
jrwrenIt would help me & 4th&5th grade First Lego League a lot if you follow this link, scroll down and vote: http://bit.ly/2onMSbN00:25
shakes808sorry jrwren, i don't remember what my facebook credentials are :|00:33
cmaloneyI have no FB presence00:34
jrwrenits ok. thanks for clicking00:36
shakes808I can open a bunch of incognito browsers and click away, if just visiting will help00:39
jrwrenno, i think it needs FB login00:41
cmaloneythat's harsh00:44
cmaloney"But all of my friends are privacy-wonks and OSS bigots"00:45
cmaloney"Sucks to be you kiddo"00:45
jrwrenoh, its ok.00:46
cmaloneynow if they recognized toots from GNUSocial... ;)00:46
=== rick_h_ is now known as rick_h
cmaloneymorning / afternoon16:32
cmaloneyHow goes?16:42
_stink_juggling darts :P16:43
cmaloneyTrying once again to relearn the front-end stack for a job challenge16:51
cmaloneyThinking about juggling torches whole doused in gasoline. ;)16:53
ZimdaleThat the react thing>?16:53
ZimdaleYeah react seems to be a pretty hot buzz word right now :(16:53
jrwrenyes, be sure to say "reducer" a lot when talking about your redux react bullshit16:54
jrwrenmake a bingo card, but don't actually yell bingo when you win, just sit silently with the satisfaction that its all bullshit16:54
cmaloneyActually this one is a 4 hour "work day" where I get to prioritize work and fix something16:55
cmaloneythat's not actually on the product16:55
cmaloneyThis is my life now17:10
brousch__That sounds like something you'd have an intern do, not an experienced person17:10
cmaloneyUnfortunately it's costly enough to hire / train people that they'd rather subject everyone to some form of test to see if they can code17:11
jrwrencmaloney: 8 queens problem :)17:12
cmaloneyLike hiring someone at the Meijer bakery but subjecting them to The British Baking Show challenges prior.17:12
cmaloneyjrwren: I read that. :)17:12
jrwrencmaloney: omg, so good!17:13
ZimdaleYeah we've done interviews like that at myl ast place17:14
Zimdaleit's brutal and was mostly a culture fit thing moreso than a real "test"17:14
greg-gthat's rough17:34
cmaloneyUnfortunately it's also common17:37
cmaloneySo unless you've kept up with the industry in the past 4 years, and can emerge fully-formed like Goddess Athena, ready to churn out code, kick ass, and be a perfect culture fit then you're garbage.17:38
Zimdalepretty muich17:38
greg-gwe'd never do that here, fwiw17:39
cmaloneyWould that I could get a response. ;)17:39
brousch__greg-g: Do you guys still use SaltStack?17:40
ZimdaleWhere is here greg-g?17:42
greg-gcmaloney: :/17:43
greg-gbrousch__: trying to get rid of it :)17:44
greg-gZimdale: Wikimedia Foundation17:44
ZimdaleI know someone that was interviewing for wikimedia17:44
Zimdalefor like the last 4 months17:44
ZimdaleSeems like a cool place17:45
greg-gheh, we're sometimes slow :) (which sucks, because we lose good people that way)17:45
ZimdaleI think he's still interviewing17:45
Zimdalehe kind of dropped out of contact after the last company basically folded :(17:46
brousch__greg-g: We are moving to SaltStack at Limelight Networks. Mind if I ask why you're getting rid of it?17:48
greg-gwell, I can tell you why we aren't using it for deploy-related things: it's a root-focused tool. To do any debugging you need to have root, and most deployers don't17:49
greg-gand Ops is writing their own automation framework that mostly supersedes it17:50
brousch__It is not well-loved here, but the decision came from higher up17:51
jrwrenwhy are you worried about root?17:54
greg-gjrwren: what do you mean?17:56
jrwrenI mean, if someone is deploying something, why are you concerned about root access?17:56
greg-gbecause you don't need root to deploy :)17:56
jrwrenyou don't need power tools to build a house, but it sure helps. :)17:57
