
naccselsperr: in any case, not a topic for this channel, talk to runescape abou tit00:00
rrenaudi am trying to get a video capture card to work with obs studio in ubuntu 14.4, lsusb shows the device name, but it seems like there is no capture source showing up in the obs software00:00
selsperrahhh good idea!00:00
rrenaudi am not sure how to figure out what is going on00:01
rrenaudmaybe i need some device specific drivers?00:01
tachikomaspavlos: it's like systemd have somes uuid in memory, and try to mount them... but even in fstab, no thing about that.00:02
reubenabramsrrenaud: What's the video capture card's make and model, please?00:02
tomreynrrenaud: possibly. which devide do you have there, what does lsusb say?00:02
rrenaudAVerMedia AVerCapture HD00:02
pavlostachikomas: yes, it refers to cryptswap1 from your recent pastebin00:02
selsperrCan you put shortcuts on desktop in ubuntu?00:03
rrenaudlsusb sees the device, Bus 001 Device 009: ID 07ca:c835 AVerMedia Technologies, Inc.00:03
tachikomaspavlos: but, i never use any cryptswap... :/00:03
jaydemiranyone running 17.04?00:03
pavlostachikomas: very strange ...00:03
tachikomasDo you know where can be this startup config ?00:03
rrenauddmesg has this output00:04
rrenaud[ 1193.230156] usb 1-6: Product: Aver_C835_USB00:04
uxfihi tachikomas00:05
tachikomashi uxfi00:05
pavlostachikomas: check your /etc/fstab and -if exists- /etc/crypttab00:05
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | jaydemir00:06
ubottujaydemir: Zesty Zapus is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+100:06
tachikomasi will rtfm00:06
tomreynwhoops, i missed a release00:06
tachikomascrypttab exist...00:06
tachikomaswith this uudi00:06
tomreynjaydemir: ignore ubottu this time00:06
tachikomasi just delete it ?00:06
jaydemirI'm just curious00:07
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pavlostachikomas: comment them out ... seems in the past there were 2 swap or something like that00:08
tachikomasits very strange.. the mount point of this cryptoswap is /dev/urandom.00:09
pavlostachikomas: your fstab should match the uuid(s) from the lsblk -f00:09
tachikomasstill hapening : dev-disk-by\x2duuid-d1a65800\x2dae36\x2d4286\x2d8879\x2dbc2e1d09d11d.device: Job dev-disk-by\x2duuid-d1a65800\x2dae36\x2d4286\x2d8879\x2dbc2e1d09d11d.device/start failed with result 'timeout'.00:09
tachikomasdoes i need to reboot to take the change ?00:10
tachikomaspavlos: is it better to use uuid? or absolute path ?00:10
pavlostachikomas: better to use uuid00:10
AndChat|317009so shuttleworth eh?00:10
reubenabramsrrenaud, I've looked online & there's a dearth of information on this topic00:11
reubenabramstachikomas, that's how the key gets randomized. Each time the computer reboot, the encrypted swap uses a random key. I forget the details.00:11
tachikomasthanks reubenabrams00:12
pavlostachikomas: if you can reboot, try it ...00:12
tachikomasi reboot and get back to tell you :)00:12
reubenabramsAndChat|317009, huzzah for Politics00:13
AndChat|317009is ubuntu in jeopardy?00:13
tachikomashuh.. work perfectly00:14
reubenabramsAndChat|317009, I can't say that I see any evidence of that.00:14
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AndChat|317009canonical laid off a buttload of devs00:14
reubenabramsAndChat|317009, remember -- in Linux, as in academia, sometimes the fights are especially passionate when the stake are\ low.00:14
selsperrhow do I check if there are graphics drivers installed?00:14
opsearcherswitched from unity to gnome.  like it.00:14
selsperri try google first00:16
reubenabramsAside from poor configuration, is there an obvious reason why a single-board computer (SBC) can share its wifi connection with other computers via the SBC's Ethernet inteface but not its USB interface?00:16
tachikomasa last question about systemd.. i see somes broken ln in my /etc/systemd/system/ like dbus-org.freedesktop.thermald.service00:17
tachikomasis it a real problem ? or maybe something that will be removed ?00:18
pavlostachikomas: maybe you can disable that service00:20
durthey folks, just upgraded to 17.04 and lost my second monitor, display settings and Nvidia settings just don't even see it. lsmod doesn't tell me what module I'm running. Xorg.0.log gives me nvidia, neuvoue, and vesa! What the F?00:20
reubenabramstachikomas,  try # systemctl disable thermald; systmectl enable thermald; systemctl restart thermald; systemctl status thermald00:21
reubenabramstachikomas, if you aren't worried about monitoring or controlling the temperature of your CPU(s), I wouldn't worry about it.00:21
tachikomasreubenabrams: Failed to restart thermald.service: Unit thermald.service is masked.00:23
tachikomasi am worried about it, because i use my computer in extreme environment (sometime +40C)00:23
tachikomasSo if it can help just a little bit :/00:23
reubenabramstachikomas, when you run 'systemctl status thermald', does it say that the service is running OK?00:24
tachikomas Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)00:25
tachikomas   Active: inactive (dead)00:25
reubenabramsHow about 'systemctl list-unit-files --type=service | grep -i thermald'00:25
reubenabramsHang on. Is the thermald package actually installed?00:26
tachikomas... idk ? it's not installed with the system ?00:26
Dalek_BreathWhat does "usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110" in dmesg mean? this pops up durng boot up...00:27
tachikomasok. Need to sleep. thermald not installed.00:27
tachikomasthanks a LOT for all your help everyone :)00:27
reubenabramsnp :)00:27
pavlostachikomas: np00:27
tachikomasSee you :)00:28
reubenabramsAside from poor configuration, is there an obvious reason why a single-board computer (SBC) can share its wifi connection with other computers via the SBC's Ethernet inteface but not its USB interface? Is there something different about Ethernet-over-USB versus regular Ethernet?00:28
tomreynrrenaud: there seem to be no drivers available for this piece of hardware you have there00:30
OERIASanyone here managed to install Ubuntu with Secured Boot?00:32
Bashing-omdurt: The release-upgrade broke the proprietary driver . Purge and re-install the nVidia driver .00:37
durtBashing-om, okie-dokie, any clue which module from lsmod is the video driver I'm currently running?00:38
Bashing-omdurt: durt the log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you - and what is not going on .00:40
durtBashing-om, Ya, xorg.0.log says nvidia,nouvaue(sp?), and vesa, so I'm guessing it's just a generic driver that doesn't show in lsmod... ah well, time to re-install 340 or whatever it is now. Thanks.00:43
waltmanBashing-om: Thanks. I'm expecting to have the same problem once my install finishes.00:43
Dalek_Breathwhat does usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110 mean?00:44
Bashing-omwaltman: Yeah .. one can expect that ... a Nvidia driver is non-ubuntu :)00:46
Bashing-omdurt: Quick and clean ' sudo apt purge nvidia* ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' .00:47
durtBashing-om, cool, thx00:48
waltmanI just kicked off the update and then I thought, damn, I bet this is going to break the nvidia driver.00:48
waltmanI only have one monitor, but maybe it'll break some other way!00:48
bytewhich is the best ubuntu based distro00:52
bytewhat do you think?00:52
Bashing-omwaltman: Oh It is going to break as the driver is built on that old kernel . now ya got to re-build on the new .00:53
wedgiein #ubuntu we tend to think that ubuntu is the best ubuntu distro00:53
Bashing-om!best | byte00:53
waltmanBashing-om: yeah, that broke all the time. Someone kindly packaged it and I started using tha almost immediately.00:54
waltmanI'm a little disappointed it doesn't have mutt 1.800:55
gredjokis there a whois command from the cli? I want to know whatinfo I get from an ip00:57
PipeItToDevNullwhois is the command00:58
tangerinetoupeebutterthebuddha, I salute your inventive ID.00:59
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transhuman_hi I have kvm installed on a centos host with a Ubuntu guest, when I signal from the host to do an acpid shutdown (shutdown of host) the guest pops up with a screen to select the type of shutdown it should do, how do I avoid this screen from appearing (causes guest to eventually time out and crash instead of shutting down gracefully) thanks in advance01:10
Dalek_Breaththis computer takes forever to boot up and I don't know where to start looking for the cause of the problem01:12
YankDownUnderDalek_Breath: Has this issue "always been" - or is it a new issue?01:13
wedgieDalek_Breath: systemd-analyze blame    is a good place to start01:14
Bashing-omDalek_Breath: ^ explained here : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/systemd-blame.html .01:14
Kobazhttp://geeknizer.com/sync-iphone-linux/  this seems a little out of date... anyone have something newer?01:15
YankDownUnderKobaz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone01:17
KobazYankDownUnder: all this stuff is related to music.. what about getting to the usb-storage01:19
Kobazthere's nothing in dmesg that it's detected any usb-storage01:20
Ham62I've been trying to set up a network bridge on my server so I can connect another PC through it on a second ethernet card to my network but nothing is working on it, I'm running Ubuntu Server 14.0401:20
Ham62so I'm trying to use brctl to create the bridge and if I do 'brctl addbr' it says 'Usage: brctl addbr <bridge>             add bridge', that's all fine and dandy01:21
KobazHam62: basically you need bridge-utils, two network interfaces01:21
YankDownUnderKobaz: https://askubuntu.com/questions/799414/how-to-move-files-from-ubuntu-to-iphone ===> follow this - you'll be able to access the device as a mounted "drive"01:21
Ham62but now if I do brctl addbr br0 it says add bridge failed: Package not installed01:22
Kobazand then set as the ips for eth0/eth1 and whatever you're bridging01:22
Kobazoh, install bridge-utils01:22
Ham62how did the command just run if it's not installed...01:22
Ham62and I did have it installed, I was just using it earlier01:22
Ham62then rebooted the system01:22
KobazHam62: it's an alias that runs for uninstalled apps01:22
Ham62I never removed it though01:23
Kobazer, probably not aliases, but little shell scripts01:23
Kobazdpkg -l | grep bridge01:23
Ham62so now I need to install it a second time?01:23
Ham62ii  bridge-utils                         1.5-6ubuntu2    ||     i386         Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge01:24
Kobazokay that's good01:24
Kobazbrctl show01:24
Ham62it's an empty table01:24
Ham62just bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces01:25
Kobazokay, so it's installed01:25
Kobazand running the right app01:25
Kobazaddbr br001:25
Kobazbrctl addbr br001:25
Ham62still says package not installed01:25
Kobazstrace brctl addbr br0 &> /tmp/out01:26
Kobazand then pastebin that01:26
Ham62and I don't know if this has anything to do with it but when I rebooted it ran fsck then dumped back into grub and I had to select ubuntu to boot the system01:26
Kobazthat's unrelated01:26
bob123So,  I'm having a bug on a clean-install VM when trying to `apt-get install openjdk-9-jdk`01:27
bob123paste incoming01:27
bob123This blocks and results in a hard-to-clear error that doesn't react to normal purge commands.01:29
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bob123Anyway, I just felt it would be the decent thing to report it.01:30
cehwedrechi, why isn't 17.04 an LTS?01:30
KobazHam62: there's gotta be something else going on01:30
cehwedrecaren't .04s always LTS?01:30
wedgiecehwedrec: because 16.04 was and that was only 1 year ago01:30
wedgiecehwedrec: no, every 2 years01:30
KobazHam62: redo the strace with -f01:30
Kobazstrace -f brctl addbr br0 &> /tmp/out01:31
cehwedrecso 18.04 is the next LTS?01:31
Kobazi dont see any forks, but there's thread stuff in there01:31
Kobazoh that's from the ioctl01:31
cehwedrecdoes anyone know if they finally fixed everything regarding services management in 17.04?01:31
Kobazioctl(3, SIOCBRADDBR, 0xbf9838e0)       = -1 ENOPKG (Package not installed)01:31
Kobazokay, yeah -f wont give us anything new01:31
cehwedrecup till now, systemctl wouldn't successfully work for every service01:31
wedgiecehwedrec: what was broken?01:31
Ham62Kobaz: https://pastebin.com/zJCsHKB401:32
cehwedreci had to use sudo service01:32
cehwedrecfor some01:32
cehwedrecwhen will ubuntu finally drop everything else if they haven't in 17.04, does anyone know?01:32
cehwedrecby everything else i mean everything except systemd's mechanisms for controlling services01:33
YankDownUndercehwedrec: If you truly want to know, you might want to ask the devs...01:33
KobazHam62: what network card?01:34
Ham62pretty sure it's a D-Link 530TX01:35
cehwedrecYankDownUnder: what would be the best way to do that?01:35
Kobazthat should have no problems bridging, okay01:36
YankDownUndercehwedrec: Join one of the dev channels. Bear in mind you might be ignored or worst - kicked. Most would look on the question as "lack of ambition to read through the news and documentation provided for on the primary web site)01:36
KobazHam62: next: lsmod | grep bridge01:36
Ham62that's the one I'm trying to connect the second system on with a crossover cable, the one that's on the network is whatever's built in on the motherboard01:36
cehwedrecwell i haven't found any information regarding this01:37
KobazHam62: if it's not loaded, modprobe bridge, try your brctl again01:39
Ham62modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:556 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-116-generic/modules.dep.bin'01:40
KobazHam62: depmod -a01:40
KobazHam62: then try modprobe again01:40
Ham62depmod: ERROR: could not open directory /lib/modules/3.13.0-116-generic: No such file or directory01:40
Ham62depmod: FATAL: could not search modules: No such file or directory01:40
YankDownUndercehwedrec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases => and dig the links further...01:40
Kobaz3.13, oh dear that's a bit old01:41
Kobaznot super old, but... old01:41
Ham62I don't know why it's doing this, I never had issues until I tried doing the bridge01:41
KobazHam62: you're missing bridge.ko01:42
Ham62what's that01:42
KobazHam62: apt-cache search linux-image | grep extra01:42
Kobazinstall the matching package for 3.1301:42
KobazHam62: it's the kernel driver for ethernet bridging01:42
Ham62that's a lot of output01:43
Ham62hold on, pastebin incoming01:43
Kobazit shouldn't be more than like 10-15 lines01:43
wedgieHam62: is your box actually using 3.13, or have you updated the HWE?01:43
Ham62Kobaz: it's 180 lines01:43
Kobazwedgie:  depmod/modprobe are going to use your current kernel version unless you have special stuff going on01:44
Ham62it shouldn't have anything special going on, I never did anything fancy01:44
Ham62just been running nginx for the last 3 years01:44
KobazHam62: ah, right, the sub versions01:45
KobazHam62: yeah, and of course there's no package matching 3.13.0-11601:45
Kobazif you don't mind upgrading, you can swap to something newer01:45
cehwedreccrickets chirping in the dev channel01:45
Ham62I dunno how well that would go, it was kind of hard getting the system going initially01:46
YankDownUndercehwedrec: If you wish to find an answer, patience is your best tool.01:46
Kobazso basically you're stuck without the kernel module01:46
Ham62the only upgrades I've done were through apt-get update and apt-get upgrade in the paste01:46
Kobazso, make backups, pray, and hope for the best01:46
Kobazand apt install linux-image-4.4.0-xxx01:47
Kobazlooks like the latest there is -7101:47
Ham62but I'm confused, why do I have these on the system if it was never installed in an update?01:47
Kobazthey are available packages01:47
Ham62does it just download every revision of the kernel but not do anything?01:47
Kobazit's not installed/downloaded necessarily01:47
Kobazgrub will give you the options for previous kernels if you have problems booting 4.401:48
Ham62will this upgrade cause any issues with software I have installed or any hardware or anything?01:48
Kobazit depends what you have01:49
Kobazbut generally kernel upgrades are fairly safe, it helps to know what you're doing though01:49
Ham62I have no idea what I'm doing .-.01:49
Kobazwhat hardware do you have?01:50
Kobazanything not completely basic?01:50
Ham62it's an Athlon XP system with 2GB RAM, 40GB IDE drive01:50
Kobazlike a webcam, or i dunno, video capture device01:50
Kobazhaha xp, niiice01:50
Kobazi have one of those on a shelf01:50
Kobazi built a ton of those for linux boxes01:50
Kobazyou should be fine then01:51
s3qrkHey, I just installed ubuntu 17.04 and I want to get started with docker, can anyone guide me on how to install it? there's now official guide for zesty01:51
Kobazkernel upgrades can and will break specialized hardware support01:51
Kobazbut your normal bare bones system with vga and ethernet, you'll be fine01:51
Ham62ok, so I'll try the upgrade then01:52
KobazHam62: you learn the most when things dont work01:52
Kobazit should be fine01:52
Kobazbut if it's not, break out the rescue cd01:52
Kobazand then you'll also want to install the -extras package01:53
Kobazfor that kernel version01:53
Kobazso it comes with the modules (ie: bridge)01:53
Ham62well nothing has every really worked for me so far on Linux, everything keeps breaking, figured I should ask about this one instead of give up though because it keeps breaking in a way that's dropping network and causing the system to hang when it doesn't work01:53
KobazHam62: sounds like a kernel bug01:53
Ham62so when I do the upgrade should I do it through SSH or hop over to my KVM and do it locally01:54
KobazHam62: it could be crappy hardware on the motherboard too. (VERY common on older atx boards)01:54
Kobazeither way01:54
Kobazupgrade either way will do the same thing01:54
Kobazjust be able to get local access if it doesn't boot01:54
Kobazcertain kernel versions (and sometimes an entire series) have some showstopper ethernet issues01:55
Kobazi can't tell you offhand which, you basically run the box long enough until it locks up or it keeps working, and then you know01:55
Kobazand it all depends on the card as well01:56
Ham62well I know before I got over 230 days uptime01:56
Ham62then a power outage lol01:56
Ham62but you say it's possible for the card to cause issues, I had an intel ethernet card installed at one point but it was hanging a lot, so I removed it and now it's a bit better01:57
Ham62is it possible the drivers for these D-Link ones could also be causing the hangs still?01:57
Kobazanything is possible01:57
Kobazwithout diving into a debugger and all that. it's hard to tell01:58
Kobazbasically the best thing at this point is upgrade, see if the problems persist01:58
Kobazif it keeps on, then pop in a pci card01:58
Kobaz3com's work grea01:58
Kobazi have a stack of them if you need any01:58
Kobazpay for shipping and i'll send you 10 pci 10/100 cards01:58
Ham62well the two PCI cards I have now are those dlink ones01:58
Kobazand i have some dlink's too01:58
Ham62I have a bunch of those, like 5 in the box on my shelf01:59
Kobaznever had any serious issues with dlink on linux personally01:59
Ham62these 2 were just pulled from donated ones01:59
Ham62donated systems*01:59
Ham62ok so it looks like it installed, reboot time I guess01:59
Kobazhave fun02:00
Ham62ok awesome, restarted good02:01
Ham62oh wait what02:02
Ham62it still says I'm running kernel version i686 Linux 3.13.0-116-generic02:02
KobazHam62: uname -a02:03
Ham62I selected Ubuntu* at the grub menu02:03
Kobazwhat did it say when grub popped02:03
Ham62the first one on the list02:03
Kobazdpkg -l | grep linux-image02:03
Kobazthat's all your installed stuff02:05
Kobazrun: update-grub02:05
cfhowlettWAY past time to clean that out!02:05
Kobazyou can pastebin that02:05
Ham62hm.. so was apt-get upgrade installing these, but not updating grub02:06
KobazHam62: well some of it's not actually installed, a nubmer of those are 'rc', which just leaves metadata and configs02:06
Ham62OR cleaning up older ones?02:06
Kobazthat's just stuff left over from previous installs02:06
Ham62I never reinstalled once02:06
Kobazpackage installs02:06
Kobazthat looks good02:07
Kobazyou should see 4.4 next time you boot02:07
Kobazand that should be the default02:07
Ham62ok, lets try it then02:07
Ham62heh, just got a message my Hardware Enablement Stack will be supported until 2019?02:09
Kobazstuff changes all the time02:09
Ham62still on 3.1302:11
Kobazthat's strange02:11
Ham62I got a picture of grub before booting though02:11
Kobazokay, next boot02:11
Kobazgo into the sub menu for like the other options02:11
Ham62it didn't look different than before02:11
Kobazi forgot what it looks like02:11
Kobazthere's like an advanced thingee02:11
Kobazand then you should see all your different kernel versions02:11
Ham62could be an issue, grub disappeared before I selected anything02:12
Kobazoh okay02:12
Kobazincrease the timeout02:12
BurnTheBanksWhat in tarnation02:13
Ham62ok so in "advanced options for ubuntu"02:13
Ham62I see lots of revisions of 3.1302:13
Kobazyeah, boot 4.4.002:13
Ham62but nothing else02:13
Kobazaw, wtf02:13
Kobazokay, so boot, and pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg02:14
Ham62what's the best way to copy a file to pastebin02:15
Ham62I was doing it one screen at a time in nano02:15
Ham62this one is over 800 lines02:15
Kobazi usually do like select all02:15
Kobazand then paste02:15
cfhowlettHam62, run the command and add      |pastebin at the end02:15
Ham62oh wait02:16
cfhowlettHam62, to more filename.txt | pastebinit02:16
Ham62I can just copy it to my downloads directory and link you the file02:16
Kobazthat works too02:16
Kobazpastebinit is nifty02:16
zwischenzughello.  i just upgraded from 14.04 -> 16.04 running in virtualbox.  i boot, and get taken straight to a terminal and can't startx.  "unable to connect to x server, connection refused"...it says.  not sure where to start fixing this.  anyone have any ideas?02:17
zwischenzugalso says "module ABI major version (15) doesn't match the server's version (20)"02:18
Kobazso your first option is 4.4.002:19
Kobazthis is a grub2 config file02:19
Kobazyour boot loader might be grub102:19
waltmanDuring the update to 17.04 I found a bug in the apcupsd installer that I'd like to report, but I can't figure out how to do it.02:19
waltmanWhere do I report a bug against a package?02:19
KobazHam62:  do you have a /etc/grub/menu.lst02:19
Ham62no it says grub 2.02 beta 2 on start02:19
cfhowlett!bug | waltman02:20
ubottuwaltman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:20
KobazHam62: okay that's good02:20
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Ham62I don't have a file at  /etc/grub/menu.lst02:20
Kobazokay so umm02:21
Kobazit sounds like the normak /etc/grub/grub.cfg isn't being read by your loader, and it's running something else02:21
Kobazbecause your current grub.cfg clearly has 4.4.0 as the first entry02:21
waltmanubottu: I've done that, but I don't see where I enter what the actual bug is.02:21
ubottuwaltman: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:21
waltmanOh, I do that AFTER hitting send?02:22
Ham62I installed a second hard drive recently because I thought the master was failing02:23
Ham62so I did a dd clone of it to the slave one02:23
Kobazyou're loading grub off another drive them02:23
Kobazthat explains it02:23
Ham62but never did the switch because I'm pretty sure it was the ethernet card not the hard drive failing02:24
Ham62I set that other drive as slave though02:24
Ham62it shouldn't be booting...02:24
Ham62unless the jumpers are wrong02:24
Ham62it couldn't boot, that was a blank drive before02:24
Kobazit might be 'blank'02:24
Kobazbut there's a loader in there on the boot sector, unless you wiped it, like with dd02:25
Ham62yeah it had XP on it before, I for sure didn't do the backup with XP lol02:25
Ham62should I pull the new drive's power?02:26
Ham62see if that helps?02:26
Kobazyeah give that a go02:26
Ham62I never understood a *nix filesystem with multiple drives so that's why I kept it a single drive thing for so long02:27
Ham62|P3oh yeah, shutdown from the command line doesn't shut it down, just puts it in "single user mode", is that supposed to happen?02:28
Kobazthat's odd02:29
Kobazdid you like pull the power while the machine was running?02:29
Ham62|P3no, it's had a few power outages though02:29
waterpolehow do i change the irssi theme?02:30
Ham62|P3I just remember it's always done this, never understood why02:30
Kobazmultiple drives in linux... you'll put them in different paths02:30
Ham62|P3so I press the physical power button and get a clean shut down02:30
Kobazso like, drive 2 would be /media/drive202:30
Kobazor whatever02:30
Kobazor if you wanted a separate drive for home02:30
Kobazit would get mounted under /home02:30
Kobazin that case, / and everthing else is drive1, and then /home is drive202:30
Kobazthink of it as adding rooms in a house02:31
Kobazversus buying a new house02:31
Kobazc: d: e: in windows, each drive is a new house02:31
Ham62|P3ooh, ok I get it02:31
Kobazshutdown going into single user mode has to do with /etc/inittab and what you have set up in /etc/rc1.d (or whatever runlevel that shutdown is putting you into)02:32
sachinaHello, I am new to ubuntu. I wanted to learn php so I installed php, however the storage location of the files is at /vat/www/html, its not easy for me to practice as I need root access everytime I have to edit files. Is there any easy way to do this?02:32
