
awesomess3Does the NSA flag us when we go `sudo apt-get install zekr` or `sudo apt-get install othman` ?00:00
Keamyi am installing ubuntu desktop on my 14GB usb drive as test. its installing using universal usb installer for windows 7.00:00
Keamyi got some questions about the installation of ubuntu itself then00:01
fractegralI just made the jump to ubuntu! Loving it already00:01
Keamysounds good dractegral00:01
awesomess3tgm4883: I know you don't care but I'm gonna tell you anyways and you're gonna read this because I know everyone likes to be harassed at least once a day, it's Vitamin H. `ps aux --sort=-%mem | awk 'NR<=10{print $0}'` can be replaced with `ps aux --sort=-%mem | head`00:03
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tgm4883awesomess3: nice find, but the next time I need to figure out the command to find the top ten ram users I'm just going to google it again ;)00:05
tgm4883although maybe I'll remember that ps has a --sort, we'll see00:05
seventyanyone know how to avoid getting 403 on wget? I've tried changing user agent00:05
awesomess3tgm4883: are you kidding me I put that shit on my github:  https://github.com/psycho23/learned_stuff/blob/master/README.md00:07
awesomess3seventy: try their root directory and see if that gives a 200 before you start with any more sophisticated URL00:08
daxawesomess3: calm down00:09
awesomess3seventy: and then use a different browser to check if hey....oh no it's dax00:09
daxi am here00:09
tgm4883awesomess3: meh, stuff I need daily I remember, stuff I don't need often I google (unless it's for work, then it's documented somewhere). In this case, I needed something that could be put on a pastebin. Usually for this info I'd just hit up htop00:09
daxyou should hide00:09
seventyawesomess3, it's google00:10
awesomess3seventy: oh.....then...um........*runs*00:10
tgm4883seventy: what url00:10
seventytgm4883, they are 90seconds url that allow streaming of any mp3 on googleplaymusic00:11
seventyI want to rip them00:11
seventyyou can right click and download audio00:11
seventyand it's a clean download like off an FTP site00:11
seventybut wget gets blocked obvs00:11
seventyI haven't tried curl00:11
tgm4883seventy: seems like a lot of work to reinvent the wheel http://gmusicproxy.net/00:12
seventyIt's because I have my libraries there and their API sorts songs I upload. Free music isn't the issue here :D00:13
tgm4883seventy: so use gmusicproxy....00:14
tgm4883seventy: I'd assume the problem with your wget so far is not the useragent, but the authentication00:16
seventyIll just add gmusicproxy for the downloading part (assuming it allows that)?00:17
tgm4883seventy: that's how I used it when I wanted to do whole house audio prior to the chromecast audios00:17
ayanis there a way to get package source list using apt-get madison <pkg> in a way that it searches for *exactly* the <pkg> instead of using <pkg> as a sub-string search?00:21
ayanerr -- apt-cache00:21
ayanfor example, when i apt-cache madison postgresql, it gives me postgresql and postgresql-common.00:22
ayani just want postgresql.00:22
iseneWhich is the laptop with the longest battery life, running Ubuntu?00:36
bazhang!hcl | isene have a read00:37
ubottuisene have a read: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:37
bazhangisene, thats something that depends on the individual use of the computer as well00:37
tgm4883so many variables00:38
iseneNot looking for supported hardware. Looking for people's experience. Let's hear what people have as for battery life.00:39
bazhangisene, this isnt that sort of polling channel00:40
iseneAnyone here with more than 10h?00:40
bazhangisene, try #ubuntu-offtopic00:40
iseneIt is clearly on topic to ask for the hardware running the longest with Ubuntu as the OS, no?00:41
bazhangagain isene don't poll here00:41
iseneWhy? Where does it state I cannot ask for people's experience with Ubuntu and battery life? It's not a poll, it's asking for what people think it's excellent battery life with Ubuntu.00:43
tgm4883isene: A) because it's not a support question and B) Because it's a terrible question since it suggests you only care about battery life and no other options. In any case, you're looking for #ubuntu-offtopic00:47
Epx998is there an initrd.gz netboot image that has all the dang drviers like megaraid and NIC drivers?00:50
iseneA) I'm asking for sorry in choosing the right hardware. B) Battery life is my top priority, although I have a dozen other factors on my list. If I had a question about the Julia package on Ubuntu, that would certainly not indicate that I do not care about any other programming languages.00:51
bazhang##hardware isene or the chat channel, NOT here00:53
* tgm4883 wonders what would be sooooooo difficult about listening and asking in the right channels...00:56
YankDownUnderAh...a lovely Wednesday morning...no one around...yeah...00:59
laowaidax: hi01:09
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laowaielky: hi01:11
bazhanglaowai, ubuntu support issue?01:12
laowaibazhang: hi01:12
bazhangtake the chatter elsewhere laowai01:12
laowaiwow cant believe it elky can be staff01:22
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all01:54
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !zesty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/02:02
lotuspsychjetnx bazhang02:03
SchrodingersScatguisin: oh hey02:20
Oderushi. anyone have any tips for making a distro install dvd/cd? I've tried every program I can find and none of them work properly02:43
BelldanduSo i would like to submit a dependency fix for postfixadmin but i'm not even able to branch of the code in order to propose a merge.  This problem hasn't been fixed for 3 years from trusty all the way to the latest ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfixadmin/+bug/132195502:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1321955 in postfixadmin (Ubuntu) "postfixadmin dependencies not well defined (requires mysql-server or postgresql, removes MariaDB)" [Undecided,In progress]02:43
lotuspsychje!usb | Oderus02:44
ubottuOderus: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:44
Oderuslotuspsychje: sorry i mean like to make my installation it's own install cd with all installed packages and etc02:45
OerHeksOderus there used to be UCK, but it is a dead project02:48
cfhowlettOerHeks, I think it was forked.  searching now.02:48
OerHeksi know one too, but that is for before 16.04 iirc02:49
cfhowlettrespin is the fork of remastersys    http://www.linuxrespin.org/02:50
OerHeksoh, cubic https://launchpad.net/cubic02:53
cfhowlettI was unware of that one ...02:54
OerHeksi think it was pinguinbuilder ?02:55
matt___ubuntu is awesome03:27
PolarcraftCan someone explain to me why running "screen -dm -S bitweb sh /root/bit-web" let's me run the web part of my node scripts, but when I try to execute it as root via "su - root -c 'screen -dm -S bustaweb sh /root/bustabit-web'" it doesn't?03:47
naccPolarcraft: well, given they are different commands to screen, seems odd to compare them03:51
Epx998I am trying to add modules to the netboot initrd.gz image (megaraid and broadcom) are there any guides that explain how to do that?03:52
Polarcraftnacc, then why can I run my miner the same way but not my node?03:53
naccPolarcraft: you didn't say that ... you said why does commandX run as my user when commandY fail as root03:53
PolarcraftSorry my fault, should of gave more context. The command is ran the same way as my miner is, but for some odd reason with that line it doesn't.03:54
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naccPolarcraft: i understand they are run the 'same'. But can, say, your user run `screen -dm -S bustaweb sh /root/bustabit-web`?03:55
Guest85353how to add static  route in ubuntu , and after reboot still here04:02
naccGuest85353: are you on a desktop (with network manage for instance) or a server?04:04
Guest85353server  ubuntu 16.0404:04
Guest85353nacc  do you have any idea?04:05
naccGuest85353: i believe you can specify it in /etc/network/interfaces with an 'up' option to the interface stanza04:05
naccGuest85353: to add a route specifically when that interface is brought up04:05
Guest85353nacc you mean add it to04:06
Guest85353networking script04:07
Guest85353does it?04:07
naccGuest85353: no04:07
naccGuest85353: /etc/network/interfaces04:07
naccGuest85353: i don't know what you mean by networking script04:08
naccI believe you can alos tell systemd to add routes, but i'm not sure04:08
naccGuest85353: `man interfaces` and `man systemd.network` may help04:10
Epx998dang this initrd.gz04:20
battagliaAny alive?04:31
shrewduwhat's up my dude04:32
rmx77ello all04:32
rmx77what goes04:32
Epx998trying to add modules to initrd.gz, maybe im doing it correctly and its the wrong modules HA04:33
battagliaEveryone enters here just for test IRC?04:36
rmx77sometimes there are people that have different issues they need to fix04:36
DasBonkersno :/ admittedly i was tinkering with my client... but no04:36
fastAndBulboushmm I can't figure out how to get a shell script to run in crontab04:43
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Belldandunacc: how did you assign Ubunty Trusty and not just Ubuntu?05:06
VystyRunning 16.04 and am looking for the area in System Settings where I can change/add languages. I've searched for "Text Entry" but am not finding it. Where can I add languages?05:14
max12345hello, I have a weird issue, when I'm powering down my laptop it gets stuck in some loop, where it's trying to shut down all kinds of stuff and then shows the power down screen again and tries to shut down all those services05:30
max12345and needs like 6-7 loops to actually reach shutdown05:31
Tim_ThalerHi, how do i convert upstart to System V ?05:57
Tim_ThalerSystem V-Init..05:57
ducasseTim_Thaler: why are you using sysv init? ubuntu is using systemd now.06:09
metaphysicianIs Mir also being dropped?06:18
metaphysicianOr just Unity?06:18
ducassemetaphysician: aiui, yes for desktop06:18
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syntaksfaugusztin: nvidia working now on 4.11 :)06:32
carol_i just need to get a website or a channel that can give me a the standard repositories for ubuntu studio06:39
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carol_need your help please06:40
carol_gavin can helpm ;e06:41
carol_help me please06:41
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2if i switch to Ctrl+Alt+F2 and login, how do i start gnome?06:41
EriC^carol_: https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/06:42
carol_thx eric06:43
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2startx doesn't open the side bar menu06:43
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2nor the top bar06:43
OerHekssudo service lightdm start06:44
OerHeksMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2, ^^06:45
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: starts is not supported on ubuntu06:45
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2thanks, OerHeks!06:45
OerHeksstartx is old, indeed06:45
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Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2OerHeks: "sudo service lightdm start" didn't do anything. (i logged in as a regular user)06:59
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2(a sudoer user)06:59
OerHeksMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2, after this, you need to switch to ctrl alt F7 for the gui..07:01
OerHeksyou are in ctrl alt f2 = tty2 now07:02
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: which ubuntu version is this?07:02
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2OerHeks: i already had the guy at Ctrl+Alt+F707:02
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: try 'sudo systemctl start gdm' instead07:03
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2ducasse: thanks07:03
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2i'll try it out right  now07:03
ducasseit might also be 'gdm3' instead of 'gdm' - i don't use gnome.07:04
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2Failed to start gdm.service07:04
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2Unit Gdm.service not found07:04
ducassethen try with gdm307:05
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2same result07:05
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2Unit gdm3.service not found07:05
ducassewhat exactly did you install from? the ubuntu gnome desktop image?07:06
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2the ISO downloaded from ubuntu website07:06
ducasseok, and then you installed gnome manually?07:07
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Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2probably, yes07:07
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2i guess i was looking for a ubuntu-server distro07:07
ducassethe iso from the ubuntu website does not come with gnome, it comes with unity.07:08
akik"apt-get autoremove --purge packages" only removes the packages i tell it to remove. how can i remove all the packages that were installed as dependencies to those packages?07:08
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2and decided to install it manually07:08
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: ok. what does 'sudo systemctl start lightdm' say?07:08
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2let's see07:08
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2it takes me back to the $ prompt07:09
ducassethat's all?07:10
ducassepastebin output from 'systemctl status -l --no-pager lightdm'07:11
alkisgakik: if it doesn't, that means that they were manually installed, not automatically07:12
alkisgakik: which package are you trying to uninstall?07:12
akikalkisg: whole of unity & ubuntu-desktop (i installed those on top of my kubuntu installation)07:12
akikalkisg: i can dig the apt history log for those packages but it's not so nice07:13
alkisgakik: did you use `apt install ubuntu-desktop` or `tasksel`?07:13
akikalkisg: apt install07:13
alkisgakik: try apt purge --auto-remove ubuntu-desktop, and then apt purge --auto-remove with no other params; sometimes apt can only do that after the initial purge07:14
akikalkisg: ok thanks i tried "apt-get autoremove --purge"07:14
