
daftykinsi pay my way by checking their trays atm :>00:01
daftykinsalrighty time to scoot, things to do!00:01
penguin42kittens to fix, pipes to feed00:02
daftykinshaha i got quoted £1200+ by the local telco for an analog phone system for 4 users, i can do that with FreePBX on a spare PC and buy some IP phones and PoE switch etc for £50000:02
daftykinsoh Vista is EOL today \o/ glorious00:34
diddledanyey vista01:19
MooDoomorning all07:44
SuperMatthowdoo moodoo07:45
foobarrythis channel was dying until the latest ubuntu announcement. funny how that works07:45
SuperMattYou should see fedora-uk, no crazy news there, so no one says a word!07:45
MooDooSuperMatt: I said morning ;) that's the most action in there lol07:46
MooDooSuperMatt: I could op and kick someone just for fun :)07:46
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:10
MooDoomorning brobostigon08:18
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:19
TwistedLucidityCan you imagine if tech news was reported like politics?09:03
davmor2You mean it isn't09:04
davmor2Morning all by the way09:04
TwistedLucidityWell I haven't seen "SHUTTLEWORTH IN DESKTOP U-TURN - Destroys the dreams of millions" or something like that09:05
zmoylan-piand in todays news emacs still sucks, long live vim... :-)09:06
TwistedLucidityActually, no. It'd be "SHUTTLEWORTH IN YET ANOTHER FAILURE - Surely he must make way for a new leader?"09:06
zmoylan-pithen he takes his football AND money home with him...09:06
TwistedLucidityAll I've seen is "Ubuntu to use GNOME. Well....blow me."09:06
TwistedLucidityzmoylan-pi: Difficult to carry both, I volunteer to hold the money.09:08
TwistedLucidityI'll just put it in this here bank account...for safekeeping...09:09
zmoylan-pijust resting in your account...09:11
SuperMattDown with this sort of thing09:11
=== knightwise is now known as KnightW0rk
zmoylan-piwho let an r2 unit onto the death star without epoxy resining all it's usb port?!09:35
NokajiHi, suddenly my printer fails. I have Ubuntu 16.04, and a canon mx925 printer. Error messages include "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'failed to connect to server'." and "Failed to start cups-browsed.service: Unit cups.service is masked." I can only see 'generic' printer listed also a message saying 'printer rejecting jobs' or similar09:36
NokajiOkay, with fixing broken packages (synaptic) I now get:-  "E: cups-browsed: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1"09:56
Nokajiminor emergency ... bbiab 10mins...09:58
TwistedLucidityIt's 2017 and we (by that I mean, IT in general) still can't make reliable printers.10:08
popeyPrinters are devices for causing pain. They also sometimes print stuff.10:09
TwistedLuciditypopey: Too right10:09
BigRedSIt's 2017, we ought not *need* reliable printers10:10
TwistedLucidityUh...yeah, we do10:11
foobarrygetting "invalid partition table!" after a linux install :(10:11
foobarryi hit return and then get the grub loader and continues correctly10:11
TwistedLucidityFor example, I am going to need a working printer to spew out a few CVs10:11
TwistedLucidityAnd a working printer to pump our a few photos I want to frame.10:11
TwistedLucidityNow, some of that I could send to be printed for me...but guess what they need, reliable printers!10:12
foobarryoh thats a dell bios message :|10:12
TwistedLucidityUEFI? FakeRaid?10:13
TwistedLucidityOr actual Old Skool BIOS?10:13
foobarryi disabled UEFI10:14
foobarrybut it seems to be a werid dell issue10:14
popeywhy disable UEFI?10:15
popeydoes the distro not support it?10:15
foobarryi was trying to get this thing to work10:15
foobarrydidn't realise it was the poxy bios10:15
Nokajipain indeed ...10:15
Nokajiprinter is one of the best I've had, not that the standard junk provides much competition to it10:16
TwistedLucidityNokaji: Currently your issue isn't with the printer, but some jiggered update (you know that, of course). Unfortunately that online message only says that a script failed, not *why* it failed.10:20