Ham62|P3ok, now on just the single 40GB drive again02:33
Ham62|P3so now what do I need to edit to get grub to see kernel version 4?02:34
Kobazsachina: chown /var/www/html to your local user02:34
Kobazsachina: or use setfacl02:34
Kobazand give your normal user permission to the path02:34
Kobaz/usr/bin/setfacl -R -d -m "u:youruser:rwx" /var/www/html; /usr/bin/setfacl -R -m "u:youruser:rwx" /var/www/html;02:35
Ham62|P3 /etc/grub/grub.cgf right02:36
Kobazshort for config02:36
Ham62|P3yeah oops typo02:36
Ham62|P3says file not found02:37
cfhowlettHam62|P3, cfg not cgf02:37
Ham62|P3well not even /etc/grub is showing up02:37
Ham62|P3ls /etc/grub shows no file or directory02:37
Kobazyour drive2 has that stuff then02:37
Kobazhow badly do you care about your current setup?02:38
Kobazhere's the thing02:38
Kobazit's all fixable02:38
Kobazeverything in linux is fixable02:38
Kobazit depends upon how much time you want to spend02:38
Kobazenough stuff is a little wonky that you might be better off just downloading something newer and installing02:39
Kobazeven the latest 17 should support your box just fine02:39
Ham62so you think a reinstall is the best option?02:40
Kobazthe 'best' option is in the eye of the beholder02:40
Kobazme personally, i would fix it02:40
Ham62I don't want to lose all my nginx files and website data and stuff02:40
Kobazif i had local access to the box, i could probably do it in 10-20 minutes02:40
Ham62I don't know how much is broken though exactly02:40
Kobazover irc, you're probably looking at another hour or more02:40
Ham62like everything I got working on here was through trying to follow online tutorials02:41
Kobazi'm a huge fan of learning what's broken02:41
Kobazfixing it02:41
Kobazand then adding it to the toolbox for the next time you see this issue02:41
Kobazthat's seriously how i know all this crap02:41
Kobaz20 years of, whoops it's broke, now i need to fix it02:41
Kobazand i refused to go the reinstall route02:42
Ham62well if I could fix it as it is that would be great02:42
Ham62I just don't want to bother you guys with too much stuff if it's really that bad02:42
Kobazit's not terrible, it's just a bunch of little things02:42
Kobazi gotta go pass out soon too02:42
Kobaz but02:42
Kobazwhat's in your /etc/fstab02:42
Ham62UUID=171ad6d1-60d7-4ed2-9473-06b7d843013f /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       102:44
Ham62UUID=850bc12d-fc84-49da-a539-9117e49cec2d none            swap    sw              0       002:44
Kobazso your etc/grub is gone after popping out drive 202:45
Kobazand it's not a mount point02:45
Ham62so doing the dd and running without touching the second drive02:45
Ham62somehow merged the two filesystems?02:45
Kobaznot sure where etc/grub went, that's still an oddity02:47
Kobazwhat did grub say when you booted, did it still say 2,2?02:47
Ham62yeah I think so02:49
Ham62I'll be right back, hang on02:49
Bashing-omHam62: Kobaz :: To know where grub's file are :02:49
thereyougocan ubottu resolve youtube links ? like get title and other information ?02:49
Bashing-om ' sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub ' .02:49
KobazBashing-om: the odd thing is that his second drive is offline, and he's booted successfully, without having /boot/grub02:51
Kobazso, that config is coming from somewhere02:52
Ham62ok back02:55
thereyougowas toilet paper  soft02:55
Ham62oh wait02:55
Ham62why were we looking in /etc/grub02:55
Kobaz boot02:56
Ham62ok yes I have /boot/grub file02:56
Kobazof course you do02:56
Ham62I dunno where /etc came from lol02:56
Kobazyeah i gave you the wrong path02:56
cfhowlettthereyougo, no ubottu will not resolve YT  links.  it's for ubuntu info not random urls02:57
Ham62ok, so same link as before, the updated one02:57
Kobazwhy did that happen?02:57
Kobazrate limiting?02:57
Ham62looks like it doesn't have the 4.4 reference in it02:57
Ham62so installing the new kernel updated the file on the non-boot drive :D02:58
Ham62so maybe to go back and install the new kernel again is good02:58
Kobazokay so02:58
Kobazupdate-grub again02:59
Kobazyou must have been booting off your other drive, and your other drive was mounting root (or boot) on that drive as well02:59
Ham62so the new kernel was installed on that other drive03:00
Kobazmakes sense03:00
Kobazyeah okay so, apt-cache search linux-image | grep 4.403:01
Kobazinstall the image and the extras, update-grub, and then reboot03:01
quidnuncI installed 17.04 and now can't play sound. pavucontrol only shows "digital output" when the correct output should be analog. How can I fix?03:01
quidnuncI read !sound03:01
quidnuncand the sound troubleshooting page03:01
Ham62estimated time to download is about 15 minutes for the updated version03:04
Kobazthe faster version would have been to mount the other drive real quick, grab the kernel packages from /var/cache/apt/archives03:10
Kobazcopy it over03:10
Ham62hm... yeah03:11
Ham62who knows what other files were being mounted from the different drives though03:11
Ham62maybe that's what part of the issue was, I remember when I first put in the second drive after doing the dd it would randomly start and have a bunch of issues then on a reboot would work again03:12
Ham62like at one point it said the whole filesystem was read only and wouldn't start any services because they couldn't use temp files and after a reboot worked again03:13
KobazHam62: yeah sounds like you were alternating booting off one than the other03:13
Kobazwhich i'm sure is very confusing, because you'll fix issues and then have them again when you boot off the other drive03:13
Kobazthere's a reason for everything03:13
Kobazit's not like windows where stuff breaks and it's like, well, let's reboot03:14
Dalek_BreathWhat is speech-dispatcher.service for?03:14
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Kobazgenerally, rebooting should be the last option, because there's very specific reasons your stuff isn't working, and it's best to fix them before you reboot03:14
Ham62most of the reboots were forced from a hang but yeah03:15
Ham62I don't like rebooting, one thing I like about Linux is you're supposed to be able to start and stop services to update config files03:15
Ham62without rebooting03:15
tekeli-liWhere may I share the snapshot I took to document the question I intend to ask? I know paste.ubuntu.com is for text.03:16
Kobazstick with it a few more years, and dive deep into things when you can, you'll learn a lot03:16
cfhowlett!paste | tekeli-li03:16
ubottutekeli-li: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:16
Kobazservice isn't starting, check out the shell scripts that manage them, add echo/print statements, see what's going on03:16
Kobazvirtual machines are your friend as well03:17
Ham62well one thing I learned is the nginx service doesn't like to let you restart it from the service reload thing03:17
Ham62so you can manually kill the process and start it again to update the config03:17
Kobazset up some test boxes, make a clone of your production system and then you can test things safely on another system03:17
KobazHam62: you can probably fix that with a line or two of shell03:17
KobazHam62: see what's being run when you start the service, find the init scripts for it and start debugging03:18
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
KobazHam62: when all else fails, use strace, and look for exec03:23
Ham62oh and now the install's done03:23
Ham62so the extras you said to install03:23
Kobazthat's your bridge module03:23
Ham62apt-get install bridge-utils?03:23
Kobazquite possibly03:24
Kobazyeah you were running on the other root03:24
Kobaznothing happens if it's already installed and up to date03:24
Ham62ok, yeah it's already installed here03:24
Ham62yay and now brctl can add a br0 too03:28
tekeli-liShould I allow the installation of the proprietary software listed under "Additional Drivers" inside "Software & Updates"?03:29
Kobaztekeli-li: usually a good idea03:32
Kobazunless you have a reason not to03:32
daxfirst one: only if your wifi doesn't work right03:32
daxsecond one: yes03:32
tekeli-liKobaz, I don't have a reason, but I am cautious.03:34
BHWall i forget my ubuntu password.. can anyone helps me???03:34
cfhowlett!password | BHW03:34
ubottuBHW: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords03:34
tekeli-lidax, I have wifi connectivity, but why if not the driver?03:34
cfhowlettsounds like the generic wifi worked for you, tekeli-li03:35
tekeli-liWhat is the "processor microcode" thing anyway?03:35
daxtekeli-li: that chipset has two options for drivers. if the default one works, zero reason to use the other one03:35
gardonI just installed ubuntu alongside windows10 but GRUB isn't showing03:35
daxtekeli-li: Intel and AMD processors have re-programmable code in them. Sometimes those companies release updates to it to fix bugs. It's included in BIOS updates and OSes can also push it out.03:36
gardonComputer is still using windows 10's boot03:36
daxtekeli-li: the updates don't "stick" though, they reset on reboot. hence, microcode packages that add the code at boot03:36
dax(well. the BIOS updates stick. ones done by the OS don't)03:37
Kobaztekeli-li: proprietary stuff is like the nvidia drivers, or wireless firmware that's required to make devices work03:37
tekeli-liMy CPU and display seem to work, but I don't know how to tell if some features are unavailable without these drivers.03:38
tekeli-liLike "this device is not working" sounds bad, but is it really something I should try to fix by installing the suggested proprietary drivers?03:39
* dax sighs03:39
daxyour wifi works fine. so there is no reason to switch your wifi driver. it's a waste of time that can only change things to "not working fine"03:39
daxmicrocode includes updates for almost all processors to fix bugs that will do weird stuff you won't notice until/unless it becomes a problem03:39
daxthe only reason microcode updates aren't shipped by default is because they're not open source03:40
dax"this device is not working" is Ubuntu's update config program being stupid, that wording sucks03:40
tekeli-lidax where may i read more about this specific driver update or microcode or whatever?03:42
Ham62|P3ok so Kobaz, now when I try to restart the network service, service reload says it's not running, service stop says it's failed while stopping, service start says it's already running and force-reload also says it's not running03:47
tekeli-lidax I applied the second one, but not the first, because that's what you recommended. My world hasn't ended yet, but I'll see what happens next reboot.03:52
Dalek_Breathwhat is "usb 1-1.3: device descriptor read/64, error -110" ?03:54
daxsomething plugged into a USB port or internally into the USB bus tried to pull too much power03:56
Dalek_Breathdax, is that what -110 is? Or were you talking to someone else?03:57
daxDalek_Breath: that's what the -110 code means03:57
Dalek_Breathshould the -110 error be causing the system to boot up slowly?03:58
Dalek_Breathis there anyway to determine which USB device is "trying to pull too much power"?03:59
daxi think the 1-1.3 corresponds to the bus/device numbers in the output of "lsusb", but I'm not sure04:00
daxi'd probably unplug all your external USB stuff and see if it changes anything, and if the error goes away and boot time changes then...04:01
gardonCan anyone help me pls04:01
Dalek_Breathdax... there are no external USB devices04:01
gardonGrub isnt showing @dax04:01
daxDalek_Breath: oh, well that puts a damper on that plan04:01
gardonI just installed ubuntu alongside win1004:01
gardonPlease help04:02
tekeli-lithanks Kobaz dax cfhowlett04:06
MATE-GuestGreetings. I am trying to set up a public access computer using Ubuntu MATE 16.04. But, I am having some issues and am looking for assistance.04:10
MATE-GuestIf I select Advanced Menu from Ubuntu Tweak, as Guest, the menu disappears. Also, I get an error message when I try to connect to a wireless network as Guest. Ultimately, I would like to set up the desktop the way I want and then back it up to skel from my Administrative account. But, there aren't privileges to change what I want while logged in as Guest.04:10
YankDownUnderThe nature of "guest" is to have absolutely NO privelages - other than what is granted from an admin level.04:12
MATE-GuestIronically, as Guest, I can run Disks from the menu, select a partition and select minus to delete the partition. While I cannot change the menu or select a wireless network.04:12
MATE-GuestYankDownUnder, how do i enable a wireless connection for the guest from an admin user?04:13
YankDownUnderWell, then that's something that would be buggy with MATE...which this channel isn't.04:13
MATE-GuestYankDownUnder, how do I enable advanced menu for the guest user as the admin?04:14
YankDownUnderWithout running MATE, I cannot tell you. There *IS* a channel specifically for MATE => #ubuntu-mate => just so's ya know.04:14
SpaceAcehey guys, i'm really struggling to get my intel gpu to work properly. it seems to be doing software rendering in kodi04:14
SpaceAcei upgraded to ubuntu 17.04 yesterday and it didn't fix the issue04:14
YankDownUnderMATE-Guest: If I ran MATE, I'd know. I do NOT run Mate, ergo, I do not know.04:14
MATE-GuestYankDownUnder, I understand. Thank you.04:15
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: It would appear that 17.04 experts aren't available - oh wait, 17.04 rolled out yesterday. Far out. (sarcasm)04:15
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Have you tried the usual methods?04:16
SpaceAceYankDownUnder, i've tried those suggestions you gave me yesterday04:16
SpaceAcestill no luck04:16
SpaceAcekodi and video playback is slow software rendering04:17
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: I'm old - my memory is sh*t.04:17
tekeli-lidax , my mouse went haywire after reboot so i disconnected it.04:17
SpaceAcei can't recall what i tried, now04:17
SpaceAcejust that it's using a vmware opengl driver and not the right thing, i guess04:17
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: You're in VMware?04:18
SpaceAceit's a native install on a machine that was working fine for a while04:18
SpaceAcebut now i've screwed around with it all04:18
SpaceAcedamn it04:18
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Right.04:18
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Open a terminal, type: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ==> follow what it says04:19
SpaceAcedidn't do much04:20
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Sometimes it takes a while...04:20
SpaceAceno it looked like it just refreshed apt04:20
SpaceAce0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.04:20
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Right oh...how's about reading this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/763672/16-04-how-to-purge-intel-default-drivers-reinstall-intel-graphic-drivers04:21
SpaceAceah, i might give that a go04:21
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: If it works, you have to give me all your donuts.04:22
SpaceAcemate if it works you can have everything in my pantry04:22
SpaceAcei've been stuck on this for days04:22
SpaceAceit's my HTPC but i don't want to dump and reinstall04:22
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Give that a shot. I'm not dead yet.04:22
gardonIs anyone online04:23
gardonJust have a quick question04:23
gardonI have windows in Legacy Boot04:23
YankDownUndergardon: One question.04:24
gardonCan I install ubuntu in IEFI?04:24
gardonWindows 10 on legacy boot then Ubuntu in UEFI?04:24
YankDownUnderYou can install Ubuntu using UEFI...not so sure about the Micro$oft crap. I don't do "Windows"04:24
gardonBecause I have been installing Ubuntu over and over but the Grub isnt showing up04:25
Sparrow_Sounds Scary and destined to fail04:25
gardonTrue Sparrow so Im asking here04:25
Sparrow_gardon, why not just install ubuntu non uefi04:25
YankDownUndergardon: Have you read through exactly HOW to install Ubuntu alongside Win10 before doing this?04:25
gardonCan I install ubuntu in Legacy mode though because the grub isnt showing04:25
Sparrow_Alongside is not the problem04:25
pd1using a full destop image or something like the minimal image?04:25
gardonI have the 1GB+ one04:26
SpaceAcewell YankDownUnder, i rebooted and it's still stuttery04:26
Sparrow_gardon, when you boot usb you have uefi and non uefi oprions.04:26
gardonI dont get that option though04:26
gardonI just go to bios and choose legacy or uefi04:26
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: So you followed the instructions on the page I sent -about purging and re-installing the drivers, yes?04:27
Sparrow_It wont say non uefi04:27
gardonI dont get eh04:27
pd1if the other systems (Windows, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in Legacy (not-UEFI) mode, then you must install Ubuntu in Legacy mode too. Eg if your computer is old (<2010), is 32bits, or was sold with a pre-installed Windows XP.04:27
SpaceAceYankDownUnder, yep i ran the reinstall04:27
gardonI dont get what youre saying sparrow04:27
gardonPd1 but the grub isnt working04:27
Sparrow_gardon, in bios leave legacy, boot usb install and choose the flash drive04:28
gardonIn other words, i cant go to ubuntu after installing it04:28
gardonThats what I did sparrow04:28
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: So at this point, have you tried - again - to do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:28
gardonBut windows loader is the one thats showing up and not ubuntu04:28
pd1you followed the guide? or just give it a go? you have a "ubuntu" uefi partition in the bios whatever uefi thing?04:28
gardonWhat guide04:29
Sparrow_gardon, grub will work when you select the right legacy install04:29
SpaceAceYankDownUnder, yes04:29
SpaceAceIt's not using the right driver i think04:29
SpaceAceGL_RENDERERGallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.3, 128 bits)04:29
pd1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI this guide04:29
SpaceAceshould be using the Mesa Ivybridge and intel gl vendor04:29
Sparrow_pd1, if he has a windows non uefi install now that wont work04:29
gardonWhich part pd104:30
YankDownUnderSpaceAce: Have you looked through the wiki/forums for exactly your driver and issue? Mind you - 17.04 is NEW - and there might be changes (most likely ARE changes) that will directly affect graphics drivers...hmmm...04:30
gardonSparrow how do I choose the right legacy install04:30
gardonI chose install ubuntu alongside windows1004:30
gardonIm using Legacy mode on both win10 and ubuntu04:31
gardonBut grub isnt there04:31
gardonI also did this on linux mint but the grub menu wasnt there04:31
Sparrow_gardon, with bios set to legacy you shoud have a non uefi option when you boot the flash drive04:31
gardonHow do I make sure that I have non uefi option04:31
gardonYou know what04:31
gardonLet me reinstall ubuntu04:31
gardonIs that okay with u sparrow04:31
Sparrow_gardon, do you hit f12 or something to bring up the boot list?04:31
gardonAnd then guide me which one to choose04:32
gardonYes @Sparrow04:32
gardonI dont think you get the situation, I already installed ubumtu04:32
gardonBut when I open the computer, theres no ubuntu option04:32
gardonIt doesnt become a dual boot04:32
Sparrow_gardon, yea but the grun didnt connect you04:32
gardonWindows is not detecting ubuntu04:32
Sparrow_how did you configure your partitions04:33
gardonI didnr04:33
gardonI just made 100gb partition for ubunt04:33
YankDownUnderChange the BIOS to UEFI booting, Use the LiveUSB to re-install grub.04:33
gardonThen use the alongside with windows 10 install04:33
Sparrow_HOw did you install ubuntu or to what parttititon did you install it04:33
gardonIt says sda5 amd 604:34
Sparrow_gardon, ok04:34
gardonIt made 2 partitions on the 100GB part04:34
gardonThe 100GB is an unallocated partition btw04:34
gardonYankDownUnder: but Im on legacy mode in windows and  it was on legacy mode as well when I installed ubuntu04:34
Sparrow_gardon, ok, I dont have much time tonight but legacy mode in the bios and dont select the usb drive that shows uefi04:35
YankDownUndergardon: Again, I shall ask the simplest of questions: Did you read up on how to install Win10 and Ubuntu side by side?04:35
gardonNope, I just gave it a go.04:35
gardonI dont get what youre saying sparrow :(04:36
Sparrow_gardon, Ill be back tomorrow.  Good luck04:36
YankDownUndergardon: And you're savvy enough about using forums and wikis and Google?04:36
gardonI thought it was easy lol04:36
YankDownUndergardon: Everything is easy if you know how to do it and follow the instructions. Otherwise, things AREN'T easy. And if you're not experienced in doing it, it's even harder.04:37
gardonDoes the legacy mode affect the whole thing though04:38
YankDownUndergardon: There are countless guides on how this is done. Thousands of poeple do this every day - literally. You are NOT a special case.04:38
YankDownUndergardon: Set your BIOS to UEFI mode.04:38
YankDownUnderYou've already installed Ubuntu - it's already there. Installing it YET AGAIN is actually quite a silly matter - and a waste of time.04:38
gardonIm pretty sure this is what I did04:39
tekeli-lidax Now I got "Sorry, Ubuntu 16.10 has experienced an internal error."04:39
gardonBut there's no "restart now" option that happened to me04:39
gardonThe computer just turned off04:39
YankDownUndergardon: Read this: http://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/04:39
daxtekeli-li: impressive. neither of those should be related to microcode at all.04:40
gardonYankDownUnder Im using legacy mode for windows though04:40
tekeli-lidax, I'll buy a new mouse and ignore the "internal error" dialog then.04:40
gardonIs it okay to install ubuntu in uefi?04:41
daxgardon: use the same mode for Windows and UEFI04:41
daxit's gonna make life way too complicated otherwise04:41
daxfor Windows and Ubuntu04:41
gardonSo Im going to reinstall ubuntu in Legacy mode again?04:42
gardonBut by following this guide http://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/04:42
gardonIs that correct YankDownUnder and dax04:42
YankDownUnderREAD it all - and then read it again - and then follow through.04:42
gardonIn the procedure that I did, I chose install ubuntu alongside windows04:43
gardonHope this new procedure would work04:43
gardonIll be bacl04:43
gardonShould I write in iso mode or dd mode?04:44
gardonIn rufus04:44
gardonYankDownUnder and dax which one should I pick04:44
SpaceAcegardon, it doens't usually matter unless iso mode is causing issues04:45
gardonBecause I thought it might be the problem04:45
SpaceAcedd will take longer, and you'll need to use fdisk or something to make the usb stick usable again04:46
gardonI just format it lol04:46
Tin_mani agree with the others, i only see disaster, until you understand what your actually doing, and reading. It would be better as mentioned to read, and re-read until you understand what you need to do in you bios.04:48
gardonWhat size should I choose04:48
gardonI have 98GB available04:48
LynnBokay. Hello. Pardon me if I'm a bit bad at using IRC. I was in the #ubuntu-mate chat and they told me to come here. I was trying to use Ubuntu MATE's live desktop, everything loaded fine. But my mouse clicks weren't registering. Like if I clicked "close" the button for that on the welcome screen wouldn't even show as being pressed despite being cli04:49
LynnBcked. I am using a wireless USB mouse and have my trackpad disabled in the BIOS. I was told that this isn't a MATE-specific issue and to come here.04:49
alanceHello. I was the first time to use irc.04:50
wildpenguinhello..can I download and use Ubuntu 17.04 now? is it stable for an end user?04:50
YankDownUnderLynnB: You can always try turning off Bluetooth. See if that affects it.04:51
YankDownUnderwildpenguin: Yes04:51
wildpenguingreat. thanks.04:52
LynnB@YankDownUnder if I can get the bluetooth switch to register that I'm clicking it, sure. (my keyboard doesn't have a bluetooth button)04:52
YankDownUnderLynnB: Here's something to try. You know the little dongle that comes with your wireless mouse?04:52
YankDownUnderLynnB: Unplug it. Wait for about 10 seconds. Plug it in again. See what that does, eh?04:53
LynnBI will be back in a bitch then!04:53
LynnBerrr bit!04:53
wildpenguinI think other flavours like Xubuntu and Lubuntu are not available for 17.04 yet.04:53
gardonYankDownUnder, I can choose install ubuntu alongside windows, right?04:53
YankDownUnderwildpenguin: Are you in a rush for 17.04? Why not wait for a few weeks and watch what issues crop up so that you know how to deal with them...eh?04:54
YankDownUndergardon: Yes.04:54
wildpenguinthat's a good suggestion. I'll wait.04:54
gardonYankDownUnder, this is exactly how I did the installation earlier04:55
YankDownUnderwildpenguin: I've watched this "game" for years. For many distros. It's worth it to wait.04:55
gardonNot really sure what I did wrong :*04:55
Tin_mangardon, did you turn off secure boot in the bios?04:55
YankDownUndergardon: You asked a question, I answered the question.04:55
gardonYes it is turned off.04:55
gardonHow do I get GRUB instead of Windows only04:56
wildpenguinYankDownUnder, true. I am a newbie. Was just excited. I really wanted to try Ubuntu Budgie. But, I'll wait for a couple of weeks now.04:56
gardonTin_man Im using legacy mode btw04:56
gardonBut grub isnt showing after isntallation Tin_man04:56