ducasseakik: some of those packages may be relied upon by optional dependencies of other packages. if something else recommends/suggests it, it won't be removed.07:14
OerHeksthere used to be a purekde factoid, but it is old, maybe this page gives a clue: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekdeoneiric .. but it is all manually07:15
* OerHeks thinks it is a bad idea to install multiple desktops on 1 linux, not to use, but when you want to remove something ..07:15
alkisgSometimes it's bad also for using it; items from one desktop environment autostart in the other07:16
faugusztinsyntaks: good for you then. hope it is stable07:16
akikalkisg: yes that is really a bad design choice. that's one reason i'm removing it07:16
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2ducasse: https://pastebin.com/FurZAn6807:17
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: ok, and alt+f7 does not switch to it?07:18
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2lets see07:18
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2alt+F7 takes me back here, just as when i type Ctrl+Alt+F707:19
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: back to the gui?07:19
ducassewhat is it you want to happen, exactly?07:20
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2a new guy07:20
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2another gui07:20
ducassethen log out and select another gui on the login screen07:21
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2i want to have my mom's session at Ctrl+Alt+F2, and mine this (Ctrl+Alt+F7)07:21
konhi, is there a command similar to macOS `open`?  It opens a file with the registered file viewer.07:21
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: i don't think there is a simple way to do that, can't you use 'switch user'?07:23
akikkon: xdg-open07:23
OerHekskon, xdg-open07:23
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2i guess i can07:23
Doow_when logging in remotely to a server, where is the "host" part of user@host# coming from? I thought it was /etc/hostname, but changing that doesn't seem to be updating it.07:25
ducasse!hostname | Doow_07:25
ubottuDoow_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:25
ducasseDoow_: on recent ubuntus there is also hostnamectl07:25
Doow_ducasse, oh, I didn't know I shouldn't be editing that directly, thanks =D07:26
fubHi. So yesterday I was able to import my .ovpn in the network manager applet. Now when I try to do this, I get an error that the plugh as not "import capability". It looks like this old bug, but no workaround is working here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-openvpn/+bug/60636507:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 606365 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "unable to import config with inlined ca, cert, key or tls-auth" [High,Confirmed]07:30
fubAny idea what else I can do (except doing this in the console)07:30
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2ducasse: the switch-user disables the num-lock every time i switch, i just want to switch fast so my mom doesn't have to wait. Switch-user is slow07:31
ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: how much memory does this machine have?07:33
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ducasseMo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2: then you're not going to be able to successfully run 2 desktops at the same time anyway, imo07:34
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2My Pentium 4 doesn't allow more RAM07:34
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2thank you, ducasse! I'll check later if i can get better hardware07:36
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2cya all07:36
Mo4_xi1_ge1_Ren2thanks all!07:36
crimicould i get some help with a litle problem pls?07:42
crimihello there07:42
crimii want to know how can i boot an sd card with noobs from ubuntu mate user07:43
crimiwhat comands or programs should i use07:44
YankDownUndercrimi: You want to boot to an SD card...yes?07:44
crimii want to make it bootable07:44
YankDownUndercrimi: Does the machine you're using have the provisions to boot to SD or devices like that?07:44
criminow im using a wm with ubuntu mate07:45
wafflejockcrimi, setting up an SD card for a Raspberry Pi?07:45
YankDownUndercrimi: Fair enough...hang on a tick...07:45
wafflejockcrimi, yeah you can just dd the iso or img file to the SD card typically07:45
crimiim  new ubuntu user07:46
wafflejockcrimi, before you put the card in or if you have it in remove it and type lsblk and look for what drives/partitions are on there, then put the sdcard in and type lsblk again and tell us what the name of the new thing is that shows up should be something like sdb or sdc07:47
YankDownUndercrimi: Here's somethign to read: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/linux.md07:47
crimiok wait a second07:47
YankDownUndercrimi: And there's this - which is specifically Mate related => https://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-create-bootable-usb-drive/07:48
fub3~/j #ubuntu-de07:49
crimiFIRST fd0      2:0    1    4K  0 disk  sda      8:0    0   30G  0 disk  â”œâ”€sda1   8:1    0   26G  0 part / └─sda5   8:5    0    4G  0 part [SWAP] sr0     11:0    1 1024M  0 rom07:49
crimiand then fd0      2:0    1    4K  0 disk  sda      8:0    0   30G  0 disk  â”œâ”€sda1   8:1    0   26G  0 part / └─sda5   8:5    0    4G  0 part [SWAP] sr0     11:0    1 1024M  0 rom07:49
crimii dont see any diference ...07:50
wafflejockcrimi, yeah doesn't look like the drive is showing up there best to use a paste site like paste.ubuntu.com for multiline stuff though07:50
crimino no, now it showing it07:50
madduckit's 2017 and I can't use the initramfs shell to debug a problem for lack of a USB keyboard driver, despite MODULES=most. WTF?07:52
wafflejockcrimi, yeah so the command you want to run is dd if=/home/user/Downloads/imagefile.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M, but you replace if with the source (input) and of (output) with the actual target drive so instead of /dev/sdX would be /dev/sdd07:52
wafflejockcrimi, oh you'll have to run with sudo as well and absolutely critical you get the of parameter right07:52
wafflejockcrimi, if you target the wrong partition or drive with dd you will wipe it out with whatever your source data was07:53
crimiwell hope me the best07:53
crimiand thx07:53
alkisgmadduck: usb keyboards work fine in initramfs here, does your keyboard need an unusual driver?07:53
wafflejockcrimi, no problem let me know how it goes07:53
wafflejockcrimi, typically you will be waiting for a few minutes while it writes depending on the disk size and image size07:54
madduckalkisg: I've tried 3 off-the-shelf standard keyboards.07:54
wafflejockcrimi, if it seems to return immediately run "sync" to be sure all the data has been written to disk07:54
crimiwell, the comand didnt worked07:55
alkisgmadduck: maybe the issue is with the usb controller of your motherboard? can you check recovery mode or something to see which modules it loads?07:55
OerHeksmadduck try an usb port that is not blue ( blue=usb3)07:55
wafflejockcrimi, what feedback I may have fat fingered something, paste the command and output on a paste site ideally07:55
alkisgmadduck: ah, how do you break in initramfs? like, break=bottom or break=top?07:56
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wafflejockcrimi, paste what you see or tell me more details can't guess what you mean by "didn't work" need more details07:56
crimiok wait a sec07:56
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criminot open: file or directory not found07:57
wafflejockcrimi, make sure the if= is actually pointing to the noobs file with the correct path07:57
wafflejockcrimi, pretty sure it just means it didn't find the source file07:57
crimioh , ok wait a sec07:57
crimiyeah think this too , i translated from german to english07:58
crimiand that what it came out07:58
OerHekslolz > "oh , ok wait a sec"07:58
crimium actually my noobs is a zip file so i must to extract it wait a sec07:59
madduckalkisg: break=mount08:05
madduckOerHeks: there are no blue ports08:05
madduckalkisg: the usb controller works fine e.g. in grml08:06
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alkisgmadduck: I've seen cases where udev rules fired after break=mount; can you try with break=bottom, even if you have to completely skip root= as a test? Also, which module does it use, to see if it's there in initramfs or not?08:37
leeyaais Apache2's systemd restart function on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS supposed to do graceful restarts ?08:47
leeyaaor if I want graceful restart I should do reload instead ?08:47
leeyaaI just found that restart does not do a graceful restart08:47
Aebianhey, I'm started to explore the ubuntu shell on windows. I'm not sure how to archieve one thing: customizing like in putty. I installed most of my tools (zsh, oh-my-zsh and so one using my own build scripts) but I'm unsure how to set the font. I tried https://github.com/Aebian/debfiles/blob/master/rootscripts/set-console-font.sh but thats not working on the shell, any toughts?08:50
Aebianoh and I would like to edit the colors to match my putty ones if possible08:51
ducasse!ubuwin | Aebian08:51
ubottuAebian: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.08:51
Aebianah thx08:51
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:00
Simooon!next release09:01
crimeim at work right now XD how you doing?09:01
OerHeksSimooon, tomorrow, 17.04 zesty zebra09:01
SimooonOerHeks, okay, was just trying to find out whether it was tomorrow or two days from now :-P09:02
Simooonand thanks :-)09:02
SimooonAnyway are you guys going to install the default ubuntu, or Gnome, I'm seriously considering gnome, since we have to shift to that anyway in two releases :-)09:04
OerHeksSimooon, unity will be available, still. 2 releases away is too soon to ask, i guess.09:05
akikSimooon: use the environment you feel is best for you. no one is forcing you09:05
OerHeksbtw polling is useless here09:05
Simooonakik, I know, was just interested in hearing what people are doing, Personally I like to keep things as vanilla as posible, so I can kust install ubuntu and feel at home, that is why I'm considering getting a head start on gnome, haven't really used it since ubuntu dropped it years ago.09:07
Simooonand that was gnome 2...09:07
AEL-H1Hi guys, I am running a python script in a screen session that downloads youtube videos and takes the audio part. I am encountering a weird error where if I leave the screen session the script continues with no problems, however if I close the SSH session the script starts throwing SSL certificate errors. Does anyone know what might be happening here?09:08
SimooonOerHeks, because there is too many people or why?!09:08
OerHeksSimooon, this is the support channel, try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic ?09:09
crimeso ,how is your day ?09:10
akikSimooon: if you want that gnome 2 feeling, use mate desktop09:10
Simooonakik, I don't want that, I want the default desktop, just considering getting a head start on the next default09:11
OerHeks!ot | crime09:12
ubottucrime: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:12
OerHeksand mind your language, keep this channel family frienly, thanks.09:12
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:13
EightynineMy system has some performance issues when I using Chromium. Is that because of tons of tabs? But I still have 1 GB free RAM.09:14
OerHeksEightynine, are you surprised, tons of tabs?09:15
SimooonEightynine, as long as the tab is not loaded it doesn't take any RAM, and if you still have one GB of free RAM I doubt that is the reason.09:15
SimooonEightynine, but if you are running something processor hungry in a lot of tabs (or even just a few) that sounds like a reasonable explanation.09:16
OerHeksswtiching tabs makes your swap work, i think that is what you experience now09:17
EightynineAnd also it's processes take from 18.9 to 62.8% CPU when playing YouTube videos. And sometimes it could take around 90%. I'm using Core i3 610009:17
AEL-H1Is there a difference between the functionality of a screen session whether or not there is an active SSH session?09:18
Eightynine17.2% CPU for X.Org.09:18
k1l_AEL-H1: if the ssh connection cuts off the user will be logged out and the program running will be canceled. when using screen the screen session will just be detached and you can connect to the system again an reattach the screen session09:20
akikAEL-H1: no09:20
hateballEightynine: What kind of CPU do you have? If it's a low power CPU and you're playing HD video it is only normal with high usage09:21
hateballEightynine: Even more so if these videos are using flash and not html509:21
k1l_Eightynine: what video card is in use?09:22
EightynineI'll write again. I'm using Core i3 6100. When I stop video Chromium and X.Org take up to 20-25%.09:22
EightynineIntegrated graphics.09:22
CedaraDoes anyone know if there is a client for Mastodon? the github link I know has only tooter for chrome09:25
akikAEL-H1: does your script keep on running ok if you don't use screen?09:27
akikAEL-H1: there's another app called tmux that does the same thing as screen. you might try it09:27
dymHey everyone. I have a problem. Im trying to install Ubuntu LTS onto an Alix2c4 board via USB. Creating the installmedia on macos via unetbootin renders the usb stick with inconsistencys every time and dd'ing the image over makes me unable to modify serial console options in afterwards. Any ideas?09:34
r_dudauoh hello09:39
r_dudauhow is youre day going?09:39
r_dudaui see that people on this chat are not so, comunicative09:40
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OerHeksdym,  what makes you think ubuntu will run on that AMD Geode ?09:41
r_dudauenglish maybe09:41
r_dudauoh ok09:41
OerHekshi r_dudau, this is ubuntu technical support09:41
r_dudauoh hello09:41
k1l_r_dudau: for chat better use #ubuntu-offtopic this channel is just for technical support09:41
r_dudauhow is youre day going09:41
r_dudauhow do i use ubuntu off topic09:42
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:42
k1l_register to freenode and login, then join the channel09:43
