[14:08] http://sia.tech/ [14:08] This is now an owncloud plugin. [14:09] @AdamOutler, Interesting [14:10] Do you ever wonder if block chain is the largest reverse hashing lookup table ever created? [14:11] @AdamOutler, I am quite sure it became that a few years ago [18:15] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbmiHnasGWg [18:16] I saw that on OMGUbuntu about 30 minutes ago, interesting [18:17] I just saw UBports talking about bringing android apps to ubuntu touch [18:17] using this [18:42] ahoneybun, ++. I'm installing it right now. [18:54] https://plus.google.com/+AlanPope/posts/3vAjfGKACam [18:57] mm hit this at the end: Failed to reload daemon: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1 [19:15] I ran into an issue as well. https://github.com/anbox/anbox/issues/5 [19:32] I will just leave this here - https://system76.com/cart/configure/galp2?utm_source=system76&utm_medium=email&utm_term=galago&utm_content=galago_release-preorder-50-off&utm_campaign=newsletter [19:33] you monstor [19:33] *monster [20:17] Why would you post that? Grr [20:21] I would get it but it does not take a charge over Type C [22:09] @KMyers http://www.polygon.com/2017/4/11/15260850/samsung-galaxy-s8-dolphin-emulator-gamecube [22:40] Damn... There goes my productivity [23:49] @KMyers what's up with gnome removing the 2 finger gesture [23:49] I loved that on my laptop