
cyphermoxI want a Lorem keyboard.00:00
cyphermoxtsimonq2: lubuntu-desktop-amd64 looks good to me, but I did just see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-tools/+bug/161746800:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1617468 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "Package contains files in /usr/@DATADIRNAME@/locale" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:09
cyphermoxalternate is still running, and that's super slow, fortunately there is an easy fix to that I think00:10
cyphermoxit's just not something we can do for this release though00:11
tsimonq2cyphermox: Ok, I'll take a look.00:13
cyphermoxI don't think the reason for alternate is the slightly lower download size, so using a livefs rather than a pool of packages might help there, at a slight download cost.00:14
tsimonq2cyphermox: What about Lubuntu Alternate? We're thinking of axing that pretty soon, so if it's a simple fix, JFDI please.00:14
cyphermoxaxing alternate is another way to fix it being slow, of course.00:14
tsimonq2cyphermox: (will be up for discussion soon, fwiw)00:14
wxlthe other reason for alternate is lower resource usage00:14
wxlesp. RAM00:15
cyphermoxwxl: yeah, that's what I figured, download size isn't (the ~150M difference doesn't seem worth it)00:15
tsimonq2wxl: I don't want to go on about this today, but we have mini.iso?00:16
wxli mean it exists, yes00:17
wxlnot like anyone ever tests it :)00:17
wxlreferred to as netboot, btw00:17
tsimonq2^ yep00:17
* tsimonq2 goes back to cleaning room and waitng for ISO00:17
tsimonq2cyphermox: Ok, rebooting now.00:32
lyn||ianwell should there be an install using mini.iso using netboot testcase?00:35
cyphermoxlyn||ian: those exist already00:50
cyphermoxProduct (Netboot)00:50
cyphermoxspeaking of which, if you happen to have armhf, those aren't tested yet.00:51
lyn||ianah yeah I forgot about that off the top of it00:51
cyphermoxtsimonq2: alternate looks fine too.01:02
tsimonq2cyphermox: Thanks01:06
rbalinti am testing a fix in python-numpy for the alignment issue in pywavelets it my PPA https://launchpad.net/~rbalint/+archive/ubuntu/scratch/+packages02:36
rbalintnumpy has many reverse deps which I'm rebuilding to look for regressions but if the fix turns out to be good there won't be enough time to run autopkgtest for each package before zesty's release :-(02:38
slangasekrbalint1: it parallelizes fairly well; try it and see?03:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted livecd-rootfs [source] (zesty-proposed) [2.441]03:32
slangasekcyphermox: ^^03:32
slangasekcyphermox: and https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/zesty/ubuntu-server-live03:41
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: sleuthkit (zesty-proposed/universe) [4.4.0-2 => 4.4.0-2ubuntu1] (no packageset)03:42
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted sleuthkit [source] (zesty-proposed) [4.4.0-2ubuntu1]03:43
cyphermoxslangasek: ta; will fix ubuntu-cdimage now.03:53
slangasekcyphermox: eta?  I'm timing out here; if there are no other fixes beyond my previous review feedback I could just do that in-line with the merge?04:09
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu GNOME Desktop amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready04:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu GNOME Desktop i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready04:12
cyphermoxslangasek: debian-cd04:12
cyphermoxslangasek: ubuntu-cdimage is updated.04:16
slangasekcyphermox: hmm run-tests fails for me04:20
slangasek(which I noticed only after merging, because I'm Bad)04:20
cyphermoxoh of course, that change would do that yes04:20
slangasekcyphermox: should that not be SUBPROJECT=live?04:27
cyphermoxthat's not what I wrote?04:28
cyphermox29 6 * * *      for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily --live; for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily-preinstalled --live; SUBPROJECT=live for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily-live --live04:28
slangasekcyphermox: I see you rewrote both instances of ubuntu-server-live to ubuntu-server; I was suggesting self.config["SUBPROJECT"] = "live" in the test, in which case the test url would be http://kapok.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/xenial/ubuntu-server-live/[...]04:29