r_dudau...ok bye09:43
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AEL-H1is tmux generally better than screen? whilst logged in and detached from the screen session my preogram runs fine09:49
AEL-H1The program throws a bucnh of SSL certificate errors when I log out09:49
k1l_AEL-H1: does it work run locally, without remote login?09:50
AEL-H1I can't access the machine without remote login, but it works as intended remotely during the session09:52
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dymOerHeks: Because I already have 2 of them running :)09:59
dymOerHeks: AMD GX-412TC SOC, Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS10:00
dymOerHeks: Plus - https://trick77.com/installing-ubuntu-server-16-04-pc-engines-apu-apu2/10:00
akikAEL-H1: tmux and screen do the same thing. did you try tmux?10:02
k1l_AEL-H1: i wonder what the coincidence with the connection is. that sounds like its more of a network/connection issue.10:03
k1l_AEL-H1: are you using proxy or vpn?10:03
AEL-H1k1l_: Nope, just ssh direct to the ip10:07
k1l_AEL-H1: do you use encrypted home?10:09
AEL-H1k1l_: yes10:10
OerHeksdym  oke, but how would you edit a read-only iso on usb ??? https://trick77.com/installing-ubuntu-server-16-04-pc-engines-apu-apu2/10:10
k1l_AEL-H1: that is the issue then. it get encrypted again when you disconnect10:11
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AEL-H1k1l_: I also run game servers using the same manner, surely those would run into problems too if that were the case?10:11
k1l_do they depend on stuff inside the home?10:12
AEL-H1k1l_: Yep, the world files etc are stored in home10:12
k1l_hmm, then look at the specific errormessages you get10:12
AEL-H1k1l_: It just seems to be SSL certificate errors, but what I can't understand is why they would suddenly arise when the SSH session is closed, everything is done within the screen session so my understanding is that none of the processes should be tied to my user, but perhaps that is where I am wrong10:14
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akikAEL-H1: do you open the encryption every time you log in to the server?10:15
AEL-H1akik: how do you mean?10:16
akikAEL-H1: i don't know how to ask any other way10:16
AEL-H1akik:  I assume the files are unencrypted automatically when I log in, but I specifically don't do anything encryption related when I log in10:18
akikAEL-H1: there was a bug with systemd that killed user processes on logout but not sure if that applies because you say that there are just certificate errors10:21
k1l_akik: yes, i think its somewhat in this direction10:22
EightynineWill apt always be in Ubuntu or you will drop it in favor of snap?10:22
AEL-H1I think I need to give more context, I have created a bot, in python, for a discord server. The bot will join the voice channel I am in, and basically play music. I know the program is not being killed because the bot will stay in the channel with me but play no music. if I kill the process it leaves the channel.10:22
k1l_Eightynine: it will stay. but "always" is a bit long. i dont know what happens in 20 years :)10:22
k1l_AEL-H1: so it cant do new connections then. but old connections stay10:23
AEL-H1k1l_: that might be the case10:23
BluesKaj'Morning all10:24
ducasseAEL-H1: try setting 'KillUserProcesses=no' in /etc/systemd/logind.conf, running 'sudo loginctl enable-linger username' then restart logind.10:27
EightynineNo one knows what will happen on next day or next month so we can't speak about 20 years.10:29
AEL-H1ducasse: KillUserProcesses was already set to no10:31
AEL-H1oh wait excuse me, sorry didnt see the hash10:31
AEL-H1ducasse: restart with "restart systemd-logind" right?10:33
ducasseAEL-H1: systemctl restart ...10:36
kernelmodderSo good news with the customized kernel :)10:40
ubottuIt's Out!!! See - http://www.ubuntu.com/download10:41
ducasseChunkyz: no, it's not10:42
Chunkyzbot broke?10:42
AEL-H1ducasse: i dont have a systemctl command10:43
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ducasseAEL-H1: which ubuntu version is this?10:43
dymOerHeks: previoulsy i just used unetbootin to do the edit, after the iso was copied to the stick. with DD it's all readonly.10:43
AEL-H1trusty tahr 14.0410:43
kernelmodderAEL-H1 I think you meant sysctl10:44
dymOerHeks: this is what got me curious. why doesnt it seem to work anymore?10:44
ducassekernelmodder: no, he doesn't10:44
ducasseAEL-H1: then just try 'service systemd-logind restart'10:44
AEL-H1ducasse: I follow this to try get the command but to no avail : http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-and-test-systemd-on-ubuntu-14-04-trusty-tahr-and-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/10:44
kernelmodderducasse: Good news with the custom kernel I compiled, it boots just fine, with no panic10:45
madduckffs, I do wonder what happened to Ubuntu quality assurance. We upgraded a machine and now it won't boot anymore. These symptoms: https://askubuntu.com/questions/529228/mdadm-raid1-home-server-system-disk-error-incrementally-starting-raid-arrays-md10:47
madduckthe only way to make it work is restoring an older initramfs from backup10:47
ducasse!language | madduck10:48
ubottumadduck: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:48
AEL-H1ducasse: Done, I tried running the program again, the error persists10:48
ducasseAEL-H1: then i have no other suggestions, sorry. not sure how upstart handles this.10:49
OerHeksdym, even with unetbootin ( depreciated) it should be read only too, so i question that guide..10:49
OerHeksall our iso's are read-only10:49
AEL-H1ducasse: Thanks for your help, I learned some things at least10:49
madduckducasse: ffs means "for freedom's sake" ;)10:52
r_dudauhello folks10:54
=== morphis_ is now known as morphis
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:01
OerHeksgrinn.. http://irc.spotchat.org/ = 403 Forbidden11:01
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Tachyon_hello. I see that if I'm in a menu open(eg I click on Build and the dropdown shows) in Android Studio, nothing happens if I press print screen. how can I do screenshots with that menus open ?11:02
ikevinOerHeks, normal, irc != http :)11:03
ikevinTachyon_, use scrot from command line11:04
OerHeksikevin, their site has problems, for days ..11:04
AEL-H1I think I am getting to the root of the problem, it seems as though the screen session created a process and attaches it to my user.. if I am not logged in do you think this is where the problem arises?11:04
* Tachyon_ is googleing scrot11:04
ikevinOerHeks, possible, but irc work fine11:05
OerHeksTachyon_, use gnome-screenshot, it has a timer11:05
ducasseTachyon_: scrot is in the repos11:05
Tachyon_heh, looks like I already have gnome-screenshot11:05
OerHeksikevin, oh i am not supposed to click the url in that factoid, gotcha11:05
OerHeksTachyon_, yes, but don't use the print-screen key, use the tool itself11:06
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Tachyon_yeah I got it thanks11:07
Tachyon_I wanted to show to a friend how to use the breakpoints & the debugger :D11:07
ffffHello world!11:13
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dymOerHeks: But how are you meant to install onto a device, that only provides serial output?11:56
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jaydemirdym: I have absolutely no context of the converstion, but I have a Macbook that can't install via USB, and modern CD isos won't boot. I'm forced to install it on another machine and put that hard drive into the macbook11:59
aotany idea why this doens't work in cron, but works from the cmd line: notify-send "break time"11:59
aotApr 12 14:44:01 T400 CRON[5047]: (aot) CMD (notify-send "break time")11:59
hyperbeami'm here because noone will help me with elementary OS. yes I know there is an IRC server for it, but noone is helping... ;-;11:59
jaydemirhyperbeam: elementary OS is a mess12:00
brainwashhyperbeam: maybe you just need to wait a bit longer12:00
hyperbeamyeah, i know12:00
ioriaaot, not sure but notify-send it'a a gui app12:00
jaydemirI gave it a good month, it's insanely broken12:00
k1lhyperbeam: try there forums (if they have one). look at their websire12:00
aotioria: I just don't understan what's different to run a cmd in cron than in cmd line12:00
ioriaaot,  so you need to set DISPLAY12:01
hyperbeami'm probably switching back to ubuntu or mint, i dont want to deal with a broken distro12:01
hyperbeampossibly arch12:01
jaydemirhyperbeam: that's what I did. Arch is nice but it depends on what you need it for12:01
hyperbeamokay, thanks12:01
ioriaaot,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto#GUI_Applications12:01
jaydemirif you're a gamer, don't go with Arch. You can get things working, but it's time consuming12:01
aotioria: thanks12:02
ioriaaot,  no problem12:02
jaydemirotherwise Arch is a great learning experience12:02
k1ljaydemir: he is gone :)12:02
dymjaydemir: im trying to install an iso to a usb stick, then edit it to make it bootable on a machine with serial-only output12:02
jaydemirdym: good luck with that. Ubuntu is flexible enough to where you can install it on any machine and swap the drive12:04
jaydemirI had installed Ubuntu on a drive using an AMD APU and popped it into a intel core2duo machine. Worked fine.12:04
agopoHi, I'm having trouble connecting to my remote server (Ubuntu 16.04.) via ssh and ssh-public/private keypairs. I already got it to work on my Raspberry Pi and phone, but am having trouble this time. The error message is: "Permission denied (publickey,password). Does anyone know what the common mistake here might be?12:11
OerHeksdym, you claim you have it running on 2 devices ..12:11
OerHeksso tell me how?12:11
OerHekswith unetbootin, the iso is writable, is not believable..12:12
akinodehey, can anyone help me with my problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/903118/capturing-audio-from-pulseaudio-sink-and-video-from-v4l2loopback-device12:13
k1lunetbootin has issues with making proper live usbs12:13
OerHeksk1l, i know, i told hm it is depreciated, but unetbootin does not make an iso on usb writable, or do you know how that happens???12:14
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mas886Help, I'm trying to run the editing program "DaVinci Resolve" and I'm getting the following error "error while loading shared libraries: libOpenCL.so.1:". Any help?12:25
tsglovemas886, did you google that message?12:27
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fedoramas886: what Ubuntu version?12:29
fiberbabyat what time on the 13th will 17.04 be available?12:30
fedorafiberbaby: usually comes early afternoon UCT12:31
tsglove17 + 04 = 21 - 13 = 9    At 9 am12:32
fedoraI don't know enough about maths to dispute that. so it sounds right.12:32
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tsgloveI have setup a small Ubuntu VM, in an internal-network inside VirtualBox.   I installed DNS on it... and although I can ping ,   if I ping google.com   it fails.12:42
tsgloveWhat can I check?12:42
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ikoniatsglove: what is the resolver your vm is using12:43
mas886tsglove: Yeah googled it and only found old answers. fedora: on ubuntu 16.10 and ubuntu 17.0412:44
tsgloveikonia, fetching that info.   This is still new for me, so I am still getting oriented with the terms and location of config files.12:45
ikoniatsglove: thats fine12:45
ikoniatsglove: what version of ubuntu is running in the guest ?12:45
scottjltsglove: cat /etc/resolv.conf is anything in there?12:45
ikoniaresolve.conf will just point at dnsmasq on 127.0.0112:46
scottjlwell then that would be something in there, wouldn't it?12:47
tsgloveYes... it's in /etc/resolv.conf   and inside I have  nameserver
lavinhosomeone can help me?12:47
ikoniatsglove: right, so we need to look at what nameservers dnsmasq is using for you12:47
ikoniatsglove: is this a desktop install you've done12:48
lavinhoideapad 100s 11lby blocks ubuntu12:48
lavinhoany ideias ?12:48
tsgloveWould that then be in /etc/bind/named.conf.options   ?12:48
ikonialavinho: what ?12:48
ikoniatsglove: no12:48
tsgloveikonia, it's a server install, without window manager12:48
ikoniatsglove: yo ushould not have /etc/bind12:48
mas886Help, I'm trying to run the editing program "DaVinci Resolve" and I'm getting the following error "error while loading shared libraries: libOpenCL.so.1:". Any help?12:48
ikoniatsglove: you are not running a dns server are you ?12:48
tsgloveikonia, ahhhh... so I have messed up.  I installed bind912:48
lavinhoMy pc lenovo ideapad 100s 11 lby blocks with ubuntu12:49
ikoniatsglove: ok - remove that to remove any confusion12:49
tsgloveikonia, ok, let me clear it up12:49
ikonialavinho: blocks with ubuntu ?12:49
ikonialavinho: do you mean you can't install ubuntu ?12:49
scottjlmas886: apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev  ?12:49
lavinhoinstalled ubuntu12:50
ikonialavinho: what is the problem then ? as "blocks with ubuntu" doesn't really mean anything12:50
lavinhoblocks , freezes12:50
ikonialavinho: ok - freezes12:50
mas886scottjl: trying this12:50
ikonialavinho: does the whole OS/Screen freeze or just an application12:50
tsgloveikonia, I setup this ubuntu VM inside VirtualBox, in an "internal network".   And I wanted this same Ubuntu VM to work as a gateway between the internal network, and the "external" network.   So I installed two network cards, also installed DHCP server (isc), ... and stuck in DNS12:50
ikoniatsglove: you understand that virtual boxes offeres a bridge mode so you don't need a host to act as a bridge12:51
ikoniatsglove: and again - even if you need a bridge why are you running a dhcp server and dns12:51
ikoniaback in a minute12:51
mas886scottjl: Haha, now "libcrypto.so.10" is missing.12:52
tsgloveikonia, yes, I know about bridge mode.  The reason I want to do an internal network is because these machines, I want to be able to block all traffic going in/out of them to the "external" network12:52
lavinhoDo I have to patch the kernel?12:53
mas886Woah I'm gonna pass. Dependences are all messed.12:53
ioriamas886, this is for 16.04, you may need a couple of pkgs, and some manual links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bEyGhm9Gj812:53
mas886ioria: thanks.12:55
ioriamas886, good luck12:55
