
as__hello, I use ubuntu14.04LTS, and when i hit the poweroff button at tty1-6, the system shutdown immediately?? is this a bug?08:42
ouroumov_hello as_08:44
ouroumov_as__, not sure, check your power management preferences08:45
as__ouroumov_, thanks, but that preferences just work for the tty7 ;(08:47
ouroumov_as__, oh08:50
alkisgas__: what would you expect? a prompt? tty08:51
ouroumov_as__, well, not sure how to help you there08:51
alkisg's are not multitasking..08:51
alkisgI think it's the best thing that the ttys can do, to immediately shutdown08:51
alkisgAnd it's great that systemd checks if there's a gui running (to issues a prompt) or not08:51
alkisgI.e. all fine there :)08:51
as__alkisg, on ubuntu12.04, i hit the power button on tty1-6(not gui), and nothing happens08:55
as__think about if i hit the power button accidentally, the system will going to shutdown :(08:56
ouroumov_hi crankypuss08:58
alkisgas__: you can disable that probably from policykit09:10
alkisgas__: as for "accidentaly", well, I can also push the powerhub button and turn off the power, accidentally :D09:11
alkisgIt's a button; it's supposed to do something09:11
alkisgIf you don't like the default behavior, sure, you can change it09:11
alkisgCheck this, http://askubuntu.com/questions/362914/how-to-prevent-the-power-button-to-shutdown-directly-the-system09:12
alkisgFirst answer there09:12
as__alkisg: thank you very much, i tried to change the /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh yesterday and found that just work for GUI, i'll try to change the HandlePowerKey ;)09:19
ouroumov_flexiondotorg, the forums seem to be down09:27
ouroumov_https://status.bytemark.org/ gives a server error too09:31
crankypussouroumov_ i can never remember how to spell your nick, it's the second "u" that gets me ;-)09:33
ouroumov_Oh, I got the page once and they're reporting a connectivity issue with estimated resolution time of 1H09:33
ouroumov_crankypuss, you can autocomplete :p09:34
Astro7467ouroumov_:  think the connectivity issue is intermittent as I can see both OK (forums & bytemark status)09:34
ouroumov_Astro7467, yeah it's back09:36
ouroumov_They've updated the issue and added a new one about their cloud servers being investigated & restarted09:36
crankypussouroumov_, hey, that autocomplete biz is pretty cool, thanks for the clue-in!  you also using hexchat?09:44
=== plaindave is now known as PlainDave
PlainDaveI just upgraded from 16.04.2 to 17.04 beta2, and it didn't ask me during the install if I wanted to keep all my programs and settings.12:55
alkisgPlainDave: upgrade means from 16.04 to 16.10 to 17.04 with `do-release-upgrade`13:22
alkisgWhat you did was "clean install"13:23
alkisgTo keep /home in clean install, you need to select "something else" in the installer, and tell him to reuse the existing partitions13:23
PlainDaveoh okay. thanks. I thought it didn't really look quite right.13:23
PlainDaveoh, I did click on Something Else.13:24
PlainDaveand chose the partition13:24
alkisgDo you have a separate /home?13:24
alkisgOr all in root?13:24
PlainDavelooks like all in root13:25
PlainDaveno separate13:25
alkisgOK, did you select to use sda1 as / and as ext4?13:25
alkisgIf so, it would prompt you that "folders bin, lib, usr etc will be overwritten", but it should have kept /home13:26
alkisgDid it keep /home/username as it was?13:26
alkisgAll fine then13:27
PlainDaveyes okay. thanks.13:27
PlainDaveno big deal. lately, I've been trying out different distros and having to set things.13:28
PlainDaveand install. thanks again.13:28
PlainDavedo you have any idea when 17.04 stable will be released?13:33
ouroumov_PlainDave, 13th of April: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZestyZapus/ReleaseSchedule14:49
ouroumov_At least, that's the plan.14:50
ouroumov_I'm hoping it will be delayed until someone fixes this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/104738414:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Medium,Triaged]14:51
jbichaouroumov_: honestly, it's probably too late for that to be fixed before 17.04; that's an old bug!14:56
jbichathe workaround is to use the "Try Ubuntu" mode and set your keyboard layout before getting to that point of the installer14:57
ouroumov_jbicha, yeah, I think so too, but I'm going to keep reporting it on each new build on the QA iso tracker because seriously this is not cool. :/14:57
ouroumov_And yeah I'm aware of the workaround, but this is still nasty for new users.15:00
ouroumov_And the only reason I know of the workaround is because I've been hit by this bug before.15:00
ouroumov_This shouldn't be anyone's first taste of Ubuntu.15:00
DarkPsydeLordwhich one the gnome one?15:02
ouroumov_DarkPsydeLord, I'm talking about the Ubiquity bug.15:03
DarkPsydeLordoh! yeah... thats unfortunate15:04
=== max__ is now known as Guest51325
=== ryan is now known as Guest52676
Guest52676Hi all.  Any suggestions for a simple Linux project for a first-time Linux-learner?  Looking to play around with terminal.  Interested in RC planes, surfing, fishing, gardening, etc.15:44