slangasekseems to me that would be a more true test04:29
slangasekcyphermox: I'll fix that locally04:30
cyphermoxyeah just going through the motions and running the test04:30
cyphermoxwhich fails.04:30
cyphermoxah, changed one too much04:30
slangasekyeah. fixed here, committing & pushing04:31
slangasekcyphermox: I see you replied to my debian-cd review comment; am I waiting for you to make that change, then?04:35
cyphermoxslangasek: do you feel strongly about the change? seems to me like we shouldn't carry only-ubiquity just for kicks.04:36
cyphermoxie. things as they are in this branch will work and not have cruft.04:36
cyphermoxwell; not any more than the other bits have cruft, anyway04:36
slangasekcyphermox: the cruft you mean is the only-ubiquity boot option?04:38
slangasektrying to decide which bothers me more, cruft in the code or cruft on the boot line04:38
cyphermoxliveparams would carry that otherwise04:38
cyphermoxit *all* needs refactoring04:38
cyphermoxI'd be happy to do it once we're not scrambling to release stuff04:39
slangasekyeah, merging as-is04:39
cyphermoxwe're basically in friday-pm mode by now04:39
slangasekneeds livecd-rootfs to publish04:41
slangasekhmm, failing04:42
slangaseko rite, that's the private branch nonsense that shouldn't be on the private branch ;)04:42
cyphermoxI thought you had fixed that already?04:44
slangasekok there we are, test build running now w/ PROPOSED=104:46
wxlhey is there any chance that the published sums for kubuntu's i386 image is wrong?04:46
wxli zsync'd mine and every sum is totally wrong, but zsync should check it, right?04:47
apwwxl, got a link to the image, i can compare04:47
slangasekwxl: it's surely possible. You're talking the current candidate image?04:47
wxlapw: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20170412/zesty-desktop-i386.iso04:47
wxlyep slangasek see above04:48
wxlthe thing that got me looking was weird issues that don't seem to exist on any other reports https://share.riseup.net/#kpC2GLxkE0o0mMjdlyClpg04:48
slangasekwxl: I just recalculated and the image on the master server has the checksum which matches the SHA256SUMS file04:49
wxlok lemme see if i can regrab this04:49
cyphermoxslangasek: are these faileds due to a mistake on my part, or is something else off? I can't even get logs.04:51
slangasekcyphermox: those were because of the private branch not properly dispatching to lp04:52
slangasek(that's the bit that I don't think should be on the private branch)04:52
cyphermoxaren't you also missing something for pointing to LP?04:53
cyphermoxubuntu-server-live-amd64 on kapok.buildd starting at 2017-04-13 04:43:4004:53
cyphermoxoh wait04:54
cyphermoxNo valid suites to build for04:54
wxlweird. now zsync is updating.04:54
slangasekcyphermox: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/zesty/ubuntu-server-live/+build/94534 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/zesty/ubuntu-server-live/+build/9453504:55
slangasekhave not yet diagnosed04:55
slangasekthat's old04:56
slangasekkeep up ;)04:56
slangasekbut, I see no logs for the failed livefs04:56
cyphermoxI see three logs on cd-build-logs, only two builds (one per arch) on LP; something is clearly off04:57
slangasekcyphermox: cd-build-logs just hasn't synced the .3 log yet, which is the one that triggered the above livefs attempts, but I don't know why they failed04:57
cyphermoxwhat does .3 say? nothing at all?04:58
wxlok now i got the right value04:58
wxldisaster averted04:58
slangasekcyphermox: it says that no livefs builds succeeded04:58
cyphermoxso specific.04:58
slangasekcyphermox: nusakan has no more information about it than the livefs links themselves do. consistency04:58
slangasekrbalint1: livecd-rootfs autopkgtest fails ;)04:59
cyphermoxcan you spin up a livefs build outside ubuntu-cdimage to test?04:59
cyphermoxthat uses Release, not Proposed, but it won't matter now05:00
cyphermoxand it's "$script ubuntu-cdimage zesty ubuntu-server-live amd64"05:02
cyphermoxit's almost more verbose in its error now05:08
cyphermoxI have no idea why it's not happy; maybe still livecd-rootfs?05:09
slangasekyeah, I really don't know05:11
slangasekhas this particular livecd-rootfs code been tested before upload?05:12