anddamwhat's an MP3 CLI tagging tool other than libid3-tools? its id3tag is awfully documented12:58
anddamapt search mp3 search tag    doesn't help12:58
ioria!info tagtool13:00
ubottutagtool (source: tagtool): Tool to tag and rename MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.3-9build1 (yakkety), package size 149 kB, installed size 939 kB13:00
ducasseanddam: check out beets13:00
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anddamducasse: oh thanks, I was trying to do it manually, I see beets is a different, and likely more useful, beast13:06
ducasseanddam: have in mind that you can spend days playing with it, though ;)13:07
mas8998ioria: It says I'm missingthe followig "libgstbase-0.10.so.0:"13:07
mas8998The problem is that the packag it's contained "libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev" doesn'tseem to be on 16.10 repos13:08
ducassemas8998: try 'apt-file search filename' to find the package a file is in13:08
anddammeanwhile, is there a way to just set TCOM using id3tag?13:08
mas8998The problem is that the packag it's contained "libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev" doesn'tseem to be on 16.10 repos13:10
mas8998ducasse: "apt-file" command was not found.13:10
ducassemas8998: also run 'apt-file update'13:10
mas8998ducasse: anything is returned. :/13:12
mas8998After updating13:12
ducassemas8998: if it doesn't find anything then that file is not available in the repo packages.13:12
mas8998ducasse, The ona I can find is 1.0.0 do you know how could I link the second as the first?13:13
zhuchkovhi #ubuntu what is your preferred method/tools to measure the quality of unknown network between two ubuntu machines?13:16
ducassemas8998: that very likely won't work13:16
Picizhuchkov: mtr13:16
mas8998ducasse, Ok :-(13:16
ttmddo I need ibus installed?13:18
zhuchkove.g. we're intended to leave the program running for a few days and then export the statistics for plotting and/or analyzing13:18
mas8998ducasse: Woah it actually worked. Found those files on the Steam runtime environment and manually copied them to "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"13:20
ttmdit's quiet in here13:26
mas8998ducasse: Woah, I', getting the following when the "serious" program have to start passed the initial screen: "log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger (Undefined).log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly."13:28
ducassemas8998: which program is this?13:28
mas8998daVinci Resolve13:28
ducassemas8998: never heard of. you should talk to their support, as it's not ubuntu-supported.13:29
mas8998Hm. Okay thanks. :/13:29
silicatewielderHello, could someone help me figure out why I am unable to compile this dependency I need?13:33
silicatewielderI have already checked and my kernel and header versions are identical13:33
ttmddo I need to have ibus installed?13:35
scottjlsilicatewielder: can you post your error to pastbin?13:36
zhuchkovPici, okay, thanks. Any options in particular?13:39
ducassettmd: do you use gnome, budgie or unity?13:41
ducassettmd: gnome recommends ibus, so it might be a good idea to keep it13:42
ttmdbut i write with letters13:44
mrcloudhi. How can I know what path is using /usr/bin/env ruby?13:47
ducassettmd: a 'recommends' just means it adds functionality - it's not critical. if you don't need that functionality you can remove it.13:47
NaturallyCuriousDoes Installing Cross Over on Ubuntu GNU/Linux make my computer vulnerable to windows viruses?13:50
mcphailNaturallyCurious: generally no, but a malicious script _could_ damage your files and install. Crossover/wine does not restrict what the windows executable can do13:51
mcphailNaturallyCurious: basically, have a backup if you're running anything dodgy13:51
NaturallyCuriousI have setup a think pad for my mother who is a school teach with Ubuntu GNU/Linux. I installed cross over just so that she has access to microsoft office 2013 if she needs it. Will doing so mean that her computer needs an antivirus as well?13:52
NaturallyCuriousOr is this case scenario ok13:52
mcphailNaturallyCurious: if it is a legitimate copy of Office, there should be no problem from the executable itself. But, say, a malicious excel macro could still wreak havok, just as it could on Windows13:54
NaturallyCuriousok, cool. Will keep that in mind.13:54
NaturallyCuriousThank you for your reply13:54
ducasseNaturallyCurious: the important thing is to have regular, tested backups.13:54
NaturallyCuriousHow do the backups work on Ubuntu?13:54
NaturallyCuriousI am only really familiar with the backup system "Time Machine" for mac13:55
xenefixjust archive the directory XD13:55
ducasseNaturallyCurious: try backintime for example13:55
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NaturallyCuriouswill look for that13:55
xenefixOr if serious backups, try backula13:55
mcphail!backup | NaturallyCurious13:56
ubottuNaturallyCurious: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:56
mcphailNaturallyCurious: I use rsnapshot, which works well for me13:56
NaturallyCuriouswill take a look, thanks13:57
NaturallyCuriousIS there an easy to understand manual for that one?13:57
NaturallyCuriousIs the built in backup tool (already in ubuntu) any good?13:59
NaturallyCuriousI mean, I don't want my mom to kill me if something goes wrong and I don't have a way to backup and restore files13:59
marvin2why would I use fakeroot to build archives over just executing the command as root?14:00
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ducasseNaturallyCurious: the important thing is that you actually _do_ the backups, and you really should test that you can restore from them. see the links from ubottu for details.14:05
restlessDreamerhello! random question but what time zone are ubuntu releases based around?14:06
restlessDreamerex. it's already 13 April in australia14:07
PicirestlessDreamer: Canonical HQ is in London, but releases are on a "when they're done" sort of schedule.14:07
restlessDreamerso it's just some time within the next 24 hours?14:08
PicirestlessDreamer: pretty much.14:09
ducasserestlessDreamer: during april 13th london time _if_ it's ready as expected14:09
ttmdas if they ever delayed releases14:10
NaturallyCuriousCool, I will try the built in backup software14:10
NaturallyCuriousI have  an Apple Time Capsule (which is basically a NAS). Does anyone know how I can connect to it from Ubuntu so I can setup the backup wirelessly?14:10
ducassettmd: 6.06 was two months late, so it can happen14:11
ttmdcanonical gonna lay off one half of their staff, i wonder what effect it will have14:12
doge-dogehey guys, i finally have an ssd for my backup ubuntumate 16.10 box. is there an easy way to migrate data or is it going to be infinitely easier to just backup the home folder and restore on a nuke-n-pave, considering it already has luks14:13
Homewow your message is in green14:14
doge-dogei heard resizing luks partitions is like switching out a timing belt in your car14:14
ducassedoge-doge: backup and restore, imo14:15
doge-dogeyeah i'll prolly just wait until 17.04 release anyway in case there's going to be any upgrade issues that arise elsewhere14:16
BluewolfHi all, Just bought a new 1TB hard drive and I want to test it before installing anything. I am running of a live USB at the moment. Is there any command I can run in the terminal to check this, I'm using Ubuntu 16.04?14:20
NaturallyCurioususb ls ?14:20
doge-dogedisks utility and run the smart tests there14:20
Malsasa_Bluewolf, open Disk Utility and go to SMART Data & SelfTests.14:23
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apodio hi14:24
Bluewolfdoge-doge: Malsasa_: Well that's what I did. It says the disk is okay, but in the smart data and self test. It has the Read Error Rate as Pre-fail, under type, with the assessment saying its okay. This is the same with the Spinup time and a number of others down the list. Not to mention some are labled as Old-Age. Am I miss understanding this and could you explain?14:24
Malsasa_Hello Bluewolf, I can't give you any info (I haven't tested my own drive) but you can see https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/disk-check.html.en (short) and https://www.linux.com/learn/how-test-solid-state-drive-health-gnome-disks (long).14:27
marechhii! any release date for ubuntu 17.04?14:30
ducassemarech: tomorrow14:30
marechwow, good timing form me, i knew that in heart :D14:30
BluewolfMalsasa_: Okay, the second link you sent me, the assessment in that image is just how mine is. I was just wondering about the other types there as it is brand new14:30
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Malsasa_marech, hello, you just asked what I wanted to ask. Thanks.14:31
marechMalsasa_, welcome! :))14:32
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Malsasa_marech, I knew from Ubuntu official mailing list that the date would be 13th April (next day) https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2017-March/000219.html but I didn't know precisely what time (HH:MM) it would be.14:34
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+114:34
marechohh, im really looking forward to try new gnome, cant do it on 16.04 :(14:35
ubottuNot Yet!14:35
Malsasa_brainwash, Pici thank you for the commmands.14:36
Malsasa_marech, I heard GNOME will be used on 18.04 (2018). But why 16.04? You can use Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 instead.14:38
BluewolfThanks guys'14:39
marechMalsasa_, hmm you sure you can get latest gnome 3.24 on that?14:42
Malsasa_marech, from the official repo, I'm not sure.14:43
Pegasus_RPGHello. When trying to upgrade my kernel, I'm getting "unable to create new file '/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-extra-4.4.0-72-generic.list-new': Operation not permitted"  How is that even possible? I'm doing this as root!14:53
Pegasus_RPGI have plenty of free disk space, so that isn't it14:53
Pegasus_RPGI can touch a new file in that directory, so what gives>?14:54
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic xenial14:54
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ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB14:54
ikevinPegasus_RPG, kernel come from ubuntu repo?14:54
naccPegasus_RPG: how are you runnig the command?14:54
Pegasus_RPGikevin: yes14:55
Bashing-omPegasus_RPG: ^^ and did you 'update' ?14:55
Pegasus_RPGnacc: apt-get -f install (I had to forcibly remove the last kernel because it didn't install properly)14:55
that1guyi am looking for information on how to do basic things. linux is completely new to me.14:55
nacc!manual | that1guy14:56
Pegasus_RPGBashing-om: yes14:56
ubottuthat1guy: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:56
ikevinPegasus_RPG, no fs error?14:56
Pegasus_RPGwait, my a-v scanner might be getting in the way...14:56
that1guylike how to install software manually14:56
naccthat1guy: that's not a 'basic thing', really :)14:57
ikevinthat1guy, it depend of the software14:57
that1guywallets for crypto14:57
tgm4883Using Ubuntu Gnome 16.04, any way to get different backgrounds in a 2 monitor setup?14:57
naccthat1guy: you don't need to do that to use linux, in general. also what do you mean specifically by "manually"14:57
nacctgm4883: not that i've found yet -- but i wonder if there is a shelle extension for it (that seems to be the way to do anything :)14:57
ikevintgm4883, make your own image with the good resolution :p14:57
schneiderHi, I'm not sure if is related to this channel, I'm using linux-mint. When I'm using steam game cs, the cpu strikes up to 120%+ when ingame14:57
schneiderIt is something with system setup?14:58
nacc!mint | schneider14:58
ubottuschneider: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:58
Pegasus_RPGhuh, that was it. Is there some issue with the kernel installation not able to wait on long fs timeouts?14:58
naccPegasus_RPG: well, sudo probably timed out14:59
Pegasus_RPGI'm running apt-get as full on root14:59
ikevinPegasus_RPG, i think it's not related to kernel installation so related to fs14:59
Pegasus_RPGikevin: sure, the fs is taking longer to respond due to the virus scan, but that shouldn't cause it to fail14:59
naccPegasus_RPG: hard to say without more details of where it's failing (you'd need to debug dpkg)15:00
ikevinPegasus_RPG, you can make a test using ionice15:00
Pegasus_RPGnacc: okay15:01
naccPegasus_RPG: but note that the message wasn't a timeout but an EPERM from somewhere15:01
naccPegasus_RPG: at least, afaict15:01
Pegasus_RPGI suspect the fs returned that because the a-v engine had the file locked to scan it15:02
naccPegasus_RPG: right then it's not about speed at all15:02
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naccPegasus_RPG: also, av on linux?15:02
tgm4883nacc: I didn't see any while searching. I've tried nitrogen but that doesn't seem to do anything either15:03
naccseems relatively unnecessary :)15:03
Pegasus_RPGnacc: yes, there are a few Linux viruses and I've had a system compromised in the past15:03
Pegasus_RPG(If I had been running the a-v at that time, the malicious code would never have been able to run.)15:03
that1guydoes the package management work with all software?15:04
naccPegasus_RPG: interesting! sorry to hear that15:04
naccPegasus_RPG: right, but then sounds like there are going to be gotchas like the one you have found15:04
naccthat1guy: all software that is in the repositories, yes15:04
naccthat1guy: your questions are very vague, it's hard to answer15:05
Pegasus_RPGnacc: plus it prevents using my Linux systems as unwitting repos/vectors for Windows/Mac viruses15:05
that1guyi am trying to install crypto wallets.15:05
Pegasus_RPGbut yes, gotchas indeed occur occasionally15:05
that1guyit does not seem to be in repositories15:05
naccthat1guy: what is 'crypto wallets'? where do you have the name from, etc.15:05
nacctgm4883: you went through the step of tweaking and having gnome not manage the desktop?15:06
that1guylike bitcoin wallets, software that holds they coins and verifies the blockchains15:06
nacctgm4883: (with nitrogen)15:06
tgm4883nacc: in the tweak tool the option isn't there. There's a "no icons on desktop" which I'm guessing is the same value15:06
tgm4883nacc: if there's other settings, I don't see them15:07
nacctgm4883: i wonder if it's background -> none?15:07