greg-galso, we give our deploy privs to volunteers (in trusted cases, after they sign an NDA because deployers do have access to the DBs which obviously have private user info)17:57
greg-gno, it makes it worse in this case17:57
greg-groot is a crutch17:57
greg-gif you do things as root you're doing it wrong (99% of the time)17:57
jrwrenthat is a very old way of thinking.17:57
jrwrenits certainly not true 99% of the time anymore.17:57
greg-gswitching a symlink and doing a git-pull (opposite order) doesn't need root :)17:58
jrwrentrue enough.17:58
greg-gseparation of concerns17:58
jrwrenyou are using unix user security model to allow untrusted people to deploy. THAT is a good reason.17:58
greg-gwell, trusted but volunteer17:58
jrwrenoh yes, privilege separation is a must for processes. I don't want to suggest it isn't.17:59
greg-gyou might not know how Wikipedia works, but ;)17:59
jrwrenoh definitely, I do not.17:59
greg-gwe're weird17:59
jrwrenI only want to argue your generalizeation :p17:59
greg-ga combo of "old school opsen" plus "volunteers having access to info/tooling no one would ever dream of giving"17:59
jrwrenits ok, i'll move along :)17:59
greg-gnow, I am annoyed by how little Ops gives out root, even in limited cases/services18:00
greg-git's a long standing issue :)18:00
jrwrenits pretty common, especially for an old guard type org with an old mindset.18:01
* greg-g nods18:01
jrwrenCanonical is no better and probably a lot worse.18:01
jrwrenBut Arbor... oh man... that was devops... best... devops...env... ever.18:01
greg-gyeah, our Ops team also has a high percentage of DDs and DMs18:01
jrwrenDD and DM?18:01
greg-gDebian Developers/Maintainers18:02
jrwrenoh! nice!18:02
jrwrenwell next time I need a DD sponsor I'll ask you to get me in touch.18:02
greg-gyeah, it is for a lot of things, but also, it imparts a certain world view many times :)18:02
jrwrenoh definitely.18:02
greg-gwhich isn't inherently "wrong" or "right" just, yeah, you know18:02
jrwrenat this point, I think the ubuntu/debian packager mindset is flawed and too limiting. I thank them for what we have got to this point, but we need more flexibility in some things that they consider hard rules.18:03
* greg-g nods18:03
greg-gbut then the npm way... not great either ;)18:04
jrwrenwell... no...18:04
jrwrenbut not terrible either18:04
cmaloneyJavaScript is a cancer.18:04
jrwrenand for shipping production software there are ways to meet in the middle.18:04
jrwrenlinux is a cancer. I like cancer.18:05
greg-gand the "just make a container with all your dependencies" is a nice idea, but a pain to maintain/do fixes/security updates when needed18:05
jrwrenugh... "make a container" is terrible.18:05
cmaloneygreg-g: I remember at SF.net that we had issues with how little access we gave our engineers18:05
jrwrenit means you can't actually package your software in a repeatable way.18:05
cmaloneyeventually we became more liberal18:05
greg-gjrwren: exactly, so annoying :)18:05
greg-gwhy do I get a distinct Mike Patton feel from this?18:11
cmaloneyNot sure if Mike Patton was influenced by Joe Jackson, but I know Anthrax was.18:12
cmaloneyThat and Latin music tends to get parodied when people are sarcastic18:13
cmaloneynot sure who started that trend18:13
cmaloney"Wanna tell someone to go fuck themselves? Do it in a Bossa Nova."18:13
cmaloneyJoe Jackson also did "Cha Cha Loco"18:14
jrwreni only know the Joe Jackson song that he did with William Shatner18:16
cmaloneySure it wasn't Ben Folds?18:16
cmaloneyApparently it was all three.18:17
jrwrenwas it?18:18
jrwrenCommon People?18:18
jrwrenalbum version is WAY better tahn this live version18:19
cmaloney<3 Joe Jackson though. If you dive into his discography you're in for some treats18:19
cmaloneyI can't even recommend a starter album because they're vastly different from each other18:20
jrwrenhuh, Ben has Bass and Synth credits on the album version. how did I miss that?18:20