TwistedLuciditySeems that somewhere along the way your CUPS install became hosed.10:21
TwistedLucidityYou might be quickest to purge it and do a fresh install (not sure what files you may wish to back up first though)10:21
Nokajifrsh install of cups stuff only?10:28
TwistedLucidity"cups-browsed" at the very least. I'm no expert, not had a failure like this myself.10:30
Nokajiokay, well it's the only plan I have so I guess I'll try it - might get me past whatever the incompatability is10:30
TwistedLucidityBut yes, only CUPS should be affected. Don't reinstall your whole system!10:30
NokajiFine, I don't see what could go wrong with trying it :)10:30
TwistedLucidityFamous last words.....10:31
NokajiIt's kinda a brute force resolution and I'm always curious as to the precise nature of the problem but right now I need a functioning printer and this offers the hope of a resolution10:32
Nokaji3...2...1... !10:32
Nokajijust some slight feedback ... have a lot of 'interruptions' going on right now however I have, it would apear, connected my smartphone to the print so at least I have an option to d/l file to phone and then print ...10:54
foobarryis there any way to update dell bios on linux?11:07
foobarryon modern laptops?11:07
Laneyyou can write the exe to a usb stick11:08
foobarryoh? and then what? flash from setup?11:09
foobarrythanks, i'll have a look at that11:10
acheronUKF2 boot menu option IIRC11:10
acheronUKor F12 even11:11
foobarryrequires a dos boot usb...11:12
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: Last time I looked at it, Dell's position was "Windows or GTFO"11:15
foobarryi'll let you know shortly11:16
zmoylan-pilast time i did it they supplied an iso to do the job... write the iso to usb or cd boot and go and fingers crossed11:16
foobarry:o its working!11:28
foobarryunetbootin->freedos cp bios.exe ->/media/blah11:28
foobarrythanks Laney :D11:29
penguin42firmware upgrade?11:30
davmor2it's almost like Laney knows what he is on about11:34
davmor2only almost though11:34
foobarrydidn't fix my weird dell problem though11:35
foobarryits a terrible laptop. brings shame on the name on latitudes11:35
Laneydavmor2: fast internet connection -> google -> irc11:35
Laney-> ??? -> profit11:36
Laneynot really in this case; having an XPS 13 taught me that nugget :)11:36
* davmor2 changes Laney to Jeeves11:36
davmor2foobarry: why not try it with uefi enabled instead11:36
foobarryi did originally11:36
foobarrywill try again11:36
davmor2foobarry: you just need a 64bit os then with uefi enabled on it11:37
foobarryneed to install OS again tho11:37
foobarrywhat do i need for UEFI? that bios-grub 1MB partition?11:37
foobarryUEFI mode, install "file system not found"12:39
foobarrywith ubuntu12:39
davmor2foobarry: Dell has to see a file called bootx64.efi or it can't boot anything from memory you can manually add it though if you have installed it12:41
foobarryworks with legacy mode now after trashing the whole disk12:41
foobarryah gnome on wayland is an option on the ubuntu gnome login page13:23
foobarrymy flirtation with gnomebuntu ended when it cooked my laptop14:12
SuperEngineeryou should have had some vinegar to put on the chips!14:13
zmoylan-piif it had a nvidia chipset you could have cooked the fish too14:23
foobarryoh elementary i'm sorry for doubting you14:50
SuperEngineeryup - it's a well known fact that fish and chips tastes much better with Elementary OS15:09
SuperEngineerbut for a superlative taste you need to cook it with15:10
SuperEngineer[sorry for swearing / using the "s" word]15:11
SuperEngineerhmmm.... wondered why that lingering smell stayed even after closing windows15:16
davmor2MooDoo: this isn't funny dude I Can't find Nothing under your linkedin accounts Knows about section16:48
daftykinszmoylan-pi: nothing heat related about nvidia gear in laptops16:49
daftykinsvery broad statement about UEFI on Dells there too, davmor2 - i doubt it's every single one :>16:49