ouroumov_hi ryan / Guest5267615:45
Guest52676hi ouroumov15:45
DarkPsydeLordGuest52676, most of that sound like a job for an arduno more than a linux machine15:46
Guest52676yeah you are probably right.  But I'm in a Linux class, so I need to think of a Linux project :)15:47
ouroumov_ryan / Guest52676, DarkPsydeLord: I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure you can hack an indoor RC plane with a RPi and a few servos.15:47
DarkPsydeLordrpi its the key to automate your whole home15:47
DarkPsydeLordand linux involved in that process15:48
Guest52676I will look into RPI15:48
Guest52676Oh, you mean raspberry pi? :)15:48
DarkPsydeLordalso read automating the boring stuff with python you will get a lot of ideas15:49
Guest52676lets say I didn't want to get a raspberry pi....could I use an old PC to do a similar thing?15:52
Artemis3Guest52676, that won't be very portable, but of course computers have been able to do those things for decades15:57
ouroumov_I've just noticed that the Ubuntu archive server for France is owned by an ISP o_o15:58
ouroumov_This is awesome.15:58
ouroumov_Bouygues Telecom for the win.15:58
Artemis3makes sense, it reduces external traffic if your customers use it15:59
ouroumov_But they're taking the load for every French computer, I mean. This is not only Bouygues subscribers.16:00
Artemis3which was the point behind mirrors in the first place xD16:00
Artemis3well im in country v, but the assigned mirror is in country b, which happens to have worse ping than country u (or main)16:01
Artemis3mind you, to reach country b you need to go thru country u xD16:01
ouroumov_Is there a way to tell apt to use main server - but only if requests to local server fail?16:02
Artemis3i found something better, a way to use multiple mirrors at once... apt-fast i think its called xD16:03
ouroumov_I'll take a look16:04
=== adrian is now known as Guest96129
vtzamteam viewer 10 for ubuntu mate??16:49
ouroumov__There's a version 10?16:49
ouroumov__There's even a version 12, wow16:50
ouroumov__vtzam, so have you tried it?16:51
ouroumov__vtzam, or are you asking how to install it?16:51
vtzami saw that exist only host mode16:51
ouroumov__I don't know what host mode means but on the download page for Linux it doesn't say "host mode only" afaik16:52
vtzamthis is problem16:52
ouroumov__Oh actually it does for the RPi16:53
ouroumov__Are you using a RPi?16:53
vtzamohh i am sorry,, i forgot to said my device!!!! rasberry pi316:53
vtzami forgot it,,,16:53
ouroumov__And so why is host mode a problem (and what is it?)16:54
vtzamhost mode is to connect from outside only to host16:55
vtzamhost is like one client !! you cant connect from rasberry to onother pc16:57
vtzamhost is like one client !! you cant connect from rasberry to onother pc 116:57
ouroumov__I see.16:57
ouroumov__If TW is not providing it, I'm not sure how you can do that.16:58
ouroumov__You know, if both your computers are in your LAN then there's others alternatives to TW.16:59
ouroumov__And there's alternatives anyway, however handling NAT traversal is kind of not-trivial.17:01
ouroumov__Basically you gotta get a dedicated server, spin a VPN and connect your computers through the VPN17:02
vtzami have all of my clients to group fixed under t/v17:08
chris-pihi i need help with my pi 3 and mate. anybody?18:33
chris-pioder auf deutsch?18:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:37
Akuli!de | chris-pi18:37
ubottuchris-pi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:37
chris-pi!ask my pi 3 expect my mate doesnt recocnice my tv. it says unknown monitor. videoplayback in vlc is much laggy. i already changed gpu mem to 512. any suggestion?18:40
ubottuchris-pi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:40
ouroumovflexiondotorg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate/+bug/1681912 I'm guessing this probably affects other ubuntu flavors18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681912 in ubuntu-mate-meta (Ubuntu) "[Zesty] missing dnsmasq package breaks NetworkManager connection sharing feature" [Undecided,New]18:51
deskwizardHey, are you guys aware that some of the latest updates screws up the UI and stuff? or is it just me again...22:02
ouroumovhi deskwizard22:03
ouroumovLemme check22:03
deskwizardouroumov: let me now if you want a screenshot... I'm a bit limited with my knowledge atm22:04
deskwizardon 16.04.122:04
ouroumovI thought you meant on 17.04. I don't have a "clean" 16.04 handy atm22:05
deskwizardoh sorry, I should have mentionned22:05
ouroumovdeskwizard, sure post your screenshot22:05
deskwizardouroumov: http://i.imgur.com/Qh776lq.jpg22:05
deskwizardI wiped the system thinking I messed it up, thats from a fresh install22:06
deskwizardafter the updates22:06
ouroumovIt looks like the same kind of things as described here, but affecting a subset of your theme: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/dont-fallback-to-raleigh-theme-when-starting-up-shutting-down/927622:08
ouroumovdeskwizard, are you using the MATE 1.14 or 1.16 PPAs?22:09