slangasekcyphermox: an ubuntu-server build still does something useful: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/zesty/ubuntu-server/+build/9454005:13
slangasekcyphermox: but a build of ubuntu-server-live in my own ppa did nothing different05:13
cyphermoxit was working here.05:14
slangasekwere you feeding any additional json when you were building?05:16
slangasekafter setting project=ubuntu-server in the metadata05:16
slangasekthat's evidently not passed by ubuntu-cdimage05:16
slangasekand maybe I should also be setting subproject there05:16
cyphermoxthe most we'd be missing is subproject; but then it should still be building an ubuntu-server image05:18
cyphermoxwhat's different in your last build?05:19
cyphermoxI can't read, it's too late05:19
cyphermoxI thought you knew how to create livefses! ;)05:20
slangasek... I do, I was following your script which populated it with empty json05:21
slangasekassumed you had tested that ;)05:21
cyphermoxthe script just does the creation05:22
cyphermoxwe'll still be missing subproject.05:22
slangasekyes, with empty json, you could specify non-empty at creation time :)05:22
cyphermoxI didn't think of it05:23
slangasekanyway, subproject set, maybe that'll be more useful05:23
cyphermoxI could get it to do the json metadata with a user-provided json file05:23
slangasekhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/zesty/ubuntu-server-live/+build/94543 log looks more promising05:24
cyphermoxI never removed set -x and some echoes.05:26
slangasek'sudo [...] snap download'?  why sudo?05:26
cyphermoxmuscle memory, I suppose.05:27
cyphermoxit shouldn't be necessary.05:27
slangasekcyphermox: alright, the api-triggered build succeeded, and I've triggered a build from nusakan as well, and now I'm dropping off05:30
* cyphermox -> sleep05:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready06:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Xubuntu Desktop i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready06:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready06:12
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Kubuntu Desktop i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready06:13
davmor2sil2100, infinity: Moving onto mini.iso08:06
rbalintslangasek: surprising to see livecd-rootfs passing only on ppc64el :-)08:10
sil2100davmor2: \o/08:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Kylin Desktop i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:30
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Desktop i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server arm64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server armhf+raspi2 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server ppc64el [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Server s390x [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD amd64 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: Ubuntu Studio DVD i386 [Zesty Final] has been marked as ready08:59
=== klebers_ is now known as klebers
davmor2infinity: hmm I'm not hitting the hang that the guy on the tracker is seeing on hardware or vm so not sure what is going on there mini.iso for amd64 and i386 are now completed09:41
sil2100davmor2: woot, thanks!09:45
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-lts-xenial [amd64] (trusty-proposed/main) [4.4.0-74.95~14.04.1] (kernel)10:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [amd64] (xenial-proposed/main) [4.4.0-74.95] (core, kernel)10:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed [amd64] (yakkety-proposed/main) [4.8.0-48.51] (core, kernel)10:04
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (xenial-proposed/main) [4.8.0-48.51~16.04.1] (kernel)10:05
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-lts-xenial [amd64] (trusty-proposed) [4.4.0-74.95~14.04.1]10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed [amd64] (xenial-proposed) [4.4.0-74.95]10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed-hwe [amd64] (xenial-proposed) [4.8.0-48.51~16.04.1]10:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New: accepted linux-signed [amd64] (yakkety-proposed) [4.8.0-48.51]10:28