tgm4883hmm, maybe. Let me try15:08
naccthat seems like it would just turn off the wallpaper though15:08
nacctgm4883: you might try asking the gnome folks, seems like something where the documentation that's out there is constantly out of date :)15:08
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naccthat1guy: electrum appears to be snapped15:10
naccbut i don't know by whom (although they got the official name)15:10
tgm4883nacc: it's definitely under something. When I flip the icons button I can briefly see the nitrogen wallpaper I've selected15:10
Pegasus_RPGThanks all15:10
nacctgm4883: ah interesting!15:10
nacctgm4883: so yeah, it's something competing between the two15:11
Pegasus_RPGI'll try and debug this next time it happens. For now I have other work to do.15:11
mothershipoi lads15:11
nacctgm4883: dconf -> org.gnome.desktop.background.draw-background ?15:12
nacctgm4883: or is that hte same value as "none"?15:12
nacctgm4883: you could also mess with the opacity there, i think, and see if you can see the nitrogen backgrond15:12
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Jerry_I need help with my graphics tablet?15:17
Jerry_It doesn't seem to be working very well with ubuntu15:18
mguyJerry_: Start off with what kind it is, and what problems you are having15:18
Jerry_It is an XP-PEN Star G43015:19
Jerry_Some own brand tablet15:19
Jerry_When I tap on the tablet, the computer detects it as moving the mouse15:20
Jerry_When it should detect it as a "click"15:20
=== vi is now known as violet
Jerry_ubuntu doesn't recognise the pen input when I hold it above the pad15:21
Jerry_so yeah.15:21
naccthe pen probably needs a driver, which may or may not exist15:22
naccJerry_: as to the click, you might need to change the mouse settings15:22
nacc"tap to click" maybe?15:22
Jerry_Ok  one sec15:23
naccif it detects your touchscreen that is15:23
Jerry_Nope, same problem15:23
Jerry_Tap to click was already on, I turned it off and I still have the same issue15:23
Jerry_ubuntu seems to recognise my device as a mouse maybe?15:24
Jerry_Ok I'll check that thread15:24
Jerry_Ok cheers, I think I have the fix.15:26
zensiri nees help installing lubuntu on my ld laptop15:27
Bashing-om!details | zensir15:27
ubottuzensir: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:27
zensirok i am traying to install lubuntu and i start the process until the INSTALL button apears gary and it wont be clickable15:28
zensiri am running lubuntu from the USB now15:29
zensirmy hard drive is totally erased15:30
Bashing-omzensir: K, What options are you choosing for the install operation ? AND is this " dual boot " ?15:30
zensiris it a drive format problem?15:30
zensirno i want a full install15:30
zensirno dual boot15:31
zensiri erased my hd from gparted from the live lubuntu usb15:31
tsglovezensir, at what point does the install button become gray?15:32
Bashing-omzensir: OK, From that liveUSB, pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu ' . see here if the system sees that hard drive .15:32
zensirbecomes gray when it lets me choose from FULL INSTALL or SOMETHING ELSE install15:33
tsglovethat is lubuntu?15:33
zensirthat is15:33
zensiri just downloaded the last ISO15:33
tsgloveok, click on the hdd, until the checkmark dis-appears... then re-check mark it15:34
zensirnow it becomes clickable15:35
tsgloveyeah.... I figured... I have been bitten by that before.15:35
zensirany ideas why_15:35
tsgloveNot really... I mean, I always click... no install.... click click click... then install15:35
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zensirok let me try it15:36
zensirlet see15:36
zensirthnx dude15:36
tsglovesuper... happy I could help =)15:36
Guest95873somebody knows a package for develp hybrid apps? srry for my english15:36
naccGuest95873: what are "hybrid apps"?15:36
tsgloveGuest95873, hybrid apps?15:36
Guest95873yeah for mobiles15:37
tsglovelike... Android Studio?15:37
zensirok it let me go through the keyboard confiuration lets see15:37
tsgloveReact Native?15:37
Guest95873android studio its for native apps15:37
Guest95873i need develop one app for multiple plataform15:37
Guest95873let me see react native and electron ty15:38
zensirhoooo system problem detected15:38
zensirwhile copying files15:39
Bashing-omzensir: Verify the dusk . Boot the liveUSB - soon as the bios screen clears depress a shift key ( EFI: escape key ) .. language screen, escape key to accept the default -> boot options screen -> " check disk for defects" .15:41
Tim_ThalerHi, how do i convert upstart to System-V Init ?15:48
naccTim_Thaler: not sure why you'd do that on ubuntu? are you on 14.04?15:49
Tim_Thaleri would like to know , why upstart was dropped by Canonical...15:50
naccTim_Thaler: that's a different question15:50
Tim_Thalerany valuable links ?15:50
naccTim_Thaler: and is offtopic for the support channel15:50
naccTim_Thaler: feel free to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss15:51
OerHeksupstart is developd by canonical, but the Debian project decided to adopt systemd on a future release in 2014, Mark Shuttleworth announced that Ubuntu would begin plans to migrate to systemd itself to maintain consistency with upstream..15:53
OerHeksand one does not want to go back to unmaintained system-v init...15:55
marvin2are nautilus and Files the same thing? or is nautilus just an alias for Files15:55
AzulflameFiles is the shortcut name, which could be reassigned. Nautilus is the program that is your actual file manager15:56
naccmarvin2: the other way around for the latter, i think (by default) -- i think maybe it's adjustable?15:56
Azulflameon Ubuntu Mate (what I'm running), Nautilus has been replaced with Caja15:56
naccwhat Azulflame said, more clearly :)15:56
Azulflameand Files launches Caja15:56
marvin2how can I tell what it is? help/about just says "Files"15:56
Azulflamewhat OS are you running? Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Gentoo?15:57
marvin2I have a script in ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts, but I can't access it from a program launched when I type nautilus, so I am just wondering if I am actually running nautilus or not15:57
marvin2ubuntu 16.04 LTS15:58
Azulflameyou've got Nautilus15:58
naccmarvin2: if you run `nautilus`, then you're running nautilus15:58
Azulflamesomething else you could do would be to open up the file manager, and check your task manager15:58
naccmarvin2: are you sure that's the right path?15:59
marvin2so why is my script not displayed in the context menu? I'm suppose to have a Script submenu there, and then my script, I can't see either15:59
ttmdmarvin2: is it executable?15:59
naccmarvin2: read that wiki page, it has quite a few Notes and details15:59
naccmarvin2: including that you are using the wrong path, afaict15:59
marvin2I must be reading an old guide then16:00
marvin2yeah, it works after moving it to ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/16:00
ttmdwhat happened to nemo? i thought ubuntu were migrating to it some time ago16:00
naccttmd: that's the cinnamon file manager, iirc16:02
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johnfghi folks16:13
johnfgJust installed 16.10 server in a vm.16:14
johnfgIs there a firewall installed by default with ubuntu server?16:14
johnfgI don't really need one, in this vm, imho.16:14
mcphail!firewall | johnfg16:15
ubottujohnfg: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo16:15
OerHeksiptables, without rules.16:15
naccyeah, iirc, there is a firewall, it's just configured by default on server16:16
johnfgThanks guys, I'll check those pages out.  I'm coming from a mainly debian/centos background, but am liking ubuntu.16:16
naccjust *not* configured, sorry16:16
johnfgVery easily configurable so far, including openldap and kerberos.  Very straightforward.16:16
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tomreynjohnfg: fwiw, most folks prefer long term support (LTS) - 16.10 does not provide this (16.04 LTS does). But maybe you are just testing...16:21
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boxrick1http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/yakkety/man5/apt.conf.5.html - for the http::proxy specifies that if DIRECT is used it will bypass the global proxy env var, yet this doesn't seem to be working.16:38
marvin2I am doing "dpkg-deb --build ./dir"  and getting "dpkg-deb: error: maintainer script 'preinst' has bad permissions 664 (must be >=0555 and <=0775)"16:38
marvin2what is that permission for?16:39
noob_Why does "ubuntu" appear on my EFI table no matter how many times I delete it16:41
zacharyBecause you haven't removed it from your UEFI list16:41
zacharyWhat machine to you have?16:41
noob_My own desktop?16:42
zacharyWell, there should be a way in the UEFI settings menu to add/remove, change preference/order of EUFI entries16:43
OerHeksmarvin2, Read-and-execute is 5, read and write is 6, Read, Write and Execute have a permission value of 716:44
zacharyYou can try to remove it from there.  Else, you can edit the UEFI from the command line in Linux, or in Windows with a nifty app16:44
noob_via efibootmgr?16:44
oholiabhey, I'm looking for some documentation relating to what does and doesn't change in the security and main repositories for a given release16:48
naccoholiab: what would you like to know?16:48
marvin2so what is the meaning of Arhitecture in DEBIAN/control? I am not compiling anything, this is a python plugin. guide I am reading had it set to mipsel, but my target CPU is arm16:48
naccoholiab: security contains security updates for packages16:48
marvin2do I just change it to arm (assuming I even need to)?16:48
oholiabnacc: yeap, I suppose I'm more looking for what will change in main for a given release16:48
naccoholiab: the 'main' repository doesn't change for the release pocket (e.g., xenial). but the xenial-updates pocket does get backported fixes16:49
oholiabso it doesn't change at all?16:49
oholiabI was under the impression from something else I read from the release team's wiki that breaking bugs would be fixed in main16:49
naccoholiab: for xenial/main, not really, once xenial releases16:49
naccoholiab: for an existing release?16:50
naccoholiab: not that i know of, but i might be wrong -- those fixes go into updates16:50
naccoholiab: you can see this in the rmadison output for, say, php7.0. The releaase pocket (xenial) has the original release version when 16.04 came out. x-s and x-u have the updated versions (because for php the update was released via security as well)16:51
naccmarvin2: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html i think there are also packagin specific channels16:52
naccmarvin2: but python plugins should be 'all' if architecture independent16:52
oholiabnacc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories#A_Quick.2C_Tongue-in-cheek_Description_of_the_Ubuntu_Repositories looks like you're probably right about that no-updates-in-main thing16:58
naccoholiab: ack, that's certainly my understanding (the archive freezes on release essentially)16:58
oholiabnacc: nice, thanks for your help :)17:00
naccoholiab: np17:00
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barAvehas anyone used EHCP (easy hosting control panel) on ubuntu 14.04?17:34
That1guyOk, so I got everything downloaded on my rpi. Thank you for pointing me towards the electrum repository.17:45
That1guyBut now I am trying to install ubuntu on my Asus ROG Strix GL702VM-DB74. But I keep getting errors and it doesn't install17:47
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:49
That1guyWhen I first boot ubuntu installer it says something about not recognizing a chipset. Do I need a different version of ubuntu?17:50
That1guyI'm trying to get to the same point so I can tell you the exact errors17:51
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EightynineI'm using Ubuntu GNOME, how can I install Dash to Dock?17:54
adrian_1908That1guy: You don't need a special version of Ubuntu, or rather there isn't one that would improve hardware compatibility. Are you using 17.04?17:54
naccEightynine: i think it's a gnome shell extension17:54
naccEightynine: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/307/dash-to-dock/17:55
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soemqoprgoogle earth works like crap on ubuntu? Does any oen else17:55
EightynineI know, but I can't add it for some reason. Maybe I should use Firefox?17:55
soemqoprtoo face the google earth problem17:55
naccEightynine: tweak tool -> extensions -> get more extensions -> search for "dash to dock", install17:55
soemqoprand despite removing the cache17:55
soemqoprsame problem persits17:55
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soemqoprany one else, like me ?17:55
soemqoprAnd in my situation, if so, pleases tell me17:55
That1guyWhichever is the newest desktop ubuntu I am using17:57
That1guyWhen I get it to boot, I press install, it gives a brief "noveau (wrong spelling) does not recognice chipset be for going to the install welcome screen17:59
gogetaanyone know how to fix the steam store using steam wine17:59
That1guyI press enlgish, enter in my wifi17:59
qvantgogeta: what do you mean by "steam wine" and what do you need to fix?17:59
Bashing-omThat1guy: " not recognizing a chipset " Graphics ?? Try booting with the nomodeset boot parameter .18:00
kostkongogeta, why are you using the windows version?18:00
ManiacRozenhey peeps18:00
That1guyThat's rocket science to me lol. I'll look into how to do that18:00
Bashing-om!nomodeset | That1guy18:01
ubottuThat1guy: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:01
gogetaqvant wine stem loads but the store is broken the workaround in winehq dont seem to work18:01
qvantgogeta, why don't you use the native steam for gnu/linux?18:02
That1guyIt only boots to that black screen for a few seconds. Then starts the installation process18:02
adrian_1908That1guy: Imo you should try to get 17.04 which comes with a newer kernel, and see if that fixes the issue. It should be released any day now, and you can get the release candidate now, which will update itself into the final release in the days after.18:02
That1guyDoeso that sound right?18:02
gogetaqvant: i do have a native but i needed the window version for a windows game18:02
That1guyFor the error you think it is18:02
