
akxwi-davetesting the rebuilds  do you want this bug 1681655 marking as confirmed? I know you mentioned this previously.. but its not really a bug..10:04
ubottubug 1681655 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu zesty ISO slideshow still shows yak" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168165510:04
knomedo we think we should do something about that?10:05
akxwi-davestick a pictur of a zapus on its back10:06
knomei was thinking something else that sunsets the animal imagery nicely10:08
knomeand is a fun pun too10:08
knomeeg. a zapus nest in the ground with  Z z Z z Z z  coming from it10:08
knomebut only if we think we want to replace the artwork...10:09
knomebluesabre, ^ you *want* to do another upload?: P10:18
bluesabreknome: don't think I can upload slideshow10:18
knomemm, right, of course10:18
knomehow do you feel about having the yak there yourself then?10:18
bluesabrecould be worse10:20
bluesabrebut you can probably get somebody to upload and we can respin10:21
knome"fun" :P10:21
knomehow does QA feel about respinning?10:22
akxwi-daveaye if its uploaded don't min a respin..   10:24
knomethen i'll try to make it happen today10:24
knomei need to do a few things first, then i might have time to work on the art before leaving; otherwise, it won't be until the evening10:25
akxwi-daveyou know damn well  that will be the thing that gets picked up and moaned about rather than anything else10:25
knomeyep :(10:25
akxwi-daveyou can see the headline.. "Xubuntu releases with old art work"  rather than "Xubuntu team fixes Thunar bug and delivers stable desktop"10:26
knome"Xubuntu releases with an old fart" rather10:26
akxwi-davepmsl.. just spat my coffee over my onitor10:27
bluesabre"Xubuntu releases with a finely aged vintage yak"10:34
flocculantknome: if it's respun someone will likely test something10:54
flocculantand I wouldn't care if the last slide was without a different rat on it :p10:55
knomeok, got to go now10:57
knomei'll be back in the evening10:57
knomehf meanwhile10:57
flocculantbluesabre: ever thought of removing the Clear History items from the 2 menu choices in parole it appears in - and just having 1?11:09
flocculantor having 1 that only removes parole history and not all the histories I can find ...11:09
flocculantpick the right clear history and you can invalid a bug :p11:10
bluesabreflocculant: which one removes everything?11:19
bluesabreand they're different histories, so removing one wouldn't make much sense11:20
bluesabrefixing the broken one would :)11:20
flocculantbluesabre: the clear history in the open location option crashes parole11:20
bluesabredoesn't seem to here11:21
flocculantthe clear history in open recent clears all history - like mousepad history and the like11:21
bluesabrethat's definitely a problem11:21
flocculantbluesabre: it doesn't crash here - boot a vanilla install and try it - or vm11:21
flocculantthe crash ot the clear history clears everything? 11:22
bluesabrewell, that's a lovely crash11:24
bluesabrelooks like I've got some work to do :D11:25
flocculantbluesabre: is clear history from the 'open' menu supposed to actually clear mousepad type history? 11:25
flocculantif not I'll sort out some sensible bug reports a bit quick so I can release note better11:26
bluesabreflocculant: no, it should only clear parole file types... but that might be overreaching since parole can read text m3u files11:26
bluesabreI'll debug it tonight11:26
flocculantok - well I need to release note something :)11:26
bluesabrebug report away :D11:27
bluesabreI'll review the notes tonight11:27
flocculantI can report this afternoon before your tonight :D11:27
flocculantin the meantime - bbl - have a good day :)11:27
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.04 - i386 - i386 built.12:15
stevehope@flocculant morning, yesterday we discussed testing the browser/irc link during slideshow, and if was availible in other Ubuntu distributions, and if it should be tested at against. Just noticed this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1681144 in which the slideshow browser link didn't work, suggesting it should be specifically tested during slideshow, vs post install browser test14:05
meetingologystevehope: Error: "flocculant" is not a valid command.14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681144 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Clicking on URLs in Kubuntu Installer Slideshow does nothing" [Medium,Triaged]14:05
