
blackdoutNothing serious, just cosmetic and removing anything else fixes it *shrug*00:00
jbichasee also LP: #166229600:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1662296 in unity (Ubuntu) "Remap renamed .desktop files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166229600:00
jbichaonce we start caring more about good GNOME experience over good Unity experience, it might solve your problem00:01
jbichayou're welcome to file a new bug if you think what you are seeing is a different issue00:01
blackdoutFor sure, thanks for the links00:03
blackdoutSo far all of the 32 bit installers are looking good man, anything not listed you want extra attention to?00:05
jbichablackdout: thanks! I appreciate it00:07
jbichait sounds like they are going to do a respin though00:08
jbichabut now that we know these images work, it should be faster to test them for the next spin00:08
jbichayou might want to hang out in #ubuntu-release if you want to see more about what's going on with the release00:09
blackdoutOh right on, I'll check that out and be ready to check out the next spin00:14
jbichayou can also subscribe to test cases at iso.qa.ubuntu.com to get emails when a new image is ready for testing00:16
darkxstjbicha, hey made some edits to the future bit09:46
darkxstI don't think there is any rush to get it our before thursday09:46
darkxstI tried to make it a little more vague, but also indicate we are closely with Canonical to define the future09:47
darkxstclosely working with Canonical09:47
=== highlander is now known as highlander_
highlander_hello, I wanted to install Ubuntu Gnome 17.04 and I'm wondering if I'll end up with the full final release if I keep updating it in a few days when it comes out or will I have to reinstall?10:59
highlander_Oh, development channel, sorry... listed under support on the Ubuntu site.10:59
darkxstjbicha, are you happy with my edits on the release notes?12:42
jbichadarkxst: yes, thank you12:57
=== ricky1 is now known as rickyh
blackdoutHey guys, running the ISO tests on laptops I ran into LP: #1660345, where no battery checkbox is provided. Seems pretty trivial and I wouldn't have caught it without testing on laptops, should I check Failed / Passed / or In Progress for the results? Also should I link to that bug or create a new one since I was running on 32b laptops and not in a virtualbox?18:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1660345 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "'Is plugged to a power source' checkbox missing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/166034518:14
jbichablackdout: feel free to comment on that bug18:19
jbichaI'm guessing it's just not a very high priority right now unless someone proposes a fix :|18:20
blackdoutI was going to test out a 64b laptop and then comment18:21
blackdoutYeah, it seems pretty trivial18:21
jbichaodds are, 64bit won't make a difference there18:21
blackdoutgotcha, well I'll go ahead and confirm it and comment. Want me to pass the ISO tests and post the bug with a comment?18:23
jbichait sounds like a pass to me, it's up to you whether you want to mention that bug number18:24
jbichaI think it's likely there will be yet another respin18:24
blackdoutAh ok18:25
blackdoutSaw you mentioning something about docs18:25
jbichayes, I was talking about LP: #168189618:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1681896 in gnome-user-docs (Ubuntu) "Update gnome-user-docs to 3.24.0" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168189618:26
TheNumbHi :)18:49
blackdoutis it worth taging LP: #1047384 since it's already on the Ubuntu bug list?19:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104738419:19
InventorTechieQuick question: Setting up another Ubuntu Gnome install on a new ThinkPad... I am not getting the option for "Install Ubuntu Gnome Alongside Windows 10."20:23
InventorTechieI have resided the disk already. 128gb each for both windows and linux basically. Ext4 for the Ubuntu partition.20:23
jbichaInventorTechie: could you ask in #ubuntu, the people there might have more experience with that question20:27

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