
doge-dogehey guys, has anyone here tested the upgrade path from 16.10 to 17.04 with an existing luks install?01:30
doge-dogei'm basically concerned about this lone report: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/upgrade-from-16-10-to-17-04-with-luks-already-installed-has-this-been-tested/1235701:33
naccdoge-doge: the response?01:34
naccdoge-doge: it's unclear if the bug is with the upgrade process or the 'power outage forced a reboot'01:34
doge-dogeit's sounds like 50/50 his power outage caused the issue01:34
naccdoge-doge: it's unclear if the upgrade actually finished, which isn't necessarily a valid test01:34
naccdoge-doge: i'd hang around here to see, you might also see if the commentor can file a bug01:35
doge-dogethe question is why would it break his luks partition if the headers are supposedly fine01:35
naccdoge-doge: i don't know enough about luks to say01:36
doge-dogea $100 ups is probably the most underrated pc component of all time01:36
doge-doge<request>well, i'm out. someone please test it out before the release in 3 days and kindly post in that thread if success/fail. </request> thanks.01:51
=== jtaylor_ is now known as jtaylor
lrojashi all12:50
lrojasi am trying to upgrade ubuntu 16.10 to 17.0412:50
lrojasbut even after following the instructions on the web site about using update-manager -d, i dont get any notification for a new release of ubuntu12:51
k1l_run "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" in terminal and see what issue there is12:52
lrojaslet me try that12:52
lrojasthat seems to work12:54
=== SuperLag_ is now known as SuperLag
CrackerJackk1l_ dai i tuka kvo me jalish :)15:01
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ouroumovGuys, can anyone *not* using Ubuntu MATE check if this is an issue affecting other flavors? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/168191219:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681912 in ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu) "[Zesty] missing dnsmasq package breaks NetworkManager connection sharing feature" [Undecided,New]19:04
vertago1Some recent package update seems to have broken kde21:09
valorievertago1: can you say more about what you mean?21:20
valorieI'm running the latest zesty on kubuntu21:20
valorieand latest updates have been fine21:20
valorieI'm assuming you mean "KDE software" or plasma is broken....21:21
vertago1I have two machines that crash on login21:26
vertago1let me get a fresh .xsession errors file21:29
vertago1the errors change if I try to login twice21:29
vertago1Loading stage  "initial" 18521:43
vertago1startkde: Starting up...21:43
vertago1kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/klauncher'21:43
vertago1kdeinit5: Launched KLauncher, pid = 3607, result = 021:43
vertago1Waiting for already running klauncher to exit.21:43
vertago1Waiting for already running klauncher to exit.21:43
k1l_vertago1: better use a pasteservice like paste.ubuntu.com to show a lot of text21:44
vertago1Yeah I had planned on it, but I am juggling a fussy baby and 2 desktops that don't login so I forgot to put it in pastbin21:46
k1l_vertago1: if you are on cli only you can pipe them directly to a pastebin with "cat /path/to/some/file | nc termbin.com 9999"21:47
vertago1those are for the two separate desktops21:48
vertago1If I use sudo startx, log out. Delete the .Xauthority files then it works until I reboot.21:52
vertago1nvm it didn't work this last time21:54
vertago1I guess I will just scrap my home dir for now21:54
vertago1that had no effect21:58
vertago1even after copying in /etc/skel21:58
vertago1deleting the /var/kde-cache for my user didn't work22:03
vertago1I am thinking it might be related to chrome-remote-desktop which is 3rd party so I am removing that.22:08
vertago1that seems to have fixed it22:08
vertago1yeah that was the problem22:10
vertago1I am going to see if I can figure out exactly what the issue wasn and hopefully report it upstream so it isn't an issue after release.22:11

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