YankDownUnderwildpenguin: It's a smarter idea. In that time, you can read up on Budgie and all the other flavours - along with reading through issues folks have with upgrades and updates and drivers - specifically - take a look through about hardware YOU already have - to see if there are specific issues to prepare for, eh?04:57
wildpenguinI experimented with trying multiple DEs on Ubuntu. Won't ever do that again. I think, it creates some conflicts. Will stick to a single or at the max two DEs.04:59
gardonYankDownUnder I think my computer overheated during the process04:59
gardonIt just turned off once again04:59
gardonBut now during installation04:59
gardonOn my previous go, it shut down before saying the installation was a succes05:00
Tin_mangardon, here look around here and see if you can learn how to do the dual boot with Ubuntu and UEFI.. >>> https://www.google.com/search?q=youtube+installing+dual+boot+ubuntu+and+windows+10+UEFI+bios&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-805:04
Jordan_Ugardon: Before you install, make sure that the installer is booted via BIOS using these instructions to test it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/162564/how-can-i-tell-if-my-system-was-booted-as-efi-uefi-or-bios05:09
OERIASTin_man, are newer versions of Ubuntu allowed to use SecuredBoot?05:09
doubtfulany ideas on this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43405126/qxcbconnection-could-not-connect-to-display?05:10
Jordan_Ugardon: To do that check you will need to select "Try Ubuntu before installing". You can still start the installer after that, and in fact I generally recommend doing so as then you can access a browser and troubleshoot things while the installer is running.05:10
Jordan_UOERIAS: Yes. Ubuntu has supported secure boot for years now.05:10
OERIASJordan_U, really?05:11
OERIASI that was a relatively a new feature05:11
Jordan_UOERIAS: Ubuntu 14.04 supports secure boot, and I'm pretty sure a few versions before it did too.05:12
OERIASbecause my understanding was that you had to change the bios settings to legacy mode05:13
Jordan_UOERIAS: Definitely not. If your boot firmware supports UEFI we recommend booting via UEFI, and have for again years. Many machines cripple their hardware (for stupid reasons) when booting via BIOS/CSM.05:14
daxI note that UEFI and Secure Boot are not the same thing, also. Ubuntu's supported UEFI even longer than it's supported Secure Boot.05:15
OERIASdax, yes for Intel Based Macs05:15
daxyes what05:16
OERIASi said it's the reason why Intel-based Macs are allowed to boot Ubuntu05:16
OERIASsince they have UEFI05:16
daxJordan_U: based on some googling I'm guessing 12.10, btw05:17
gardonAre u still there05:17
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gardonI think my computer just overheated so the installation failed05:18
Jordan_Ugardon: You should definitely check your hardware, see if all of your fans are spinning as they should, check for dust blocking airways, etc as no software should be able to make your machine overheat.05:22
yesimonSoo, upgraded to 17.04 and nautilus is not opening05:34
yesimonError creating proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gtk.vfs.MTPVolumeMonitor: Timeout was reached (g-io-error-quark, 24)05:34
yesimonAnd etc05:34
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
dustwhy does vlc gets uninstalled at upgrade to 17.10?05:57
YankDownUnderdust: Have you tried to re-install it?06:00
dusti ll later06:00
YankDownUnderIt would be due to libraries and other dependencies.06:00
dustbut to kill the best media player is a no go06:00
dustyeah then kill the other06:01
dustor give a choice06:01
Peter____Hello i was wondering if there was anyone here who has had experience using Ubuntu live CD as a way to remove viruses/malware off a portable HDD?06:02
YankDownUnderPeter____: Yes. Boot with it, update clamav, mount the portable, run clamav on the portable.06:03
Peter____@yankdownunder am i able to use the GPU version (i think its clamTK?)06:03
YankDownUnderPeter____: Your preference. I prefer the terminal/console. I can see everything and have more control over all the options. But  that's just me.06:04
Peter____Thats fair, after the scan is completed, since its a live CD version does it still get stored somewhere in a quarantine or automatically deleted? This is my primary concern as i don't think Clam can attempt to clean files like MSE can right? So i'd like to know what the files are to get a clean version of them instead of outright deleting them. Would it be better to use a USB or can a CD still be used in this situation?06:05
YankDownUnderPeter____: I have a USB that I use primarily for stuff like that (persistent)06:05
YankDownUnderPeter____: Deleted.06:05
Peter____So if i did persistent storage install on a USB, i could get a quarantine option?06:06
YankDownUnderPeter____: As per clamav.06:06
Peter____Right they would still work a little differently... Could i post a link here? It's from lifehacker i beleive october last year.06:07
YankDownUnderPeter____: As per what I use the USB for - virus/malware scans is one, changing Win passwords is the other, recoverying file systems is another...testing networks and hardware is another...the list goes on. The persistent USB allows me to save data for heaps of reasons...aside from my pretty themes and colours and wallpaper...ahem...06:08
Peter____Ha. But you arent sure if it would quarantine it?06:08
YankDownUnderPeter____: I delete sh*t. I don't save "bugs"...SOMETIMES I save particular "data" - to use in a "forensics" issue (pr0n and the likes)...otherwise, I delete everything.06:09
Peter____Yeah i just want to know what files may have been infected so yeah just get the names and reget clean copies06:10
Peter____to do that i can't really jsut outright delete the damn things06:10
YankDownUnderPeter____: Save the log files from clamav...those are helpful.06:10
Peter____right well yeah i already scanned the HDD with malware bytes and im gonna go ahead with MSE today, then to make compeltely sure i was gonna use one of those AV CDs like kaspersky but if Clam TK gets better results, i might make a petition for linux to use it instead06:12
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malkaunsin gnome shell how can u i get a shadow for the top bar?06:13
Peter____Thanks, if i have an issues i''ll come back here06:13
YankDownUnderPeter____: Peace, bro.06:13
Guest59605hi guys, I erroneously formatted a disk from GPT to MBR, but just the partition table (you know with gnome disk utility) without overwriting the data and I'm wondering, is there way to get the GPT back?06:28
FManTXgood morning!06:31
Guest59605hi guys, I erroneously formatted a disk from GPT to MBR, but just the partition table (you know with gnome disk utility) without overwriting the data and I'm wondering, is there way to get the GPT back?06:31
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ClydeSlimsI'm trying to install a graphic driver for my AMD Radeon 7700 HD card. I downloaded AMDGPUPro but under software & updates it doesn't even recognize it: http://i.imgur.com/wlWVfCL.png07:06
ducasseClydeSlims: that is because it is already using the driver ubuntu has for it, it knows of no other07:09
ClydeSlimsducasse, so the driver I'm using right now doesn't need to be changed?07:11
ClydeSlimsI'm trying to increase my FPS in games07:11
ducasseClydeSlims: are you *sure* your card is supported by amdgpu-pro?07:11
ClydeSlimsIt was under the list07:12
ClydeSlimsAMD Radeon 7700 HD07:12
ClydeSlimsI don't know any other places to get a driver07:12
FManTXhow's 17.04 working out?07:13
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
bekksFManTX: It's released.07:15
FManTXI am planning to stay with my LTS, but I'll DL the 17.04 torrents just to seed them07:15
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at https://ubottu.com/y/zesty07:15
FManTXkewl... it is not possible to dist-upgrade from short-term support versions (16.10 -> 17.04)?07:16
gogeta17.04 isnt lts07:16
gogetathat will be 18.0407:16
gogetabut 16.10 to 17.04 is fine07:16
ducasseClydeSlims: are you on 16.04.2?07:17
ducasseFManTX: you don't dist-upgrade to a new release like in debian, you run do-release-upgrade.07:18
gogetai woudl wait if this is launch day repos will be nice and slow07:19
ducasseit's been out for almost 24 hours now.07:20
gogetayea wait still 18.04 hits07:21
gogetathe repors will be crashed or slow for a week07:21
bekksgogeta: where do you got those rumors from? 17.04 repos are working fine here.07:23
bekksFetching 185MB updates in 59s cant be considered being slow.07:23
gogetabeen around for a lts launch tryst me things get slow07:23
gogetanot so mutch for these launches07:24
gogetagotta rember most ubuntu uses stick to lts07:24
FManTXI hurd Unity will be dropped, but that's not until a few releases from now - in 2018?07:24
gogeta18.04 yes07:24
gogetaprobly in 17.1007:25
jkl1996i dont think so07:25
gogetayes it was confermed07:25
gogetathey even fired all the unity devs07:25
bekksgogeta: Do you have any trustable news site for those rumors?07:25
gogetaunity ending is no rumor07:26
FManTXducasse, in any case, the automatic release only works with LTS releases?07:26
gogetathere going to gnome 307:26
bekksgogeta: So please share that link.07:26
ducasseFManTX: automatic release?07:26
ducasseFManTX: no07:26
jkl1996https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/04/12/1844230/dozens-of-canonical-employees-resign-as-ubuntu-switches-to-gnome-shuttleworth-returns-as-ceo ??07:26
gogetathere you go07:27
FManTXso you can in fact do a release-upgrade from 16.10 to 17.04?07:27
TeKKiEYah, going back to gnome, which is worthwhile anyway07:27
gogetait was more everyone was using spinoffs and not unity07:27
TeKKiEI've been running gnome since 14. Got tired of unity personally.07:27
ducasseFManTX: yes07:27
gogetaperfect example07:27
FManTXI think I have received incomplete informations (or perhaps (more likely) I remember wrongly)07:27
bekksgogeta: employees resigning arent employees fired.07:27
gogetathats the nice way to spin it07:28
TeKKiEgogeta: exactly.07:28
FManTXI thought Unity was going to be the great thing that unites all to a wonderful experience07:28
gogetathey where fired07:28
TeKKiEUnity was a resource hog07:28
FManTXeverything is nowadays :P07:28
TeKKiEand it was supposed to be "one GUI across platforms", which failed miserably07:28
FManTXyeah, I wonder how that could have gone wrong07:29
misha Hey there, what are diffrences between these two: archive.canonical.com/ubuntu  and archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ? Also I need to an original source.list file.07:29
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18WAAQELKhy everybody.07:29
18WAAQELKI have backports enabled and I want to do `do-release-upgrade`, is it enough to disable backport sources in apt or do I also  need to uninstall software?07:29
gogetatrust me linux coders geetting paid dont just resine lol07:29
ducasseGuest66746: https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/07:29
ikevin18WAAQELK, it depend of sofware07:30
jkl1996There is too much demand for good sysadmins in India @gogeta07:30
18WAAQELKI have kde installed from backports07:30
Guest66746@ducasse there is no zesty one in that.07:30
gogetawhere not talking sysadmins07:30
ducasse18WAAQELK: from the ppa, you mean?07:30
gogetawhere talking real coders07:31
jkl1996@gogeta i know just a thought07:31
ducasse!ppa-purge | 18WAAQELK07:31
ubottu18WAAQELK: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html07:31
gogetano coder will leave a paying job07:31
gogetamost of us strave :)07:31
Guest66746I just need source.list file from ubuntu 17.0407:31
ducasseGuest66746: try disabling and reenabling repos in software and updates07:32
gogetayou dont even need to that far to remove a ppa07:32
ducassegogeta: yes, that is recommended if you're going to upgrade07:33
18WAAQELK@ubottu thanks for the info, i know how to do ppa-purge but is it realy required when doing do-release-upgrade?07:33
ducasse18WAAQELK: it is highly recommended07:33
18WAAQELKbecause that will uninstall a lot of software07:33
gogetayou can remove them viaa the softwhere manager gui07:33
18WAAQELKok thank you07:33
ducasse18WAAQELK: no, that won't remove the packages07:33
gogetaand the updater should auto remove them07:34
bekksgogeta: No.07:34
Guest66746@ducasse usefull, thanks.07:34
gogetait should for a major updrape07:34
bekksgogeta: It doesnt.07:34
gogetapretty shure it does07:34
ducassegogeta: please don't give bad advice, you're wrong here07:34
gogetayou may wanna check that i rember those updaters doing it07:35
bekksgogeta: I dont need to check since I know that disabling a repo doesnt remove its packages.07:35
ducassegogeta: it just disables ppas, it does not remove packages. try it.07:36
gogetaalwyas a load of laughs in hear07:36
ClydeSlimsducasse, 16.04 LTS07:37
ClydeSlimsducasse, should I just downgrade or something? It doesn't seem like 16.04 supports AMD drivers.07:37
18WAAQELKso i can do `ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports && do-release-upgrade` or areis any other spets required ?07:37
ducasse!hwe | ClydeSlims make sure this is installed first07:37
ubottuClydeSlims make sure this is installed first: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack07:37
18WAAQELKsorry i mean to write "or are any other steps required?"07:38
ducasse18WAAQELK: if you don't have any other ppas that should do.07:38
=== Humbedoo` is now known as Humbedooh
gogetaClydeSlims, no older amd cards only have oss drivers07:38
18WAAQELK@ducasse backports are the only ones. thank you07:39
ducasseClydeSlims: to me it looks like 16.04.2 supports your card with amdgpu-pro07:39
gogetaClydeSlims, yea fglrx is dead07:39
gogetaClydeSlims, if you only have oss driver i recmond this https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers07:41
ClydeSlimsducasse, mm anytime I try to install anything now, it says07:41
gogetaClydeSlims, it updates you to a way better oss driver for older amd07:41
ClydeSlims"The following packages have unmet dependencies: wine : Depends: wine1.6  E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).07:41
ClydeSlimsI tried apt-get -f install too, didnt work07:41
ducassegogeta: that's not the driver we are talking about here, his card supports amdgpu-pro07:42
gogetaClydeSlims, oh wine07:42
ducasseClydeSlims: pastebin the full output on paste.ubuntu.com07:42
ClydeSlimsducasse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24378886/07:43
ClydeSlimsducasse, well I also just purged my ubuntu clean of wine and now I tried it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:45
ducasseClydeSlims: you need to paste the last link again, it doesn't link to the paste07:46
gogetaClydeSlims, humm why 1.6 isnt 1.7 in the repos07:46
ducasseClydeSlims: ok, now you can install the amd driver, just follow the instructions from their site.07:48
ClydeSlimsI also outputted  glxinfo | grep 'OpenGL version string' | grep Mesa07:48
ClydeSlimsBut I did install it.07:48
ClydeSlimsglxinfo shows nothing.07:49
gogetayou have to restart after installing a gpu driver07:49
ClydeSlimsgogeta, I did.07:49
gogetawhat amd card07:49
ClydeSlims7700 HD07:49
ClydeSlimsRadeon 7700 HD*07:49
ducasseClydeSlims: pastebin 'lsmod -k'07:50
ClydeSlimsUsage: lsmod07:50
ducasseClydeSlims: pastebin 'lspci -k', sorry07:50
ClydeSlimsducasse, http://paste.ubuntu.com/24378898/07:51
ducasseClydeSlims: "Kernel driver in use: amdgpu"07:51
ClydeSlimsducasse, so I'm using open source drivers? It's all set?07:52
gogetadies laughing07:52
ducasseClydeSlims: you're using the amd driver07:52
ClydeSlimsHow do I switch it to an open source driver?07:53
gogetawhy would you07:53
ClydeSlimsThis tutorial I'm looking at requires open source drivers07:53
ClydeSlimsa wine tutorial07:53
ducasseClydeSlims: you are running the driver you have been trying to install all this time, why switch?07:53
gogetayou dont need that if your running proptery07:53
gogetawhen you said amd unssupported in 16.04 i thought it was a old fglrx card07:54
ducasseClydeSlims: to remove it (if you ever need to) there are uninstall instructions on the amd site07:55
ClydeSlimsducasse, ok07:55
gogetathose you rely run the newer mesa stack07:55
gogetathere slowwwww otherwise07:55
smokey-screenquick question on 16.10 - upon login to system, screen flickers between proper colour and almost like a negative effect until i click on the screen and then it stays as you would expect07:55
smokey-screenany knowledge?07:56
ducassesmokey-screen: probably just a gpu bug, which card and driver are you using?07:57
smokey-screenducasse, honestly a linux noob (windows convert) how would i find this info?07:57
ducassesmokey-screen: 'lspci -k | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the url here07:58
ducassesmokey-screen: it will list the kernel modules loaded for your pci devices07:58
smokey-screenducasse, http://termbin.com/z86l08:00
ducassesmokey-screen: intel gpu/driver. i wouldn't really worry about it if everything works otherwise, but if it bothers you you can file a bug.08:02
smokey-screenducasse: no harm, no bother - Thank you for your time08:02
ducassesmokey-screen: np08:03
userAAAAAvvvvvvvGood morning to all08:06
smokey-screenuserAAAAAvvvvvvv: good morning08:06
userAAAAAvvvvvvvit has been ages since i last used IRC08:07
EightynineHi. My system takes very long to boot even though I'm using SSD.08:09
BinaryMasterQuestion: I installed gnome3 on my 16.04 install but have one problem. Can anyone tell me how to remove the launcher thing that is on the left of my screen (screen shot: http://picpaste.com/desktop-6URTuKqk.png) it is not the dock at least not the same one that comes up when you press the super key08:09
ikevinEightynine, take a look a systemd-analyze to see what is taking time08:10
ducasseEightynine: examine the output from 'systemd-analyze blame'08:10
ikevinEightynine, systemd-analyze plot > plot.svg then open "plot.svg" :)08:10
EightynineYes, I triend first command before writing here, it said that boot not finished yet try again laiter.08:10
EightynineI tried.08:11
ducasseEightynine: try 'systemctl --failed'08:13
Eightyninehttps://pastebin.com/1d7TMu3T there's nothing special08:13
immuducasse: is it ok if i install gnome-shell with Unity?08:15
ducasseEightynine: '3min 385ms (userspace)' from systemd-analyze does not look right08:15
ducasseimmu: yes08:16
immuducasse: it won't mess my system up right?08:16
Eightynine org.freedesktop.network1.busname org.freedesktop.resolve1.busname  they couldn't be found. Some services are dead and it waits for proc-sys-fs to be loaded08:16
BinaryMasterQuestion: I installed gnome3 on my 16.04 install but have one problem. Can anyone tell me how to remove the launcher thing that is on the left of my screen (screen shot: http://picpaste.com/desktop-6URTuKqk.png) it is not the dock at least not the same one that comes up when you press the super key08:16
ducasseEightynine: is this 16.04?08:17
EightynineNo, it's 17.0408:19
Guest15824What should i know before dualbooting Windows and Ubuntu?08:21
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pd1that data can be lost. @guest1582408:21
tachikomasGuest15824: Just read before starting, and you will not loss your data :)08:22
EightynineHow can I show you plot.svg?08:23
baggisyo, im new here08:23
WEEDSMOKERLOL69baggis: me too08:23
un2himGuest15824: have a plan before you start.  Backup everything in case of disaster08:23
WEEDSMOKERLOL69baggis: do you like spamming channels?08:23
WEEDSMOKERLOL69i crapflood this channel with spammy shit08:24
ikevinEightynine, convert it to png ( https://cloudconvert.com/svg-to-png ) then send it to the cloud08:24
WEEDSMOKERLOL69a phenomenon known as shitposting08:24
baggisim just what some simple installation help :P anyone ?08:24
WEEDSMOKERLOL69baggis: type "/join #freenode" and then "nigger whore"08:24
WEEDSMOKERLOL69We are all here for the lulz08:25
ducasse!dualboot | Guest1582408:25
ubottuGuest15824: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:25
WEEDSMOKERLOL69you can go crawl up a buffalo's butt crack if that offends you!08:25
beginnerHi all .. I am typing "gnome-keyring-daemon &" every time boot after uninstalling kde, unity8.08:25
beginnerHelp me plz!08:25
ubottuPlease don't spam08:25
WEEDSMOKERLOL69!ops why dont i spam?08:26
ubottuWEEDSMOKERLOL69: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:26
WEEDSMOKERLOL69!ops | why dont i spam?08:26
ubottuwhy dont i spam?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu08:26
ducasse!ask | baggis08:27
ubottubaggis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:27
YankDownUnderbaggis: What "simple installation help"?08:28
Guest15824Should i verify all Checksums of the Ubuntu ISO after Download?08:30
YankDownUnderGuest15824: Always.08:30
tachikomasGuest15824: it's better yes.08:30
beginnerMy problem is that "/ usr / bin / gnome-keyring-daemon - start --components = ssh" does not apply. So i type "gnome-keyring-daemon &" every time.08:30
FManTXI think my system is being overloaded by bittorrent08:31
ducassebeginner: add it to startup services in your desktop settings08:31
Guest15824Should i use an LTS or a Normal Version of Ubuntu?08:32
ducasseGuest15824: lts if you need to ask08:32
YankDownUnderLTS will be the better bet - for testing, learning, stability, support...and overall knowledge, really.08:33
FManTXsomeone from the Seychelles is downloading 17.04 from me (among many others)08:33
ikevinFManTX, why downloading for you?08:34
FManTXthat's not quite what I said08:34
Guest15824Can i not use 17.04 instead?08:34
beginnerducasse: I put it in the startup service, but I have to enter the password every time. This is too uncomfortable.08:34
YankDownUnderWith LTS you get free a free box with every pizza you order.08:34
ducasseGuest15824: yes, you can08:34
ikevinFManTX, oh sorry, i've bad read what you wrote08:35
FManTX(I am seeding the torrents)08:35
DJonesGuest15824: You can use 17.04, although because its not an LTS release, you would need to upgrade to 17.10 in 9 months to continue getting security updates, with 16.04LTS, you wouldn't need to upgrade for 5 years unless you want to08:36
Guest15824Why should i verify the ISO after Download?08:36
YankDownUnderGuest15824: Data corruption is always an issue - doesn't matter how great your link is...it's always wise to double check and verify.08:37
FManTXwhat was the URL to the page with the SHA hashes for release images?08:38
Guest15824How can i find out if i have GRUB or GRUB2 on Ubuntu?08:40
ducasseGuest15824: you have grub208:40
anddamthat was easy08:41
YankDownUnderWhat version of lilo am I using? (JOKE)08:42
pd1https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes FManTX08:42
Guest15824Which Files should i backup from my Windows Partition before dualbooting Windows and Ubuntu?08:42
ducasseGuest15824: now you're doing what you were doing yesterday that very nearly got you banned. do you actually want support or are you just asking random questions?08:42
pd1everything you might need again08:42
jinkGuest15824: The short answer is what pd1 said.  Anything you can't afford to lose.08:43
Guest15824And i'm asking for Support.08:44
FManTXthanks, pd108:44
bazhangGuest15824, please give the exact details of your support needs, all on one line08:44
tomreynGues15824: ...and consider changing your nickname which is not so generic, just because it makes addressing you a lot easier (tab completion).08:45
Guest15824I only want to know which Files i should backup from my Windows Partition and I don't to be trolling again.08:46
tachikomasHello there ! In my chronicles about a clean dmesg, i see a lot of : SystemIO range 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000052F conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000500-0x000000000000057F (\_SB.PCI0.LPC.LPIO) (20160422/utaddress-255) on dmesg.08:46
tomreyni meant to write: ...and consider changing your nickname to one which is not so generic, just because it makes addressing you a lot easier (tab completion).08:46
tachikomasI search a little on google, but i dont understand why i have this kind of messages.08:46
ducasseGuest15824: you got an answer - everything you can't lose08:47
Guest15824OK and thanks for this Answer. I will backup all my Data.08:47
bazhang!info etckeeper08:48
ubottuetckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18.5-1ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 27 kB, installed size 154 kB08:48
tomreynGuest15824: which files to backup for a windows system is a question best asked in a windows audience. surely someone here uses windows, too, but you'd better ask this very question in ##windows or elsewhere.08:48
bazhangtachikomas, is that a hardware error08:48
tachikomasbazhang: ACPI_Warning08:48
bazhangtachikomas, in future please use a paste08:49
tachikomasbazhang: https://paste.ubuntu.com/24379085/08:49
tachikomasmore here08:49
ducassetachikomas: have you tried the acpi page on the wiki?08:50
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tachikomasYep. Still not working08:51
Guest15824How can i install the GRUB Bootloader so that doesn't overwrites the Windows MBR?08:52
ducasseGuest15824: using a usb stick was suggested yesterday, iirc...08:54
tachikomasducasse: i can stop acpi on boot.. but i dont want to do something i dont know, or fix it without understanding what i'm doing :)08:54
ducassetachikomas: have you tried ##linux?08:55
tachikomasNope :)08:55
p3rrorI have an issue with my dhclient08:55
