
Jackanyone know why this happens? http://i.imgur.com/VWfIxQ2.png02:09
sarnoldJack: leave off the /02:10
sarnoldJack: / says to start the directory search from the filesystem root /02:10
sarnoldJack: but the directory appears to be in /home/teamspeak/02:10
Jackoh okay i have never had a problem before and it let me do it weird02:11
JackThank you02:11
Meadwhy would installing a CLI utility require installing x windows?06:33
sarnoldsome programs can do different things via X but don't dynamically load the various libraries06:35
sarnoldsometimes it's just a package provides both commandline and graphical tools and therefore requires the graphics libraries to make sure the program works rather than dies.06:36
Meadthis is frustrating,  cause I'm trying to keep the ubuntu-server footprint really small to allow for me to pass on more resources to my VM's06:41
sarnoldmake sure you've got a gigabyte or two of space for swap so unused memory can be shoved to disk06:45
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Meadwhat is the best method to create KVM-QEMU VM's with just CIL?07:03
sarnoldvirsh is the usual approach07:04
sarnoldI can't ever figure out how to drive the thing07:04
Meaderr cli...07:05
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xokhello all...10:33
xokI've got a PXE boot server with preseed configuration file in place...10:34
xokis there a chance for automatic installator (throug d-i ) to dynamically alocate physical disks and partition them?.10:35
xokI mean not to provide the actual names in the preseed.cfg file...10:35
TafThornexok: is that something the whole Metal as a Service stuff deals with?  (which isn't PXE) but is Ubuntu related.11:05
TafThorneIt might be possible to use PXE to do something similar but I am not that big a user of it.  The MaaS thing just popped into my head while I read what you were asking.11:06
Aisonany body experienced with overlayfs here?12:04
maswanA little bit, but only for singularity-container use12:04
AisonI merged a readonly lowerdir with a rw upperdir and workdir12:05
Aisonthe strange thing is now, that only the root of the merged dir is writable12:05
Aisonall subdirectories are not12:05
Aisoneven as root12:05
maswannot much clue there from me, sorry12:06
maswanother than possibly somthing about shared12:06
Aisonok :-)12:10
Aisonok, it looks like a bug with nfs as lowerdir12:14
Aisonis there an alternative to overlayfs?12:14
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bildzGood morning, is anyone actively using ISCSI boot targets with MAAS?16:23
naccblake_r: --^ ? :)16:24
* med_ looks around to see if there is anyone still in here....16:30
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naccmed_: ?16:38
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med_a lot of pink slips at Canonical the past few days.16:38
naccmed_: ok16:38
naccmed_: this is a support channel :)16:39
patdk-wkthat supports pink slips?16:39
nacctrees and dye16:40
nacci guess?16:40
med_erm, this is the #ubuntu-server channel. Not really a support channel as per se. It's a "community" channel and that community includes a lot of Canonical and ex-Canonical.16:45
med_Ie, the title says "Discussion and support" for instance.16:45
naccmed_: right, i agree with you, sorry16:47
naccmed_: so not sure why you brought up something about canonical16:48
skitsI am using 16.04 (64)server:  Trying to find out if there is a difference in how 16+(tried 04/10) handles webserver naming/ips as compared to 14(04/10). I loaded up 14.04 on my test server and have no issues with vhost displaying dns (16+ seems to only display public ip) but 16+ seems to only display the public ip. Any info, links, or pointers on the subject specific to only 16+?17:14
naccskits: a few follow-on questions -- do you mean that if you run a process (say dig) on your 14.04 server, you get differnt results than the same server with 16.04?17:16
naccskits: or is it specificaly only having some difference in behavior with vhosts?17:16
skitsRight now it seems to only really affect how it displays ip/dns in user browsers and its ability to trigger webapp functions(based on dns). Everything else functions just fine. Only vhost seems to be affected directly17:18
naccskits: and which webserver are you using?17:18
skitsI tried both nginx and apache. I am more familiar bar far with apache but the basic setup on nginx to test is easy enough just to test results.17:21
naccskits: ok, i'm not super familiar with vhosts ,let me do some self-education17:21
skitsCopy, thank you for your time nacc.17:22
naccskits: so ... what do you see as the end user? can you clarify the bugginess you see?17:22
naccskits: like a concrete example -- I navigate to http://whatever.com and it doesn't work, or it redirects and fails or somethinfg17:22
skitsI can only see public ip and iterations such as page or
naccskits: ah, you can't get to them by hostname at all?17:23
skitshttp:// might be helpful17:23
skitshost name instantly deflects to ip (such as solder.storagedragon.com or storagedragon.com or repo.storagedragon.com)17:24
naccskits: ah, and you expect it to stay as hostname?17:24
skitsCorrect. If it does not then it weill not trigger certain web apps or differentiate between the subdomains17:26
naccright, that makes sense17:26
naccso i'm guessing this might be a change in behavior in apache2 (but not sure) -- you went from 2.4.7 to 2.4.18 (or so)17:27
skitsThat very well could be. I am using apache2 atm but it was also present in nginx which is why I asked here(ubuntu) first.17:27
nacci mean, i'm not sure that it's an ubuntu thing (in that, afaict, the vhost stuff is all in the webserver(s))17:28
skitsI was thinking so, was hoping it was an easy thing within ubuntu that would fix both at the same time. I will delve deper into the newer version apache/nginx then. Thank you sooo much for your time nacc!17:29
naccskits: np, stick around here, there are often more experienced people than I :)17:30
