
=== rangerpb is now known as rangerpbzzzz
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blackboxswhey smoser, so where do things stand with the current SRU process? I'm trying to find an sru bug related to the work.16:28
smoserblackboxsw, ok.. collecting some info16:30
blackboxswgood deal, thanks.16:30
smosertyping https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/cloud-init-sru-info16:31
smoserblackboxsw, so i guess the easiest thing to do is just start doing it... we can walk down the list and pick one by one. if you dont understand the test case / verification that i put in for anything, then you can either16:35
smosera.) ask questions16:35
smoserb.) go to the next one16:35
smoser (until you run out and are forced to 'a')16:36
blackboxswyeah that sounds like a good loop. expect the a's16:37
* blackboxsw starts at the top16:39
blackboxswhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1676460 xenial validation16:39
smoserblackboxsw, many of the bugs reference 'lxc-proposed-snapshot'16:40
smoserthat one did not. it would be good to make yourself a lxc with proposed cloud-init in it.16:40
smosersee http://pad.lv/1674766 for an example.16:41
blackboxswcool will do16:42
smoserthat requires 'mount-image-callback' (cloud-utils) .. and it requires lxc1 for 'lxcnsuserexec'16:44
smosererr... lxc-nsuserexec16:44
smoserso i just ran16:47
smoser ./bin/lxc-proposed-snapshot -vvv xenial --proposed xenial-proposed --publish16:47
smoserwhich means i can now:16:48
smoserlxc launch xenial-proposed xp116:48
smoserand it starts with cloud-init inside from -proposed16:48
blackboxswhrm /home/csmith/src/server/lxd:xenial-proposed-11791681: not a file   re-reading the script intent16:52
blackboxswand I have lxc1 & cloud-utils16:53
blackboxswper http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24375059/16:53
smosernewer cloud-utils needed. :-(. that support i think went into zesty.16:54
blackboxswupdating... :/16:55
smoserif you want, you can probably just grab it16:55
smoserits a simplish script16:55
smoserand put it in $PATH16:55
blackboxswyeah might just do that while waiting on my desktop upgrade.16:56
smoseryikes. you are brave.17:01
smoser(i run the development release but most do not :)17:01
smoserthe other option is doing this on an instance somewhere. that is why lxd is nice.17:01
smoserblackboxsw, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-utils-dev/cloud-utils/trunk/view/head:/bin/mount-image-callback17:02
blackboxswok, looks better thanks smoser with the path tweaked to reference the mount-image-callback script thanks.17:11
blackboxswhave a quick errand, back in 2017:22
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ahasenackblackboxsw_bbl: smoser reading the etherpad and backlog17:42
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blackboxswmeh, looks like my xenial flavor of lxc doesn't accept push -p17:51
ahasenacksmoser: ok, read it all, +1 on the plan to go down the list and note which bug we are verifying17:54
ahasenacksmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1674946 has been commented by someone saying the fix worked17:54
smoserblackboxsw, yeah. you can use the snap i think for lxd17:55
ahasenacknot the reporter, though17:55
smoserbut migth still have the issue with mount-image-callback there.17:55
smoserahasenack, so what i'd do is just comment:17:55
smoser I'm marking this verification-done-xenial based on comment X17:56
smoserand then do that.17:56
smoserahasenack, blackboxsw i think you are both aware, but you tag with 'verification-done-xenial' and 'verification-done-yakkety'  rather than just 'verification-done'18:03
blackboxswsmoser, hmm looks like my xenial proposed validation fell over the for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1674766  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/24375361/18:04
blackboxswthe pastbin indicates ds-identify didn't process BigStep support right?18:04
blackboxswI'll double check that I have setup the seed files properl18:05
smoserblackboxsw, right. let me try too18:05
blackboxswsmoser this might be because I had started this lxc in the first place before adding the seed files in an attempt to work around my lxc file push not supporting -p option18:06
smoserquite possibly. yes.18:07
blackboxswstart would have run through cloud-init I expect18:07
blackboxswyeah sorting my lxc command version18:07
ahasenackit's good to see the "before" case18:10
smoserblackboxsw, yeah. so when working with cloud-init and lxc  i have some tools (like the lxc-propsed-snapshot) that help you to adjust a container without starting it.18:18
smoserthe other option is to start it and then "clean" it.18:18
smoserthe bin/do-reboot  script there helps do the clean18:22
ahasenacksmoser: config-drive newbie here, sorry18:23
ahasenackhow do I pass that to a container?18:23
ahasenacka config-drive configuration, and where can i find out what it should look like?18:23
blackboxswTIL, thx smoser18:24
ahasenackgoing through https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova-lxd/+bug/1673411 for some reference, looks like it has a helper script attached18:25
ahasenackah, it's in tools/18:25
* ahasenack sees the commented bits about network_data.json18:30
smoseri've been walking up from the bottom18:34
smoserbut i'm going to leave https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1665694 for one of you as a introduction to integration test suite18:34
blackboxswsmoser, great. ok finally sorted things and have a zesty box at my disposal18:57