tomreyntachikomas: most of the time, ACPI warnings on boot are best just left alone and ignored.08:55
p3rrorI can not get a reply from dhcp server08:55
tachikomasSo, i will not have a clean SystemD boot log :D08:56
tachikomasAnd the last of them : [    2.549090] tpm tpm0: A TPM error (6) occurred attempting to read a pcr value08:56
tachikomas[    2.549091] ima: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass!08:56
p3rrorand I think that the dhcp request is not send at all here a screenshot08:56
tomreyntachikomas: you could try a bios update, which may improve the situation, or may do nothing, or may make it worse.08:56
tachikomastomreyn: i will let acpi like that08:56
alanceHello,I install win 10 and ubuntu systems in my computer. But the ubuntu have only 50G. I want to give ubuntu more spaces. What should I do? Thanks.08:57
smokey-screenalance: drop Win 1008:57
tomreyntachikomas: here are some more things you could try (but i really would not even spend any time on that) https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/97974/how-do-i-remove-acpi-warning-on-boot08:57
lotuspsychje!behelpful | smokey-screen08:57
ubottusmokey-screen: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.08:57
tachikomasthanks tomreyn / ducasse08:58
smokey-screenlotuspsychje, ubottu : fair plaly08:58
bazhangsmokey-screen, take the chatter elsewhere please08:58
tomreynalance: you could use the utilities windows provides to shrink your existing partitions, so you'll end up with unpartitioned space. this can then be added to an existing linux partition, and the file system there can be increased.08:59
tomreynalance: the second part could be done from a live boot media such as gparted-live09:00
alanceI have to use MS word to complete my master paper. And my school don't allowed us to use tex. So I can't drop win10 now.09:01
smokey-screenalance: as well as the builtin utilities in windows there are a number of opensource, freeware softwares to prvide a nice gui. can make it easier09:01
tomreynalance: if your computer is powerful enough, you could run windows in a (desktop virtualization) VM, in seamless mode, under ubuntu.09:02
YankDownUnderI wrote several of my school assessments in LibreOffice...didn't seem to bother anyone...09:03
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ducassealance: if there is free space on the disk before or after the linux partition you can resize it. you should back up first, though.09:05
smokey-screenI have found the migration from MS to open source (ubuntu) relatively easy. like YankDownUnder said, cross compatibility is kinda the standard now09:05
YankDownUnder(and a PDF is a PDF - regardless of OS)09:05
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tomreynchances are his master thesis will need to be provided in docx format, and will be edited by both him and his / her prof (if just annotations)09:07
YankDownUnderAin't had any issues with writing in DOC or DOCX...but that's me...whatever.09:08
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lotuspsychje!chat | YankDownUnder09:09
ubottuYankDownUnder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:09
alanceI have tried to install a win 10 in vbox. But there is a problem. When I convert my paper(format .doc) to pdf using MS word 2013, the euqation(created by Mathtype) becomes very small.09:10
YankDownUnderWas trying to "help" - apologies if I overstepped a boundary.09:10
smokey-screenalance: can i ask how you are converting to PDF?09:12
Ben64alance: ...how is that an ubuntu issue?09:15
alanceI convert doc file to pdf by using MS word 2013 directely in win10 of vbox.09:16
Ben64alance: ok, none of that is ubuntu09:16
alanceSorry,Ben64, I'm offtopic.09:17
mastoahey guys09:21
mastoainstalling fresh ubuntu to host shell for few friends09:21
mastoasomething good to know for security etc?09:21
lotuspsychje!security | mastoa09:21
ubottumastoa: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall, !server, and !usn09:21
lotuspsychjemastoa: clamav, rkhunter, fail2ban (for ssh)09:21
mastoaoh yes fail2ban is god09:22
mastoarkhunter is new?09:22
alanceducasse. After I back up, what should I do? Reinstall the ubuntu?09:22
mastoalotuspsychje: clamav to scan for files eh?09:22
mastoais clamav any good?09:22
lotuspsychje!info rkhunter | mastoa09:23
ubottumastoa: rkhunter (source: rkhunter): rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.2-6 (zesty), package size 193 kB, installed size 984 kB09:23
mastoaand how does one work, does it just delete files or report somehow?09:23
lotuspsychjemastoa: yes, that database is pretty up to date09:23
mastoawill it handle for example sality?09:23
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ducassealance: you can just resize the partition if there is free space next to it09:24
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alanceOh, I see. Thanks. ducasse.09:24
lotuspsychjemastoa: i think it will pick it up09:27
mastoahow does it work when it seen a virus?09:28
lotuspsychjemastoa: i suggest you test it for yourself, o nice pc scan09:29
ducasse!virus | mastoa09:29
ubottumastoa: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:29
mastoawhen clamav is installed, does it need much attention to run updated?09:29
ducassemastoa: install freshclam to automate updates09:30
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lotuspsychjemastoa: the key to safer security, is to keep your system up to date at all times also09:32
selsperrok so I just downloaded the java jdk binaries from the website, how to install?09:33
tomreynmastoa: focus primarily on preventative measures, detection is also important but secondary. i.e., think about which hardening measures to take first, (only) then focus on how to detect when an attack has overcome the hardening.09:34
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java selsperr09:34
mastoayeah i have a strict firewall with it09:34
tomreynthat's a good start, but far from enough especially on a multi user system where accounts can get comrpomised (or you could have malicious users).09:35
tomreynthink about which services you're making available to the Internet and to others in general, and how to harden / protect each of them.09:36
lotuspsychje+1 tomreyn09:38
mastoawell the clamav is good for some places if it really works and is not hard to set09:41
lotuspsychje!info lynis | mastoa also nice to scan09:48
ubottumastoa also nice to scan: lynis (source: lynis): security auditing tool for Unix based systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0-1 (zesty), package size 172 kB, installed size 1303 kB09:48
lotuspsychjemastoa: this tool can help to have an overview09:49
mastoacomponent universe?09:51
mastoarelease name09:51
EriC^^mastoa: that's the repository name09:51
lotuspsychjeDegos734: welcome, how can we assist you?09:55
lotuspsychjefox__: welcome, how can we help?09:55
Degos734Please can you help me to find a chat for chatting09:56
ducasse!chat | Degos73409:56
ubottuDegos734: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:56
lotuspsychjeDegos734: an ubuntu chat, or a regular chat?09:56
ikoniaDegos734: join #freenode and ask for help using IRC and searching for channels09:57
Degos734ubuntu chat09:57
lotuspsychje!discuss | Degos73409:57
ubottuDegos734: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!09:57
mastoawhat do you guys thinkg about ubuntu vs debian?09:58
mastoaand about apt-get vs aptitude09:58
lotuspsychjemastoa: not in this channel please09:58
ikoniamastoa: not really ontopic09:58
mastoashould i install aptitude?09:58
mastoaok sorry09:58
lotuspsychjemastoa: see the discuss channel above here ¨^09:59
Lavinhogood morning09:59
Lavinhortl8723bs ubuntu 17.0409:59
lotuspsychjeLavinho: and your question is what exactly?09:59
ikoniatry to ask a question10:00
ikoniathats not a question10:00
Lavinhonot function10:00
mastoalotuspsychje: right10:00
Lavinhonot detected10:00
mastoawhat about the apt-get vs aptitude? why does ubuntu come with apt-get and not aptitude also10:00
Degos734I thinck that Ubuntu is based on Debian so if you want an user-friendly distro chose Ubuntu If you want learn more about GNU/Linux disribution Debian is a correct choose10:00
lotuspsychjemastoa: what did we just suggested to you?10:00
ikoniaDegos734: thats nonsnse10:01
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mastoalotuspsychje: right10:01
Lavinholotuspsychje: driver ubuntu 17.0410:01
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lotuspsychjeLavinho: system up to date to latest?10:01
FManTXI heard arch is the correct choice to learn how Linux works10:01
ikoniaFManTX: nope10:02
lotuspsychje!realtek | Lavinho tested newer firmware/driver updates?10:02
ubottuLavinho tested newer firmware/driver updates?: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b10:02
Degos734Ok guys where i found drivers for an ethernet card10:02
ikoniaDegos734: what make/model10:03
mender27I have the following problem - I'm using a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS based distribution. There is a known bug in swig3.0.8 that makes it useless for converting C/C++ code to Python modules. The only swig3.0 version available in xenial and xenial-backports 3.0.8. How did this come to be and how can I address the problem?10:04
lotuspsychjeLavinho: did your wifi work on other ubuntu releases? did you update or clean install?10:04
ducassemender27: which distro?10:05
ikoniamender27: we dont support ubuntu based distros10:05
Lavinhobut other versions system crash10:05
xhearthi everyone.10:05
mender27ducasse: Peppermint 7, but it's irrelevant, because the Ubuntu base has the same problem.10:05
lotuspsychjexheart: welcome, how can we help you?10:05
xhearti need to do an update and it says to go to -a10:06
ikoniamender27: it's not irrelevant10:06
mender27ikonia: the problem is the package in the original Ubuntu repos, which this distro uses.10:06
ikoniamender27: please use peppermint support10:06
xhearti have 16.04lts and kubuntu10:06
ikoniamender27: that doesn't change anything10:06
xhearthow i go to -a?10:06
xheartN: There are 2 additional versions. Please use the '-a' switch to see them10:06
lotuspsychjexheart: can you pastebin whats really happening?10:06
ikoniamender27: raise the problem via peppermint support and they can deal with their upstream provider10:06
ikonia(ubuntu in this case)10:06
xhearti am checking updates available10:06
mender27ikonia: erm...how does it change the nature of the problem? Ubuntu 16.04 LTS has a buggy swig 3.0 package.10:07
lotuspsychje!latest | mender2710:07
ubottumender27: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:07
ikoniamender27: how the distro uses packages and the changes it does/does not make is not ubuntu's problem10:07
lotuspsychjemender27: if something doesnt work right, please consider a new !bug10:07
Steve2hello, i just upgraded to xubuntu 17.04, and it won't load any kernel i try.  the error message  is  "WARNING  failed to connect to lvmetad.  FAlling back to device scanning.     Volume groupt "xubuntu-vg" not found    cannot process volume groupe xubuntu-vg10:08
ikoniamender27: if ubuntus package has a problem, log a bug against the package, if your distro can't use the package/can't use a fix, thats your distros problem to resolve with it's upstream provider10:08
mender27lotuspsychje: the bug was already reported on launchpad and a supposed fix was provided, but it's not in the xenial repos.10:08
lotuspsychjemender27: got an url on that bug plz?10:08
xheartok so if an update is really necesary it will let me know to download it?10:08
mender27lotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/swig/+bug/162897410:08
lotuspsychjemender27: did you report yourself as 'affected'?10:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1628974 in swig (Ubuntu Yakkety) "swig 3.0.8 is broken; update to a newer version" [Undecided,New]10:08
mender27lotuspsychje: no, I did not as I don't have an account on launchpad just yet.10:09
Cmaj6Hi, i have google chrome as my default webbrowser. Whenever I click on a link in some other application (for example, clicking a link to verify my emailaddres in an email opened in Thunderbird), a chrome window with the default home page (which in my case is an empty window) is opened instead of the actual link. Wut too doo?10:09
ikoniathat doesn't look like a backport fix10:09
Steve2this problem started when i Clonezilla'd my system drive, and plugged it back in (something about the Clone HDD having the same UID)10:09
ikoniathat just looks like an update10:09
Steve2from that point on, i was able to boot from the same kernel, but never a new one....   now this 17.04, gives the same error message, even for the 'old' kernel   :*(10:10
mender27Oh well. then I guess I can either build swig3.0 myself or do a dist-upgrade to 17.04.10:10
xheartthanks for the clarification. you are great!10:12
lotuspsychjemender27: i suggest add yourself affected to the bug, the more users affected, more chance of solving10:12
mender27lotuspsychje: erm, but the bug was already fixed. It's just that the fix was not backported to xenial for whatever reason.10:12
xheartok thanks lotus10:12
xheartand mender2710:13
lotuspsychjemender27: even then, you help the community adding yourself affected10:13
ducassexheart: lotuspsychje is talking to someone else10:13
mender27lotuspsychje: fine then, I'll do that :). Thank you for your time.10:14
ducassexheart: just add -a to the commend you ran10:14
Steve2i have LUKS encryption, also10:14
lotuspsychjemender27: perhaps when you explain the whole story to the bug, devs will push it fixxed to the repos10:14
mender27lotuspsychje: have a look at the original bug report. Everything is already written there.10:15
lotuspsychjemender27: i know, but still 3 users affected still..10:15
lotuspsychjemender27: your add 'could' make a difference10:15
mender27lotuspsychje: I'll see what I can do.10:16
lotuspsychjemender27: good luck!10:17
mender27lotuspsychje, ikonia: thanks for the support!10:17
lotuspsychjemender27: swig version on zesty is at 3.0.1010:18
mender27lotuspsychje: yes, I noticed. It's the same as on Debian Testing and Sid.10:18
bobomahello. using ubuntu 17.04. some settings for touchpad seem to be gone. I cannot disable click-function for the touchpad. In 16.10 the option was still there. How comes?10:19
mender27lotuspsychje: I could do a dist-upgrade to 17.04 Zesty, but I would rather stay with an LTS.10:20
lotuspsychje!pinning | mender27 perhaps try this on LTS?10:21
ubottumender27 perhaps try this on LTS?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto10:21
mender27lotuspsychje: that would be mixing packages from different major releases. Not a good idea I think :D.10:21
raffican anyone help me? I have a dual screen setup on ubuntu 16 ... everytime my computer wakes up from sleeping mode all the windows are relocated in my main screen10:24
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mender27lotuspsychje: I added myself as "affected" to the bug report and commented.10:25
lotuspsychjemender27: lemme check mate10:25
lotuspsychjemender27: very goos stated mate, im sure that wont be unnoticed10:27
lotuspsychjemender27: if you dont catch up changes in the next weeks, perhaps re-ask the #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-release guys10:29
mender27lotuspsychje: well, I wanted to make it clear that it's an issue that needs to be fixed pronto ;).10:29
BluesKajHey folks10:30
lotuspsychjemender27: well let the devs do their work, ang give them a little time also10:30
mender27lotuspsychje: yeah ,yeah, no worries. I'm a dev myself and I know what it means.10:30
mender27lotuspsychje: I just need a temp solution for my project, which I'm looking for at the moment.10:31
lotuspsychjemender27: i understand10:33
mender27lotuspsychje: so I checked and the Zesty version is compatible with other packages from Xenial version-wise.10:34
mender27lotuspsychje: yup, installed and good to go :).10:34
lotuspsychjemender27: yeah but its recommended not to mix package version son ubuntu10:34
mender27lotuspsychje: I know and I am aware that it's one of the "don't do" defined already in the Debian docs.10:35
mender27I need to go, sorry! Cheers! o/10:36
mastoahow can i run clamav on a samba share everytime someone adds files?10:43
bekksyou dont want that. Image someone copies over 1000 files at once. That would run clamav 1000 times.10:45
bekksmastoa: Use a cron job instead.10:45
mastoawell true10:45
mastoabut lets say if a virus lies on the share for 24 hours, is it useful?10:46
bekksRun your cron job more often then?10:46
mastoasure, but still the virus has time to spread, right?10:50
bekksThats why you have a cron job and a backup, yes.10:51
alkisgmastoa: if you want real time scanning, use a real time antivirus10:51
alkisgDon't abuse an offline antivirus into making it an online one, its performance will suck10:52
mastoaalkisg: but is it possible to have it on samba share?10:52
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus10:52
alkisgSee available antivirus there10:52
bekksmastoa: There are realtime scanners which scan network shares as well.10:52
alkisgIt's usually best to scan in local files systems and not in remote, for efficiency; i.e. try to install an antivirus in the samba server itself10:53
mastoaalkisg: thats what i want. install the antivir on the samba server10:54
lotuspsychjemastoa: see also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SecuringSamba10:56
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un2himFManTX: on distrowatch.com they have links to the sha sums for each ubuntu distribution11:10
bazhang!hashes | FManTX11:11
ubottuFManTX: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases11:11
MoPacHello. In doing the 16.10 --> 17.04 upgrade, is there a way to get a verbose readout of why a package is marked for removal? The updater wants to remove qgis and pythong-qgis, and I'd like to pin down what the conflict is...11:17
EightyninePlease, help me, I had problems with Ubuntu 16.04 and decided to update to 17.04. It fixed flickering but I've got problems with internet, very long boot and stability issues (memory leaks, crashes). How to fix that?11:18
MoPactaralej: ?11:19
tomreynEightynine: how did you upgrade?11:20
EightynineIt didn't want to upgrade from dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade and I had to replace xenial with zesty in sources.list11:21
tomreynokay, reinstall11:21
sspencerEightynine: That's gonna be a reinstall.11:21
EightynineDoes it work good for you guys? Have you ever had problems with upgrades?11:22
tomreynsupported upgrades usually work for me. sometimes they fail int he middle, but luckily i know how to recover from it.11:23
taralejproblems is parameters of system11:23
sspencerEightynine: Works fine here. Your method of upgrade was a bad one.11:23
YankDownUnderDid I read that correctly? Didn't want to upgrade from dist-upgrade or do-release upgrade? So you edited the sources.list...hmm...11:23
taralejhardwear my system work11:23
tomreyn(and i have a bunch of non standard packages so its totally expectable that something can go wrong since this situation can't be tested)11:23
EightynineIt always gave me problems when upgrading. But I had only problems with internet after upgrade.11:23
* YankDownUnder is going back to reading...vastly more interesting in the Discworld than in THIS world...11:24
tomreynmaybe you should try to dfiagnose those instead of trying unsupported upgrades11:24
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taralejupgreat not use not regulear repos11:25
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taralejjust suspend11:26
acresearchhello people11:26
bazhangtaralej, thats not helpful at all11:26
EightynineStupid Hexchat. YankDownUnder to be honest I had Elementary OS and it had buggy AppCenter. I decided to go to original Ubuntu. After removing all the Elementary stuff and installing Unity I've got Ubuntu. But some stuff from Elementary remained and lsb_release appeared to be broken. That's why I had problems with update manager and that's why my system didn't want to upgrade using dist-upgrade or do-release upgrade11:27
taraleji use 17.04 alpha work11:27
taralej2 systems11:27
bazhangtaralej, its not alpha11:27
taralejthis version but i am bann11:28
taralejis final11:28
bazhangtaralej, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for chatter NOT here11:28
sspencerEightynine: You have a disaster. Just reinstall fresh.11:29
taraleji am bann11:29
EightynineHow do you think is that normal to use 17.04?11:29
taralejuse proxy hahah lame11:30
bazhangtaralej, stop11:30
bazhangtaralej, yes stop11:30
YankDownUndersspencer: Like a disaster that bought a Ford Pinto, drove it backwards into a wall, exploded into a larger disaster, then triggered a small nuclear device nearby - kinda disaster...with whipped cream on top. :)11:30
bazhangtaralej, this is ubuntu support ONLY11:31
EightynineIs that correct to ask about Ubuntu MATE here?11:31
taraleji use ubuntu 6.04 lts11:31
sspencerYankDownUnder: And that's putting it mildly.11:31
ducassetaralej: you know you should not be here, you are evading a ban11:31
YankDownUndersspencer: It's late at night...I was trying to be "soft" :)11:31
troodon_What's the best text mode browser in Ubuntu repos?11:31
sspencerYankDownUnder: Lol.11:32
lotuspsychje!info links2 | troodon_11:32
ubottutroodon_: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-2 (zesty), package size 2875 kB, installed size 4760 kB11:32
EightynineIs there any news about Ubuntu future? Some people not sure about it and thinking of switching to other distributions. They think Ubuntu is dying.11:33
pqeriortwhy can't I use google earth properly?11:33
lotuspsychje!ot | Eightynine11:33
ubottuEightynine: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:33
pqeriortIt can't search my requested cities, and open them?11:33
pqeriortWat should I do to make it work properly?11:34
YankDownUnderUbuntu dying? Not in the next five/six/ten years...11:34
brainwashwhy would the most popular server distro die? :)11:34
pqeriortAnyone here, to clarify my question?11:34
lotuspsychje!patience | pqeriort11:35
ubottupqeriort: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:35
EightynineThank you for answer. And what about Ubuntu MATE 17.04? Is it stable?11:35
lotuspsychjeEightynine: what did i just suggested you?11:35
taralejbazhang: thanks11:35
brainwashpqeriort: I would ask the google support11:36
EightynineYou told me to reinstall. I want to choose what should I install to get good experience.11:36
bazhangEightynine, then ask ##linux11:37
brainwashEightynine: it should be stable11:37
bazhangEightynine, here we will always recommend ubuntu11:37
ducasseEightynine: just pick your favorite ubuntu flavor, if you want stable choose lts.11:37
brainwashEightynine: the ubuntu MATE team certainly makes sure that things are running well11:37
YankDownUnderI was going to suggest Mandrake, then Mandriva - but I realised THEY'RE DEAD...so Ubuntu it is! ;)11:38
ubottuUbuntu MATE is a supported !flavor of Ubuntu that uses MATE as the default desktop environment. It functions similarly to older versions of GNOME. For more information, see https://ubuntu-mate.org/11:38
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pqeriortbrainwash:  google support , if it is free, the only I would go for it???????11:39
EightynineThe reason I updated to 17.04 is that it had newer X and Mesa and I got rid of that awful flickering.11:39
pqeriortbrainwash: doese it work for you good, the google earth , is it beacause I am on 32bit?11:40
YankDownUnder32-bit? OMG...right...NIGHT FOLKS...that's my sign off...11:40
EightynineAny Ubuntu LTS always worked bad for me since 14.04.11:41
BluesKajpqeriort: , not sure but I think  google is still 32 bit itself11:41
BluesKajgoogle earth11:42
brainwashpqeriort: I don't use google earth. you could ask in #google and see if someone knows how to debug your issue11:42
sabrehagenI'm unfamiliar with makefiles. How do I uninstall this program? Here's my makefile: https://gist.github.com/sabrehagen/a637bf85073b15a330cfbe5fa282539f11:43
brainwashsabrehagen: https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#Can_I_do_.22make_uninstall.22_with_CMake.3F11:44
sabrehagenbrainwash: thank you11:45
someusernameHi. I've set up an openvpn server that allows port forwarding, and it's working just great. However, I don't want all users of the server to forward their traffic through it. Is it possible to drop/reject forwarding using UFW from certain CIDRs?11:47
amosbirdHi, Is it possible to turn my mouse middle button to a Shift_L key?11:47
someusernameI do want them to be able to access the LAN, just not the world.11:48
ducasseamosbird: check out xbindkeys11:49
amosbirdducasse: that doesn't seem reliable11:51
amosbirddo you mean combining with xdotool?11:52
ducasseamosbird: something like that, yes.11:52
ShadowZw: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf defines no arrays11:53
ShadowZwhat is with that??11:53
MoPacHello. In doing the 16.10 --> 17.04 upgrade, is there a way to get a verbose readout of why a package is marked for removal? The updater wants to remove qgis and pythong-qgis, and I'd like to pin down what the conflict is...11:54
lotuspsychjeMoPac: its recommended to do what the updater asks to do11:55
ducasseShadowZ: did you expect it to find any arrays?11:55
