
inetprogood evening05:44
theblazehenhi inetpro, all06:44
chesedomorning inetpro theblazehen07:56
theblazehenhi chesedo07:57
inetprooh hi chesedo and theblazehen as well09:06
inetproit's quiet here without oom Kilos09:07
andrewlsdHi inetpro thatgraemeguy theblazehen paddatrapper pavlushka chesedo12:42
andrewlsdI see it is still very quiet here :-/12:43
theblazehenhi andrewlsd12:43
pavlushkaHello andrewlsd :)12:43
theblazehenhi pavlushka12:43
pavlushkahello blazy :)12:43
pavlushkaand that thatgraemeguy 12:44
theblazehenand thatgraemeguy12:44
andrewlsdo/ 12:44
pavlushkaI didn't know that the daily tweet limit is 300 tweets per user ^^12:58
theblazehen42 KB / day. Could still be an okay channel for slow data exfiltration, or a decent command and control thing.13:13
MaNIor to run a country 13:32
andrewlsdpavlushka will have to expand his botnet code to create several C+C accounts instead of just one :-P14:16
andrewlsdciao y'all14:18
=== SilverCodeZA is now known as SilverCode
nsnzerogood evening all17:12
inetpronsnzero: good morning18:34
inetpropavlushka: 300 tweets per user, did you really tweet that much to hit the limit?18:38
pavlushkainetpro: my twitter bot did :)18:39
inetproglad I don't follow that18:40
inetprowho can ever read all that?18:41
pavlushkainetpro: now twitter is letting 100 more per hours to the bot :|18:41
pavlushkaand I just skim through to those to see any actionable tweets which needs to be replied :)18:42
nsnzerohi guys18:45
pavlushkahello nsnzero :)19:21
nsnzerohi pavlushka 19:21
nsnzerokilos is the glue that binds us all here - i hope he is well19:29

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