naccteward: --^ maybe you know or know where to look17:30
skitsI used to live in these channels but was on hi-aitus for a year. I just never had to ask questions much. lol17:31
naccskits: not a problem, just need to think about it a bit, you should be able to find the apache changelogs online (i wouldn't necessarily use the debian/ubuntu package ones, but hte upstream ones)17:32
naccskits: that it happens with nginx as well seems odd, but i'm not sure how that works17:32
naccskits: i'm assuming the vhost configs have thigns like ServerName and ServerAlias set, etc?17:33
skitsYa, thats why I actually had to ask. lmao. Was sure how to word my question for google to pull out relevant results. lmao17:33
naccskits: and i wonder if the apache logs say anything?17:34
skitsNothing relevant to this. Just errors for other stuff since events won't trigger properly without correct name. lol17:35
naccskits: ok17:35
skitsMight even be how my registrar is forwarding dns! brb. Gonna check cname/a records and see.17:35
naccskits: yeah, that could be17:36
skitsgrrr, I am so sorry for wasting time. It was an issue with godaddy (Never normally use their nameservers, just their domain names).  the rest shoudl be an easy fix. thank you!17:52
skitsUhg, I cant wait till my names expire and I can take them elsewhere. lol17:52
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naccskits: np! glad you were able to resolve it18:05
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bildzwe just spent 30k on support19:22
bildzthey better NOT be laying off people19:22
bildzat least their ISCSI guy!!!19:22
naccbildz: ?19:31
bildznacc: hey19:41
naccbildz: hiya! just seeing if there was any server stuff you needed; or just general commentary there :)19:43
bildznacc: i actually do need some server asstance around IBFT and how horribly UNDOCUMENTED it is and apparent lack of debian support19:49
naccbildz: what kind of environment? what OS?19:50
bildzso I have redhat installed and will be scouring through dmesg19:50
bildznacc: 16.04 LTS, pure storage, and MAAS :D19:51
naccbildz: ok, so 16.04 guest with iscsi root?19:51
bildz24 Cisco B series M4's19:52
naccbildz: and what is happening in the guest? no root detected?19:52
bildzgoing to be standing up MAAS + juju19:52
bildznacc: correct19:52
naccbildz: does it have network?19:52
naccbildz: when it fails to find root, that is19:52
naccdoes it drop you to a shell?19:52
bildzwe haven't been able to find any iscsi targets19:52
bildzeven with a fully installed operating system19:52
bekksDo the M4's support IBFT?19:53
naccbildz: oh so even within a non-iscsi root guest, you can't see iscsi disks? what command did you try?19:53
bildziscsistart -b19:54
bildziscsi -n  "should pull the IQN from the hardware"19:54
bildziscsistart -n19:55
nacci don't see an iscsistart -n option in 17.04, let me spin up a 16.0419:55
naccbildz: if you use iscsiadm and run discovery, does it work?19:55
bildztried iscsiadm, but can do it again if you have some guidelines19:56
naccbildz: does iscsistart -b report any errors? or just nothing?19:56
naccbildz: something like19:56
nacciscsiadm -m discovery -p ip:port19:56
naccwhere ip and port are the iscsi portal19:56
bildzone sec we'll check19:58
bildzmaking some notes of what RHEL is seeing right now so we can attempt to port19:58
nacci don't have a ton of experience with iscsi root (yet) but i wrote the new support in curtin for iscsi non-root disks20:00
naccso i have been playing with iscsiadm and tgt quite a bit20:00
bildzoh nice!20:00
bildzwell I will be happy to keep you in the loop with our progress20:00
bildzim documenting for a blog20:00
naccbildz: that'd be great, as i'd like to make this all a bit easier (i also found it quite painful)20:01
bildzi couldn't agree more20:01
bildzi love hardware, said nobody ever20:01
bildz2.0-8734 is the version of iscsiadm on 16.0420:03
bildzRHEL is at 6.820:03
bildzubuntu cannot read the firmware off the hardware20:04
naccso a driver issue?20:04
nacci'm not sure at what level the ibft support is supposed to be implemented, tbh20:05
bildzi know20:05
bildzim working if I can just build a new ramdisk with a more current version20:05
naccbildz: which 16.04 kernel are you using? 16.04.1 (4.4) or 16.04.2 (4.8)?20:06
bildz4.8 hwe - edge20:07
naccbildz: ok20:07
naccbildz: do you get an error in dmesg indicating it can't read the ibft data?20:07
bildzdoesn't look like any dmesg errors20:09
naccbildz: anything in /sys/firmware/ibft ?20:13
bildzwe're building IBFT now20:22
naccbildz: ok20:27
naccbildz: my understanding is the kernel puts the ibft data it finds in /sys/firmware/ibft20:27
naccand i *think* that might exist regardless of the ibft driver, but i'm not sure20:27
bildzill be around though, nacc20:31
bildzthanks for your help!20:31
naccbildz: np, and ping me anytime for iscsi help20:59
naccOdd_Bloke: where did we end up landing with LP: #1569237 ?22:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1569237 in cloud-images "vagrant xenial box is not provided with vagrant/vagrant username and password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156923722:45
naccOdd_Bloke: did we just decide to not do anything?22:45
yotuxI have a ubunut server install runing web services, would to be too much to add vpn and kvm hosting?22:47
yotuxI have an ubuntu server running lvm using lvm snapshots a good backup method?23:31
sarnoldit may be useful but it's not backups23:31
sarnoldor do you mean that you would use that computer as a backup target from other computers?23:32
yotuxI'm running owncloud / alfresco at the moment had I use rsync to backup those directs up along with mysql dumps23:33
yotuxI was looking to add kvm to the server and need to resized some lv and I can across lv snapshots...23:33
sarnoldjust meditate on this a bit and it'll probably become clear :) https://twitter.com/leyrer/status/84781616255768985723:33
yotuxI currently use external USB hard drive to store files off site...23:34

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