MoPaclotuspsychje: I need that program, though, so this is blocking the upgrade for me until I know I can get it reinstalled on the other end. If the conflict is real and intractable, I need to stay on 16.10 until devs fix it. If it's conflicting with something I don't really need or can get a newer version of manually, then I can go forward. But I need to be ale to ID the conflict itsel first11:57
lotuspsychjeMoPac: did you add ppa's of any kind?11:58
lotuspsychjeMoPac: both yakkety and zesty look like to have the qgis package11:58
MoPaclotuspsychje: Yes, I have a fair few third-party sources, including getting the QGIS package directly (the Ubuntu-packaged versions tend to be pretty out of date. It's 4 minor releases behind at this point).12:00
ShadowZducasse: no12:00
lotuspsychje!latest | MoPac12:00
ubottuMoPac: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.12:00
ShadowZducasse: i dont have any array12:01
lotuspsychjehey ioria12:01
ioriahi lotuspsychje12:01
ShadowZducasse: how can i get rid of this message??12:01
iorialotuspsychje  on 17.04 ?12:01
MoPaclotuspsychje: I think we're getting away from the question at hand, though. How can I see *which* package upgrade is breaking a dependency for my version of qgis or python-qgis?12:01
lotuspsychjeMoPac: ppapurge your versions before upgrade first12:01
ducasseShadowZ: just remove mdadm12:02
lotuspsychjeioria: no, sticking on LTS here :p12:02
iorialotuspsychje  ok12:02
ShadowZducasse: u mean just delete the file??12:03
ShadowZducasse: or uninstall it12:03
MoPaclotuspsychje: I don't want to downgrade purge my qgis installs. I use it heavily and I'd rather stick with 16.10 for a while if it comes to that. But the whole point of my question here is that the package conflict may not actually be a big deal. I may be able to work around it while still upgrading, but I just need to access the information the upgrade manager has about the conflict.12:03
lotuspsychjeMoPac: you get dependecy issues when adding ppa's and try to update...12:04
ducasseShadowZ: uninstall it12:04
ShadowZducasse: ok.. thanks..12:04
ducasseMoPac: what you're trying to do is known to cause problems, so nobody here wants to spend time debugging it. just ppa-purge the repo and try the upgrade after that.12:06
MangaDhello, I have upgraded to zesty but ubuntu-software is not showing on the launcher :(12:07
MoPacducasse: I don't think I need anybody to spend time debugging it. I certainly haven't asked for anything like that at this point. All I've done is ask a question about accessing a verbose readout from the update manager12:08
lotuspsychjeMoPac: verbose..to trying understand why you getting dependecy errors?12:08
ducasseMoPac: there's not much you can do there until after the upgrade12:09
MoPacducasse: Right, and I've dealt with that sort of thing before. But surely, pre-upgrade, the manager itself knows *why* it needs package X removed, which dependency it sees is going to break12:10
MoPacBut the GUI only shows "packages to be removed" without that accompanying information. It must be there, though, so I just want to know if/how it can be seen12:10
MoPacThat could also help me tell the program devs - "hey, this dependency is blocking a 17.04 upgrade" without actually having to go through with the upgrade first12:11
DovakinPouletBonjour tout le monde !12:11
DovakinPouletJ'ai un netbook à côté de moi sur lequel j'essaie d'installer Xubuntu. Donc j'ai paramétré le BIOS pour qu'il boot sur une clef USB connectée à l'ordi et sur lequel j'ai une image de l'ISO de Xubuntu 160412:12
MangaDCan anyone give me their ubuntu-software launcher please?12:12
DJones!fr | DovakinPoulet12:12
ubottuDovakinPoulet: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:12
Guest11422Can i use Ubuntu in german Language withoud installing it?12:12
DovakinPouletSorry, to complex to speak about it in english, thanks for reply anyway !12:13
ioriaDovakinPoulet, how did you do the usb stick ?12:14
ducasseMangaD: you would need to manually alter the sources.list under yakkety first, update, then run down the dependencies with something like aptitude12:14
MangaDducasse, I upgraded to zesty already12:15
DovakinPouletioria, i just dowloded the .iso file, and copy it to the usb12:15
ioriaDovakinPoulet,  you can't simply copy an iso, you need to decompress it, with a software12:16
ioriaDovakinPoulet,  rufus on windows, dd on linux, for example12:16
DovakinPouletdd ?12:17
DovakinPouletI'll try12:17
impihey guys, and girls i hope your all doing well12:17
impii want to upgrade my ubuntu 14.04 to 16.04 - i have downloaded a ISO and made a startup disc12:17
ioriaDovakinPoulet,  https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal12:18
impibut my current 14.04 is encrypted and I'm not sure what to do at the partitioning stage - obviously I want to kleep mly current data12:18
impihave you got any advice for me?12:18
louarnhi all . Someone knows varnish ?12:22
impilouarn, a bit, why do you ask?12:23
ducasseimpi: you can't upgrade from cd/usb, you need to do it over the network12:24
impiducasse, thanks for that - im a little scared to do that12:24
impido you think i shouldnt worry and just do it?12:25
Southern_Gentlemimpi,  backup anything you dont want to loose12:25
ducasseimpi: are you using ppas/third party repos?12:25
louarnimpi: I upgrade v3 to v4 but I have a problem12:25
impiducasse, a few for php, chrome, and so on12:26
impilouarn, whats the issue...?12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: Message from VCC-compiler:12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: Assert error in vcc_IdIs(), vcc_token.c line 283:12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: Condition(t->tok == ID) not true.12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: errno = 9 (Bad file descriptor)12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: Running VCC-compiler failed, signal 612:26
ducasse!ppa-purge | impi remove with this12:26
louarnApr 14 13:44:58 myserver varnishd[35605]: VCL compilation failed12:26
ubottuimpi remove with this: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:26
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ducasse!paste | louarn12:26
ubottulouarn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:26
=== CrazEd is now known as Guest26551
impilouarn, have you seen this? https://github.com/fgsch/varnish3to412:26
ioriaimpi, the change from upstart to systemd can be traumatic ... if you don't want to deal with any kind of issues i suggest backup - fresh install12:27
impioh right12:27
impii see12:27
louarnimpi: yes i used it12:27
impii think i might try that12:28
impihey louarn do this:12:29
impiTry running just varnishd -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl - this should show you any errors in loading your VCL.12:29
impiman, im in shock about unity being dropped12:29
impii think thats why i want to upgrade to try get used to kde 5.8 plasma12:30
impii can already hear my brother laughing at me12:30
impisince i always told him im a unity fan.....and his kde is buggy lol12:30
impiim never going to hear the end of it Thanks Mark Shuttleworth <312:30
soupnanodesukarimpi: kde can easily be made to look exactly like unity anyway12:32
impilol i might do that and never tell him im running it12:32
impigood call12:32
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=== Guest65050 is now known as violet
ecomaikgolfSomeone having troubles with xinput on Ubuntu 17.04??12:36
ducasseecomaikgolf: ask your actual question12:38
ecomaikgolf"property 'Device Accel Velocity Scaling' doesn't exist"12:38
ecomaikgolfAnd mouse sens from ubuntu config doesn't do anything12:38
ecomaikgolfMouse still too fast12:39
ducasseecomaikgolf: have you tried xset?12:40
ecomaikgolfducasse: No, i'm going to try it12:42
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ecomaikgolfducasse: xset m 99 0 doesn't do anything12:49
selspertrying to install java on ubuntu, cant figure out where to start12:51
emk_testing ubuntu mate 17.0412:51
ducasse!java | selsper12:51
ubottuselsper: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:51
selsperapturl isn't working12:53
=== MagePsycho_ is now known as MagePsycho
BlackmoreHi all! How can I disable dnsmsasq on Ubuntu 17.04 so that the system uses the DNS servers specified by the DHCP server?13:00
selsperwhat does that mean13:00
ThePendulumThis is disappointing :( The dual Dell monitor issue is still present in amdgpu in Ubuntu 17.0413:01
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ThePendulumIf I google my own issue, a thread I made half a year ago comes up >.>13:04
Guest58866Should i use Nano to edit Configuration Files in Ubuntu?13:08
PipeItToDevNullBlackmore, uninstall it13:13
BlackmorePipeItToDevNull: dnsmasq-base, you mean?13:13
PipeItToDevNullBlackmore, Or just change it's config, by default it is off13:13
PipeItToDevNullThere is a section in the wiki on how to enable its DNS server, do that in reverse13:14
ducasse17.04 uses resolved, afaik13:15
HentaiMaster360xhow do i hide my ip from irc??13:16
PipeItToDevNullHentaiMaster360x, Register your nick then as for a cloak on #freenode channel13:17
ppfHentaiMaster360x: use a vpn or proxy or tor13:17
PipeItToDevNullask for*13:17
HentaiMaster360xbtw can you get tracked by government? my friend is crazy about hacking and he trolls anyone everytime13:18
HentaiMaster360xI'm worried about him so i think hiding his ip can help13:19
PipeItToDevNullHentaiMaster360x, Expand on that idea and someone may offer advice besides laughter13:19
ducasse!ot | HentaiMaster360x13:24
ubottuHentaiMaster360x: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:24
HentaiMaster360xOh.. I'm still new to IRC chat13:25
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ducassePrweuREYtryeryRy: for irc support ask in #freenode13:27
audie123can I ask a support question?13:27
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ducasseaudie123: ask13:27
audie123thanks, I'm new to ubuntu and loaded 16.04.  Followed the directions for a dual boot so I could continue using Windows 10.  Now whenever I turn on my laptop only ubuntu boots.  How do I correct this?13:28
PipeItToDevNullaudie123, most likely you just need edit grub13:29
audie123not sure how to do that13:29
audie123i know about the shift key at boot time but what do I edit?13:30
PipeItToDevNullWhat the top answer says13:30
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amenjesusi am having a mysql installation error13:35
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amenjesusThe detecded system (ubuntu zesty) is not supported by MySQL.13:35
amenjesusWhat can I do?13:35
ducasseamenjesus: where are you installing it from?13:35
amenjesusa terminal13:35
amenjesusit's a vps13:35
ducasseamenjesus: where did you get it - how are you installing?13:36
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amenjesusi got it off wget13:36
ducasseamenjesus: use mysql from the repos13:36
amenjesusinstalling it with dpkg13:36
ppfamenjesus: install it with apt13:37
ducasseamenjesus: 'sudo apt install mysql-server'13:37
amenjesusthat's giving me an earlier version13:37
amenjesusServer version: 5.7.17-0ubuntu1 (Ubuntu)13:37
ducasseamenjesus: the version you're trying to install is not supported13:38
ducasse!latest | amenjesus13:38
ubottuamenjesus: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.13:38
Guest42538hi folks, anyone knows what is Symbian syserror -33 about?? Using MIRGGI on Symbian 3, can't connect to any server.13:38
ppfsymbian != ubuntu13:38
amenjesusokay that's good to know then13:38
MenzadorGuest42538: I think you're looking for #symbian13:39
Guest42538Symbian moved to open source 2 years ago13:40
MenzadorGuest42538: I still think you're looking for #symbian.13:40
Guest42538ok, try that $Symbian13:40
SeburoHi.  I just ran the update to 17.04 from the terminal.  Post update I still have the older version of Thunderbird, no sign of nightlight and the ubuntu software store is looking a bit empty.  Any clues?14:04
ppf!info thunderbird zesty14:06
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:45.8.0+build1-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 36442 kB, installed size 100909 kB14:06
lotuspsychjeSeburo: how did you update?14:07
Seburolotuspsychje: sudo do-release-upgrade14:08
lotuspsychjeSeburo: lsb_release -a shows what?14:08
ducasseSeburo: which thunderbird version do you have? 'apt policy thunderbird'14:09
Seburolotuspsyche: no lsb modules available, release 17.04 zesty14:09
Seburoducasse: 1:45.08+build1-0ubuntu114:10
naccSeburo: that's the zesty version14:10
naccSeburo: it was SRU'd to yakkety14:10
SeburoI thought zesty came with 52?14:11
naccSeburo: so there's no change for thunderbird on upgrade14:11
naccSeburo: no.14:11
nacc!info thunderbird zesty14:11
ubottuthunderbird (source: thunderbird): Email, RSS and newsgroup client with integrated spam filter. In component main, is optional. Version 1:45.8.0+build1-0ubuntu1 (zesty), package size 36442 kB, installed size 100909 kB14:11
ducasse!latest | Seburo14:11
ubottuSeburo: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:11
naccSeburo: also, don't use ubuntu software center, but gnome software14:11
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Seburonacc: is ubuntu software being discontinued?14:12
naccSeburo: iirc, 'software-center' doesn't exist in 17.0414:13
naccSeburo: which means it might stick around from 16.1014:13
nacc!info software-center zesty14:13
ubottuPackage software-center does not exist in zesty14:13
nacc!info software-center yakkety14:13
ubottusoftware-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.01+16.04.20160420 (yakkety), package size 846 kB, installed size 6368 kB14:13
naccSeburo: all the desktops have moved away from it, at this point, i believe14:14
lotuspsychjearuns: welcome, what can we do for you?14:14
naccSeburo: i *think* autoremove should remove it14:14
arunslotuspsychje: Quick question, on Ubuntu 16.04, looking to upgrade to OpenGL 3, wondering which PPA I need?14:15
nacc!ppa | aruns14:15
ubottuaruns: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:15
lotuspsychjearuns: we dont support ppa's here mate sorry14:15
Seburonacc: So ubuntu does not come with a software app by default?  I do not seem to have gnome software installed, just 3.227 of Ubuntu Software.14:15
arunsAh OK, thanks all the same :)14:15
arunsIs OpenGL 3 not in any of the partner repositories?14:16
lotuspsychjearuns: its recommended to use package versions, for the specific ubuntu version14:16
arunslotuspsychje: OpenGL 3 doesn't seem to be available yet in any of the main packages.14:16
naccSeburo: iirc, ubuntu-desktop recommends ubuntu-software which depends on gnome-software14:16
naccSeburo: did you happen to delete the -desktop metapakcage?14:16
arunsRunning glxinfo | grep OpenGL gives me this line which I presume is the OpenGL version number: OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 17.1.0-devel14:17
Seburonacc: Not as far as I am aware, no14:17
plasticfishdoes software center install snaps on 17.04?14:17
plasticfishI mean "Ubuntu Software"14:18
KobazHam62: how's it going14:18
naccplasticfish: don't use 'ubuntu software' on 17.0414:19
naccplasticfish: but yes, i think it does14:20
naccSeburo: can you check?14:20
Seburonacc: how do I do that?14:20
naccSeburo: are you on stock ubuntu -- or ubuntu gnome or kubuntu, etc?14:20
Seburonacc: stock ubuntu14:20
naccSeburo: try `sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop`14:20
Seburonacc: I am told that I am already using the latest version.14:22
naccSeburo: have you modified your apt config to not install recommends by any chance?14:22
naccSeburo: can you pastebin `apt-cache policy gnome-software` ?14:22
stevenmornings, I've added a repository and now apt says14:23
steven± apt update Reading package lists... Done E: Method mirror has died unexpectedly! E: Sub-process mirror received a segmentation fault.14:23
stevenits deb mirror:// .. first time seeing this so, is this a legit thing or a big or am I working wrong with the mirrors?14:23
Seburonacc: https://pastebin.com/xV7qVnLD14:24
Seburonacc: would not know how to modify the apt config14:24
lotuspsychjesteven: added wich repo?14:25
naccSeburo: ok :)14:25
naccSeburo: well you have gnome software then :)14:25
naccSeburo: it's called "software" in the dash14:25
stevenlotuspsychje: deb mirror://mirrorlist.gerritforge.com/deb gerrit contrib14:26
Seburonacc:  I have "ubuntu software"14:27
naccSeburo: from a terminal, can you run `/usr/bin/gnome-software` ?14:27
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Seburonacc: Ubuntu Software opens14:28
naccSeburo: ok, `sudo apt remove software-center` and see if it corrects?14:29
naccSeburo: if not, we can fix it from there14:29
Seburonacc: no change.  Software-center is not installed.14:31
naccSeburo: oh wait ... sorry14:32
naccSeburo: 'ubuntu software' is not 'ubuntu software center14:32
Seburonacc: I have the orange "shopping bag" icon on the unity sidebar labelled "Ubuntu Software".14:33
dudejiif i do reboot on ubuntu , then do all nohup service & will die or they will restart after restart ?14:34
dudeji"nohup service_name &"14:34
naccdudeji: can you rephrase?14:35
naccdudeji: oh, i don't think they will restart -- unless by service you mean systemd units14:35
skinuxCan I comfortable upgrade to 17.04 with 27.1 GB free?14:35
Seburonacc:  should I have done the upgrade with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" instead of "sudo do-release-upgrade"?14:35
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dudejiyeah skinux14:35
dudejii did it few days back , it was very smooth14:36
skinuxHow long should it take on ~5MB connection?14:36
naccSeburo: no -- presuming your prompt (/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades is set to 'normal')14:36
naccSeburo: any chance you can take a screenshot of what that opens?14:36
dudejii am sorry i do not know abt my " fixed " speed but it took nealy 30mints14:36
Seburonacc: I am sorry, I do not understand what you mean.14:37
naccSeburo: you don't want to use -d generally14:37
skinux30 minutes for download or for entire upgrade?14:37
naccSeburo: only if you really intend to release upgrade to a release that is not out yet14:37
Seburonacc: ok, good.  I did not use -d.14:37
naccSeburo: ok14:38
naccSeburo: you're definitely on 17.04 -- i'm just trying to figure out if 'ubuntu software' is just an alias for 'gnome software'14:38
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Seburonacc: Still baffled by Ubuntu Software.  I open it and it had much less in it.  For example, the pre update one had guake, post update that has gone.14:39
ducasseskinux: the upgrade tells you how long it estimates for the upgrade at various connection speeds14:39
naccSeburo: right, can you take a screenshot?14:40
skinuxYou mean a web page or where?14:40
naccskinux: no, the `do-release-upgrade` process itself14:40
skinuxWait, is 17.04 LTS?14:41
naccskinux: no, of course not14:41
naccskinux: LTS are every two years14:41
Seburonacc: best way for you to see it?14:41
un2himskinux: no, let's is next year I think14:41
skinuxNot sure I want to upgrade to a non-LTS14:41
naccskinux: you can't upgrade to non-LTS14:41
naccskinux: well, i mean directly to 17.0414:41
naccskinux: you either are already on 16.10 and thus non-LTS14:42
skinuxI'm on 16.04.114:42
naccskinux: or you have to upgrade to 16.10 first14:42
naccskinux: right, so don't14:42
naccskinux: and you mean 16.04.2, i hope, with the 16.04.1 kernel14:42
nacc!imgur | Seburo14:42
nacc!pastebin | Seburo14:42
ubottuSeburo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:42
naccah, !screenshots is what i was looking for14:42
skinuxHow do I check my Ubuntu version?14:42
lotuspsychjeskinux: lsb_release -a14:43
Seburonacc: http://imgur.com/a/5dmGh14:43
skinuxOKay, 16.04.2 is what I'm on.14:43
skinuxSo, I'll need to upgrade to 16.10 first?14:43
naccskinux: you just said you didn't want to be on non-LTS14:44
naccskinux: don't upgrade unless you're sure, you can't go back without reinstalling14:44
Kobaznacc: that's not exactly true14:45
naccSeburo: ah ok, that's gnome software14:45
skinuxNo, I said I wasn't sure. But, truth is, if I don't upgrade, it'll be more complicated to upgrade to the next LTS.14:45
Kobaznacc: apt supports downgrade14:45
Kobaznacc: it's not pretty, but it's very much possible14:45
naccok, "not easily possible"14:45
stevenso I guess you dont know lotuspsychje ? :D14:45
naccKobaz: a user who is not sure which releases are LTS, I would not recommend doing a release downgrade14:45
naccKobaz: and even with apt downgrade, i think you'll end up in a bad place14:46
Kobazbut... you know... just saying14:46
naccKobaz: because of metapackage changes14:46
Kobazi've had to do it14:46
Seburonacc: So that is the new equivalent of what I had before and is correct?14:46
lotuspsychjesteven: didnt add githubs myself14:46
Kobazit takes a few hours, but it works14:46
naccKobaz: yeah, i imagine it would :)14:46
naccKobaz: and i think it's faster to reinstall :)14:46
Kobazcould be14:46
Kobazit depends what is set up14:46
naccKobaz: but good point, it's possible to downgrade, you're right (just not easy)14:46
naccSeburo: yeah, sorry for the misdirection14:47
Kobazhow much work is involved in resetup everything (ie: web, dns, database, etc etc etc)14:47
naccSeburo: so i can see guake in my software app on 17.0414:47
Seburonacc: where is it located?14:47
naccSeburo: not sure what you mean? i click on the top magnifying glass to search, type 'guake', hit enter and after a few seconds, it shows up14:48
stevenHA lotuspsychje14:48
stevenI was on the wrong machine14:48
stevenon the one I wanted to use it, it works14:49
Seburonacc: all I have is a tool to change the colour scheme when I do that.14:49
stevenstill a weird error14:49
naccSeburo: do you see it with `apt search guake` on a terminal?14:49
amenjesusis apt-get not used anymore?14:50
Seburonacc: yes14:50
lotuspsychjeamenjesus: from 16.04 you can use apt without -get14:51
naccamenjesus: apt is another frontend, apt-get can also be used, but apt is a bit more user-friendly and combines a few tools together (apt-get, apt-cache, etc)14:51
naccSeburo: hrm, i'm really not sure why it's not working -- i would consider filing a bug14:53
naccSeburo: or seeing if one is already filed14:53
nacc!bug | Seburo14:53
ubottuSeburo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:53
Seburonacc:  Ok, thanks.  Appreciate your time and help with this. Thank you.14:53
clvxyeap, laptop is unusable even if you are connected by wire. I have an xps13 9350 DE, this is gonna be fun for Dell users.14:54
clvxI think I'm gonna reinstall the whole system14:55
waza-ariHi, I got a strange problem with my ubuntu 14.04.5. It seems I am unable to get to the grub menu and a new kernel won't boot either. I modified /etc/default/grub, uncommenting both GRUB_HIDDEN_* lines and update-grub. Still no GRUB showing, not even with Shift holding. Further, I installed 4.4 kernel (linux-image-generic-lts-xenial) which is shown in grub config but not loaded.14:55
lotuspsychje!who | clvx14:55
ubottuclvx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:55
clvxubottu, ok.. got it14:56
ubottuclvx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:56
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akikwaza-ari: make both GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT have an empty value14:59
waza-ariakik: I'll try15:00
tapanikubuntu wont sync with huawei honor 615:01
akikwaza-ari: sorry the other one was with _QUIET at the end15:01
waza-ariakik: yeah, got that. autocorrect :)15:01
waza-ariakik: still boots straight into ubuntu. What also bothers me: when doing update-grup it detects both the 3.13 and 4.4 kernel, but always boots the 3.13 kernel15:02
ducassewaza-ari: if you set GRUB_TIMEOUT=3 the menu should show for 3 seconds15:04
amenjesuscan someone get this vietnamese person and tell him that we speak american here15:04
lotuspsychje!zh | mi78108_15:04
ubottumi78108_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:04
amenjesushey man we don't speak no north korean here15:04
lotuspsychjeamenjesus: please be polite15:05
amenjesusi am sir15:05
ducasseamenjesus: we don't speak american either, we speak english ;)15:05
tgm4883sounds like a troll account15:05
skinuxIf that wasn't polite then I don't know what would be.15:05
waza-ariducasse: it's actually set to 5. Yet it does not show up15:05
naccskinux: not making racial assumptions15:05
amenjesusi don't know about none of yall but i speak proper murican15:05
tgm4883yep, troll15:05
naccalright, someone can kick amenjesus now15:05
amenjesusif you kick me you hate jesus15:06
amenjesusand america15:06
amenjesusfor which it stands15:06
amenjesusone nation under god15:06
amenjesusindivisible with liberty and justice for all15:06
lotuspsychje!ops | amenjesus offtopic15:06
* tgm4883 needs his ikonia op powers15:06
ubottuamenjesus offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu15:06
akikwaza-ari: pastebin /etc/default/grub15:06
skinuxamenjesus: Umm, this channel isn't limited to America, but it is English speaking.15:06
tgm4883lotuspsychje: offtopic? A bit generous saying that I would think ;)15:06
amenjesuswe have to recognize the world's greatest country in every way shape or form15:07
amenjesusUSA USA USA!!!15:07
tgm4883amenjesus: Russia?15:07
skinuxamenjesus: Enough! I'm American too and even I say you're over the line.15:07
naccskinux: don't feed the trolls15:07
amenjesusif you're american and you say that i'm over the line that makes you a damn commie15:08
DJonesamenjesus: Please stop, this is a support channel15:08
amenjesusno such thing as being over the line when you're talking about how great america is15:08