davmor2daftykins: it is all uefi systems are designed to look for that as it is Windows default install file, and most will just stop looking if that file isn't there you can actually touch the file into place and then it will search and find it16:51
davmor2daftykins: most manufactures work around it16:51
daftykinsyeah it sounded like you were trying to say they're all defective, which isn't accurate16:52
davmor2daftykins: Dells own ubuntu install contains the file16:52
daftykinsand yip, gave many years of boot help over in #ubuntu :>16:52
daftykinsstill you made it out to be every single one :>16:52
daftykins(being locked to the Windows boot image, that is - which isn't accurate)16:52
daftykinspreachin' to the choir16:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
diddledandaftykins: you can sing?!17:35
diddledanI thought that was a children's thing17:35
daftykinscor, the days might be shorts weather but the evenings definitely aren't :>17:35
diddledanI certainly haven't been able to sing ever since I got facefur17:36
daftykinsthat's no excuse!17:37
diddledanoh it is. I scare people if I try17:37
* penguin42 wonders what that was supposed to be replaced by - a webpage which has [#code snippet_241_queue-it-IGGB-Apply-now-link#] visible19:43
diddledanImmediately Giant Green Balls?19:53
diddledanit's an application for something19:53
daftykinsIn-case Giant Giraffes Bomb20:49
zmoylan-piit's the mutant llamas you have to watch out for...20:49
* penguin42 worries more about looming llamas and mutant monkeys20:54
penguin42or perhaps we should worry about the future effect on the naming standards20:54
zmoylan-pithey could always use the creatures from the beastiary of d&d... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_Advanced_Dungeons_%26_Dragons_1st_edition_monsters20:57
daftykinshaha my mate that lives in Tokyo these days flew back to the UK for some physics award, they spelt 'physics' wrong on the certificate XD21:07
zmoylan-pioddly my landlord runs a travel agency and they had 4 clocks with times on the wall and tokyo was spelt toyko for 10+ years and no one noticed...21:10
zmoylan-pihmmm, i picked up a bt shower radio for a tenner... a waterproof radio with bt funtionality... so you can take calls while washing your giblets... not sure the 21st century is going that well...21:49
daftykinsis that all it does? no sending music to it too from said phone or some such?21:50
zmoylan-pioh you can send podcasts or music from any bt device to it... but i'd end up using it for fm radio mostly i suspect21:50
zmoylan-piireland like the uk has a reasonably decent radio service even if we all complain about it all the time...21:52
diddledanBT functionality? similar to VirginMedia functionality?22:08
diddledanwtf is a BT Shower Radio?!22:08
diddledanI didn't know they made such things. telephones they sell badged as BT but that's about it22:09
daftykinsthere's a telco engineer in his shower!22:16
daftykinsstill, he at least has a shower ;_;22:16
penguin42some people I know might get higher bandwidth through the plumbing22:18
zmoylan-pisomething like this... https://www.amazon.com/Vtin-Portable-Bluetooth-Speaker-Waterproof/dp/B01JP8XRUM/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1491949641&sr=8-8&keywords=bluetooth+shower+radio22:28
popeyi have this one https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00T2BJ22U22:29
popeygood for the price22:29
popeynever taken a phone call with it, in the shower. don't plan to22:30
zmoylan-piagain with a builtin microphone... is there a rash of people making calls from their showers?!22:30
daftykinsthere's a challenge for you both, call into BBC Radio 2 from mid-day tomorrow to join in on a chat show segment with Jeremy Vine22:31
daftykinsstart to make your point then just flick the shower on and go to town22:31
zmoylan-pisorry for the noise... i dropped the soap...22:31
zmoylan-pii'm just surprised they don't do a videophone version...22:34
daftykinsit's probably coming!22:34
zmoylan-pithe marketing department is just so narcisitic that they keep nicking them for /testing/22:35

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