stevehopeflocculant morning, yesterday we discussed testing the browser/irc link during slideshow, and if was availible in other Ubuntu distributions, and if it should be tested at against. Just noticed this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1681144 in which the slideshow browser link didn't work, suggesting it should be specifically tested during slideshow, vs post install browser test14:06
flocculantstevehope: might be so, however I'm not convinced 16:15
flocculantbluesabre: re EOL - what exactly is the state of that? When we have an LTS which goes EOL - do ALL 14.04 packages continue to receive updates? And is EOL effectively a social thing - eg we say 3 years and then our position is install a newer one?16:52
flocculantas far as I know the latter is the reality16:52
flocculantochosi: can we get the available versions for parole bugzilla updated :)17:01
flocculantbluesabre: I'm still procrastinating on the release notes - but it would be nice if you could edit the second sentence for me - doesn't need to be much :) http://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/17.04/release-notes18:18
knomeit'll be like one more hour until i get to the slide art... but then i will definitely get into it18:50
flocculantknome: with luck you might manage to persuade people to allow it in before they do next global respin18:59
flocculantlooks like another on the cards19:00
flocculantstevehope: can you report a bug to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+filebug and we'll see what other people think on that :)20:09
flocculantbluesabre: I finished procrastinating now ;)20:10
stevehopeflocculant, I want to see if I can replicate the ubiquity bug first, of the top of my head i think it was from the kubuntu final... on my todo list20:14
stevehopebtw it doesn't impact the current Xubuntu ISOs in testing20:19
knomeflocculant, akxwi-dave, bluesabre: ^20:19
knomemaybe add some grass20:20
stevehopeas i specfically checked for it in my tests20:20
stevehopeacutally the links are on 4 or five of the slides20:21
flocculantknome: wfm :)20:22
stevehopeno need to replicate it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1681144/+activity20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1681144 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Clicking on URLs in Kubuntu Installer Slideshow does nothing" [Medium,Triaged]20:25
flocculantyea just read that bug20:28
flocculantknome: the only thing is that might put people in mind of boring - looks (probably deliberately) like cartoon zzzz's20:29
knomewe can do some fancier oblique Z's if we want to...20:30
flocculantjust wonder if it would be better without the z's at all20:30
knometoo empty20:31
flocculantunless the council has decided there's going to be no aa and we're all sacked20:31
flocculantnot sure - seems like we're playing into the hands of the naysayers 20:32
flocculantoh look xubuntu is so boring even the slideshow's gone to sleep 20:33
knomewe can just counter them by saying the release codename initals are ZZ20:34
knomethat's why i think this is the best time to do this :P20:34
knomeor maybe the z's need to be considerably bigger.20:35
flocculantlike so big there are just 2 ;)20:36
flocculantthat would make more sense - at least to me20:36
flocculantand I'm assuming this is in the sunset the animals thing for us?20:37
knomeyeah, i'm thinking it is20:37
knomeit's a lot of work for little benefit20:37
flocculantyea yea - understood :)20:37
flocculantthough if you remember to our discussion a while back - we could hand it over to community - early - and see what comes up20:38
flocculantmaybe the top one more faded? 20:39
knomeyou mean like invisible to people with crappy monitors? :P20:39
flocculantbut yea - happier with that than zzzzz's :)20:40
flocculantknome: ha ha 20:40
knomei'm not kidding...20:40
flocculantjust be thankful you're not trying to make me see an elliptircle20:40
knomei think i'm happy with this, we should get it uploaded20:41
flocculantknome: yea - that's better imo20:41
knomecyphermox, o hiiiii....!20:41
flocculanthe's all gnome and gdm and bugs in -release atm :)20:42
knomecyphermox, willing to do a slideshow upload if i prepare the stuff and do the paperwork for freezes?20:42
* cyphermox cries20:42