amenjesusokay DJones will do sir15:08
waza-ariakik: https://pastebin.com/NVEnCnmY15:09
Felishiaamenjesus, america is a gud continent c:15:09
tgm4883Felishia: stop15:09
naccFelishia: please don't feed the trolls and stay ontopic15:09
FelishiaI just arrived15:09
Felishiawhat's up?15:09
naccdoesn't matter -- it's offtopic15:09
Felishiaoh and this is ubuntu channel... I thu I was in community... cya!15:09
ducassewaza-ari: if you comment out the *HIDDEN* entries, it should work - that's what i have15:10
Felishiabtw I arrived here to ask why does my computer detects a ethernet connection without any ethernet cable connected15:10
waza-ariducasse: yeah, tried both empty values and commenting them out. GRUB is not showing. It kind of looks like that none of my config has any effect, as the new kernel is not used either15:10
lotuspsychjeFelishia: ubuntu version?15:11
tgm4883oh Florida15:12
jml1017Folks - I'm trying to verify if the CVE-2016-10229 vulnerability exists in kernel 4.4.0-71-generic on 16.04.2 Xenial15:12
lotuspsychje!usn | jml101715:13
ubottujml1017: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.15:13
akikwaza-ari: you've added those GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX at the end. what do you get as the first view when you boot15:13
jml1017From what I've read here: https://people.canonical.com/%7Eubuntu-security/cve/2016/CVE-2016-10229.html, I don't think it does15:13
jml1017But I'm not 100% sure15:13
ducassejml1017: "Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus): not-affected (4.4.0-2.16)"15:13
jml1017Anyone know for sure whether or not the vulnerability exists?15:13
FelishiaUbuntu 16.04.2 LTS15:13
lotuspsychjeFelishia: wifi chipset? did you try a reboot or network-manager restart?15:14
waza-ariakik: well.. I just did grub-install /dev/sda, not grub is showing and the new kernel is bootet.15:14
Felishiano... I haven't the weird thing is that it connects15:14
Felishiaand then it says it can't find a DNS server15:15
akikwaza-ari: found the solution at google https://thelastmaimou.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/this-grub-does-not-start-in-ubuntu/15:15
Felishiait says the same about when I actually connect to a real network15:15
akikwaza-ari: GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT=0 # disables the menu, boots right away15:15
jml1017Thanks, ducasse - that's what I thought, but wanted to be 100% certain that my machines aren't affected15:15
lotuspsychjejml1017: keep your systems up to date, as soon as possible15:16
tgm4883lotuspsychje: not always doable15:17
waza-ariakik: Interesting... as I said, grub-install /dev/sda and now the menu is showing. Also, the new kernel is loaded. Did not change that config line15:18
akikwaza-ari: in my case i always set those HIDDEN values to an empty value and i get the grub menu15:19
RonWhoCaresHow do I set memcached to load when Ubuntu 16.10 boots15:22
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amenjesushey is for horses15:25
n-iCeis 17.04 still using unity?15:26
lotuspsychjen-iCe: yes15:26
n-iCelotuspsychje, did you update?15:26
lotuspsychjen-iCe: no, im sticking to LTS myself15:27
DArqueBishopn-iCe: I'm pretty sure Ubuntu won't be dropping Unity for GNOME as the default DE until 18.04.15:27
n-iCelotuspsychje, I see, read swap partition is gone in this new update, is it right?15:27
ducassen-iCe: new installs won't get a swap partition, bu a swapfile15:28
n-iCeducasse, is a swap file awesome15:28
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ducassen-iCe: 'awesome'?15:28
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n-iCeI mean, is it actually better than a swap partition? will it be fast as a partition?15:29
ducassen-iCe: pretty much the same thing, except for certain specific setups.15:30
ducassen-iCe: if you have an encrypted disk and want hibernation you need a swap partition still.15:31
Guest23854where are you from15:31
lotuspsychje!chat | Guest2385415:32
ubottuGuest23854: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:32
marvin2what is a way to abort script (and maybe also print usage line) if no arguments were passed to bash script?15:37
marvin2tried this, getting errors. if [$# -eq 0]\n then echo "No arguments supplied"\n fi15:41
marvin2[0: command not found15:41
\9marvin2: you need a space after the "[", since it's a command15:41
\9marvin2: try `which [`15:41
marvin2which [ $# ] ?15:43
\9i meant try which [, to see that it's a program on the filesystem15:43
\9so you need to use a space after the [15:43
marvin2yes, it works after adding spaces15:43
marvin2I googled that example, should I use quotes in the echo command? is there a situation where lack of quotes would cause errors?15:44
gmickelsonHello all, I am trying to find assistance with an issue I am seeing on 17.04. I have a binary that is dependent on libssl.so.10 and libcrypto.so.10. This binary runs fine on CentOS 7 but I am not a big fan of running CentOS and would prefer a flavor of Ubuntu. When I go to run this binary, the system complains that the libraries are not in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/. If I create sym-links to the libssl.so.1.0.0 and libcrypto.so.1.0.0 called15:45
gmickelsonlibssl.so.10 and libcrypto.so.10 and run ldconfig the binary sees the libssl.so.10 library but fails to recognize the libcrypto.so.10 linked library. Anybody have any ideas on how to get past this? ldd shows that only the libcrypto library is missing so I'd like to get past this one hurdle. Thanks!15:45
oerheksgmickelson, if you have the source, compile it against ubuntu?15:46
\9marvin2: in ubuntu, probably not15:49
\9marvin2: but bash is a minefield of compatibility problems, shell scripts written for ubuntu might not work elsewhere15:49
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thyriaenwhere can i find the *.desktop files which are "appear" by default when i install something from repos ?16:00
krypto_thyriaen: try locate16:02
ducassethyriaen: /usr/share/applications16:02
oerheksthyriaen, in  /usr/share/applications/ , user-desktop-files go in  ~/.local/share/applications/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles16:02
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oerhekspretty good wiki16:02
thyriaenyes krypto_ but there is soo much stuff in there16:02
thyriaeneven though i got skype installed16:03
thyriaenit does not show up in that list16:03
thyriaenor maybe under a different name which i do not know16:03
krypto_grep ;) or pipe it to your favorite editor16:03
traxusI'm trying to set an environment variable with a pathname (as part of Vulkan), but it spits back "no such file or directory". I've never dealt with variables before.16:03
traxus$export VULKAN_SDK=~/vulkan/VulkanSDK/
traxusIt's according to these instructions: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Install-LunarG-Vulkan-SDK.aspx16:04
krypto_those amd instructions are wrong unfortunately16:04
thyriaenoh i was in app-install by mistake16:04
krypto_one sec traxus16:05
thyriaenokey now i found it16:05
brainwashtraxus: remove the $16:05
thyriaeni am using an icon theme which when i switch to it16:06
thyriaenchanges the icons of my applications16:06
thyriaeni wonder - how does it do that when the *.desktop files dont get overwritten ?16:06
thyriaensince the icon=... line loads the file right ?16:06
traxusIf I enter the variables into a terminal, are they persistent on login, or do I have to add them to ~/.profile?16:07
ducassethyriaen: it uses the icon that theme has for that application16:07
krypto_traxus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381036/ just adjust those variables accordingly to your path16:07
krypto_yes add them to the .profile16:07
brainwashtraxus: they are not persistent16:07
krypto_after you do that.. open up a new terminal and type vulkaninfo | pastebinit and share the link16:07
thyriaenhow does the application "know" which icon to use ? :P like where does the theme come on ducasse16:08
ducassethyriaen: the name of the icon is defined in the desktop file, typically16:08
thyriaenin my case its "skypeforlinux16:08
ducassethyriaen: so for vlc, you get whatever vlc.png your icon theme has.16:09
thyriaenand the theme changes that vlc.png to whatever it likes ?16:09
ducassethyriaen: each theme has its own vlc.png16:10
thyriaenah okey16:10
thyriaenthat makes sense16:10
ducassethyriaen: or they fall back to another theme for icons it doesn't have.16:11
thyriaencan i see those *.png files of my theme somewhere ?16:11
ducassethyriaen: /usr/share/icons/16:11
honey_1i am using ubuntu 16.04 and i was trying to install torch software the instaltion is already   done but when i reboot ther is somthing message "bash: /home/yyy/torch/install/bin/torch-activate: No such file or directory" i cheked in ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc and finally  source ~/torch/install/bin/torch-activate but still there is error some one help16:12
thyriaenokey i think i can fix the thing i want now16:12
thyriaenone more thing though16:12
thyriaenwhat about the icons in the notification area16:13
thyriaenthose little button things not really sure what they are called16:13
krypto_honey_1: it sounds like you torched your ~/torch directory ;)16:14
krypto_are you asking about the error or that you can't get torch to run?16:14
honey_1krypto_: i am asking to fix the error and to run  torch16:15
krypto_do you know which directory you installed it in?16:16
krypto_im thinking you followed the site instructions but used a different directory?16:16
thyriaenducasse, the same theme contains those icons16:17
Guest24793Can i use Ubuntu in german Language withoud installing it?16:18
honey_1krypto_: i installed  in my home directory and i followed this  site  http://torch.ch/docs/getting-started.html16:18
pezdispenserHello, I'm having a problem I cannot seem to fix,   my Acer laptop NOW says just after I updated ubuntu,   "security boot fail" after I turn it on,16:20
pezdispenserI've tried several options, to fix, I cannot resolve this16:20
krypto_hmm, if you type ls -al ~/torch do you see it?16:20
oerheksGuest24793, you can try to add german as language, no,  you would need to update, which can be problematic with a lot of packages. there is a german iso 16.10 .. http://ubuntu.de.uptodown.com/ubuntu16:20
pezdispenserjust after I updated ubuntu,   "security boot fail" after I turn it on,   I've tried changing the secure boot files,   there is no option in my bios to switch from uefi to legacy either,16:22
honey_1krypto_: yes i can see it16:22
Guest24793OK, i'll try it, if that ISO has also Orca Screenreader installed.16:22
krypto_honey_1: ok type in ls -al ~/torch/install/bin/torch-activate16:23
Guest24793But is this Website secure?16:24
honey_1krypto_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381242/16:25
ThetaOrionisHey guys, so I got this Dell Inspiron 14z ultrabook recently, and installed Ubuntu Mate 16.10. Problem is, it's really overheating, the portion between the keyboard and the screen. And battery is draining pretty fast too. :(16:27
ThetaOrionistlp and thermald are running normally, and I've got no additional driver to install. Brazilian forums mention some AMD Catalyst driver to be added, but I guess mine doesn't have the optional radeon GPU16:28
oerheksGuest24793, it is the community editon, you might better ask in #ubuntu-de16:28
krypto_honey_1: hmm, so ~/torch exists but that file doesn't, try cd'ing into ~/torch and see if there is a bin/torch-activate somewhere16:29
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honey_1krypto_: there is no such file16:31
honey_1krypto_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381263/16:33
thyriaenwhere can i find the status icons of the applications ? and how can i change the icons used ?16:35
krypto_honey_1: i think i see what happened16:35
krypto_honey_1: check out https://github.com/jcjohnson/neural-style/issues/18916:35
immuok to install gnome3 when your distro is Unity.16:36
krypto_honey_1: i think the install failed, and you added that line inadvertently to your profile16:36
honey_1krypto_: ok it might be the case i was trying many options so what is the solution now?16:38
immuok to install gnome3 when your distro is Unity.16:38
krypto_i would start fresh again, wipe your ~/torch folder and refollow the instructions, make sure build doesn't fail16:39
ducasseimmu: yes, should be fine.16:40
immuducasse: i had asked earlier also,remember?16:40
ducasseimmu: yes, which is why i don't see why you're asking again...16:40
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honey_1krypto_: ok  let me try that one again  so in this case i will do "rm -rf ~/torch"16:41
ZenMastaI need to perform a task through ssh on our website that takes about an hour, however my host automatically times my session out I think after about to minutes. In order to get around this I have been using Screen, and manually switching back to the screen every few minutes. As you can imagine this is tedious and if you're busy with something else, easy to miss - is there anyway that I can run a script that would do that automatic16:42
immuany how to for it ducasse ?16:43
ZenMastausing putty but server is on ubunty16:43
oerheksimmu just install the gnome desktop in your softwarecenter, and logout/switch/login16:43
ducasseimmu: 'apt install gnome-shell', i think16:44
kallesbarHi, kubuntu 17.04 clean installation stops initramfs prompt, then I tried latest LTS version 16.04 .2 same issue. BTW I am using vmware16:44
oerheksZenMasta, there is a timout number in your ssh service ( on the server)16:44
krypto_honey_1: that should be safe, if you wanna super-safe do a mv ~/torch ~/torch-old16:44
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:44
ZenMastaoerheks I've contacted the host they dont allow changing the timeout16:45
oerheksZenMasta, then stay alert.16:45
honey_1krypto_: i did that but finally i have get problem at the end http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381340/   when i open teh link it works but theer is fatal error  to get https://github.com/clementfarabet/lua---nnx.git/16:46
krypto_honey_1: oh thats interesting.. i was able to run the git clone command with no problem, can you try again?16:49
shadygoosehi. when I boot up ubuntu, I get multiple "System program problem detected" dialog boxes. Any solutions?16:51
jpmhI use rsync to backup my server and am very happy with it as a mirror copy.  What do your suggest as an incremental copy product, so I can get back to time points16:51
Southern_Gentlemjpmh, backintime ?16:52
amosbirdhow can I make my mouse 5 times faster16:52
amosbirdit's using libinput interface and I can only manage 200%16:52
krypto_shadygoose: on your machine, open the Startup Applications app and maybe one-by-one check out which ones are failing16:53
setuidSomething very fishy with the way preseed handles file based preseed files16:53
jpmhSouthern_Gentlem: is that an open source product?16:53
setuid...in that, it doesn't work at all16:53
Southern_Gentlemjpmh, yes16:53
jpmhSouthern_Gentlem: and will it back up over ssh16:53
Southern_Gentlemthat is for you to figure out :)16:53
shadygoosekrypto" there's only one under additional startup items. "SSH Key Agent"16:54
jpmhSouthern_Gentlem: ty so much heading to look at it right now16:54
krypto_ok then they are probably being started through some other way. tough for us to troubleshoot this one, we'd have to know specifics16:54
ducassejpmh: also rsnapshot16:55
shadygoosekrypto: is there a way I could give you more info? like a log file? newb here.16:55
jpmhducasse: I'll look at that too - ty16:55
krypto_sure maybe take a screenshot of what the desktop looks like when it first boots and put it on imgur?16:56
shadygoosekrypto: ok. hold on.16:56
shadygoosekrypto: here you go https://unsee.cc/gibemasu/16:58
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krypto_ok and can you take one after Report Problem also16:59
shadygoosekrypto: clicking on both the boxes?16:59
krypto_im not sure if they're for the same error, but ideally both yeah17:00
shadygoosekrypto: I got an error log, after clicking the first one, the second one went away. should I paste the log here?17:01
honey_1krypto_: yesterday it works fine but this problem is happning after i remove torch folder and  clone again but before it works fine now  is showme another error http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381467/17:02
mhgI have a problem on installing latest Ubuntu Sever, it made bootable from UNetbootin, but on configuration of partition, it has problem. any help?17:02
krypto_shadygoose: type pastebinit in the terminal, paste the log, and then CTRL+D and share the link17:03
oerheksmhg, unetbootin is know for making issues, did you check the iso from usb?17:03
traxusKrypto: Brainwash: Thanks for the assist! Vulkan is working!17:03
mhgoerheks: no, i didn't. How?17:04
shadygoosekrypto: I couldn't copy the stuff but here's a screenshot https://unsee.cc/betadomu/17:04
immuducasse: ubuntu software - no gnome present in it?17:04
krypto_honey_1: so just to confirm, you re-ran the git clone command and it failed on that same spot?17:04
oerheksmhg, when you boot the usb, there is an option in the 1st menu17:05
honey_1krypto_: yes17:05
oerheks"check disc for defects"17:05
krypto_traxus: Nice!17:06
krypto_shadygoose: hmm, no idea why snapd-login is failing there17:06
krypto_one sec17:06
shadygoosekrypto: take your time,17:06
krypto_honey_1: it may be github rate limiting you? i was able to clone no problem17:07
Camronhello all have a question about making you ubuntu system forward to ssl either if you use https or not17:08
krypto_shadygoose, all your packages are up-to-date? if it's not affecting you minus the annoyance of seeing the error, i'd report the problem and just keep an eye on it for now17:10
shadygoosekrypto: ok. I shall do that. thanks Captain.17:10
krypto_anytime man17:11
krypto_Camron: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381569/17:11
krypto_well that's assuming you're running nginx17:11
krypto_but you get the idea.. that'll send http://localhost to https://localhost17:11
Camronim not running nginx17:13
Camronits there a way to use letsencrypt to do this17:18
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ppfCamron: that's something your server can do17:20
ppfboth apache and nginx17:20
Camronusing apache17:20
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aalzehlahi there17:23
latino31i see ubuntu 17.04  is available...theorectially whats the chances of my computer crashes on upgrade ....how important is a backup lol17:25
kallesbarCan anyone help me to get forward if clean installation stops initramfs prompt_17:26
oerhekslatino31, if you don't have a backup, your data is unimportant.17:28
krypto_latino31: we usually ask for advice when we already know the answer ;)17:28
krypto_if you're happy with your system, i'd stay put (assuming LTS 16.04)17:29
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latino31its important because my ubuntu crashed about 4 weeks and the backup i had was crap because the encryption emfs (crap) would not unlock even with correct passwords so it took days to get some stuff back17:29
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latino31krypto_, i have 16.10 :)17:30
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krypto_in that case, i say go for 17.04.. just revert any PPAs to avoid any problems17:30
krypto_(assuming you did your backups)17:31
allrightyyyyyeyh :)17:32
allrightyyyyyi have trouble opening the ubuntu software17:32
latino31krypto_, are there any good image backup that don't require pc shutdown?17:32
allrightyyyyyit just loads then closes17:32
latino31krypto_, the only ppa i have is i2p will that be automatically handled?17:33
tapanikcommand line task little new for me17:33
tapanikms-dos based life17:33
tapanikms-dos commands remember :D17:33
tapanikC64 cant remember17:34
tapaniki have used 80's17:34
oerhekstapanik, do you have an ubuntu support question? and please easy on the enter17:34
krypto_latino31, yeah that should be fine. it'll likely be a smooth upgrade, and nothing that can't be fixed otherwise17:34
krypto_allrightyyyyy: hmm, try opening up a terminal and running gnome-software - any errors show up?17:35
oerheksallrightyyyyy, install synaptic, much more detailed softwarecenter. but to fix ubuntu software, delete ~/.cache/gnome-software perhaps fixes things17:36
EightynineWhile switching between tty, desktop and plymouth I found a cause of long boot. The problem is that it's checking some device with certain uuid. Probably it's swap partition I removed. How can I edit fstab and create swap file?17:37
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genii!swap | Eightynine17:38
ubottuEightynine: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:38
EightynineWhy did you wrote me that? I know what is swap.17:39
oerheksEightynine, how did you remove swap?17:40
EightynineI used Gnome disk utility and removed it from there.17:41
oerheksthe url from ubottu is helpfull, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How_do_I_add_or_modify_a_swap_partition.3F17:41
Lavinhogodd afternoon17:41
Lavinhohow to put on rtl8723bs ubuntu 17.04 =17:42
Lavinhono compile drivers17:43
EightynineHow do you think what is better to use Firefox or Chromium or maybe Chrome? Is Opera usable?17:44
oerheksEightynine, try them all 4 yourself and choose what you like best? i use chrome for all things.17:45
hackelDoes anyone know a way to get a list of all origins (ppas in particular) that the installed packages on my system come from?  I've been trying to figure out how to coax grep-dctrl to do it without success.17:46
zaapielhow do i turn off ssh server?17:46
EightynineI'm currently using Chromium and don't like it at all. And what is your opinion on KDE?17:46
hackelzaapiel: `service ssh stop` (same with any other service)17:46
oerhekshackel,  all added ppa's are shown in your sources, or /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:47
hackelEightynine: I use 80% Firefox (Developer edition), 20% Chromium.  Use whichever one you like best.  Just stick to open source.  (No Chrome or Opera!)17:48
oerheksEightynine, polling is useless, you would get 1852 answers..17:48
EightynineCan I convert my ext4 partition to xfs? Is it worth it?17:48
hackeloerheks: Yes, I'm aware, but I'm looking for a list based on what is currently installed.  Sources can be added or removed without actually affecting the installed packages.17:48
oerhekshackel, if you removes the ppa entry, no way telling17:50
oerheksapt-cache policy would show them normally too.17:50
tomreynEightynine: (1) no. (2) why would you want to?17:51
EightynineJust asking. What if I just create that swap partition on empty space will that fix that problem?17:51
tomreynEightynine: what is "the problem"?17:52
hackeloerheks: Ahh, of course I just remembered that Origin is only an apt field, not dpkg.  Oh well, thanks.17:52
tomreyni did not follow the chat17:52
lo_quelqu'un s'y connait en informatique ?17:53
tomreyn'lo lo_17:53
oerheksEightynine, maybe, follow the guide.17:53
tomreyn!fr | lo_17:53
ubottulo_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:53
tirtoneshi  gys17:56
tirtonesi fu u m a d f17:56
Lavinhohelp me17:56
tirtoneswats h17:56
Lavinhortl8723bs ubuntu 17.04 not working17:56
tirtonesoh my god17:57
tirtoneswery big  problem17:57
oerheksLavinho, why is it not working? no driver available in the driver tool ?17:58
nacctirtones: please stop. if you have an issue, in one line state it17:58
FireBeyondTrying to install Ubuntu 17. Brand new fresh install, cannot update. "Following signatures were invalid: BADSIG ... ". Even after doing an apt-key add, etc17:58
naccFireBeyond: please provide the full output in a pastebin17:58
kallesbarCan anyone help me to get forward if clean installation stops initramfs prompt17:58
nacc!pastebing | FireBeyond17:58
Lavinhooerheks: driver not compile17:58
nacc!pastebin | FireBeyond17:58
ubottuFireBeyond: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:58
tirtonesi want to crack google db17:59
nacc!ot | tirtones17:59
ubottutirtones: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:59
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nicomachus!guidelines > tirtones18:01
ubottutirtones, please see my private message18:01
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oerheksLavinho, maybe this answer works for you too https://communities.intel.com/message/309488#30948818:02
oerheksLavinho, but you would need to recompile after any kernel update18:02
FireBeyondBleh. Frustrating. Cannot install anything.18:03
tirtonesrusskie yest&18:03
EightynineIs that possible to resize my system partition?18:05
ioriaFireBeyond, can you paste /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:05
Lavinhooerheks: error18:05
Epx998anyone set up pxe with the livecd?18:05
oerheksFireBeyond, maybe this command is any help; remove lists and pdate again > sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure18:05
tirtonesim russian hacker18:06
oerhekstirtones, hacking is beyond the scope of this channel ..18:06
tmshe didn't say a hacker18:06
ioriaFireBeyond, don't need to be root, btw18:07
digitalfizespecially shotty russian hacking :P18:07
FireBeyondYeah, true. No joy with rm'ing /var/lib/apt/lists though18:07
krypto_FireBeyond: how about this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1877/what-is-the-easiest-way-to-resolve-apt-get-badsig-gpg-errors18:08
