07:55
valoriewell shoot, I was hoping there was a nice page somewhere07:55
LinuxmeisterAlrighty thanks for the help, I'll try and see what's wrong with it07:55
LinuxmeisterIt doesn't make sense though. It says the state is disconnected but WiFi is enabled07:57
valoriei've used it, but it took me forever07:59
valorieif you have IRC, I again suggest #ubuntu08:00
valorieyou are more likely to find someone who can help better08:00
LinuxmeisterYeah I posted there already but just spammed away by people connecting and leaving08:00
valoriewell, it's about 1am here and I'm about to sleep08:00
LinuxmeisterAlrighty, well thanks for the help anyway. Also it seems it's connected to the internet and it's working now but there's still no network manager widget. But at least your nmcli command worked. Thank you very much :)08:02
valorieyou can always try to re-add the widget08:03
valoriebest of luck!08:04
* valorie heads bedward08:04
LinuxmeisterIf I know how to find the network manager widget08:04
LinuxmeisterAnyways cya and take care then08:04
hateballlinuxmeister: unlock widgets -> rightclick system tray and go into settings -> tick network manager08:08
hateballand then lock widgets again, if you like08:08
linuxmeisterThat might explain everything08:12
linuxmeisterI do remember yesterday unticking everything because it was looking cluttered and I didn't see the network widget when going through it yet again this morning08:13
linuxmeisterThanks as well08:13
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SLizzielol theres no one in here11:07
lordievaderSLizzie: Sure there is, have you seen /names?11:13
SLizzie!seen names11:14
ubottuI have no seen command11:14
SLizziestupid bot11:14
lordievaderIt is a command for your irc client.11:14
SLizziemy computer has a name and that doesn't make it somebody11:15
SLizzieerr maybe it makes it someone11:16
BluesKajHi folks12:19
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ronnoco/ BluesKaj16:04
BluesKajhi ronnoc16:05
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user|92312how to move menubar to titlebar17:05
oshunluvruserj92312: Are you asking about using a Global Menu or how to move the Tray?18:24
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Guest29171trying to play music via bluetoot, no sound from any device23:40
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dannyjazzanyone can help23:40
kubuntu16_10hi...is this kubuntu help channel?23:54
kubuntu16_10any alive here?23:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:55
kubuntu16_10I'm trying to install kubuntu16.10 alongside windows (dual boot, windows partition is shrunk ) according to http://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/ ...at Disk Setup it gives me no options ( dimmed) other than Undo All Changes...how to proceed?23:57
kubuntu16_10NewPartition , Add, Change , Delete are all dimmed and unavailable23:58
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.23:58

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