knomesssh! i don't know that so i an ask him with good conscience!20:42
cyphermoxit's so very late for a slideshow update.20:42
knomeit's just a png20:42
knomei can push the changes for you in a branch if you want to look at the massive diff :P20:43
cyphermoxsure, but still; you get finger wagging and a stern look20:43
* knome takes the wagging and look graciously20:43
flocculantcyphermox: he's a very bad boy20:43
cyphermoxbut yeah, I'll review and upload to the queue, and if infinity is happy he's let it in20:43
knomeoki, thanks20:43
flocculantthanks cyphermox 20:43
knomedo you want the paperwork done?20:44
stevehopeprehaps change it from Thank you, to 20:44
cyphermoxmea culpa, I should perhaps have harassed people in getting slideshows ready earlier20:44
knomethis is our own fault... we even have or main updates done20:44
flocculantstevehope: it's rather late for word changes :)20:44
knomeyeah, no word changes20:44
knomefor 17.10 then20:44
cyphermoxknome: you're not the only one; the slideshow has been a mess this cycle20:45
stevehopeWell you're comitted now Xubuntu overwriting hardrive, you're not scewed if you only have one computer because.... lol20:45
knomecyphermox, that doesn't make it not our fault :P20:45
flocculantstevehope: stick around next cycle - you can get in on these things when we do them - all about freezes20:45
cyphermoxpersonally, I rather late than not polished for this cycle20:45
knomeso, err, let me push...20:46
cyphermoxit looks rather worse if it still reads "16.10" and yakketys, as opposed to if it's "late" and nobody noticed because we snuck it in some respin.20:46
flocculantit did last week ... 20:47
cyphermoxI know I did my fair share of manually fixing translations ;)20:47
knomecyphermox, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/revision/77820:48
knomecyphermox, let me ask again... do you want the official paperwork?20:48
knomethe xubuntu docs team approves (me), the xubuntu artwork team approves (me), the xubuntu council approves (me), the ubuntu documentation team approves (me)20:49
cyphermoxyes, please file a bug and merge proposal20:49
knomedoes not affect translations20:49
knomemerge proposal? :P20:49
cyphermoxno problem20:49
knomei just pushed to the main branch...20:49
cyphermoxah, good enough20:49
knomebut i'll go file that bug20:49
cyphermoxsorry, just running on autopilot..20:49
knomejust a sec20:49
flocculantI assume the new driverless printing thing will work on Xubuntu? anyone got any clue there ...20:52
knomecyphermox, bug 168194020:52
ubottubug 1681940 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[Final Freeze Exception] Update Xubuntu thank you slide animal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168194020:52
flocculantknome: thanks for doing that stuff :)20:53
knomeno worries20:53
knomei'm so seasoned doing this i don't even notice ;P20:53
knomemaybe that's not a good thing though...20:53
knomewell it's been a while since i did the last exception paperwork20:53
flocculantdoes that bug need a qa ack?20:54
knomewell, you can add one if you think it does :P20:54
knomeusually i think it's the reporters problem if the local QA team attacks them20:55
knomenot the headache of the release team...20:55
knomeespecially since this change only affects image and simple text files :P20:55
knomethere is 0 regression potential20:55
flocculantyea 20:55
knome(and when i say that, this change will blow our ISO)20:55
flocculantjust didn't want to go to sleep and it be needed :D20:56
flocculantknome: re slideshow - next cycle, if we are looking to completely change things - let's do that earlier :)20:58
bluesabreflocculant: re EOL - Packages not maintained by us continue getting updates while they are supported, but we  don't guarantee any support ourselves.  If we wanted to, we could continue support as long as the archive is open22:46
knomeochosi, did you see the new slideshow animal art?22:57
knomecyphermox, did you talk infinity into uploading it yet? ;)22:57
cyphermoxsorry, I hadn't gotten back to your slideshow yet22:58
ochosiknome: haven't had time yet22:59
cyphermoxuploading now23:01
ochosiknome: haha, very subtle!23:01
knomecyphermox, thank you very much sir23:02
Unit193Unapproved: ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (zesty-proposed/main) [124 => 125]23:23

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