blackboxswlxc file pull $name/run/cloud-init/result.json -18:57
blackboxsw "v1": {18:57
blackboxsw  "datasource": "DataSourceBigstep",18:57
blackboxsw  "errors": []18:57
blackboxsw }18:57
blackboxswok progress. now time to do some work18:58
smoserblackboxsw, you can take the https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/166569418:59
blackboxswwill do thx18:59
ahasenacksmoser: can I trigger this bug with just lxd, faking hyperv somehow? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/167494619:08
ahasenackI have a config drive in /config-drive in this lxd, with network_data.json, but it looks like it's not being read (I want to trigger the bug first, then check the fix)19:09
ahasenackor maybe I'm being hit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova-lxd/+bug/1673411, but this cloud-init in -proposed should have that fix19:12
ahasenackwhich is also in our list19:12
ahasenackok, got it19:13
smoserahasenack, (/me realizes for the first time that you have different internal and external personalities... andreas -> ahasenack)19:13
ahasenackI wanted to test the "before" case, but I can't because I need the fixed cloud-init for it to parse /config-drive according to #167341119:13
ahasenacksmoser: :)19:13
ahasenackandreas was already taken here, my ninjas didn't find him19:13
smoserso before the new version, you should be able to populate /var/lib/cloud/data/seed/ConfigDrive19:14
smoseri think19:14
smoser(with the same contents as /config-drive)19:14
ahasenacksmoser: ok19:14
smoserand it should look there.19:14
ahasenackI haz result.json19:33
blackboxswinteresting in running tox on the cloud-init tests is that my cd drive started spinning up. wondering if we're leaking some calls to mount that drive from the unit tests19:40
smoserblackboxsw, it probably is.19:41
smosersomeone working on freebsd found one of those the other day ... let me se19:41
* ahasenack injecting errors to see what happens19:44
ahasenack   "Unknown network_data link type: dvs-andreas-was-here",19:44
smosernice ahasenack !19:46
ahasenackyou made an MP against upstream to stop sending these deprecated link types, right19:47
smoseryeah, and it just made it into trunk19:47
smoserthey're really not "deprecated". as they're real and useful link types at the hypervisor level19:48
smoserbut not at the guest level19:48
ahasenackright, wrong choice of words19:49
ahasenacksmoser: is cloud-init also responsible for creating the ubuntu user?19:50
smoser> precise at least19:50
ahasenacksmoser: ok, because once I injected that failure in the network, the ubuntu user wasn't created: https://pastebin.canonical.com/185908/19:50
smoseryeah. if the datasource traces it wont go on19:51
smoserwell, in that way at least.19:51
ahasenacksorry about the canonical pastebin19:51
ahasenackand bookmarks19:52
smoserahasenack, well you can just use 'pastebinit' now!19:55
smoseri am constantly doing:19:55
smoser xsel -o | pastebinit19:55
blackboxswsmoser, looks like I'm hitting a dependency error trying to install pylxd as the tox -e citest environment19:55
smoser(highlight something  and then paste and paste the url to something)19:55
smoseri suspect you need python3-dev19:56
rharperblackboxsw: ping powersj ; he's worked through those before19:56
blackboxswpowersj, has been invoked :)19:56
smosertox is wonderful19:57
smoseruntil you have c extentions19:57
smoserthen it becomes honestly kind of silly in my opinion19:57
smoserbut still better than lots of other stuff19:57
smoserblackboxsw, install python3-dev with apt19:57
smoserand try again19:57
smoserpylxc needs c bindings to lxc and thus the sillynees. python3-dev is pretty light though.19:58
blackboxswgetting closer. ok new traceback, missing C headers as well. I'll iterate over these to get them fixed. and report a list of the deps I had to install to get things working19:59
blackboxswok needed only libssl-dev too. So, the list of packages I've installed on a fresh zesty system: ls20:04
blackboxswlxc1, cloud-utils, devscripts, python3-dev, libssl-dev20:05
naccwe use lxc1?20:06
smoserlxc1 provids lxc-usernsexec20:10
smoserwhich is used by mount-image-callback lxd:foo20:10
smoserto get the right user namespace when it chroots to the target20:10
rharpernacc: yeah; I suggested we get lxd to implement lxc-usernsexec but I forget why they said not to20:10
smoserblackboxsw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24376111/20:17
smoserso inside an lxc container ^ worked.20:17
smoserwell, it shows me jumping into the container20:18
smoserbut that should list everything you need on xenial which i suspect is the same on zesty20:18
blackboxswexcellent, will not distrupt my other systems then20:19
smoserblackboxsw, well. you dont *really* want to run inside lxc20:20
smoserbecause then you can't use zfs20:20
smoseri'm not certain if it works or not fully. but lack of zfs is reason enough for me to not want to do it.20:20
blackboxswcertainly. makes sense20:22
smoserif you want... you can walk the merge proposal path ...20:22
smoserwith a doc enhancement to doc/rtd/topics/tests.rst20:22
smoserwith the above20:22
smoser(the dependencies needed and such)20:23
blackboxsw+1 smoser sure I'll put up an mp.20:23
ahasenacksmoser: ok, so I verified xenial and yakkety and added the respective verification-done-<release> tags. Someone else will flip the verification-needed tag into verification-done?20:30
ahasenackops, for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova-lxd/+bug/1673411 that is20:30