tirtonescan i ask something?18:08
tmsyou just did18:09
ioriaFireBeyond,  backup that file, and try with this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/24381905/18:09
FireBeyondNo joy with the link, trying new sources.list18:11
FireBeyondbleh. nope.18:11
FireBeyondgoing to try the nuclear option. sigh18:11
ioriaFireBeyond,  you already did the sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com thing ?18:12
krypto_pftt.. giving up that easy? ;)18:12
FireBeyondYeah. "1 processed, 1 unchanged"18:12
FireBeyonddel'ed it and re-added it too18:12
oerheksFireBeyond, check your iso before reinstall18:13
FireBeyondgood point18:13
ioriaFireBeyond,  if you still have the media you can md5sum the iso18:14
tirtoneshelp   me18:14
oerhekstirtones, ask your question, all in one line please.18:15
oerheks( but not hacking)18:15
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Jordan_Utirtones: If your next message is not a productive Ubuntu support related question then you will be removed from the channel.18:17
tirtonesok ok im sorry18:18
Epx998Can someone help with pxe booting from the ubuntu live cd?18:19
FireBeyondBah. All hail the reboot. :\18:19
FireBeyondWorking after that18:20
oerheksFireBeyond, good luck, we'll see you soon18:20
Jordan_UFireBeyond: It was likely a transient issue with the mirror you were using.18:20
Jordan_UEpx998: What is your end goal? It's much easier to PXE boot the netboot/minimal installer if your end goal is to install Ubuntu.18:21
Epx998Jordan_U: Goal is to get all the drivers, netboot I am having an issue on some Dell hardware with the controller and network driver.  Works fine from the USB.  So I want to try deploying UB14 on PXE using the live CD.18:22
ceegeeI am on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS with i3wm. I use the nm-applet to manage openvpn connections. I configured a specific openvpn connection to ask for key password, but it doesnt18:22
ceegeeany hints what could be wrong / missing?18:22
Epx998Jordan_U: the live cd fails at the cdrom detect, where it should be seeing the live CD18:23
Jordan_UEpx998: How are you preparing the Live image to be netbooted?18:26
Jordan_UEpx998: Do you have an NFS server providing the squashfs image?18:26
Epx998Jordan_U: I am mounting the iso in my fstab and nfs exporting the mount location18:26
Epx998Jordan_U: I point directly to the vmlinuz and initrd.gz file, then set my netboot=nfs and nfsroot pointed at the export location18:28
kallesbarIs there anyone that can help me go forward ubuntu installation it stops console prompt initramfs, please18:28
Jordan_UEpx998: Please pastebin your syslinux.cfg or grub.cfg so that I can confirm that the kernel parameters are being passed correctly.18:29
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Epx998Jordan_U: semt18:31
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Bashing-omkallesbar: The foundation is a known verified .iso file . Have you confirmed the .iso and also verified the copy to the install medium ?18:31
kallesbarit is kubuntu iso image 17.04 and I also tried latest LTS 16.04.2 same issue both18:33
ash_workzI think I need to roll back to an earlier release18:33
ash_workzhow should I go about doing that?18:34
oerheksash reinstall18:34
Huliohi guys, is there a way to use windows RDP to remote to ubuntu?18:34
kallesbarBashing-om:  All other ubuntu installation I have tried works just fine18:35
ioriaHulio, rdesktop18:35
ioria!info rdesktop | Hulio18:35
ubottuHulio: rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server and Windows Servers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.3-2 (zesty), package size 150 kB, installed size 462 kB18:35
Hulioioria: so at my work, i can only use windows RDP(client) that came within all windows.18:36
Hulioioria: at work i can't install any other software, but to use build-in client (RDP)18:36
ioriaHulio,  ha, you need a rxdp then18:36
Hulioioria: is that something i need to install on ubuntu?18:37
ioriaHulio, yes, ubuntu will be the server ?18:37
ioria!info xrdp | Hulio18:37
ubottuHulio: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-7build1 (zesty), package size 453 kB, installed size 2886 kB18:37
Huliook i'll look into it18:37
Huliothanks bro18:37
Jordan_UEpx998: That looks correct assuming that the paths and addresses are correct. Does "dmesg" print any useful error messages?18:38
ioriaHulio, http://c-nergy.be/blog/?p=895218:38
Epx998Jordan_U: cdrom-detect '' a few times then errors on not being able to mount the cdrom18:38
Jordan_UEpx998: Sorry, I can't think of anything else to try.18:41
Epx998Jordan_U: Let me point to the netboot linux kernel instead of vmlinuz18:42
Epx998Jordan_U: maybe ill get lucky18:42
Jordan_UEpx998: I doubt that will help, but why not? :)18:42
kallesbarBashing-om:  I am not trying install it from DVD. I trying install it vmware.18:42
Jordan_Ukallesbar: Have you verified the sha256/md5sum of the iso? Are you passing the iso as a virtual DVD drive and have you selected Ubuntu 17.04 (or the lastest Ubuntu option VMware has) as the OS the guest should be expecting?18:44
Jordan_Ukallesbar: Do you see any error messages before being droped to the initramfs shell? Does "journalctl" from the initramfs shell produce any helpful error messages? (I don't know if Ubuntu has journald in the initramfs yet or not).18:45
kallesbarJordan_U:  yes it is virtual dvd, just open the iso file and vmware boots it. I have not veriied it18:46
Jordan_Ukallesbar: Please do verify it.18:46
kallesbarJordan_U:  no error messages18:46
kallesbarJordan_U:  need to check also that vmware option18:47
wadieis ubuntu 17 LTS ?18:55
FinalXno, 16.04 is18:55
wadieThen I'll stick with 16.04 for now18:55
FinalXnext will be.. 19.04? I think?18:55
FinalXeh 1818:55
wadieIt'll just auto update when it is LTS18:56
wadieAny measurements I have to take ?18:56
FinalXvery likely, 2 years is a big change usually18:56
jjiknusing unity, why does date/time applet constantly crash on startup?18:56
ikoniameasurements ?18:57
wadieFinalX understood my question, I guess you are smart enough to understand as well ikonia xD18:57
ikoniaI don't understand it18:57
ikoniawhat are you talking about "measurements"18:57
wadieOther than a backup, do I need to make sure I have anything pre-installed or a specific version ?18:58
wadieThat was an example of measurements18:58
ikoniawadie: pre-installed for what ?18:59
wadiethe update18:59
wadie16 to 1719:00
ikoniawadie: oh no19:00
jjiknusing vmplayer 6, ubbuntu 17.04 boots19:00
ikoniawadie: you need to make sure you don't have software on19:00
ikoniawadie: eg: no 3rd party software that could cause conflicts during hte upgrade19:00
FinalXwadie: usually an upgrade will go just fine when it hits, but some software stops existing, some software has its featureset changed, some config formats change.. you'll probably want to review them when the time comes.19:00
wadieOkay thanks19:00
FinalXalso usually if you follow a non-LTS upgrade path it'll be more little things every upgrade, but if you skip from LTS to LTS, it's all those little changes all in one go19:01
jjiknwhat are the live user name/countersign?19:01
stevehopejjikn there aren't preset login/passeord for live image, they are set at boot19:08
jjiknit has to have login, to login19:08
jjiknfound it's "ubuntu" and pass word is blanc19:10
ikoniaif the live user asks you for a login, there is something wrong with the image/boot19:13
ikoniait should auto login19:13
Guest21759any expert of maas here?19:13
ikoniaI've used maas a few times19:13
ikoniafar from an expert though as I found other tools provided a better workflow19:13
Guest21759I am facing issue while using maas 2.1.319:14
Guest21759ikonia have you used maas2.1.319:14
ikoniaGuest21759: not sure on the versions off the top of my head, certainly recent versions19:15
ikoniawhy don't you just ask the question rather than who has used what versions19:15
jjikni logged off to test19:16
Guest21759ok, I am facing issue while running conjure-up --bootstrap-to <hostname>19:16
jjiknturned out, old iso19:16
Guest21759iso is new ubuntu19:16
Guest21759lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Release:        16.04 Codename:       xenial rvtadmin@u16:~$19:16
ikoniawhats the problem ?19:17
Guest21759conjure-up --bootstrap-to <hostname>19:17
Guest21759not able to  Juju failed to bootstrap: maas19:18
Guest21759 Juju failed to bootstrap: maas19:18
ikoniaGuest21759: ok, so the call to juju is failing, what do the logs say19:18
jjikn16.04.3 is new19:18
Guest21759 conjure-up/_unspecified_spell: Showing dialog for exception: Juju failed to bootstrap: maas19:19
ikoniaGuest21759: what does the juju logs shows19:19
ikonialook at the individual components, rather than maas19:20
Guest21759there is no juju logs in building latest conjure-up19:20
Guest21759now it has only said logs19:20
Guest2175923:53:57 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:459 (error details: [{github.com/juju/juju/cmd/juju/commands/bootstrap.go:574: failed to bootstrap model} {github.com/juju/juju/provider/common/bootstrap.go:179: cannot start bootstrap instance} {github.com/juju/juju/provider/maas/environ.go:950: cannot run instances} {github.com/juju/juju/provider/maas/environ.go:1310: cannot run instance} {github.com/juju/juju/provider/maas/environ.go:751: } {19:21
kallesbarJordan_U:  Hash are same as ubuntu torrent web site. I also run sha256sum for the file, but actually not know if it ok. Cannot remember when last checked those19:21
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kallesbarJordan_U:  initramfs do not have journald, so is not possible get more info on that way19:26
kallesbarJordan_U:  I could not spotted the option you mention on vmware workstation pro version 12.5.5. Not sure if it is there19:29
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EightynineHow can I add sound applet on MATE panel?19:33
EightynineThat guy who gave me a link about swap helped me, thank you if you're here.19:38
YankDownUnderEightynine: Check the link I just posted.19:39
EightynineI checked already. Thank you.19:39
ash_workzif I purge php5 will that get rid of the php5 ini conf file?19:40
YankDownUnderash_workz: Possibly, but do NOT assume.19:41
c0mradeAnyone can volunteer helping in setting a complex web app on an ubuntu server, it's 90% done just publishing it seems to give me some trouble... I can provide remote access :P19:50
ash_workzshouldn't add-apt-repository take like 2 seconds?19:50
ash_workzwhy is it taking forever? -_-19:50
latino31i upgraded to 17.04 a few mins ago ..went well.. i see some references still to ubuntu 16.10 like official supported non free drivers in software and updates should i edit those to 17.10 or delete them?19:50
YankDownUnderash_workz: It might be servers/network traffic/site traffic. Patience.19:51
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* ash_workz tries to chill out19:51
ikoniac0mrade: just explain the problem,19:51
ikoniac0mrade: people will help if they can19:52
c0mradeikonia: It's not that simple...19:52
YankDownUnderash_workz: Just asking - did you try to ping/view the repo server you're trying to add?19:52
c0mradeIt's a project of installing a complex webapp and I am trying to deploy it on an amazon ubuntu ec2 instance.19:52
ash_workzYankDownUnder: no =·19:52
ikoniac0mrade: ok, so explain the problem19:52
c0mradeReally there's a lot to it.19:53
cristian_chello, sorry, I'd like to know how to configure lirc with media players, for example mplayer19:53
ash_workzYankDownUnder: how do you do thaqt?19:53
c0mradeIt's much easier to do it via teamviewer.19:53
cristian_cI've tried to read the doc, but I've n019:53
YankDownUnderash_workz: What's the repo?19:53
cristian_cI've tried to read the doc, but I've not got figured out how t0 achieve this task19:53
cristian_cAny ideas?19:54
ikoniac0mrade: not really acceptable19:54
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ikoniac0mrade: you'd be better to write a summary and post it in a pastebin19:54
wedgieor on the forums19:54
YankDownUnderash_workz: I just added it - to test (going to delete it) - but it took like seconds, mate.19:54
c0mradeThe thing is that also I tried a lot of stuff, I'll have to mention every single thing that I've done so that you won't offer a solution that I already tried.19:55
ash_workzYankDownUnder: yeah, so wth then? :(19:55
ikoniac0mrade: if you won't explain the problem, don't bother asking for help, as it's impossible to help with zero information19:55
c0mradeLogin to my system and have a better look.19:55
cristian_cc0mrade: you could summarize / make a recap19:56
ikoniano thanks19:56
ikoniaexplain the problem19:56
YankDownUnderash_workz: I'd check your DNS -> could be that you're getting "bounced around" - or you could even restart your networking and see if that helps...either which, I got it quite quickly...something to think about...19:56
latino31no one wants to tackle my question its a easy one :)19:56
oerheksc0mrade, start with what "webapp"19:57
ikoniac0mrade: what is that19:57
latino31<latino31> i upgraded to 17.04 a few mins ago ..went well.. i see some references still to ubuntu 16.10 like official supported non free drivers in software and updates should i edit those to 17.10 or delete them?19:57
latino31i meant to yaketty yak19:57
ash_workzinternet has been going horribly slow too19:57
YankDownUnderash_workz: Could be your issue, bro.19:58
c0mradeikonia: You can check here: https://github.com/ornicar/lila19:58
ikoniac0mrade: check what ?19:58
ikoniathats just a chess game19:58
c0mradeA chess game?19:58
c0mradeWhat do you mean it's a chess game...19:58
* cristian_c troll alert19:59
ikoniathe webpage you've just posted says this19:59
ikoniaLila (li[chess in sca]la) is a free online chess game server focused on realtime gameplay and ease of use.19:59
ikoniaso yes, a "chess game"19:59
c0mradeOkay continue with the second paragraph and let's see if it's "just" a chess game.20:00
ikoniaas that doesn't explain your problem20:00
ikoniait's just a link to an git hub page20:00
ikoniaexplain your problem clearly please, or stop requesting help20:00
c0mradeLet's see, it includes mongodb, nodejs,It features a search engine, computer analysis distributed with fishnet, tournaments, simuls, forums, teams, tactic trainer, a mobile app, and a shared analysis board.20:00
ash_workzYankDownUnder: when you say restart your networking, you mean on my local linux machine?20:01
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c0mradeLichess is written in Scala 2.11, and relies on Play 2.4 for the routing, templating, and JSON. Pure chess logic is contained in scalachess submodule.20:01
ikoniac0mrade: so yes, a chess game20:01
c0mradeThe codebase is fully asynchronous, making heavy use of Scala Futures and Akka 2 actors. Lichess talks to Stockfish deployed in an AI cluster of donated servers. It uses MongoDB 3.2 to store more than 350 million games, which are indexed by elasticsearch.20:01
ikoniac0mrade: yes, a chess game20:01
YankDownUnderash_workz: Without knowing what you're doing, I can't actually answer that.20:01
latino31anyone going to answer my question or just ignore it?20:01
c0mradeHTTP requests and websocket connections are proxied by nginx 1.8. Client-side is written in mithril.js. The blog uses a free open content plan from prismic.io.20:01
ikoniac0mrade: you don't need to type out the page20:02
ikoniac0mrade: it's a chess game, what's your problem that related to ubuntu20:02
cristian_clatino31: be patient :)20:02
oerhekslatino31, what do you mean with "free drivers in software and updates should i edit those to 17.10 or delete them?"20:03
ikonia17.10 doesn't exist20:03
latino31software and updates still have references to ubuntu 16.1020:04
oerhekslatino31, so you want to use old drivers, are they not available in 17.04/drivers ?20:04
latino31no should i edit them...20:05
latino31for 17.0420:05
gaususis anyone using tplink t1u wifi usb card?20:05
ash_workzYankDownUnder: I upgraded a remote server to 16.04; apparently php5 is not supported, I tried patching the app, but the complexity of the depricated code goes too deep; right now I just need something working so I figured I'd look outside official repos for a php5 version that works on 16.0420:05
latino31community maintained is another one referencing ubuntu 16.1020:05
oerheksash_workz, 16.04 comes with php720:06
ash_workzYankDownUnder: so I tried to add that ppa and . . . . . . . 5 minutes of "waiting for that to finish" later, I came here20:06
ash_workzoerheks: but the application doesn't work on 720:06
YankDownUnderash_workz: So then the question would be IS your "connection" to the server strong/healthy => as if you're doing the "repo" on the server and it's taking forever...hmm?20:06
ash_workzoerheks: I'm not saying it's right, I just need it to be working atm20:06
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oerhekslatino31, what driver exactly? using drivers from an older version is not a good idea, usually.20:08
ash_workzYankDownUnder: fwiw, the server seems to be having issues doing anything outside the network... I mean, I can connect to it just fine; but I had an idea to use docker to just run 14.04 in there, but it took forever just to `docker pull hello` ... and by forever, I mean I inevitably used ^C20:08
latino31i should delete the section that says ubuntu 16.10 community mainted and the other ones referencing ubuntu 16.10..there are still sections there but they are unchecked..20:09
ash_workzYankDownUnder: that said, ubuntu repos work fine20:09
oerhekslatino31, i have no idea what you are seeing, if you added a 16.10 ppa, remove it20:09
oerhekslatino31, else make a screenshot what you see, and post it on imgur.com20:10
YankDownUnderash_workz: Ah...hmm...so methinks that it would be a better thing to actually BE at the "server"...unless you're confident in doing a "remote restart" of it - and then being able to re-gain access...and as it's a "remote" - could there be issues with the hardware on the network THERE...hmm...or saturation of the localised network where that server is sitting...20:10
latino31oerheks, official supported non free drivers and the community maintained section...i dont think they are considered ppa's.. there are built in to ubuntu itself..i know you have had to have seen them before20:11
ash_workzYankDownUnder: yeah; the answers are, I can't be "there", I am not confident in regaining access and shoot me in the face plz20:11
oerhekslatino31, yes i know the menu, but not 16.10 versions in 17.04 ..20:12
oerhekslatino31, screenshot please?20:12
YankDownUnderash_workz: I don't have to "bash" ya - yer doing it to yerself (which is the worst kind, really) - huge face palm...EITHER WHICH, I'd personally start writing out a list of priorities...and then work them that way (Plan the work, work the plan - and have a "back out" plan)20:13
ash_workzYankDownUnder: are there at least things I can do from here to diagnose what the issue could be?20:13
YankDownUnderash_workz: Since the "adding of the ppa" isn't working, kill that process. That's first. Secondly, I'd be "pinging" things from that server to see exactly what's up - doing traceroutes and the likes...like to other machines on that "local" network...and after that, doing traceroutes to the "outside world" to see where "hangs" are...know what I mean jellybean?20:15
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ash_workzYankDownUnder: yeah... I'll do what I can20:18
YankDownUnderash_workz: What DNS servers is the machine using? Just wondering...it might be a good idea to set the "Google DNS" - that is, IF it's not going against corporate policy and procedure...20:19
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ppfash_workz: what's the problem?20:23
ash_workzppf somethings are taking forever to pull20:23
ash_workzppf: on a remote server20:23
ppfpull meaning what?20:26
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YankDownUnderppf: The remote server he's working on - he's trying to add a ppa, but it's hanging. As well, the network that the remote server is sitting on is flaky and slow.20:27
latino31i think i see something that needs to be fixed for 17.04...in software and updates section..and where it says ubuntu software and you can check those sections like community maninted and free and open source software...even after deleting the sections that reference yaketty yak in the other software...when I uncheck and put back the settings it puts back boxes that refernce yaketty yak again20:27
ikonialatino31: log a bug20:27
ppfash_workz: time to get a new hoster, maybe?20:29
ash_workzYankDownUnder: I dunno if I'd say it's flaky20:30
ash_workzYankDownUnder: it is serving webpages, albeit slowly20:30
Epx998why the heck are there no current docs on pxe booting a live cd. buh.20:31
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banyantreeis somebody using mpd?20:32
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banyantreei need some help with my mpd.comf > audio_output20:33
latino31what happened to the new terminal button in 17.04?20:34
Cust0sLimenhow do I make a USB that is persistent ?20:35
oerhekslatino31, nothing, it is still the same20:35
YankDownUnderash_workz: IMHO, slow is flaky. Shaky is flaky. Intermittent is flaky. Not working proper = flaky. Living in Texas = flaky. IMHO... :)20:36
latino31oerheks, im right clicking and dont see it...but maybe after a reboot it will come back dunno20:36
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ppfash_workz: it's the 21st century, life's too short for a bad internet connection20:36
ppfget a new hoster ;)20:36
latino31anyone here upgraded to 17.04?20:37
stevehopeMe, although I've used it a few days longer as i was helping to test the iso20:38
latino31stevehope, right click the terminal button do you see new terminal?20:38
latino31i have it locked to my sidebar20:39
oerheksright click the terminal does not give a 2nd terminal, just open a new tab in current terminal or top panel > terminal > new terminal20:40
stevehopeif its docked to your right side toolbar you need to left click it to open20:40
latino31well its my left side bar.. and I know how to open it i use the terminal a lot but i dont see new terminal...20:41
latino31stevehope, do you see new terminal?20:41
oerhekslatino31, ctrl alt T opens a new terminal too20:41
stevehopeoh you mean tabbed terminals, it's the default, the tabs are separate instances if thats what youre asking20:42
latino31yes i can open a new terminal another way oerheks but i dont see the new terminal tab where it used to be ...20:42
banyantreewin+enter opens in i320:42
latino31stevehope, when i right click the locked terminal button there was a section called new terminal20:42
latino31stevehope, where you can right click the terminal icon and see quit, unlock from launcher etc20:43
stevehopeYes, as thats a shortcut link to open terminal, its not always on20:43
latino31stevehope, sorry im not sure of the correct terminology :) thanks ... is there a way to flip that back on20:43
stevehopeOR if terminal is started it will put terminal on top of other windows20:43
latino31stevehope, do you have items to locked to your side bar?20:44
oerhekslatino31, so it is gone20:44
stevehopeyou could add it to your startup tasks if you want an open terminal on desktop at login20:44
latino31stevehope, or locked to launcher?20:44
oerhekslatino31, found it: press mousewheel on the icon on your unity panel20:45
latino31stevehope, start up terminal,,,right click the icon and check lock to launcher20:45
stevehopebe back in a min i will20:46
latino31whats the mousewheel again lol20:46
oerhekslatino31, if you have no mouse scroll wheel, there are many ways to open a new terminl, get used to it20:47
latino31this is the first i have heard of mouse scroll wheel ...but i had new terminal on 16.04..by righ clicking the icon on the launcher left side bar20:48
stevehopeyou could also assign a hot-key or macro to it20:48
latino31i mean 16.1020:48
oerhekshotkey exist for years now, ctrl alt t20:48
latino31i know how to launch a new terminal i was pointing out that its not there like it was on 16.1020:48
banyantreeis somebody using i3?20:49
stevehopeto add terminal to the luanch bar... click the top button to open search, type terminal, click or enter20:49
ppfbanyantree: many people are20:49
latino31stevehope, i already have terminal on the launch bar20:49
latino31but before right clicking it on the launch bar gave the new terminal option20:49
banyantreeppf: i mean in here =)20:49
stevehopethe on the control bar check set to luancher ill have to look up wording20:49
ppfyes, that too :)20:49
oerhekslatino31, so it is gone (lol)20:50
latino31it seems20:50
ppf(not me though, i'm using awesomewm)20:50
stevehopeyou can add it to the sidebar same as any app20:50
banyantreei still need help with polybar20:50
latino31stevehope, run terminal, right click the icon ...select lock to launcher....then right click the terminal icon on the sidebar and see if you see "new terminal"20:50
latino31oerheks, look at this https://askubuntu.com/questions/35488/what-custom-launchers-and-unity-quicklists-are-available/39532#39532... look at section 33 about the terminal... there is no longer new window or new terminal there like on the screen shot... stevehope you can look too if you want...20:55
qisHow can I fix randomly not working mouse clicks?20:56
qisActually, most of the time not working and randomly working for a few seconds.20:56
ppfqis: clean your mouse20:56