cmaloneyeg: Stepping Out is different from Night Music, Willpower, Big World, Beat Crazy, Jumpin' Jive, Body & Soul, Laughter and Lust18:21
jrwrenoh sheesh, Ben is on most of the tracks on this album. I guess I knew he was on some, but I didn't know it was most.18:21
cmaloneyBen Folds is talented18:21
jrwrenno doubt. for sure.18:22
cmaloneyYou've probably heard this song without realizing it was Joe Jackson18:22
cmaloneyand "Is she really going out with him"18:22
cmaloneyAnd this is the cover that I wish the band I was in would have taken more seriously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be7iNHw8QoQ18:24
shakes808cmaloney: aren't they coming in concert soon?19:28
cmaloneyI don't know.19:28
shakes808they are on tour with killswitch19:54
shakes808but not coming here, unless they already came19:54
cmaloneyJoe Jackson? :)19:54
shakes808HAHA, can you imagine Joe Jackson and Killswitch Engaged touring together haha19:55
shakes808there would be some very confused people there19:55
shakes808I would have loved to see Weather Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqashW66D7o19:57
cmaloneyweather report is amazing20:12
gamerchick02they are.20:26
gamerchick02thanks for the link20:26
gamerchick02has everyone updated their ubuntu machines?20:27
gamerchick02i think i'm going to tonight20:27
cmaloneyi need to get my linode off of 12.0420:28
* greg-g 's jessie digitalocean is doing fine ;)21:58
jrwrenjessie is current.23:02
shakes808cmaloney: python 3 question -> I have a list of strings that I create from doing a web crawl.  I am now trying to get the substring so I can manipulate it to navigate to a webpage to download a picture.  How do I do something like substring(0: {index where "characters-i-am-looking-for})23:39
cmaloneyAre you looking for something like "img=" ?23:43
shakes808I think i found what i am looking for: print(item[:item.index("ers/")+4])23:44
cmaloneyThat looks awful. :)23:44
shakes808I am going to be manipulating the url that I scrapped and have to append to it to grab the url for the img23:44
shakes808<--- Less than mediocre programmer23:45
shakes808is there a more elegant way to do that?23:45
cmaloneywhat about item.find('ers/') ?23:45
cmaloneyor, if you know you're splitting off everything after 'ers/', do a split on that23:46
shakes808it still stops  and have to append: +4 to that23:46
shakes808print(item[:item.find("ers/") + 4])23:46
cmaloney(head, tail) = item.split('ers/')23:46
shakes808that didn't work23:47
jrwrenshakes808: have you considered using scrapy?23:47
jrwrenshakes808: are you using beautiful soup?23:47
cmaloneyprint (item.split('ers/)[1))23:48
cmaloneyand yes, use Beautiful Soup if you're looking for something in a tag23:48
cmaloneybecause jesus-tap-dancing-Christ parsing HTML is a PITA23:48
shakes808I just found this: http://www.netinstructions.com/how-to-make-a-web-crawler-in-under-50-lines-of-python-code/23:48
shakes808and been manipulating this23:49
shakes808I have the urls that I am looking for, just need to manipulate them to get the images23:49
cmaloneySeriously, if you're parsing html you are reinventing BS423:50
cmaloneyWhich might be OK, but yipes.23:51
shakes808haha, i didn't reinvent it, that post did ;)23:51
shakes808but that looks very similar to what I have23:51
cmaloneyYeah, and it's under 50 lines of code. ;)23:51
shakes808fair enough23:51
shakes808I will take a look at BS23:51
shakes808after I try this out.  though23:52
cmaloneyAnd if you want the images minus the http://foo.bar/baz/img.jpg then I'd do a split on that (uri.split.'/'[-1] and Bob's your uncle.23:52
cmaloneySure, I understand. :)23:52
shakes808haha, actually what you gave me is going to work out i think23:53
shakes808I will post my final code when I get it working23:53
_stink_publish it on pypi23:59
_stink_call it23:59

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