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ovito (zesty-proposed/universe) [2.8.1+dfsg2-5 => 2.8.1+dfsg2-5ubuntu1] (no packageset)10:37
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ovito [source] (zesty-proposed) [2.8.1+dfsg2-5ubuntu1]10:37
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
ogra_hmm, archive.canonical.com is unusably slow ...11:54
ogra_(dont hit people that when they test with "install additional software" enabled ? adonbe-flashpulgin is downloading since 10+ minutes)11:55
jbichaogra_: yes, I mentioned that yesterday, I think one problem is that there was a new Flash update for everyone published on Tuesday LP: #168210711:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1682107 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[ubiquity] adobe-flashplugin download is slow" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168210711:59
ogra_jbicha, right, but there is no reason for that server to be slow, archive.u.c isnt slow either ...12:00
* ogra_ me too's the bug12:01
jbichatoo many people trying to download the same file, with no mirrors12:01
ogra_well, thats the same as security.u.c ... :)12:02
jbichaI don't know if me-too-ing will help much for a closed bug :|12:02
ogra_oh, i missed that12:02
wgrantarchive.c.c should be quick again now. There was just a few minutes of heavy traffic.12:08
wgrantsecurity.u.c doesn't have the same problem, since security updates are published to -updates too12:09
wgrantSo most hosts get security updates from mirrors12:09
wgrant(but security.u.c is sometimes problematic too)12:09
fossfreedom_hmm - just reading on omgubuntu - people seem to have the ability to login to gnome-shell as well as unity and unity8 on the normal ubuntu ISO12:23
jbichafossfreedom_: gnome-shell is not included by default in 17.04: http://releases.ubuntu.com/17.04/ubuntu-17.04-desktop-amd64.manifest12:25
fossfreedom_odd that two different people reported the issue12:26
jbichaI think that's user error, the other article has step 16: Install gnome-shell12:29
fossfreedom_ah - makes sense now.12:32
=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Released: Xenial 16.04.2, Zesty | Archive: closed | ? Release Coordination | Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | We accept payment in cash, check or beer | melior malum quod cognoscis
tsimonq2infinity: You're up early!13:13
infinitytsimonq2: It's 2:14pm.13:14
tsimonq2infinity: Oh. :P13:14
davmor2infinity: well that was nice and smooth13:15
Laneyno you13:17
LocutusOfBorginfinity, can we start asking when the AA will open? :p13:23
LocutusOfBorgseriously, nice release!13:23
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Builds: 38 entries have been added, updated or disabled13:23
tsimonq2It was a super quick cycle imho13:24
infinityLocutusOfBorg: No.13:24
LocutusOfBorg(it was a joke :) )13:25
* LocutusOfBorg goes to upvote the release topic on slashdot https://slashdot.org/recent13:26
=== coreycb_vaca is now known as coreycb
bdmurrayLaney: So you think your patch is worth testing?13:52
bdmurrayinfinity: Should we hold off on modifying metarelease until bug 1681566 is sorted?13:53
ubot5bug 1681566 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "nvidia-375 DKMS module not recompiled on upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168156613:53
infinitybdmurray: Yes.13:53
bdmurrayLaney, infinity: I did an upgrade test (it worked) and updated the bug.14:20
Laneybdmurray: Ta.14:46
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: dkms (zesty-proposed/main) [2.3-3 => 2.3-3ubuntu1] (core)14:52
bdmurrayLaney: For good measure I installed zesty dkms on yakkety and upgraded the kernel and that worked too.14:53
Laneybdmurray: It's in the queue now14:54
LaneyDid someone SRUify the bug?14:54
* Laney refuses to open it to find out :P14:54
bdmurrayLaney: No.14:54
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== Dmitrii-Sh_ is now known as Dmitrii-Sh
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: rejected golang-1.6 [source] (xenial-proposed) [1.6.2-0ubuntu5~16.04.1]15:14
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted dkms [source] (zesty-proposed) [2.3-3ubuntu1]15:17
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-1.6 [source] (yakkety-proposed) [1.6.3-1ubuntu1.2]15:19
* Ursinha hugs ogra_15:22
