
mwhudsondo snap builds run as root?00:29
mwhudsonah log makes the answer clearly yes00:30
mwhudsoni'm looking at this failure, can't reproduce locally: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/315197087/buildlog_snap_ubuntu_xenial_amd64_go-tip_BUILDING.txt.gz00:35
mwhudsoni've tried in a chroot, which is the most obvious strangeness about the buildd environment00:36
mwhudsonsame kernel version00:36
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rbasakHow do I get from a bug_task to the name of the source package in Ubuntu to which it refers (assuming it is an Ubuntu task)?13:34
rbasakI see target_link, but if that's an IDistroSeries that seems to refer to the series as a whole, instead of a specific source package?13:35
rbasak"t.target.name" I think.13:40
rbasaktarget_link will be distribution_source_package which does include the source package.13:40
rbasakI think what confused me is that bug_target says "Examples include an IDistribution, an IDistroSeries and an IProduct" and I didn't realise that an IDistributionSourcePackage exists.13:42
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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cholcombecan launchpad mirror from private github repos?20:34
cholcombei want to create a snap from it20:34
dobeyi don't think so20:37
cholcombedobey: that might be why i've been waiting for hours and it hasn't imported haha20:41
cholcombethat explains some stuff20:41
dobeyi mean, it's private, so why would launchpad have access to it?20:41
cholcombei figured if the owners matched on github and launchpad that maybe it would work20:42
dobeyand then it wouldn't be private on launchpad, which would defeat the purpose of it being private on github20:42
cholcombehaha good point20:42
dobeywell launchpad doesn't have your private keys20:43
cholcombei'm not thinking this through20:43

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