gogetaqvant: but i need toget into its broswe to reinstall it18:03
AppAraathello, on 16.04, how do I install the most basic Mate DE? Package is called mate-core right?18:03
adrian_1908That1guy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   image: "zesty-desktop-amd64.iso"18:03
qvantgogeta, even if you manage to do that, it's totally not a certainity that your game will work18:04
Guest589Hello I want to use Ubuntu with brltty.18:04
washuu_deWhen something aborts with an error and I see a popup where on launchpad is that sent to? Can I add info to it? (I'm registered on Laubchpad)18:05
That1guyOk. Thank you. I m going to try that.18:05
That1guyWill be back in a few18:05
adrian_1908That1guy: Your notebook has a pretty new GPU from what I understand, so it might just be fixed with the more recent kernel/drivers that come with it. Hence my suggestion.18:05
adrian_1908Good luck.18:06
That1guyadrian_1908 I am going to try that. Thank you18:09
washuu_deSorry. Wrong channel. For Launchpad questions goto #Jaunchpad18:10
That1guyI would pick the amd64 one right?18:12
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Bashing-omThat1guy: Yeah .. AMD64 .18:16
That1guyThank you. Not wanting to mess this up. Really looking forward to the ubuntu world18:16
Bashing-omThat1guy: 'ubie is a good place to be ,, but keep in mind --- this ain't Windows .18:17
That1guyExactly why I'm switching18:17
Bashing-omThat1guy: :)18:18
* Bl4ckC0r3 Hi all18:20
That1guyIs ubie another irc room?18:21
slodkiWake-on-LAN not working in Zesty after poweroff - only at suspend. Works like a charm with the same config/hardware under slackware linux. Is there any way to power down ethernet NIC to support WoL at poweroff state? Old ubuntu HOWTO points to "halt -i" command and similar, but this is not supported in zesty systemd18:22
Bashing-omThat1guy: Naw .. 'ubie' familiar short term for ubuntu and all it's flavors .18:23
Bashing-om!17.04 | slodki18:23
ubottuslodki: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) will be the 26th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in April 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+118:23
shadygoosetryna get DRM working by following the tutorial by Nick http://askubuntu.com/questions/764727/hbonow-on-ubuntu-16-04lts but the test is stuck at "Loading flash access license"18:23
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root____1 @ = channel op, * = IRC op18:32
morrowynim trying to setup a cron job every 35 seconds, but when i use */35 * * * * *’ i gets triggered at 00:00:35 and 00:01:00 (hh:mm:ss), i expected 00:01:0518:33
* root____1 hallo18:33
morrowynany idea what i am doingwrong here?18:33
tgm4883morrowyn: you can't set that18:35
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tgm4883morrowyn: you're telling it to run at times divisable by 3518:35
tgm4883morrowyn: running a cronjob every 35 seconds seems like a bad idea anyway18:36
morrowynso how would i set it so, that it get triggered at  00:00:35 and at 00:01:05 ?18:36
pavlosmorrowyn: cron does not go sub-minute18:36
That1guyBashing-om I want to keep the copy of windows 10 just in case I need it. I have backed it up to a external HDD. Is that all I need to do? And is it possible for me to at first have them run side by side and then remove windows after I know ubuntu is working properly?18:37
HemantE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:40
Hemantcan anyone help withthe above error please. thanks18:40
pavlosHemant: try, sudo apt-get install -f18:43
fiberbabywho cares about Wake-on-LAN ?18:43
HemantE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:45
Hemantstill the same error18:45
naccHemant: pastebin the full log18:45
nacc!pastebin | Henster[m]18:45
ubottuHenster[m]: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:45
naccbah, sorry Henster[m]18:45
naccHemant: --^ the above faq18:46
shadygoosehttps://www.maketecheasier.com/watch-hbo-now-ubuntu/ followed this tutorial. firefox isn't creating the plugins.18:46
Hemanthere is the full log18:48
That1guyI just received another error. I am installing from a usb drive. It says, [errno 5] input/output error18:49
naccHemant: did you install a different python on your system?18:49
naccHemant: does this file exist? /usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu/_sysconfigdata_nd.py18:50
Hemantmy default python version is 3. But i need to use python 2.7 to run macs18:51
naccHemant: what do you mean 'default python is 3'?18:51
naccHemant: `python` should always be python 218:52
minimecHemant: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=python2.7&searchon=names18:52
naccminimec: and you have python 2.7 anyways18:52
k1lHemant: ubuntu 16.04 got python3 which is 3 and python which is 2,718:52
naccHemant: you have python 2.7 anywways18:52
Hemantyes i found that file nacc18:52
Hemant$ python Python 3.6.0 (default, Feb 19 2017, 14:09:05)  [GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>18:53
naccHemant: that's wrong and will break things18:53
naccHemant: you should not change what python is referring to18:53
Hemantyes i have python 2.7 too18:53
naccHemant: what version of ubuntu?18:54
naccHemant: right, but `python` should say python 2.7something and `python3` should say python 3.x.something18:54
Hemantubuntu 16.04 lts18:55
nacci suspect you broke your python installation by doing something18:55
naccyes, there's definitely no python 3.6 in 16.0418:55
Hemanti needed to install different version of python18:55
naccHemant: so did you build from source?18:55
k1l(or use some ppa)18:55
naccso you needed to break your system?18:55
Hemantthis is python 3.618:56
naccsorry, that was rude, but it's rather frustating to be so cavalier with system programs18:56
naccHemant: python 3.6 does not exist in ubuntu on 16.0418:56
naccHemant: so you did something outside of ubuntu18:56
nacci don't know what else you have done outside of ubuntu at this point18:56
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Hemantso what is this out put http://paste.ubuntu.com/24369188/18:57
Hemantyes from source18:57
ioriaHemant, you use some python ppa ?18:57
jowihello everyone18:58
pavlosHemant: you may have to rebuild the python2.7 tree, sudo apt install --reinstall python2.7-minimal18:58
cryptonAlgum brasileiro aq ?18:58
k1lHemant: can you show "apt policy python"18:58
k1l!br | crypton18:58
ubottucrypton: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:58
Hemantok i dont know what its means that python is broken . But ok it seems i will have to rebuilt it.19:00
ioriaHemant, or pyenv ?19:00
k1l<k1l> Hemant: can you show "apt policy python"19:00
Hemantwhats python ppa19:00
ioriaHemant, ^ k1l19:00
ffsdoes ubuntu moving back to gnome mean it will be usable again, or is gnome still one of these "dae le tablet" environments?19:00
Hemant$ apt policy python python:   Installed: 2.7.11-1   Candidate: 2.7.11-1   Version table:  *** 2.7.11-1 500         500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status19:01
ioriaHemant,  on paste.ubuntu.com is more elegant :þ19:02
Hemantok let me try again19:02
k1lHemant: hmm, and "python3" package?19:02
ioriaHemant,  or dpkg -l | grep python*19:02
k1lbut i guess he installed a bin manually then19:03
ioriaHemant,  the first is ok19:03
k1lHemant: can you show "apt policy python3"19:04
ioriaHemant,  is 3.5 in xenial19:04
pavlosHemant: ls -l /usr/bin/python*19:05
g105bHi everyone. I am going to miss unity for the following two reasons: "Local" global menus and their ability to merge with the top system bar, and the Alt button's menu search feature. In Gnome, is there any way of achieving these two goals?19:05
osn12Hi, i have a question about envrionment variables, if i do rm -rf $blah/$blah2 and these variables are not defined, apparently they are ignored and i screw up myself by doing rm -rf //  , how is that possible ?19:05
naccosn12: because your shell is interpreting them19:05
naccosn12: also never do -f with variables (imo)19:06
osn12nacc: is there any thing i can read about this, or i can google to learn more.19:06
ioriaHemant,  i think you set up a virtual env ?19:06
Hemantthis is ubuntu 16.04 lts19:06
naccosn12: `man bash` ? :)19:06
k1lHemant: ok, so i guess you installed or linked the python3.6 binaries manually19:06
osn12nacc: something more specific :)19:06
thunter5I have two LVM's on a Ubuntu server that died and was rebuild. The old LVM still has an active swap file and I can't remove the drive from the LVM so I can move it to the new LVM.19:06
xanguag105b: unity will be supported in 16.04 LTS up to 2021, there is balance global menu that's supposed to work in lxde(gtk2), xfce, mate; KDE recently RE introduced their global menu (only KDE and qt apps supported)19:07
Bashing-omThat1guy: Away from the keyboard .. still with a problem ?19:07
ioriaHemant,  sudo updatedb; locate python3.619:08
g105bI'm in no rush to replace Unity, but I wouldn't mind trying some different DEs out to get a really good workflow like I have with Unity now.19:08
xanguag105b: s/balance/vala global menu19:08
That1guyNo. I ex19:08
naccosn12: you mgith want to look at set -u19:08
naccosn12: in `man bash`19:08
That1guyI reinstalled and it's working fine now19:09
naccosn12: i mean, your question is as basic as "what are shell variables" right now19:09
g105bxangua: Do you know what I mean about "local" global menus?19:09
Hemanti dont remeber what i have done . I tried many things19:09
naccosn12: they are not 'ignored', an unset variable resolves to '' (empty string)19:09
xanguag105b: KDE has that... Kinda (a button in the window)19:09
ioriaHemant, the location of the binary should give you an idea19:09
pavlosHemant: no idea why you get python3.6.0 unless you installed it from a tarball on top of 3.519:10
g105bThis one feature is one of my favourite, but I don't know of any other OS/DE that does it as well as Unity: http://i.imgur.com/qoBxXfh.png19:10
Bashing-omThat1guy: Great .. glad ya made it . We are here as you have questions .19:11
ioriaHemant, i think you compiled from source19:12
osn12thanks nacc19:13
Hemantso what should i do now19:13
ioriaHemant, you don't remember that ?19:13
That1guyThank you! I'm sure I will have many.19:13
Hemantmost probably from source19:13
Hemanti had installed many versions of python 2 months ago.19:14
Hemanti have got 2.6, 2.7 and 3.619:14
ioriaHemant,  look in the Makefile if there is a unistall  flag19:17
Hemantwhere is the makefile19:19
ioriaHemant,  or there you downloaded the tar ball19:20
fiberbabymaybe Ubuntu should switch to a rolling release?19:20
nacc!ot | fiberbaby19:20
ubottufiberbaby: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:20
Hemanti downlaoded python from here https://www.python.org/downloads/19:22
Hemantcant find any uninstall flag in the makefile19:22
Hemanthere is my makefile19:23
fiberbabyforcing users to register to enter #ubuntu-offtopic is counterproductive :/19:24
k1lfiberbaby: please raise your concern in #ubuntu-ops and keep this channel here for technical support only. thanks19:26
Hemantok i think pip got magically installed19:29
Hemant$ pip install --upgrade pip Collecting pip   Downloading pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.3MB)     100% |████████████████████████████████| 1.3MB 853kB/s  Installing collected packages: pip Successfully installed pip-9.0.119:29
Hemantok solved it thanks a lot19:31
marvin2is there a GUI scp client that ships with ubuntu?19:34
Hemanti think reinstalling python helped19:34
Random832marvin2, "ships with" is kind of a fuzzy phrase19:34
k1lmarvin2: nautilus can handle sftp connections19:35
Random832marvin2, try filezilla19:35
gotwigcan you pls help me how to direclty connect my ubuntu pc with my ps3 via ethernet without router?19:35
marvin2k1l sftp and scp are compatible?19:36
marvin2I am getting "Unhandled error message: Connection failed"19:37
k1lmarvin2: the openssh server offers sftp connection, too19:37
marvin2server runs on a device with limited resources, so I would rather install something on the client side than on the server side19:38
naccmarvin2: um, well, scp is mediated by the ssh server, so is sftp, afaict19:39
naccmarvin2: can you ssh from client to server?19:39
marvin2I can't connect though. I can connect with scp on the command line19:39
gotwighow can I share my internet connection via my notebook with my ps3?19:40
pavlosmarvin2: found this, not sure if current ... https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/natty/secpanel/19:40
naccmarvin2: 'can't connect' with which command? pastebin logs, etc19:40
genii!ics | gotwig19:40
ubottugotwig: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:40
marvin2nacc I tried to connect through "Connect to server" option in nautilus, and got "Unhandled error message: Connection failed"19:41
naccmarvin2: ah ok19:41
gotwiggenii: that worked and the ps3 can obtain an ip, but the network connection is failing because of DNS issue?19:42
ioriamarvin2,    sftp://user@server_ip/directory19:42
marvin2tried this: "sftp://root@vusolo4k/", same error. tried to type ip directly as well, same thing19:44
k1lmarvin2: what OS os the server?19:44
k1lmarvin2: and is it using another ssh port?19:45
marvin2it is a satellite receiver running linux19:45
k1lah ok. so you dont know if the server supports sftp19:45
naccmarvin2: try with `sftp root@vusolo4k` on the commandline -- rather than nautilus19:46
marvin2"sh: /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server: not found"19:46
naccmarvin2: right no sftp server on the other end then, i think19:47
marvin2it looks like it19:47
naccmarvin2: on the server install `openssh-sftp-server`19:47
marvin2failing that, what GUI scp client is usually recommended?19:48
naccmarvin2: i think nautilus can talk sshfs too19:48
naccsince you do have a working ssh configuration19:48
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Crypto_trivia qustion : A speech coding standard that performs speech compression, and a successor format of MP3. , any answers?19:54
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EightynineIs that normal that I have Gnome on Wayland in login screen options?19:57
nacc!ot | Crypto_19:57
ubottuCrypto_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:57
k1lEightynine: yes19:58
