
Unit193wrst: Yes.00:23
Unit193Been running it for months, but also just upgraded.00:28
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cracklib2/+bug/1681231 was the only thing to watch out for, granted, if you hit it then it's kind of big, but meh.00:35
cyberangerI doubt wrst is using cracklib (but if he is, he's earned a security applause from me)00:49
Unit193It might be installed by default.00:49
wrstcyberanger: your doubt is well placed :) and I get no security applause05:34
cyberangerwrst: sorry.05:34
Unit193He was up late. :306:05
wrstwas just about to pass out when I sent that :)16:18
* cyberanger wonders if passing out is like that mythical thing called sleep....18:22
wrstha ha pretty much but up that late it happens with a thud18:41

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