
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:26
OerHekshi lotuspsychje03:28
OerHeksgoing to bed soon ...03:28
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks03:28
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: didnt sleep yet?03:28
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: \0 . sure is lonesome in #lotuscomputers :P03:28
OerHeksnope :-(03:28
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om03:28
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: sunshine, much work in the kitchen :p03:29
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Busy mind keeps the devil away ;)03:29
lotuspsychjeand an apple also03:29
lotuspsychjedoes ubuntu-gnome already use wayland on 16.04?03:30
ubot5Wayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.03:31
Menzadorlotuspsychje: Is there's a "GNOME on Wayland" session, you'd have to manually select it.03:40
MenzadorNone of the GNOME versions Ubuntu ships have the Wayland session by default03:40
lotuspsychjeMenzador: lets say someone installs ubuntu-gnome  16.04 right now, will he be getting automatic updated to 18.04 gnome with wayland then?03:42
MenzadorAutomatic? No.03:42
MenzadorWill 18.04 have a GNOME release that uses Wayland as default? Probably.03:42
lotuspsychjeMenzador: yeah well i mean, have the choice03:42
MenzadorAt that point in time we should have the next version of GNOME (whatever comes after 3.24, whether that's being called 3.26 or 4.0 I'm not sure)03:43
lotuspsychjeif gnome will be default ubuntu desktop, its pretty the same as ubuntu-gnome right now right? except for wayland then03:44
MenzadorLooks like 3.26 it will be03:44
Menzadorlotuspsychje: It will ultimately depend on what the release team wants put into it.03:44
MenzadorI'd say darkxst would have a good roadmap for that, or jbicha03:44
lotuspsychjeim asking because of making users already confortable with gnome right now03:44
MenzadorHopefully 3.26 itself will make it into 17.1003:45
Menzadorif not it will definitely be in 18.04 LTS03:45
MenzadorIt depends on whether Ubuntu and GNOME are going to coordinate releases again.03:45
lotuspsychjeim curious03:47
lotuspsychjeMenzador: mark said he will leave the gnome guys alone, and not making a tuned something else03:47
MenzadorSo that most certainly means you'll have to wait for 3.26 until 18.04.03:48
MenzadorHowever, my 2ยข is that if in 17.10 we can get as much of actual 3.24 without patched Ubuntu whatters-now in there, we're golden03:48
lotuspsychjethat might be prudent indeed03:49
lotuspsychjethe problem is my users all pretty used to unity7 atm03:49
lotuspsychjewill be shocking at 18.0403:50
Menzadorlotuspsychje: MATE might be a good migration option if you're at liberty to do so03:50
lotuspsychjeMenzador: i need something vanilla and stable for my users03:51
MenzadorWell, we didn't patch MATE with a maze of whatters-nows03:52
Menzadoror KDE for that matter :)03:52
MenzadorAlthough if you're looking for something that is pure GNOME goodness, I'd try another distro altogether.03:53
lotuspsychjeMenzador: im too dedicated to ubuntu, ill try the 18.04 for sure03:54
MenzadorHopefully the GNOME will be pure there, now that Unity patches won't be needed03:55
MenzadorIn the past I've used Arch Linux with GNOME, about as pure as you can get. It looks raw around the edges without the usual pre-configured tweaks, but otherwise it's quite stunning.03:56
lotuspsychjevanilla is good03:57
lotuspsychjei surely wont take the unity7 road, if im not 100% sure til get nice updates n such03:57
lotuspsychjeeven if it hits the repos03:57
lotuspsychjeworking day, laterz guys05:01
ducassegood morning06:24
BluesKajHi folks12:19
OerHeksHi there BluesKaj12:23
BluesKajHey OerHeks12:27
ducassehi BluesKaj - up and at'em! :)12:36
immuhi all12:43
immuBluesKaj: hi12:50
BluesKajhi immu13:09
immuBluesKaj: whats up13:21
BluesKajimmu:  installing some networking packages etc13:27
immukubuntu? BluesKaj13:31
BluesKajon debian atm13:32
immuhow is debian? BluesKaj everything works?13:43
immuNo LSB modules are available.13:51
immuDistributor ID:Ubuntu13:51
immuDescription:Ubuntu 17.0413:51