EightynineI thought I did something wrong. I have flickering on desktop and in browser how can I troubleshoot my system?19:59
gotwiggenii: i have now a connection, but i have issues with the dns server , so i cant use the connection20:03
fadavihello there. my laptop screen flashs many times during boot. i mean screen bcomes black and again returns to console mode and again... how can i prevent this? i wanna boot my laptop without any splash...20:03
marvin2why does it take 10 seconds to resolve host of the local device, while, say, www.google.com resolves instantly?20:04
geniigotwig: Do you get internet OK on the Ubuntu machine? Or is the DNS issue originating at your ISP?20:04
gotwiggenii: i just want a dns conneciton on my ps3 to my ubuntu machine20:04
gotwigthis has nothing to do with isp20:04
geniiThat doesn't answer the question I asked20:05
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marvin2when I ping it I get this (it may ne related to 10 seconds it takes to resolve the host). "vusolo4k.domain_not_set.invalid ("20:05
Bashing-omfadavi: Edit /etc/default/grub line "20:06
silicatewielder_Could someone help me compile a libray from source? It's called Corona and this is the output I'm getting when I run make: https://pastebin.com/hpzPzmK920:06
gotwiggenii: I dont even want to share my internet connection.20:06
Bashing-omfadavi: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" - taking out quiet splash .20:06
gotwiggenii: the ps3 is running a server, i want to access this server by connecting the ps3 and ubuntu together into one network20:06
gotwigdirectly over ethernet20:07
silicatewielder_I believe it should be possible to get a list of all devices on your network via the terminal20:07
silicatewielder_Although I don't know the command to do so20:08
azizLIGHThow come sometimes when i log in to ubuntu, my shorcuts dont work: ctrl+alt+t20:08
azizLIGHTand my volume doesnt work20:08
azizLIGHTvolume buttons on keyboard dont do anything20:08
azizLIGHTsame with media keys20:08
Bashing-omfadavi: After the edit remember to ' sudo update-grub ' to propgate the change .20:08
azizLIGHTlogging out and logging back in usually fixes it20:10
azizLIGHTbut why does it happen20:10
pavlossilicatewielder_: you can use 'nmap' to look for all hosts in your local network (192.168.1.*20:10
aotaointbincan you? i thought nmap was a port scanner, not a host scanner :P20:10
geniigotwig: So then plug them directly into each other, put dnsmasq on the Ubuntu machine, configure it to give the PS3 a number on the same LAN segment the ubuntu box is on, which will be statically assigned. You then don't need any kind of DNS server, just use their respective IPs20:10
gotwiggenii: after I installled dnsmasq i got directly an error in starting in20:11
gotwigi dont know how to configure it properly20:11
silicatewielder_Ah yes, I forgot about nMap20:11
geniigotwig: I currently don't have enough free time to give you a step-by-step on this20:12
gotwigok :x too bad20:12
hheeguys, which software can i use for network scheme creating?20:13
hheejust visual side of it20:13
hheewithout any monitoring20:13
hheejust scheme editor20:14
pavlosaotaointbin: nmap -sP does host discovery20:14
hheelike diagram20:14
AundreLENOVO-PC1: me deh ya man20:17
Guest55363I have a Question regarding BRLTTY: Can i use BRLTTY after the Ubuntu Installation with my Braille Display?20:19
EightynineWhat is the latest Gnome version for 16.04.2?20:30
marvin2should I be putting my executables in /usr/bin or some other place?20:30
k1l!info gnome-shell xenial20:31
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.5-0ubuntu0.2 (xenial), package size 629 kB, installed size 6897 kB20:31
k1lEightynine: 3.18 it is20:31
naccmarvin2: your own executables should go in /usr/local/bin if multiple users should have access or ~/bin and add ~/bin to your PATH20:31
naccmarvin2: imo20:32
marvin2weird that I don't have /usr/local ?20:32
naccmarvin2: you have no /usr/local at all?20:32
marvin2my bad, I was sshing into some other machine =)20:33
andaiI'm running ubuntu on a vps, it's using openvz so there's no fuse support. I'm trying to set up a little VNC setup. Is there any way to tell apt to ignore fuse errors and install things anyway20:37
andaibecause right now my workaround is to apt-get download everything i need and install it manually20:37
andaifor instance xfce install failed due to fuse error, but i installed manually and everything (that i need) works fine20:38
AEL-HDoes anyone know why I might be getting SSL cert errors in a screen session as soon as I close the SSH session?20:41
AEL-Hduring the SSH session there are no SSL cert errors, it is as soon as SSH is closed20:42
afoxGuest55363: I don't have the answer to your question but you've opened my eyes to something I had never considered before. I just watched a few videos and it's amazing and awesome that you can connect a braille display to a computer. I didn't know that was possible.20:42
AEL-Hafox: pardon the pun?20:42
craigbass76what's the openjdk version of oracle's jcontrol ? trying to run a web app with java and it's not liking the self signed certificate. I don't see anything looking like jcontrol where openjdk has all it's other executables though20:42
afoxoops :\20:42
craigbass76:P  itweb-settings20:45
Guest55363I want to dualboot Windows 10 Creators Update and Ubuntu. How can i do that?20:45
craigbass76Guest55363: Unless things have changed (I haven't dual booted since before dapper) you've got ot have windows installed first, then ubuntu20:45
Bashing-om!dualboot | Guest5536320:46
ubottuGuest55363: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:46
andaiin case future people have the same problem as me: to install a package without a specific dependency, put a minus after the package to exclude! "apt-get install vlc fuse-"20:48
naccandai: hat version of ubuntu?20:50
naccandai: *what20:50
fancyspacepantshey can anyone recommend a good motion-tracking software? Say like if I wanted to drop a white ball on a black background in front of a webcam, and then have my machine model the path.20:51
EightynineThank you. And what about my question about flickering? Seems like it disappeared but I want to be shure.20:51
naccfancyspacepants: you might want to ask in a more appropriate channel, e.g. ##linux or so20:52
nacc!alis | fancyspacepants: also20:52
ubottufancyspacepants: also: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:52
EightynineYes, there is flickering when using browser (I'm using Chromium).20:53
* Bl4ckC0r3 I`m back20:55
andainacc: no idea, how do i check20:58
andainacc: my issue is about apt, so that would work on debian too20:58
naccandai: lsb_release -a21:03
naccandai: because i don't think vlc depends on fuse21:04
andainacc: This is embarrassing. Turns out I'm on Debian!21:05
naccandai: i don't think vlc depends on fuse in debian either21:07
andainacc: it may have been dpkg complaining about fuse being half-installed from when i was installing xfce21:07
naccandai: and i've not seen that syntax you pasted above before -- and it's not documented in themanpage either. And it won't let you avoid dependencies afaict. Maybe it would skip recommends, but if it's a dependency, then it won't install the package still21:07
naccandai: yes, that seems likely21:07
andainacc: so i'm on expensive mobile internet but i like listening to the radio. What I'm trying to do is setup VLC to stream only the audio of a live music channel i like to save bw/money21:09
andai* a very specific radio :)21:09
Guest55363I am blind and want to use the Chrome Browser with the Orca Screenreader.21:15
tomreynhi Guest55363: i do not have any experience with it. maybe someone else here has. but what is you question, if any?21:16
Guest55363Does Chrome work with the Orca Screenreader?21:17
tomreynhmm, i would not know. is it difficult to just give it a try?21:18
fancyspacepantsI want to run CPU only under Ubuntu, to run bash scripts. Is there an easy way to do this from the existing ubuntu install?21:19
tomreynfancyspacepants: CPU, as in central processing unit?21:19
naccfancyspacepants: that doesn't make any sense. you want only your CPU to be running?21:19
tomreyn!info cpu21:20
ubottucpu (source: cpu): console based LDAP user management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-12 (yakkety), package size 114 kB, installed size 400 kB21:20
tomreynmaybe this, but it still dont make sense to me21:20
Guest55363I have tried Chrome with the Orca Screenreader and it is difficult to use.21:20
k1lfancyspacepants: you mean CLI only?21:21
fancyspacepantsnacc: to reduce power consumption21:21
fancyspacepantsk1l: that's right.21:21
tomreynGuest55363: maybe it works better with a different web browser then? do orca folks suggest which wbe browser to use?21:21
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k1lfancyspacepants: what ubuntu release?21:21
Guest55363Firefox is fully accessible with the Orca Screenreader.21:23
fancyspacepantsk1l: 16.0421:23
k1lfancyspacepants: ok, you need to set to boot to the multi-user.target target. that will make you boot into the CLI like its a server install21:23
k1lfancyspacepants: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target21:24
fancyspacepantsok. How do I return to this ubuntu mode when I'm done using that?21:24
k1lset the default to graphical.target again. so it will boot to the login screen21:25
fancyspacepantsthanks :)21:26
c0mradeHow to know which ubuntu version I am on.21:29
c0mradeAn error occurred in the underlying SSH library that Vagrant uses.21:29
c0mradeThe error message is shown below. In many cases, errors from this21:29
c0mradelibrary are caused by ssh-agent issues. Try disabling your SSH21:29
c0mradeagent or removing some keys and try again.21:29
k1lc0mrade: "lsb_release -sd"21:29
naccc0mrade: `lsb_release -a`21:29
c0mradeOops sorry by mistake.21:30
tomreynGuest55363: There is ChromeVox for Chromium and Chrome apparently.21:30
Bl4ckC0r3when will be release ubuntu 17.04?21:30
k1lBl4ckC0r3: on 13th april. europe afternoon21:30
Bl4ckC0r3thank you21:30
c0mradeHow to know if i386 |  AMD64?21:30
k1lc0mrade: uname -a will tell21:30
c0mradeLinux ip-172-31-36-211 4.4.0-72-generic #93-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 31 14:07:41 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:31
c0mradeWhich means?21:31
k1lc0mrade: that is 64bit21:31
c0mradeSo AMD64 right?21:31
tomreynx86_64 -> amd64 capable21:31
c0mradeAll right.21:31
Guest55363After the Ubuntu installation alongside Windows 10 I try to start Windows but Ubuntu is booting instead. How can i fix this Problem as a blind User?21:33
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Bashing-omGuest55363: Win10 is a UEFI install, did you boot the ubuntu installer in UEFI mode also so the boot code is compatible with Windows ?21:36
Guest55363My Windows 10 is installed in BIOS Legacy Mode.21:37
Guest55363But my Laptop Firmware has started the Ubuntu Installer in UEFI Mode.21:39
earlybirdUpgrading from precise->trusty, apt-get dist-upgrade hangs on the preconfiguration step "keyboard-config,14963 /tmp/keyboard-configuration.config.148341 configure 1.70ubuntu5" indefinitely, with 0% activity in that grep command. Any ideas?21:39
k1learlybird: ubuntu doesnt do the upgrades with apt21:39
Bashing-omGuest55363: Both installed to the same hard drive ?? . then ya need to re-install one or the other . the 2 boot codes are not compatible .21:42
Guest55363How can I set the Language on Startup of the Ubuntu Live System as a blind User?21:45
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Bashing-omGuest55363: I do not know about brail . But the language screen L as soon as the firmware screen clears, depress any key -> language screen .21:49
earlybirdk1l: it's not an option as a) we deal with sensitive LXC containers, b) do-release-upgrade is not permitted because it's much more complex, c) it worked before and is possible -> https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html and d) the underlying reason is that on the server in question, /proc/bus/input/devices is empty so the grep command hangs there indefinitely -> the root cause is21:53
earlybirdentirely different. THanks though21:53
Guest55363I have another Problem: I have one USB-Flash Drive that is write-protected. I can't format it under Windows and I haven't set the Write-Protection. Can i format my USB-Drive under Linux? I have also tried that but it don't work.21:54
Bashing-omGuest55363: How handy are you with the terminal ? You can 'dd' the .iso to the USB drive in ubuntu .21:56
afl456Hey does anyone know what time and timezone they drop 17.04 today?21:56
k1lafl456: afternoon europe time, that is what it was the last times21:57
Guest55363I have also tried the Terminal and dd but it takes a long Time.21:57
afl456k1l: Sweet cheers. I wish they would drop at midnight so we all knew exactly when to expect it.. so annoying.. I was hoping to waste most of today futzing about with an upgrade..21:58
Guest55363And dd can't format my USB-Drive.21:59
YankDownUnderIt will be interesting (as it usually is) to watch the sources get pounded in serving out the "latest and greatest"21:59
afl456can I force upgrade to 17.04 already despite the release?22:00
Bashing-omGuest55363: ' sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M && sync ' depending on how fast the processor is, but, should not take long .22:00
k1lafl456: yes, use the developer switch22:00
afl456k1l: true22:01
YankDownUnderafl456: There's always this thing called "wait and be patient" - not that many ever follow that path... :)22:01
afl456YankDownUnder: Life is short22:02
Guest55363I haven't tried to write an ISO image to my USB-Drive. But i have to tried to wipe it with Zero and random Data.22:02
YankDownUnderafl456: Yersh...HOWEVER, there is much to be said from observing other people's mistakes/failures/issues and learning the proper steps to resolution - hmm...like spending some time watching all the issues that crop up around the upgrade - and the packages...seeing what exactly breaks so one know exactly what to fix...and to be prepared...22:04
afl456YankDownUnder:  play it safe22:05
YankDownUnderafl456: Like climbing...22:06
YankDownUnderafl456: Besides that - if the machine is a "production" machine - or a machine you're dependent on, why take the risk blindly? Just sayin...22:07