deskwizardouroumov: uhm, I don't know tbh, I'm not that experienced with that sorta thing, I havent changed anything so I guess the default one, but thats a guess22:10
deskwizardlet me see22:10
deskwizardmy limited knowledge would say 1.12 according to synaptic, at least thats what all mate component version says22:11
deskwizardouroumov: just a thought, what if I wipe again and compare before and after updates ?22:13
deskwizardat least it'll give me an idea of what it could be22:13
ouroumovdeskwizard, wait a sec22:13
deskwizardty for looking into it, greatly appreciated22:14
deskwizardtake all the time you need22:14
ouroumovI have 36 days of uptime on this machine, I'm gonna do a full update and reboot, see if something broke22:14
ouroumovSo, I don't see any problems on my machine.22:19
ouroumovdeskwizard, I notice you mentioned you're using 16.04.1, does this mean you haven't used the 16.04.2 iso file for your installation?22:20
deskwizardouroumov: for this one yes, iirc it had .2 before I wiped22:21
deskwizardwait, brbr22:21
deskwizardjust realized, I updated 3 other machines 2 days ago, all of them working fine22:22
deskwizardouroumov: 16.04.1 will stick to 4.4 kernel and .2 will go 4.8, right?22:23
ouroumovHm, I'm not sure.22:23
ouroumovMine says 4.4 right now22:23
deskwizardouroumov: you know if theres an easy way to check .1 vs .2 ?22:23
ouroumovyes: open a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) then type: lsb_release -a22:24
deskwizard*growl* .2 everywhere22:25
deskwizardI stick to .1 for the tablet because kernel 4.8 messes things up22:25
deskwizardI'll wipe and shove .2 on there, we'll see22:25
ouroumovYou're using a tablet?22:26
deskwizardouroumov: on some other device, not these, sorry for the confusion22:26
ouroumovSo, let's get back to it. Can you run the command "sudo apt update" in the terminal and tell me if you see errors?22:27
deskwizardouroumov: no errors22:28
ouroumov"sudo apt full-upgrade" and report22:28
deskwizardnothing to do, all up to date22:28
ouroumovOkay, please go to the appearance settings and select the theme "Ambiant MATE" then report back.22:31
ouroumovPlease excuse if I lag, I'm cooking diner atm22:31
deskwizardno worries mate :)22:31
deskwizardI tried that, first idea I have... tried again, same result, the style does change, but the windows and icons and all stays the "wrong ones"22:32
ouroumovOkay, can you please issue the command: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999922:35
ouroumovthis will provide an url in response, please post it here22:35
deskwizardmkay, 1 sec then I,ll login from there22:35
ouroumovdeskwizard, please try the following: go to the Software & Update settings, in the tab "Ubuntu Software" instead of "server for canada" select "Main server", then do update && full-upgrade again from the terminal and report22:41
deskwizardouroumov: tried that already, it's on main22:44
deskwizarddoes the log show otherwise ?22:45
deskwizard'cause I've had issues before with the canadian server not being up to date..22:45
deskwizardkinda nice to see I've it pretty much every issue lol22:45
ouroumovdeskwizard, yeah the log shows you're on main indeed, my bad, I just saw "ca.archive" and then went to check the update status of those servers22:47
deskwizardouroumov: what do you think, should we continue hunting that or should I just wipe and go to .2? the flash drive is ready to go hehe22:49
ouroumovdeskwizard, ok last thing I can think of: go to software boutique, run all the "fixes" (last icon on the right) then reboot, but before that please let me know if you've used the amd64 iso or the i386 iso (basically, are you running the OS in 32 bit)22:49
deskwizardouroumov: 64 bits22:49
deskwizardlets see22:49
deskwizardsame... time to wipe22:51
deskwizardworse that can happen I end up with the same problem22:52
ouroumov Question: how are you creating your USB key and how old is your hard drive?22:52
deskwizardouroumov: with the startup disk creator22:53
deskwizardouroumov: I was guessing PSU myself... :P22:53
deskwizardwouldnt hurt to test the HD to make sure22:54
deskwizardouroumov: though the "original" (I remade the flash drive a couple times) was made with rufus22:55
ouroumovdeskwizard, I really don't see what else could cause this22:57
deskwizardouroumov: makes two of us, at least I'm not crazy, that's a start :P22:57
deskwizardouroumov: one way of the other, thanks a lot for helping, I really appreciate it23:00
PlainDaveany idea when 17.04 will be released as stable?23:00
ouroumovPlainDave, April 13th23:00
PlainDaveoh cool23:00
ouroumovPlainDave, at least, that's the plan23:01
PlainDaveoh nice23:01
* deskwizard puts flash drive aside for a couple days... :P23:01
deskwizardouroumov: unrelated but just had a flash... the 4.4 vs 4.8 kernel thing, its only for a fresh install, if upgraded to .2 it'll keep 4.4 but use 4.8 as default if installed from .223:37
deskwizardunless opted in manually23:38
deskwizardjust wanted to mention in case I was wrong earlier23:40

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