smoserahasenack, no. you drop the verification-needed.20:35
smoserchanging it to verification-done-<x>20:35
smoserreally with 2 srus in flight at the same time... there really should be verificaton-needed-xenial and verification-needed-yakkety20:35
smoserthe sru process really just doesn't handle the different releases at once all that well20:36
ahasenacksmoser: how do they know they should hold pushing this to updates since we have the other bugs for the same package still being verified? Via debian/changelog?20:37
smoserahasenack, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html20:51
smoserlook for cloud-init there. after everything gets verified, all its bugs should be green or gold (i dont understand the difference)20:52
ahasenackok, I see the proposed package associated with all the bugs20:52
blackboxswsmoser, so I added verification-done-xenial verfication-done-yakkety tags to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/167476620:56
RafaelHello folks21:00
=== Rafael is now known as Guest678
Guest678can somebody help to clarify a doubt that I have21:00
Guest678do I need any special configuration to enable cloud-init to reset SSH keys?21:01
Guest678The first time I create an instance it assigns the configure SSH key to it, however, if I change the key, cloud-init is not updating it in the VM21:01
smoserchange the key ?21:02
smoserhi Raboo21:02
smoserbah. sorry Raboo tab complete fail.21:02
Guest678I mean change the public key that is inject into the VM21:04
Guest678When the VM is created cloud-init succesfuly install the keys under ~/.ssh/authrozied_keys21:05
Guest678However, if I change the keys in my cloud orchestrator, and then reboot the VM, cloud-init is not changing the keys21:05
smoserGuest678, yeah, that is only done on first instance boot.21:06
Guest678I am guessing it has something to do with these logs ""21:06
Guest678that is what I thought from reading the log files21:06
smoserit is not kept in sync. that is a feature that we'd like to have at some point.21:06
Guest678yes there a way to configure this?21:06
smoserum... maybe.21:06
Guest678is there a work around?21:07
Guest678I thought that there would be a way to indicate which modules I want to run once per instance, or once per boot, or constantly with the VM running21:07
smoseractually, not easily. you could turn the ssh config module (which is what puts those keys into the default user's .ssh/authorized_keys)21:08
smoserbut changing that to run PER_ALWAYS (boot) would be not ideal21:08
smoseras that is the same thing that wipes the host keys21:08
smoserwhich you probably do not want ot happen every boot21:08
smoserwhat cloud provider is this ?21:09
Guest678the same script that configures SSH keys is setting up host keys?21:09
Guest678the module you are talking about is the one called "ssh"?21:09
Guest678I noticed some other module called "ssh-authkey-fingerprints"21:10
smoserblackboxsw, on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/167476621:10
smoser(and the others you have done)21:11
smoserthe sru person will want to see a comment at least stating "i verified both xenial and yakkety following the test case template above"21:11
smoseri like to copy and paste evidence of having done that21:11
smoser 21:11
smoserGuest678, yeah, that does sound silly doesnt it :)21:12
smoseryes, its ssh. we really should separate that out so you could tweak one wihtout the other.21:12
smoserbut as it is right now... the datasources cache the data on disk (so as to not rely upon a metadata service on reboot)21:12
smoserso.. they'd just re-aply the cached data.21:12
smoserthis is a feature we'd like to have, but its not present now. sorry .21:13
blackboxsw+1 smoser will add that now and close those bugs appropriately21:13
smoserwell, you dont change the state of the bugs..21:13
Guest678thanks @smoser21:13
smoseronce the bug moves from -prpoosed to -updates it will automatically do that.21:13
smoserahasenack, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/157032521:17
smoseryou can do that one... that is a integration test also. (for learning to at least run the integration test)21:17
smoserok. /me has to run.21:21
ahasenackok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1674946 verified21:27
ahasenackthis will go much faster from now on21:27
ahasenackok, I'm EOD21:31
* blackboxsw is spending some time walking through those integration tests on cloud-init21:45
blackboxswsee you smoser/ahasenack21:45
powersjblackboxsw: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/tests.html also worth a read21:46
blackboxswkeep 'em coming21:50
blackboxswactually, that's what I'm going to put up a simple doc mp for21:51
blackboxswjust trying to wrap up some verification first21:51
powersjblackboxsw: are you familiar with tox and running it?21:52
powersjboth cloud-init and curtin use tox as a wrapper around our unit tests and style tests. When we get a MR that is what we expect to pass21:52
blackboxswjust a bit, TIL about environments. you guys have a bit more tox.ini config options/setup than services I've worked on21:52
powersjyou can look at tox.ini in the root dir of both projects21:52
powersjah ok :)21:52
dpb1powersj: MR... wth21:53
powersjmerge request?21:53
dpb1step child of MP and PR21:53
* powersj is split brain due to github and launchpad usage21:54
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powersjLooks like pylint 1.7 was released today O.o23:54

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