superdial360what is this22:10
superdial360I have never used this before22:10
superdial360seems quite interesting though22:10
Dan-NS27xnever used irc?22:11
k1lsuperdial360: this is the irc channel for technical ubuntu support.22:11
YankDownUndersuperdial360: "Internet Relay Chat" - a "chat" and conversation system used for 20+ years.22:11
afl456superdial360: that is a keyboard, very handy22:11
superdial360no HexChat22:12
naccsuperdial360: HexChat is an IRC client22:13
AngryNorkhow does the file system work on ubuntu, just mounted a flash drive asigned to sdc122:21
AngryNorkneed to install a package from that22:21
andaiis xubuntu supported in this channel22:22
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naccandai: yes22:23
Dan-NS27xandai, could try #xubuntu also22:23
andaiso when i do sudo apt-get install.. it tells me it's locked... but nothing is running (just booted up)22:23
andaiso i thought let's try the software center22:23
andaiand then it tells me i need to register with ubuntu one to install a package? seriously?22:23
naccandai: use gnome software not ubuntu software center22:24
naccandai: and it only requires registration for paid for apps, iirc22:24
andaitrying to get vlc22:24
kostkonandai, sudo dpkg -i package.deb   but you should copy the file to your home folder first22:24
naccandai: are you sure you're not accidentally installing hte snap?22:25
naccandai: in any case, see if something is running in the background22:25
andainacc: i thought that's what the kids are calling .debs these days22:25
andaiwhat is a snap22:25
xanguaandai: showing the actual terminal output may be helpful22:25
naccandai: just because you're not running something actively doesn't mean a background process isn't updating the archives etc22:25
naccandai: another packaging format22:26
AngryNorkneed to install a .deb file on ubuntu server, usb flash drive that it's on is mounted22:26
gredjokwhere can I ask if x264 is an automated* format,meaning the quality its already preset,so a 2 hour file is going to be always bigger than a 1 hour file?22:26
andaioh looks like a system update was running in bg22:28
naccandai: right22:29
andaiahh.. at last! I have confirmed my hypothesis22:30
Dan-NS27xis there a reason 16.04 doesn't use wlan0 in network device names?22:30
andaiVLC latest (2.2.4 "weatherwax") can play YouTube streams on macOS and Ubuntu.. but not Debian22:30
andaiI was wondering whether to switch from Debian to Ubuntu. The answer is "yes"22:30
naccDan-NS27x: it uses a name based upon predictable interface naming in systemd22:31
naccDan-NS27x: you can disable it with net.ifnames=0 passed to your kernel at boot time, iirc22:31
Dan-NS27xok. wondered why my wlan0 is now called wlxp878f6fbe3322:32
Dan-NS27xI'd have to look into that net.ifnames thing22:32
Dan-NS27xdid a fresh install of 16.04 server but setting up networks to connect at boot up.22:32
YankDownUnderandai: "Weatherwax" - a Sir PTerry Pratchett character...22:33
Dan-NS27xset up to connect to my network isn't quite working out so far22:33
Bashing-omAngryNork: Terminal command 'mount' to get the path of the USB drive . ls -al ' /media/<username>/<device_ID>/<file> ; to get the full path .. then ' sudo dpkg -i <full_path> .22:34
azizLIGHTthis guide doesnt mention anything about partition table: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive22:35
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: It does . that guide uses fdisk to make up the partitions .22:36
jamie_1_hey im having an interesting graphical issue, i have the cinnamon desktop installed on my computer and when i click and drag on desktop it creates the squares and then they dont go away, the desktop background is not displaying, and if i click and drag to move an icon it moves it but the image does not disappear22:39
SpaceAcehaving some real trouble with my htpc and intel integrated drivers. i'm trying to reinstall the driver now, but i'm getting unmet dependencies on va-driver-all :(22:40
jamie_1_and my drivers (addional drivers) its shows Unknow:unknow (device not in use)22:41
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: Be aware if the drive is to be GPT partitioning - ya need 'gdisk' for that .22:41
superdial360_using netcat on my ubuntu 17 beta I do not get the -e or the -c function. Is there any way of installing a different version so that I have all the functions22:42
superdial360_i have 'sudo apt-get update'22:43
helplesshow to fix acpi errors?22:43
superdial360_and then reinstalled it but still the same issue22:43
azizLIGHTBashing-om: any guide you can recommend for the whole process please?22:43
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: The one you referenced is my goto :)22:44
azizLIGHTBashing-om: i want to do gpt partition table, ext4 filesystem for entire disk, and auto mount on boot (this is not a drive for /)22:44
jamie_1_im thinking it might bea  graphics issue22:44
azizLIGHTit doesnt have anything about gpt on it though22:44
azizLIGHTor mbr22:44
jamie_1_one sec... brb, swaping to a working de22:45
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: In the guid substutite gdik for where they point to fdisk ... and terminal command ' man gdisk ' for gdisk usage .22:46
jamie_1okay, looking into the grapics drivers, also anyone know why plasma still shows up on the list for de even after removing kde and purging plasma-desktop22:47
jdlizard /server -m irc.icq-chat.com:666722:47
Nobabs27yo why, when I am in a terminal and spam the trackpoint buttons + the keyboard it makes the screen go blank??22:51
PipeItToDevNullNobabs27, that is so broad, I would assume you are hitting a key combo22:52
Nobabs27lol yeah it is broad and ok22:53
Nobabs27im about to see if I can find anything in the syslog22:53
Cmaj6Need help: Running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Downloaded freeplane (since freemind is removed from the packages and also manual install doesn't work; it won't start), extracted etc. Upon starting the program in bash, i see: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static java.lang.String sun.aw.X11.XToolkit.awtAppClassName ..[more printStacktrace message].....". I have Oracle java 8 and22:54
Cmaj69 installed; Oracle java 9 currently set to default (by sudo update-alternatives --config java)22:54
Cmaj6Basically: the program doesn't start, no splash, nothing...except for that message in terminal22:54
Cmaj6the same goes for the freemind program (similar message, and no splash, nothing)22:54
naccCmaj6: i don't believe oracle java is an ubuntu pacakge22:55
Cmaj6nacc, it isn't22:55
naccCmaj6: so ask oracle for support with their jvm?22:55
naccCmaj6: also, java9 is not yet released afaik22:55
azizLIGHThow to get uuid so i can put it into /etc/fstab?22:56
naccazizLIGHT: blkid, ithink22:56
afoxugh i hate working in java apps at my current company in emacs. it completely clashes with my 2 space tab way of life.22:56
azizLIGHThow to test if fstab is ok22:58
Bashing-omazizLIGHT: ' mount -a ' a return to prompt is good .22:59
Cmaj6nacc well it seems the oracle channel is kind of dead../:(22:59
afoxthey've all switched to python :)23:00
Nobabs27@PipeItToDevNull part of the screen flashes black when I press trackpoint click + keyboard, and if I keep doing it then it goes totally off.  Using Lenovo t410 if that matters.23:00
PipeItToDevNullNobabs27, I have no clue what a trackpoint even is23:01
Nobabs27Tried looking at syslog, didn't see any interesting there...is there a particular log I should look at?23:01
Nobabs27@PipeItToDevNull http://i.imgur.com/Ss1mi.jpg23:02
PipeItToDevNullFancy thinkpad, still no clue23:02
kunwon1trackpoint is the red pointing device in the middle of the keyboard23:02
Nobabs27what kunwon1 said23:03
afoxyeah the 'eraser head'23:03
Nobabs27except my issue happens when I press the "click" buttons, not the red dot itself23:03
kunwon1it's pressure sensitive, and high friction. you put your finger on it and push right, pointer moves to the right23:03
Nobabs27and they have the extra buttons for using that instead of the pad23:04
Nobabs27literally I can just spam Middle Button+Space+c a few times in the terminal and get the weird blank screen23:05
Nobabs27then it goes off23:05
Nobabs27I'm using GNOME Terminal on i3 if that changes anything23:06
azizLIGHThow come on one of my drives lost+found/ dir is owned by my user and i can access it, and on another drive lost+found/ dir is owned by root and i cannot access it. which is the preferred and why?23:08
jamie_1hey, where are the config files held for desktop sessions?23:08
azizLIGHTand what about .Trash-1000/ should that be owned by me or root, what should be the permissions23:08
jamie_1and if i remove those and reboot will they be regenerated23:09
Cmaj6nacc: just a headsup: the problem is fixed.....solution was not using java 9, which had to be done by setting up the $JAVA_HOME variable instead of update-alternatives command!23:15
dmpls -lrt23:16
Nobabs27this is what happens:  https://youtu.be/u6agWyVFi0g23:18
Ben64Nobabs27: stop doing that23:19
Nobabs27stop doing what23:20
Ben64smashing keys and buttons randomly23:20
Nobabs27im doing that because im not sure what triggers it, but it will happen when I dont want it to23:21
Nobabs27and im pretty sure random screen blanking should not be happening23:21
PipeItToDevNullNobabs27, facerolling a keyboard can do random stuff like that23:21
Nobabs27the screen turning blank?23:21
Nobabs27and then the computer going off?23:21
azizLIGHTi gotta see the video now23:22
PipeItToDevNullCould be sending the SYS key combo23:22
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Nobabs27whats that key combo?23:22
azizLIGHTlol what u doin Nobabs2723:22
azizLIGHTpracticing ur dj scratches23:23
Nobabs27trying to demonstrate the issue xD23:23
Nobabs27at the end it literally goes blank23:23
Nobabs27and its happened before, without the button mashing23:23
Ben64sounds like a hardware issue23:24
Nobabs27to clarify: my issue is not the terminal getting spammed, it's the screen going blank23:24
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Nobabs27after it goes blank it shuts off23:24
Nobabs27@Ben64 hardware issue you say?  Motherboard or Keyboard?23:25
Ben64Nobabs27: yes23:26
Nobabs27...I see you like to answer questions like I do xD23:26
Nobabs27"this or this?"  "yes"23:27
Nobabs27@ben64 xD23:27
afoxBen is such a cool name23:27
afoxso compact.23:28
Nobabs27ok so, any suggestion of where to go for support on this?23:28
afoxthis isn't much help, but it looks like your keyboard is glitching out on you. like maybe throwing a ctrl in there or something while you're typing.23:34
afoxdefinitely looks like a hardware issue23:34
afoxdoes your screen go blank while you're not pressing any keys? or only while you're pressing a key / using the trackpad?23:36
Nobabs27only when keys get pressed inside the terminal23:37
Nobabs27also shorter version of the video (less button mashing):  https://youtu.be/eLkREuQdIkg23:37
afoxsec. inbetween rocket league matches. sorry23:39
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raleighis there a way i can bind the hyper key (or some other key i assign to caps lock) to move forward/backward by word/line/etc?23:42
raleighlike with readline, but that works in other windows not just a terminal23:42
evilytwistedHi,  hopefully someone can help me? im using  linxlite, BEFORE you go we dont support that distro.. its a derivative of debian.. a derivative of ubunto... i use synaptic, i use sudo apt-get and all of that23:43
evilytwistedall im asking is could someone helpme /show me how to get my computer to reconize my android device23:43
evilytwistedi have mtpfs installed and mtp-tools23:43
evilytwistedi would be bugging linuxlite, except they dont have an irc support channel anymore23:43
mcphailevilytwisted: you know you're in the wrong place. Sorry, but we can't know what your distro of choice has altered23:45
skinuxAnyone know of a secure and free software that would allow me to access a designated part of my computer hard drive from my phone?23:45
evilytwistedits still the same distro. :/23:45
mcphailevilytwisted: no, it isn't. Please stick to the /topic in this channel23:45
skinuxI'm thinking of something that would be installed on my machine and provide secure access to my phone when connected to the same LAN23:46
mcphailskinux: I was playing with kdeconnect earlier, but the default version wasn't useful. I think you need a PPA for it to work properly. It seems to offer what you need23:47
naccevilytwisted: it's *not* the same distro. derivatives (as opposed to flavors) can change anything23:47
evilytwistedi figured debian of all people as they are the closest to "pure" would have such attitude..23:47
evilytwistedbut ubuntu?23:47
evilytwistedill show my self out23:47
odineI was wondering if anyone could point me to a guide to allow me to VNC into a ubuntu desktop unity server from my home rez in my home monitors full capapable rez of 1920x1080.. i know it can be done just donno how :(23:49
Nobabs27@odine I would recommend x2go23:51
YankDownUnderodine: Biggest secret: Having a "non standard" port opened on your router at home - and making sure that that port is forwarded to your "desktop"...the rest should be easy as.23:51
odinedoes x2go function with unity desktop?23:52
afoxNobabs27: definitely think its your keyboard. i'd install a keylogger and see what happens right before it goes black23:52
afoxlike log everything. then when it dies, stop pressing keys, power down, then check the log when it boots back up23:53
Nobabs27@afox hm, the peeps at ##ibmthinkpad think it's a software issue23:53
afoxhopefully it is. but if a keylogger shows up something that you didn't press... well its probably not23:54
afoxits a good way to rule it out23:54
jrowe_awayhooray, death to unity!23:54
Nobabs27ok, can you recommend a keylogger?23:54
afoxunfortunately i can't. i've never used on in linux23:54
jrowe_awayalso, condolences to any whose employment was affected23:55
jrowe_awayif youre capturing for debug, google is your friend - http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/129159/record-every-keystroke-and-store-in-a-file comes up really quick23:56
Nobabs27ik, I was just wondering if he had one in mind23:57

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