BluesKajimmu:  i'm still installing packages , but so far so good.14:13
immuon debain i suppose? blue14:14
immuBluesKaj: on debain i suppose?14:15
immuFailed to download software updates? any reason14:17
BluesKajimmu:  ask in #ubuntu14:36
immuBluesKaj: ok14:36
naccmorning all14:55
ducasse\o nacc15:01
immuducasse: BluesKaj nacc Good evening here15:03
BluesKajhey nacc15:29
nacchow are folks doing?15:29
naccseems like finally the unity madness is dying down and this is the 'new normal' again :)15:30
baizoni dont want gnome!15:30
baizonnow i have to switch to kde :/15:30
baizoni love unity15:30
naccyou can keep using unity15:30
naccunity7, that is15:30
baizonnot really15:30
naccwhy not?15:31
baizonfor 1 year max15:31
naccit just won't be the default desktop15:31
baizonbecause i bet with gnome, ubuntu will switch to wayland. There is no unity for wayland15:31
naccunity will be in the repositories for probably ever15:31
naccthere will be some effort to make it work, i'm sure15:31
baizonunity only works with X1115:31
baizonnot really, because then compiz also needs to be ported15:32
baizonand thats to much effort for unity715:32
baizonthats why i wanted unity8, but thats needs much time to get stable15:33
BluesKajthank the Lord KDE/Plasma is supported by Blue Systems now15:34
naccbaizon: ok, there is a year and that's a long time in the open source world, i'm not so pessimistic15:34
naccbut i also don't use unity15:34
baizonno chance, without a company there is no chance for a community unity until 20.0415:36
xanguaThere's already a fork15:36
baizonyes there is with a 0.0.1 version15:36
baizonim watching it on githubn15:36
ducassei am quite sure x will still be there for both 18.04 and 20.04...15:36
xanguaThat's both sad and funny15:37
ducassenonetheless, true15:37
xanguaIs there a German word for that feeling?15:38
naccsort of15:39
xanguaJust reading that word makes me feel that way15:40
naccliterally shame-happiness15:40
naccbut it is more taking pleasure out of pain, iirc15:40
ducasse'schade' = 'injury', i think15:41
ducassewe have the same word, 'skade'15:41
nacc"pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune."15:41
naccyeah, 'harm' generally15:42
naccharm-joy literarlly, then -- been a while since i translated german :(15:42
OerHeksducasse, do you have a roll of tape ?15:55
ducassea roll of tape? what did you break?15:55
ducasselet me get back to you on that one :)15:56
OerHeksyes please15:57
nicomachusOerHeks: my cats would definitely do that15:57
ducassesee if it works with dogs also.15:57
OerHeksit does not work with chihuahuas15:57
nicomachusone sec, texting gf15:57
OerHeks* unless i put his food bowl in it15:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
* nacc just wants to have the ability slap users16:55
naccis that so much to ask?16:55
daftykinswell, then they could slap back :( and given they're mostly troll idiots, that'd be a bad one :>16:56
naccfor context, fugee on #ubuntu claiming it's a conspiracy that `cp` sets the ctime on the target file16:56
daftykinssounds like he or she needs to relax with some Fugees16:58
naccdaftykins: good idea, /me plays some here16:59
OerHeksi'll mail him an United voucher, oke?17:03
naccthat's a nice threat :)17:03
daftykinsi was just watching videos of that incident, heard it on the radio today17:03
OerHeksThank you for flying #freenode ... errr wait17:03
OerHeksdaftykins, remember this one? https://www.dropbox.com/s/fki8c5td32glcv2/2017spring.JPG?dl=017:05
OerHeksupdate today >> https://www.dropbox.com/s/hfn76t6vfwflmnh/2017spring2.JPG?dl=017:06
daftykinsyay :D nice17:07
daftykinsvery green17:07
daftykinsoop patch tuesday has just kicked off, having reached 6pm17:08
daftykinsmust reboot this host17:09
ducasseprefixing your question (that you first asked a couple of minutes earlier) with 'NOTICE ME!' is just *so* appealing...17:10
poinkuRofl the top comment says pinterest was wrong it is a rectangle21:59
poinkuOerHeks' url22:00
poinkuOn April 11 201722:01
poinkuSorry it was from my Log22:01
poinkuI didn't pay attention22:01
=== ariver is now known as Guest85819

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