
zakihi pavlushka17:31
pavlushkahey zaki, checked out my twitter bot?17:31
zakidetails. 17:35
zakipavlushka: nice17:39
zakiall those tweet in short time. :D17:39
pavlushkazaki: on FB, he he, yes17:39
zakiFB ?17:40
pavlushkamy tweets from more than a year or even more is abt 1700 and that bot tweeted 762 already in one day17:40
pavlushkazaki: though the daily limit is 300 tweets may be17:41
zakihmm 17:41
zakiso what bot this is! :D17:42
pavlushkazaki: and running this bot I came to know that there is a lot of propaganda running on tweeter against Bangladesh!!!17:42
u-la-lapavlushka meant to say: zaki: and running this bot I came to know that there is a lot of propaganda running on twitter against Bangladesh!!!17:42
zakioh. :D now i know that too. :D17:43
pavlushkalike this one http://www.thedailystar.net/backpage/maldives-model-found-dead-rajshahi-hostel-138347517:44
u-la-la[ Maldives model found dead in Rajshahi hostel ] - http://www.thedailystar.net17:44
pavlushkaand the western media is saying this http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/04/10/bangladesh-family-vogue-model-killed-refusing-wear-islamic-garments/17:45
u-la-la[ Bangladesh Family: 'Vogue' Model Killed for Refusing to Wear Islamic Garments ] - http://www.breitbart.com17:45
zakiyep reading your replyes.17:45
pavlushkazaki: and many more17:45
pavlushkalike minorities issues17:45
pavlushkazaki: and also media is trying to link between Bangladesh bank hacking and North Korea.17:46
pavlushkaHilariously absurd.17:47
zakihe he17:47
pavlushkazaki: missing Tuhin, heh17:47
zakilol yeah. 17:48
zakipavlushka: nice work by the way. :) 17:48
zakiand how are you doing/17:48
zakihad dinner?17:48
pavlushkazaki: good, my hard disk crashed with all my past work and the works after getting my membership :(17:49
pavlushkabut I am good, he he17:49
pavlushkayep , had my dinner :)17:50
pavlushkazaki: and you know what? the name @bdbot is already registered, lol17:53
pavlushkaSo I had to choose @BDeshbot, heh17:54
pavlushkazaki: and iits a simple python twitter bot :)17:57
pavlushka.yt Tankian18:00
u-la-laYouTube returned 411129 results: Serj Tankian - Empty Walls (Video) by serjtankian (https://youtu.be/-CxKA1uETxE), The Best Of Serj Tankian HD by ExtremeDark (https://youtu.be/zNZ_nqJD3hM), Serj Tankian - Harakiri by serjtankian (https://youtu.be/PQtRXqBQETA), Serj Tankian - Artsakh by serjtankian (https://youtu.be/ttfk0QinrQk)18:00
pavlushka.tw Pavlu18:19
u-la-la@hstapanghosh @BDeshbot BTW, We have 63 District Controllers out of 64 districts from a single group of minorities. You can guess now :) | By: @Pavlu, Date: Tue Apr 11 16:54:54 +0000 2017, RT#: 0, Favs: 118:19
pavlushka.tw BDbot18:19
u-la-laIndexError: list index out of range (file "/home/pavlushka/Downloads/jenni/modules/twitter.py", line 131, in fetchbyUserName)18:19
pavlushka.tw BDeshbot18:19
u-la-laRT: India offers $10 billion investment, $5 billion loan to Bangladesh http://ift.tt/2p28QlC | By: @khalidrafiq138, Date: Tue Apr 11 18:19:39 +0000 2017, RT#: 1, Favs: 018:19
zakipavlushka: sorry about your hdd. :|18:37
pavlushkazaki: np, shit happens, lol18:38
zakimy portable one also crashed some days ago. 18:38
zaki640 gb18:38
zakihow about miles? is he oky? 18:39
pavlushkazaki: I can tell he was, till yesterday at least, cant say about today, sorry :(18:43
zakioky. :)18:44

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