qisMovement is fine.20:56
ppfand/or try another one ;)20:56
qisppf: It works fine on Windows 10 and FreeBSD. It's clean.20:56
qisOh, just noticed that selecting a specific acceleration with a mouse button lets me use it. Not sure for how long.20:57
YankDownUnderqis: Wireless?20:57
qisYankDownUnder: No, it's a R.A.T.720:58
YankDownUnderqis: I'll pretend I know what that is, eh?20:58
qisYankDownUnder: gaming mouse http://techreport.com/r.x/cyborg-rat7/personal.jpg20:59
phelixI can not for the life of me figure out why build-dep is not an available package.20:59
phelixI have reinstalled my sources.list file multiple times and ran apt-get update and it still says that package doesn't exist20:59
ppfphelix: that's not an existing package21:01
phelixi just realized lol21:01
phelixi need to remove the install from the apt-get21:01
ppfremove the what?21:01
ppfwhat is it you want to do exactly?21:02
phelixi was trying to use it with apt-get install21:02
YankDownUnderDo you mean "build-essential" - instead of "build-dep"?21:02
phelixbuild-dep an image21:02
phelixi figured out what i was doing21:02
ppfbuild-dep an image?21:02
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ppfyou aren't making sense :)21:02
phelixlinux-image-$(uname -r)21:03
qisNope, still randomly stops recognizing clicks.21:03
Guest75853How do I change Window Title Bar transparency in Gnome?21:03
ppfphelix: full sentences please :)21:03
ppfwhat is it you want to do?21:04
ash_workzis mod_php basically the way php is installed when you run `apt-get install php...` on ubuntu? (rather than fcgi_php for example)21:05
YankDownUnderash_workz: Not sure - have you looked through the Ubuntu dox on php?21:06
Guest75853How do I change Window Title Bar transparency in Gnome?21:06
ppfash_workz: no21:07
ppfmod_php is the apache plugin for php21:07
oerheksGuest75853, gnome-tweak-tool maybe? i am not on gnome, can't look it up21:07
ash_workzppf: okay, so what _does_ it do? I don't think that mod existed on the system prior to using `apt-get install` ¯\_(ツ)_/¯21:09
ppfit's an apache plugin that allows apache to parse and translate php files21:09
YankDownUnderash_workz: Did you back this server up prior to your "upgrade"?21:11
ppfthe php you install through apt is a meta package. it's possible that it also installs mod_php as well21:11
ppf!depends php21:12
wafflejockash_workz, yup like ppf says php is a meta package points to the latest released PHP for the version of ubuntu on 16.04 points to "php7.0-fpm | libapache2-mod-php7.0 | php7.0-cgi, php7.0-common"21:13
wafflejockash_workz, you can use apt-cache show packagename to get details, php says it uses 7.0 the 7.0 package has the list of dependencies I pasted here21:13
ppfthe | means 'logical or' here21:14
ppfso you get one of the server php interpreters21:14
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qisCould it be an ultrawide display problem that's causing mouse clicks not to register? Or rather, they do register but not by the window I click into.21:15
ppfi guess it goes left to right? meaning you'd get fpm through just installing oho21:15
wafflejockash_workz, once you install a package you can use dpkg -L packagename to see the list of files the package installed as well, can be useful for finding config files or other stuff21:17
ash_workzwafflejock: yeah, that isn't really where my confusion lies21:18
wafflejockppf, yeah not entirely sure might be that ash_workz is on a different version of ubuntu I didn't catch that part21:18
oerheksqis,  you told earlier that your mouse has " specific acceleration with a mouse button lets me use it. Not sure for how long." so it is your mouse, not a general ubuntu issue21:18
ppfash_workz: what ubuntu is this21:19
ppfcat /etc/*-release21:19
ash_workzppf 16.0421:19
qisoerheks: Not sure if it is. Either Linux or Ubuntu issue. Works fine in FreeBSD X11.21:20
naccash_workz: what is your php question?21:20
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ash_workzI really appreciate everyone jumping in here; there is a honestly a lot I don't get but I gtg pretty soon and I know that my questions are just too involved21:21
ppfash_workz: did you ask a question yet? what's the problem you're solving?21:22
ash_workzppf: it's not a problem anymore; it's just a brain thing.21:22
naccash_workz: by default 'php' will install libapache2-mod-php -> libapache2-mod-php7.0 which is the apache module for using php21:22
naccash_workz: if you want the cli, you need php-cli21:22
ash_workznacc: I see. I was confused because apparently their are several ways to install php (to use apache) and (idk for sure but) it seems like that is not the ideal way (anymore?) https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/php21:24
naccash_workz: installing php and using php are sort of different things (terminology wise)21:25
naccash_workz: the apache default (in 16.04) was switched to php-fpm, but that was a diversion from debian and has been changed back in later releases21:26
nacc*the php default21:26
naccash_workz: note also that page is out of date already21:26
naccash_workz: as it explicilty mentions php5_module21:26
ppfnacc: not for me21:28
ppftried it just then, gives me fpm by default21:28
naccppf: yes, that's what i just said?21:29
nacc"the php default was swtiched to php-fpm"21:29
nacc(in 16.04)21:29
ppfnacc: right, sorry. i read from the top and answered before i got to the bottom :)21:29
nacclater releases default back to libapache2-mod-php just like debian does21:29
naccppf: np :)21:30
oerheksqis, i think the driver for bsd working better, file a bugreport perhaps?21:30
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:30
ppfand i can confirm, it gives me mod_php on zesty :)21:30
naccppf: :)21:30
YankDownUnderash_workz: A question is eating at the back of my mind - is this a production server with a special app or database or website that requires PHP5? And again, was it backed up prior to the upgrade...?21:32
Epx998pxe booting a live is kicking my butt21:33
Epx998nothing wants to work buh21:33
qisoerheks: It looks more like a windowing system problem.21:35
qisoerheks: If I have multiple windows on top of each other, the click is received by the underlying window. Totally weird.21:35
ppfwhat DE/WM is this?21:35
qisdefault ubuntu installation, unity I suppose21:36
oerheks"underlying windows" this is new info21:38
qisYes, just noticed it.21:38
qisxev registers the clicks just fine but I cannot drag the xev window.21:39
qisOh, also very interesting: I switched to mouse over focus mode. As soon as the issue reappears, focus does not change on mouseover.21:43
eriswansIs it normal for security bug reports made via launchpad to sit in new:undecided for 2 weeks with zero activity?21:45
nacceriswans: link?21:46
qiseriswans: Make a blog post and publish it on reddit. Publicity tends to speed things up in the OSS world.21:46
eriswans1678349 (not including full link because I don't want to tip off about the package)21:46
wedgieeriswans: is it ubuntu specific or is it something that you may want to report to the upstream project for whatever package it is?21:47
oerhekseriswans, security bug filed with "private" ??21:47
YankDownUnderqis: I just thought of something - I had a situation with Unity before - and a "gaming mouse" - and if I recall, I ended up using "unity-tweak-tool" to sort it out - that, and there was something else...I think it was "mapping" the buttons...was last year...21:47
eriswansIt's not ubuntu-specific but ubuntu is the only distro that packages this software.21:47
qisYankDownUnder: Thanks but wouldn't xev display the wrong button number when the issue appears? That's not the case.21:48
qisAnd why does mouseover focus stop working?21:48
oerheksericnoan, without knowing what package, is it supported by ubuntu or does it come from universe ???21:49
oerhekseriswans ^^21:49
nacceriswans: only main is officially supported by ubuntu-security, aiui21:51
nacceriswans: if you provided the fix already, then it might get moved along, but universe security fixes are not necessarily a priority (again aiui)21:51
wedgiemight try to track down the package maintainer and ping them21:51
vijuHi, I am running sudo dpkg --configure -a and it's stuck on cups-ademon21:52
eriswansAh, no, no patch. Would be useful if there was some feedback in the process that security-private bugs for universe are a black hole.21:53
oerhekseriswans, now you know21:53
nacceriswans: it's sort of definitional in universe21:53
nacceriswans: per the above wiki page21:53
nacceriswans: and it's not clear it's actually a black hole, just probably not a priority21:54
ppf!paste | viju21:55
ubottuviju: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:55
vijuppf just one line it shows - sudo dpkg --configure -a21:56
vijuSetting up cups-daemon (1.7.5-11+deb8u1) ...21:57
ppfalright. can you increase verbosity of dpkg?21:57
ppfi.e. enable debug output21:57
eriswansnacc: Can totally understand it being a low priority, just figured it'd actually get triaged as such instead of sitting at undecided.21:58
nacceriswans: true, not sure on it, let me ask21:58
oerheksviju, cups-daemon 1.7.5-11+deb8u1 ?? what ubuntu is this21:58
roweDoes anyone have experience with FreeSpace2 Open? I'm having a difficult time compiling the launcher, and with finding a precompiled launcher out on the web.21:59
naccrowe: have you tried 'freespace2-launcher'? and/or freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher ?22:00
bray90820Can anyone recommend a tablet to run the ubuntu?22:00
naccrowe: it's in multiverse22:01
rowenacc: it's the wxlauncher that I'm trying to compile, but it just won't work.22:01
rowenacc: is there a precompiled one there?22:01
naccrowe: why are you compiling it?22:01
banyantreei cant recomennend anyone but i am curious what do you like to do with it?22:01
oerheksbray90820, bq Aquaris M10 runs ubuntu fine22:01
Digit_01I had a quite dire problem with Ubuntu Budgie 17.0422:01
rowenacc: building it from source, rather.22:01
naccrowe: why? it's a binary package?22:02
naccrowe: /usr/games/freespace2-launcher ?22:02
Digit_01In the installer I choose "replace ubuntu 16.04", well, it also replaced my windows partition22:02
bray90820oerheks: That's running ubuntu touch which is dead22:02
rowenacc: could you throw me a link? There is no launcher in my FreeSpace folder.22:02
banyantreei installed recently ubuntu touch on a nexus 4 but i'm not that happy with it22:02
nacc!info freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher | rowe22:03
ubotturowe: freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher (source: freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher): launcher for the Freespace 2 Source Code Project. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.11.0+dfsg-1 (zesty), package size 900 kB, installed size 2159 kB22:03
vijuoerheks: that's debian, sorry out of habit I asked here.22:03
naccrowe: it's in trusty and on, afaict22:03
naccrowe: make sure you have multiverse enabled and `sudo apt update; sudo apt install freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher` ?)22:03
rowenacc: How can I enable multiverse if you don't mind me asking?22:04
nacc!components | rowe22:04
ubotturowe: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.22:04
bray90820oerheks: I was looking to run the desktop version of ubuntu on a tablet22:04
ppfviju: you should ask this in #debian, then. but they'll be interested in debug output from dpkg, too :)22:04
rowenacc: cool, I downloaded from the repository. After that, do I just put it in my Freespace Open install folder22:07
naccrowe: why are you downloading it?22:08
naccrowe: just install it22:08
rowenacc: I installed it, I mean. Sorry, I'm a new Linux user. Now do I just run it, or does it need to be somewhere in particular?22:08
oerheksbray90820, the arch wiki gives 3, surface pro 3, Samsung Series 7 Slate XE700T1A and an Asus T30022:08
bray90820oerheks: Thanks22:09
naccrowe: i don't think you need to do anything -- it should be in games now? or you can run /usr/games/freespace2-launcher i think22:10
naccrowe: i have no idea about the package itself, i'm just seeing it's packaged and so you shouldn't need to build it yourself22:10
naccrowe: or read /usr/share/doc/freespace2-launcher-wxlauncher/README.Debian22:10
skinuxWhat is the command to remove PPA by name?22:13
naccskinux: ppa-purge?22:13
skinuxFor example, I need to remove PPA for Cherokee server22:13
oerheksppa-purge <cherokee-server-ppa-name>22:13
rowenacc: Okay, so I think I went backwards. The first thing I did was install the GOG version of Freespace 2 with Wine, then I ran the .jar installer for FS2 Open, then I went to you and got the launcher.22:16
rowenacc: I think I went about this the wrong way.22:17
skinuxIt's complaining that the PPAs don't have Release files22:17
oerheksskinux, ohh, then nothing got installed, just comment it out in softwaresources22:17
debkadhello, It seem that i can't access youtube from chromium or firefox, fire fox tell me this: (Error code: ssl_error_protocol_version_alert)22:18
naccrowe: afaict, you don't need wine for freespace2 it's in the archive too, but you need the cd files22:18
naccrowe: the wine version will be totally different and i have no idea22:19
debkadI use 14.04 for info22:19
ppfdebkad: what firefox/chromium version are you using22:21
debkadppf: firefox 28.0, chromium 53.0.2785.14322:21
kostkondebkad, 28??22:22
nacc!info firefox trusty22:22
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 52.0.2+build1-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 45132 kB, installed size 104322 kB22:22
oerheks firefox is @ v 5222:22
kostkondebkad, and there's a reason behind that?22:22
naccdebkad: no idea what you're doing but i'm guessing you're not using -updates or -security22:22
naccwhich is a terrible idea (the latter at least)22:22
oerheksdebkad, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:22
debkadno, i tryed to update/upgrade without a chance22:22
oerheksyou might be 10 kernels behind too ..22:23
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naccpastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`22:23
ppfnacc: is saying that you've disabled the -updates or -security repos22:23
naccor never enabled themm, or something22:23
kostkondebkad, apt-cache policy firefox22:23
debkadthat will take a while on Ign http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com trusty/universe Translation-fr_FR22:23
naccdebkad: hrm?22:24
naccdebkad: that's still the release pocket (for universe)22:24
ppfdebkad: check your /etc/apt/sources.list22:25
debkadit still hanging but in another one22:25
debkadah i remember i changed dz to fr on that file22:25
debkadkostkon: http://ix.io/qG222:26
ppfno, i mean: check it for -updates and -security22:26
debkadone sec22:26
debkadppf: there is none of those22:27
debkadi disabled the auto update ( the gui ) in few days ago, it might be the reason?22:27
oerheksdebkad, noo, it can't be that ... wait, are you serious?22:28
debkadyeah i did it oerheks22:29
debkadlet me check the gui source22:29
kostkondebkad, you're missing some repos, open Software & Updates to re-enable them22:30
Guy1524hey guys, I using Ubuntu 16.04 on a computer w/ 4 GB of RAM.  Unfortunately, a lot of it is being consumed by Ubuntu.  Here you can see the total usage: http://i.imgur.com/VcH3rnj.png  Its a lot but when i try to see what is eating it up, I go in to the processes tab and sort by memory: http://i.imgur.com/v1XzJCh.png   compiz has the highest memory usage, which is only 40 MB though22:30
Guy1524this is without firefox up22:30
debkadkostkon: I must check all the unchecked?22:30
naccGuy1524: memory usage is good22:31
ppetrakiGuy1524, what does free -h say?22:31
naccGuy1524: not using memory is bad22:31
debkadkostkon: there is: trusty-security, -updates, proposed and -backports22:31
kostkondebkad, one to avoid is Proposed, Enable everything else22:31
Guy1524used gives me the same information22:31
Guy1524in free -h, used is 400 MB less22:32
ppetrakiGuy1524, buff/cached is what im interested in22:32
Guy1524well keep in mind this is w/ firefox now open, buff/cache is 605M22:32
debkadIt seem that the update is fast now22:32
ppetrakiGuy1524,  so about a 1/4 of your available ram is cached22:33
bb88so wait, unity 8 is no more? so what's next?22:33
kostkondebkad, now open your updater and apply the updates22:33
debkadyes it is in the rouad :)22:33
bb88so unity 7 is just going to continue evolving? no wayland?22:33
ppetrakiGuy1524, so if things start to get slow for you. you can force linux to dump that cache22:34
ppetrakiGuy1524,  sudo sh -c "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"22:34
Guy1524cool, thx22:34
debkadbb88: road i think22:34
bb88so wayland is dead as well?22:34
bb88or just unity 8?22:34
debkadmy english is horible22:34
ppetrakiGuy1524, in the meanwhile, as long as you're not having performance problems your memory usage looks fine22:34
debkadwow many things are updating22:35
Guy1524well, the problem is when I try to run a huge mc modpack, it fills my memory22:35
naccGuy1524: memory being full is not in and of itself a bug22:35
Guy1524but this will definitely help, thx22:35
ppetrakiGuy1524, though it would be best if you had atleast 8G of ram. webbrowsers with their sandboxes consume oddles of ram22:35
ppetrakiGuy1524, yw22:35
Guy1524ya, thats why i use firefox22:35
Guy1524ive heard it uses less than chrome22:35
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/22:36
nacckostkon: thanks22:36
cabulosobb88, wayland is going to continue being developed, but probably not focused on desktop.22:37
bb88cabuloso: that's so stupid22:37
bb88guess i'll be migrating to fedora22:37
Ben64you're thinking of mir i think22:38
oerhekscabuloso, probably not focused on desktop ??? wher edid you get that info?22:38
bb88Ben64: yes, mir22:39
bb88still better than X22:39
bb88so ubuntu is planning to just stay with X forever?22:39
bb88unity 7 will run on wayland?22:39
oerheksomg ..22:39
Ben64unity is going away...22:39
oerhekstroll night, i am off22:39
bb88what will unity be replaced by?22:39
bb88i'm okay with that22:39
bb88ya i'm not opposed to gnome22:40
bb88prefer it to unity22:40
debkadso many question :)22:40
bb88so will GNOME replace unity for 18.04?22:41
Epx998never had my butt kicked as bad as making a new netboot initrd.gz is kicking it22:41
debkadas you like they do22:41
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cabulosobb88, X will be supported for a long time22:49
chromium_issueI am using Chromium. While on Youtube when I switch to Fullscreen mode the system freezes, sound goues on then the Video plays ...Same happens when I switch to windowed mode22:54
debkadchromium_issue: try to use 720P if you use 1080, and 480P if 720P ... and see if the resolution is the problem or something else22:57
debkador try disabling the acceleration22:58
chromium_issuedebkad, Just checked its playing at 360p ....22:59
chromium_issueTrying now22:59
debkadstart chromium with --disable-gpu23:00
debkadmy pc is old and slow, i use mpv, it work very good23:01
RYDeNque tal?23:02
chromium_issue--disable-gpu has improved the delay slightly...I will try n restart and see if that helps23:02
debkadyeah that will help a little23:03
=== eforbes1 is now known as eforbes
debkadchromium_issue: you can also install mpv and let me know if that make you happy :)23:08
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pezdispenserHi, I've installed Ubuntu Gnome 17.04  > upon boot says, default boot device missing or boot failed,     why?23:18
SchrodingersScatso do I simply wait for zombie processes to be cleaned up by some process I don't understand?23:19
compdocpezdispenser, how many drives are in the system?23:19
pezdispensercompdoc: Only One primary HDD23:19
compdocpezdispenser, you using uefi?23:20
karim_what is the command to make a deb package from a make install ?23:20
karim_i can't remember23:20
debkaddpkg i think23:20
pezdispensercompdoc:  It doesnt detect any drives in legacy,   It's running in uefi Yes23:20
debkadapt-something may be23:20
SchrodingersScatkarim_: installcheck?23:21
SchrodingersScat!info installcheck23:21
ubottuPackage installcheck does not exist in zesty23:21
karim_or something23:21
karim_i remember23:21
SchrodingersScatone of them23:21
compdocpezdispenser, most system have a boot menu if you hit f11 or whatever key before it boots. see if there are other choices to boot in the menu23:21
Bashing-omSchrodingersScat: Me, I want to know the why (pstree). Reference: http://askubuntu.com/questions/111422/how-to-find-zombie-process .23:22
pezdispensercompdoc:  I've entered the bios, switched between legacy and uefi, disabled secure boot,   no other choices as I see,  made sure the HDD is first on the boot order as well23:22
compdocpezdispenser, thats not what I said23:22
pezdispensercompdoc:  sorry,  f11 towards bios? or towards booting from a usb23:23
compdoctowards bios, if i take you meaning23:23
pezdispensercompdoc:  I understand. boot menu, yes23:23
pezdispensercompdoc:  I have  - try ubuntu gnome without installing,   install ubuntu gnome, OEM install for manufactureres.   check disc for defects23:24
karim_SchrodingersScat, checkinstall it was23:25
compdocthat sounds like booting from the cd or usb23:25
SchrodingersScatBashing-om: the zombie is the ipfs command, i killed the bash process that was running it, was that bad? http://paste.ubuntu.com/24383634/23:25
SchrodingersScatkarim_: right-o23:25
compdoc*that sounds like the installer when booting from the cd or usb23:25
pezdispensercompdoc:  yes,   without the usb my "f9"  has no result,  it only boots the screen i first mentioned,  missing boot device or boot failed screed23:26
Bashing-omSchrodingersScat: Well that depends on what file shating processes ya have going on . Killing the parent should generally kill the childs, no ?23:30
SchrodingersScatoddly similar to what my mother said before the police came through the door and took her away23:31
pezdispensercompdoc:  I'll be back after a reinstallation23:31
SchrodingersScatBashing-om: I have to kill systemd?  systemd(1)───ipfs(5235)─┬─{ipfs}(5241)23:32
GumaAny one here is using KVM on Ubuntu server? I just installed for the first time and got it working. But got a question about shutting down host. Do you have to manually shutdown all guests or it you shutdown host it will automatically send messages to guests and wait for them23:32
Bashing-omSchrodingersScat: Ouch ! Ya kill 1 .. that is the system ! everything runs under PID1 .23:33
GumaI googled fro it and different people say different this.23:34
Bashing-omSchrodingersScat: I would expect " 5241 " as that zombie .23:35
MWMI am wondering if there are any workarounds to have different wallpapers on each virtual desktop in KDE23:37
=== ubuntu is now known as AlexUbuntu
SchrodingersScatBashing-om: ps aux | grep 'Z': 5235  3.9  0.0      0     0 ?        Zl   18:26   2:36 [ipfs] <defunct> is the only one, five children of that though. any quick way to kill it?23:38
AlexUbuntuQuick question: I have Ubuntu 16.04 installed on a persistent USB and loaded into RAM23:38
AlexUbuntuit works great, but I am being auto logged in as ubuntu23:39
AlexUbuntuRather than as the user account I created23:39
AlexUbuntuAny idea why?23:39
PWPI'm searching for help with Zenmap beyond documentation at nmap.org, can anyone assist?23:39
YankDownUnderAlexUbuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/779358/autologin-with-lightdm-on-xenial-16-04 ===> reverse the configuration - or delete it...easy as pie.23:40
wedgiePWP: probably much better off asking in #nmap23:40
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Let me check this out23:42
SchrodingersScatBashing-om: oh, I had it going to a FUSE thing, and that must have been holding it up23:44
PWPthank you wedgie, im there now.23:45
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, I think this is it23:46
Bashing-omSchrodingersScat: Ya got it ? As what ya want to do is kill the child of the offending process  - has been my experience .23:46
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Do I set auto-login user to false?23:46
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Right now it is: autologin-user=ubuntu23:46
YankDownUnderAlexUbuntu: THAT is up to YOU...23:46
SchrodingersScatBashing-om: i threw a bunch of kill commands at the children, but killing the acdcli process (twice) took care of it23:46
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Okay, let me rephrase: if I set autologin-user=false will that prevent any autologin?23:47
YankDownUnderAlexUbuntu: For "persistent" USB's - because I use them on jobsites - I set them to NOT automagically login...23:47
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, I just don't know if I have the correct syntax23:47
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Or will it want to autologin a user named "false"?23:47
YankDownUnderAlexUbuntu: Leave it blank.23:47
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Excellent thanks23:48
AlexUbuntuYankDownUnder, Lol, don't have necessary permissions to overwrite it23:48
YankDownUnderAlexUbuntu: Use sudo...best from a terminal, really...but we're all different...23:49
debkadI think i can't wait more than that as the dist-upgrade is freezing on" Paramétrage de pepperflashplugin-nonfree (1.3ubuntu1.1) ..." for more than 15 minutes23:50
mininessieAnyone here23:51
amr_'s up23:52
debkadBy the way, no fix for viewing youtube23:57

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