UrsinhaI don't know why you are screaming, but just in case15:22
* nacc assumes aa-series naming15:22
* ogra_ hugs Ursinha (meant to do that anyway :) )15:22
ogra_Ursinha, that was a praise for infinity's nicely crafted mail ;)15:23
Ursinhaaah :)15:23
davmor2I thought he was going for an ascii  christmas tree15:24
ogra_only the right half though15:24
rbasakNot sure if that was meant to be ironic or not!15:25
bdmurraysil2100: Did I hear you are verifying bug 1681566?15:25
ubot5bug 1681566 in dkms (Ubuntu Zesty) "nvidia-375 DKMS module not recompiled on upgrade to 17.04" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/168156615:25
bdmurrayYou'll need to manually install dkms as -proposed will get disabled on upgrade.15:25
sil2100bdmurray: yeah, prepping up a yakkety env as we speak15:25
bdmurraysil2100: ^^15:26
infinitybdmurray: Yo, speaking of things enabled/disabled.  On security-only systems, security is used for the upgrade too, right?15:26
infinitybdmurray: (I was planning to copy this to security, due to the high impact nature of the oops)15:26
bdmurrayinfinity: As far as I know, yes.15:26
bdmurrayI could test that now.15:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: livecd-rootfs (zesty-proposed/main) [2.441 => 2.441.1] (desktop-core)15:27
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted golang-1.6 [source] (xenial-proposed) [1.6.2-0ubuntu5~16.04.2]15:38
bdmurrayinfinity: I upgraded from X to Y with -security and apt 1.3.3 is installed at the end of that.15:40
=== bluesabre_ is now known as bluesabre
sil2100Fix looks good so far, I already saw when the upgrade was happening that the module was rebuilt15:50
cyphermoxslangasek: ^ can I haz review for livecd-rootfs please?15:50
bdmurraysil2100: for both kernels?15:52
sil2100I think so, but I will know now after I has rebooted16:01
sil2100I can has a working system then to check16:01
sil2100bdmurray: yep, for both kernels16:02
sil2100Putting details in the bug16:02
sil2100I guess it's goodish, I suppose?16:05
sil2100Is there anything specific expected?16:05
bdmurrayLooking, does dkms status list modules for both kernels?16:06
sil2100As per output pasted to the bug16:06
bdmurrayand "grep 'Building for' in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log"?16:07
slangasekcyphermox: it occurs to me that you could just do ubuntu-server:|ubuntu-base:*[...]) and not add the extra case16:08
slangasekcyphermox: would that be more or less clear?16:09
cyphermoxI don't mind either way; seems more explicit the way I uploaded it; but you can see it differently16:10
cyphermoxeither way seems pretty clear.16:10
sil2100bdmurray: hm, strangely not much useful info there16:10
clivejowill this dkms fix mean a respin of the release ISO?16:11
bdmurraysil2100: Did you use do-release-upgade?16:11
sil2100Yes, as per bug16:11
sil2100do-release-upgrade -d16:11
bdmurrayclivejo: no, its only an issue for multiple kernels16:11
naccclivejo: i don't believe so, as it won't affect new installs16:11
sil2100bdmurray: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24374912/ is my apt.log16:12
bdmurraysil2100: sorry, apt-term.log16:12
* cyphermox -> pea soup, brb16:13
sil2100Building for 4.8.0-45-generic16:14
sil2100Building for 4.8.0-45-generic16:14
sil2100Building for architecture x86_6416:14
sil2100Darn it, re-trying16:15
sil2100bdmurray: scratch this result, wait 10 minutes16:15
slangasekcyphermox: on balance I think your existing patch is clearer, ubuntu-server:| makes it hard to see the missing *16:16
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted livecd-rootfs [source] (zesty-proposed) [2.441.1]16:18
bdmurrayslanagasek: Could you have a look at my apt-xapian-index Zesty upload?16:21
slangasekbdmurray: sure!16:22
bladernr`out of curiosity, how long until do-release-upgrade will work for zesty GA?  I noticed that do-release-upgrade -d still seems to load zesty, but -p or simply do-release-upgrade still says there is nothig available.16:25
bladernr`maas seems to be deploying GA now though.16:25
slangasekbladernr`: we have at least one SRU that's critical to land first because of dkms impact16:25
bladernr`ahhh ok.  Thanks.  I have a few systems to upgrade adn run tests on, so I'll wait for that16:26
bdmurrayshouldn't be much longer though16:26
