=== shardy is now known as shardy_mtg === sambetts|afk is now known as sambetts === shardy_mtg is now known as shardy === shardy is now known as shardy_lunch === shardy_lunch is now known as shardy === rangerpbzzzz is now known as rangerpb [14:52] hellloooo [14:52] i am using AWS + centos 7. could someone tell me why this snippet, pretty much stolen straight from the docs, is not executing? https://gist.github.com/cornfeedhobo/35d60eca0a09ec4bbfb94a957d7520ff [14:54] cornfeedhobo, could you paste /var/log/cloud-init.log and /var/log/cloud-init-output.log if there is anythign interesting there. [14:56] cornfeedhobo: for CentOS? likely a dependency problem. I don't think CentOS includes growpart and sfdisk by default (I reserve the right to be wrong here...) [14:57] smoser: coming up [14:57] utlemming: interesting point [14:57] (i'll double check that too) [15:00] smoser: gist updated [15:00] cornfeedhobo: how about a dump of 'journalctl' too? [15:01] well thats pretty useless [15:01] centos is a bit dense when it comes to logging on disk for Cloud-init, sadly [15:01] normally cloud-init.log shoudl have debug level output, which is quite noisy [15:02] you'd think so...but on CentOS/RH/Fedora, there is a packaging issue where the logs are supposed to be owned by 'adm' (as in Debian/Ubuntu) but the user is not created [15:02] the result is cloud-init.log is there, but empty [15:04] oh yeah, journalctl output is really verbose. updated again. [15:06] i'm going through it all now, hadn't thought to check journal. [15:06] cornfeedhobo: how about /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg? and /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/* [15:06] looks like its not configured to setup the disks [15:06] yeah, i can paste those, but fwiw, this is just the stock AMI for centos7 ... oh interesting. incoming. [15:10] okay. updated. .d/* only has a logging cfg, but pasted [15:11] cornfeedhobo: yup, that's the problem...the default config doesn't setup disks [15:13] cornfeedhobo, you should be able to run (and i'd be interested in the output of) [15:13] ah, i saw growpart and mounts and assumed [15:13] sudo cloud-init single --debug --name=disk_setup --frequency=always [15:13] er... maybe --debug before single [15:13] okay, let me make sure that module is on disk [15:14] cornfeedhobo: I just confirmed that the default config doesn't include that [15:14] it'll be there. just disable.d [15:14] I would argue that this should be a bug in CentOS [15:15] hmmm, i cant find the modules folder on disk [15:16] sorry, i'm super new to cloud init [15:16] repoquery to the rescue, maybe [15:17] okay. testing. [15:18] https://gist.github.com/cornfeedhobo/64bcf6e2b760af27ddf16889b9849686 [15:19] it doesn't seem to be loading it, but i see the python module in site-packages [15:22] cornfeedhobo, look in /var/log/cloud-init.log see if you see [15:22] Running module disk_setup [15:25] okay. one sec. question first: is there a way to specify, in my aws userdata, that i want to add fs [15:25] fs_setup module to cloud_config_modules ** [15:26] from what i can tell, if i add a cloud_config_modules section, it overrides the one in cloud.cfg [15:28] cornfeedhobo: my $0.02 ZWD....copy /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-me.cfg and add "- disk-setup" to the modules section [15:31] hmm, but that means i would have to create a custom AMI with that copied file in place, or kick off cloud-init again, after aws has executed it? [15:38] cornfeedhobo: there are other ways to convince cloud-init.... [15:40] well, question: does cloud-init re-process the yaml files between init, config, and final? [15:42] cornfeedhobo, yes. [15:42] so you can feed that list in as user-data [15:42] but it really should have run when you ran it with single there. [15:43] hmmm [15:45] i might have to resort to littering /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_disk_setup.py with LOG.info or LOG.warn messages [15:47] maybe AWS invokes with more flags? something that pulls from ? [15:51] no, i dont see anythnig special in the service files [15:51] i'm going to retry with utlemming's $0.02, utilizing bootcmd [15:59] muhahahahaha, it worked [15:59] sed 's@cloud_config_modules:@cloud_config_modules:\n - disk-setup@' -i /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg [16:00] is fs_setup wrapped up in disk-setup? [16:08] cornfeedhobo, the module name is 'disk_setup' (or disk-setup). that handles both top level config entries 'disk_setup' and 'fs_setup' [16:09] that is what i thought, especially after looking at the modules in site-packages. hmmm, i must just have an error in the fs_setup i just tried. i'm going to look around some logs [16:19] ah, interesting. "Unable to convert swap to a device" [16:28] powersj, https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/320994 [16:29] smoser: sup [16:29] can you tell me why i dont want to just pull that ? and why is the bug referenced there (1669306) ? [16:30] 1) I need to update source and remove source-branch those are pointing at my branch (that was me testing it and forgetting to change it back [16:30] yeah. just saw that and pushed a coment [16:30] 2) the LP is a refrence to "command: usr/bin/python3 $SNAP/bin/cloud-init" which is not the normal line [16:30] it should have been as simple as command: cloud-init [16:31] but there are some python3 issues with classic confined snaps documented in that LP I refrence [16:31] reference* [16:32] smoser: oh and do you want the source to be the master git url or to be '.' [16:33] pointing at master i.e. https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init made sense, but wanted to confirm [16:33] powersj, id ont know what do you think ? [16:34] what is the "right snap" way to do it. [16:34] i had this general question once looking at snaps [16:35] smoser: well if we use '.' we don't checkout cloud-init yet again, however if you use '.' you can try snapping local changes. As far as convention, I didn't feel there was overarching best practice from what I saw. [16:35] I do like using the git master URL though as it prevents you from doing something silly like making a local change and then having that make it somewhere [16:37] well, you can pick one. and we can figure out why it was wrong later ;) [16:38] hahaha [16:40] smoser: updated with the URL [16:44] okay, got that sorted out. thanks for the help smoser & utlemming!! [17:17] powersj, https://code.launchpad.net/~powersj/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/322137 how can i see the pylint warings ? [17:18] smoser: edit the .pylint rc [17:18] i jsut removed it. [17:19] and i dont see anyting [17:19] that works too ;) but you may get even more messages [17:21] sure. but i dont see ones, like if i run 'pylint tools/mock-meta' i see a buch of errors, but nothing about the log.warning [17:21] oh. now id o [17:23] did you change something? [17:24] just wasnt looking right === sambetts is now known as sambetts|afk [18:11] hey, we've started to run into issues with this change https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2017-February/039697.html [18:11] basically, we used to use cloud-init, and dropped it ~4-6 months ago [18:11] however, a bunch of our customers had created OS images back when we used it [18:11] and now they're starting to run into error messages when they boot up from those images [18:11] and I don't really see any way for us to address that, given that the images already exist [18:11] backporting that to 16.04 seems like an issue [18:14] I'm guessing we'll probably resort to pretending to be ec2 if this ends up becoming a bigger issue [18:15] if you stopped using cloud-init 4-6 months ago, how woudl a change in cloud-init from 2 months ago be affecting your images? [18:15] devicenull: --^ [18:15] customers still have images with cloud-init built in [18:15] I think they're old images which still have cloud-init inside them [18:15] and that's getting updated (automatically?), which then triggers the message on next boot [18:15] correct [18:16] sure, a dist-upgrade would update the cloud-init in them [18:16] ah i thought they weren't able to boot the image [18:16] so i wasn't sure how cloud-init was updating [18:16] well, they're getting the warning [18:16] it's bootable in xenial [18:16] rharper: oh i see [18:17] i read 'error message' as fatal [18:17] yea, we've only had a couple reports of it so far, so I'm not sure how big of a problem it's going to turn into [18:17] the error message should include the cloud-config that the user can emit in to the image to disable the warning and the check [18:17] it can also be a boot parameter [18:18] yea, it throws this https://gist.githubusercontent.com/devicenull/63f96ecf5a84c0c9163c09002726d204/raw/b4d0f508382fe4de9a33e5eaf19e7ac92fed8e23/gistfile1.txt [18:18] which then they end up reporting to us [18:18] ack [18:21] we've just been telling them to remove cloud-init, but I thought I'd bring this up here [18:22] thanks for reporting; if possible filing a bug for the issue with the details requested w.r.t the provide; that might help users find that it's been reported [18:23] yea, we'll probably add some documentation on it too [18:23] we could also in there point back to you're recommendation that best fits the cloud; alternatively we could explore whether you could expose an identifier (ideall through SMBIOS settings ) [18:26] I'm not sure you really want to be adding code detecting us, when we really don't use cloud-init anymore? [18:29] possibly not; I suppose it may depend on the customer images === nacc is now known as Guest42667 === nacc_ is now known as nacc