
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
estan_how long does it normally take for someone to have a look at a package in the upload queue? (in my case qtbase-opensource-src 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.4 , which has a fix for a bug i reported)?16:43
estan_it's now been there for more than three weeks. i can't remember it taking anywhere near this long last time i did an SRU request, but maybe i was just lucky then :p16:44
estan_i completely understand if people are swamped, and thank you for all the tireless work. i just like to know if it's normal that things linger in the queue for that long.16:45
jbichaestan_: it's a holiday weekend now so if you don't get a reply, I'd ask again next week (not Monday)16:55
estan_jbicha: ah yes, i'll do that.16:56
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: mozjs38 (zesty-proposed/universe) [38.2.1~rc0-0ubuntu5 => 38.2.1~rc0-0ubuntu6] (ubuntugnome)21:24

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