bladernr`thanks slangasek bdmurray16:26
bdmurraybladernr`: nothing changes between -p and not -p16:26
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted apt-xapian-index [source] (zesty-proposed) [0.47ubuntu13]16:26
bdmurraybladernr`: well aside of the dkms fix16:26
bdmurraysil2100: I'm running another upgrade too fwiw16:28
sil2100It's almost donnish here16:28
bdmurraybladernr`: Other than the dkms change why would you wait for the metarelease file (which affects the need to use -p) to change? I feel like there is a misconception that something magical happens when you don't have to use -p.16:30
bladernr`I just wanted to be sure that what I was installing was GA level, that's all.16:30
tsimonq2infinity: I applaud your humor in that email :P16:30
bladernr`so yeah, in my mind -d means non-ga Dev release stuff, -p means ready to go, and no - is GA.  But FWIW, when I use -p I get the same "No release available' message anyway.16:31
bladernr`ubuntu@s1lp9g003:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade -p16:31
bladernr`Checking for a new Ubuntu release16:31
bladernr`No new release found16:31
=== michihenning is now known as michi
bdmurraybladernr`: sorry, I meant -d16:32
bladernr`ahhh, ok.  So yeah, as I said, my perception of -d is "this is dev and will change and could be broken" while -p and no opts is "this is release or release worthy for normal use"16:33
tsimonq2cyphermox: Mmmm pea soup16:33
=== ChrisTownsend1 is now known as ChrisTownsend
bdmurraybladernr`: that perception regarding -d is true until the devel release is released.16:34
bdmurraybladernr`: so right now it'll be the same thing as when I flip the metarelease file16:34
bladernr`bdmurray, ack.  upgrades underway.  Thanks for clarifying that.16:35
sil2100bdmurray: ok, much better now16:39
sil2100Building for 4.8.0-45-generic 4.10.0-19-generic16:39
sil2100Building for 4.8.0-45-generic 4.10.0-19-generic16:39
sil2100Building for architecture x86_6416:39
xnox_infinity, that's the TEST-12 failing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/167254216:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1672542 in systemd (Ubuntu Zesty) "systemd 232-18ubuntu1 ADT test failure with linux 4.10.0-13.15" [Undecided,New]16:39
sil2100bdmurray: sorry about the wasted time, I was an idiot and tested the wrong thing16:39
ogra_but good that this gets some testing too16:40
sil2100bdmurray: so building for two now as per your test results16:40
bdmurraysil2100: okay, I think its good to go then.16:44
sil2100Noted in the bug, setting verification-done16:45
sil2100bdmurray, Laney: done16:45
bdmurraysil2100: I think infinity is the one who needs notifying16:47
sil2100He's here, he knows16:47
Laneysil2100: good job done well16:47
Laneywell good job done?16:47
slangasekFord: Quality is Job 116:49
slangasekFnord: Quality is Well Jobbed16:49
xnox_slangasek, breaks often! fixed quickly!16:50
slangasekFord, 2017: systemd is pid 1?16:53
bdmurrayLaney: I don't think the dkms change needs SRUing.16:55
infinitybdmurray: Wat?16:55
infinitybdmurray: It's released now.  But also, wat?16:57
infinitybdmurray: PS: Wat?16:57
bdmurrayinfinity: I mean SRUing to things other than Z!16:57
tsimonq2infinity: systemd-resolved Likes Breaking Everything.16:57
infinitybdmurray: Oh.  Indeed.  Yes, it's only needed in Z.16:57
tsimonq2infinity: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235682816:58
slangasekjust noticed from the release announcement that the kernel versioning has caught up with Ubuntu's16:58
slangasekcan I claim to be running zesty with a warty kernel?16:58
apwslangasek, we should do that, codename the kernel by the nearest ubuntu release by version16:58
tsimonq2infinity: I had this problem last night while doing QA and didn't think anything of it, but ubiquity didn't think I was connected to the internet. This might be why.16:59
tsimonq2infinity: When cyphermox comes back from his pea soup, he has more details. I sent him my logs, so he knows the terminology behind the broken bits.17:00
infinitytsimonq2: That forum post is not a remotely actionably bug report.17:00
tsimonq2infinity: Then let me get you a real one. bug 1647031 is pretty spot on.17:01
ubot5bug 1647031 in systemd "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164703117:01
infinitytsimonq2: That was fixed.17:01
apwyeah i remember that change going by17:03
tsimonq2infinity: Maybe. But it accurately describes the problems I'm seeing.17:03
bdmurrayinfinity: but it's "(VERY BAD !)"17:03
infinitybdmurray: Indeed.17:03
slangaseklp:~ubuntu-sru/britney/hints-ubuntu-zesty/ created fwiw17:03
tsimonq2All I know is that something regressed, infinity.17:03
infinityslangasek: Iz branch from dev?17:04
slangasekinfinity: yes17:04
slangasekwe ought to find a spot for that on the checklist, if we're ever to start using p-m directly for SRU releases17:04
infinitybdmurray: So, yes.  dkms is released, I'd recommend giving a couple of hours for downstream mirrors to pick it up before flipping meta-release.17:04
infinityslangasek: Probably belongs right at the end of ReleaseProcess.17:05
bdmurrayinfinity: roger17:05
flocculantthanks for the work release peeps - have a good break :)17:08
slangasekinfinity: agreed and done17:12
cyphermoxtsimonq2: tbf, your issue may or may not have anything to do with that forum port or the comments about DNSSEC17:16
cyphermoxyou should file a new bug; and test if disabling DNSSEC helps; but as I recall your issue was timeouts and that's probably not dnssec.17:17
wxlyeah tsimonq2 the fix on the forum is manually setting nameservers17:21
=== tyhicks` is now known as tyhicks
infinitybdmurray: Make that "wait at least 4 hours", as we only trigger tertiary mirrors every 4h.17:36
infinitybdmurray: So, meh.  If it gets late, change it in the morning.  Your call.17:37
bdmurrayinfinity: 4h is still mid-afternoon for me17:37
infinitybdmurray: Kay.  I say do it around your EODish, then.17:38
tsimonq2If I want to work on merges from Debian in universe, can I assume developers are checking bug reports with patches for the packages they upload?17:45
tsimonq2I mean, before uploading, do people check the sponsorship queue?17:46
tsimonq2ack wxl cyphermox17:46
tsimonq2Reason being, I anticipate being antisocial this weekend and making a dent in merges.ubuntu.com and I don't want to dup work17:49
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: xapian-bindings (zesty-proposed/main) [1.4.3-1 => 1.4.3-1ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server)19:05
wxlif this networking problem is somehow related to systemd-resolv, then shouldn't EVERYONE be having a problem?19:10
slangasekthe network is dark and full of terrors, and there could be any number of latent bugs in systemd-resolved that are only reproducible in select environments19:12
wxlalright, well, do we actually have a bug tracking all this?19:12
slangasekthat's up to the person who's seeing the bug to file it19:12
wxlyeah. and i'm not. and so far haven't found one that is :/19:13
slangasekthe dnssec problem is understood, and xnox is working on that19:13
slangasekbut it's not at all clear that tsimonq2 is seeing a dnssec-related problem19:13
slangasek("understood" in the sense of "we know resolved isn't doing dnssec right")19:13
wxlis that bug 1647031 ?19:13
ubot5bug 1647031 in systemd "systemd-resolved’s server does not follow CNAME records" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164703119:14
slangasekalso, why is that bug open again?19:14
slangasekoh a different task, right19:14
wxlfor systemd, nm it's fixed19:14
wxlif you find one, let me know. meanwhile, brb19:14
=== coreycb is now known as coreycb_vaca
cyphermoxtsimonq2: it's maybe a bit early for that seeing as AA isn't open; but it's customary to ask people who last uploaded/merged something before taking it, and that tends to reduce work duplication.22:06
Ukikiecyphermox: ...Aren't you supposed to be outside? ;)22:09
cyphermoxI was outside for a moment to get a propane tank and food22:09
tsimonq2cyphermox: But but but... Adam said in his email we could get a head start if we wanted :D22:10
tsimonq2cyphermox: But yes, I always do that in the bug report anyways.22:10
cyphermoxtsimonq2: you sure can, I'm just saying it can't be uploaded until the archive is open, by then, things may change.22:10
cyphermoxI'm going to go back outside soonish, but there's work to be done still22:11
tsimonq2cyphermox: Ok :)22:11
bdmurrayinfinity: meta-release is done23:24
=== Bashing-1m is now known as Bashing-om

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