
cihhanhello all! i have made a mistake and did and dist-upgrade (i was using kubuntu 14). after the upgrade, I have been having frequent freezes. I am not sure why it is acting this way but it really makes the computer unusable. any suggestions on that?02:55
cihhan while i was writing this message, it froze two times...02:55
cihhanany ideas? any suggestions? please...03:01
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valoriecihhan: dist-upgrade is rarely a mistake03:18
valorieis there some reason you are using such an old version?03:18
valoriecurrent is 17.0403:19
valorieI assume by "14" you mean 14.04, which is 3 years old now03:20
cihhani was using it bcs i dont like dist-upgrade or upgrades with the possible issues like i m having now03:21
cihhanvalorie: i dont know why but even right now it froze again while writing this message. whatever i write doesnt show up for 4-5 seconds and then they all appear.03:22
valorieyou could run `htop` in a konsole03:23
cihhanafter i press enter, it freezes again03:23
valoriesee what is running when it freezes03:23
valorieor even `top`03:23
valoriehtop gives more info03:23
cihhantrying now03:24
valorieupgrades are important to keep your system safe and running well03:24
cihhani do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade03:24
cihhanbut not dist-upgrade03:24
valorieif you are running 14.04 rather than 14.04.5, you are running unmaintained software03:24
valoriethat still means that your applications are out-of-date03:25
valorieloooong out of date03:25
valoriesome people need that, because of old hardware or so03:25
cihhanok, i was seeing lots of firefox with very small amount of mem usage and i killed it03:26
valorieff is usually pretty light, but OK03:27
valoriechrome is the hog03:27
cihhanbut it didnt solve the issue yet03:27
valoriecould be a graphic card glitch03:27
cihhani also see something called baloo_file_extractor -- i wonder what it is03:27
valorieit is indexing your files03:28
valoriecan be a hog at time as well03:28
cihhanvalorie: i also thought about graphic card :/03:28
valoriehow old is your box?03:29
cihhan4-5 years03:29
valoriethe laptop I'm using right now is just over 4 years old, and it seems to be burning out03:30
cihhanbut i7 and 16GB ram03:30
valoriereplacing it next week, then I'll try to underclock it03:30
valoriesee if I can nurse it along as a test box for awhile03:30
valoriedoes it feel hot?03:30
cihhanfor laptops, 4 year is the life span for me03:30
valoriemine is overheating03:30
valorieeven with the fan on high03:31
valoriewhich sucks03:31
cihhannope, it feels all fine for me. not even fan noise right now03:31
cihhanexcept my msgs are freezing at this moment03:31
cihhani started thinking that there might be two possible cases: 1. graphics card and 2. harddrive (just in case)03:32
valoriewhat software are you running?03:32
valoriewell, HD doesn't cause freezing03:32
cihhani havent seen anything in the logs03:32
valoriebut graphics cards can overheat03:32
valoriemy advice if you want it: do a thorough backup03:33
cihhani m not running anything right now03:33
cihhanthat s the issue03:33
valorietry something newer, like the newest 17.0403:33
valoriewell, you are chatting here using *something*03:33
cihhanthis doesnt look like some other monsterous process is killing all the resources03:33
valorieyou have some rather old software03:34
cihhanrather, it feels like something is wrong with the drivers03:34
cihhani m using hexchat and yakuake and there is also teamviewer in the background waiting there03:34
valorieok, hexchat and teamviewer are not KDE software03:35
valorieno clue if they are up-to-date or not03:35
valorieprobably not, if you never dist-upgrade03:35
valoriewhich by the way is now full-upgrade03:35
valoriesome still use dist-upgrade03:36
cihhanhmm, i ll try full-upgrade to see if it will upgrade03:36
valorieif you try out the newest on a liveUSB or liveDVD, you can see if newer software will help03:37
cihhanmaybe it will help03:37
valoriethat old LTS is still 3 years old03:37
valoriehonestly, newer software is better03:37
cihhanin my mind, it s LTS03:37
valoriewhich is great for servers03:38
cihhanas lng as it doesnt break and get updated, i dont want to spend time with the problems like the one im having now so i m not really very keen on upgrades :(03:38
valorieor a production machine that must stay pretty much the same03:38
valoriewe have the opposite POV03:38
valorieI want the latest that works03:39
cihhanthat s the thing, latest that works but if it will cause me trobule, i generally go for waiting03:40
valoriesure, that's why I test03:41
valorieand work with others who test03:42
valoriebut I get that not everyone wants or has the time to do that03:43
cihhanvalorie: unfortunately. i mean i need to finish something for my deadline and the computer is freezing non-stop. apt-get full-upgrade installed 3 simple packages so im not sure if it will help but after that i ll try a reboot again.03:46
valoriesorry I couldn't help03:46
valorieplease do a backup when you can03:47
cihhanactually after upgrade, it showed this03:48
cihhan /sbin/ldconfig.real: /usr/lib32/nvidia-375/libEGL.so.1 is not a symbolic link03:48
valorieah, you do have a driver issue then03:48
valorieunfortunately I have no clue how to fix that03:48
valoriepeople in #ubuntu might be more help03:49
cihhanno problem, thanx a lot through03:49
valoriesince this is not specifically a Kubuntu issue03:49
cihhanim checking ubuntu's pages now to see what solutions they are suggesting03:49
valorieEaster weekend is hard to get people online sometimes03:49
ubottuFor nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing »03:49
cihhanyep, thanks a lot03:51
cihhanim checking them now03:51
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cihhanvalorie: i have upgraded nvidia and set to the latest driver which helped it to be honest03:59
cihhanim hoping that this is the real solution03:59
cihhanfingers crossed03:59
seeithello, I did a fresh install of kubuntu on a new machine and when I get to the login screen everything locks and no ui response05:19
seeitany ideas, had no errors during installation05:19
seeitThe ui responds for about 2 seconds then no response05:20
18WAARH80if you press ctrl + alt + f1 does a command line come up?05:52
valorieseeit: control and alt and f2 or f3 or so05:56
valorieand then `sudo apt install -f`05:56
valoriewhere f equals fix05:57
seeitvalorie: I think it's completely locked up since I can't get to a console05:58
IrcsomeBot1jayantseraph was added by: jayantseraph06:00
IrcsomeBot1<jayantseraph> Hi, Im a noob to Kubuntu since UNITY is about to die .. but having DNS connectivity issues06:02
IrcsomeBot1<jayantseraph> Firefox doesnt connect ... Chrome connects06:03
valorieseeit: you might have to try sysrq06:09
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key06:09
valorieand then get into a terminal and do hen `sudo apt install -f`06:10
valorieand perhaps then `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`06:11
valorieif it got botched, you perhaps have to repeat those a few times06:11
valoriebut in general once will do06:11
valorie@jayantseraph at least you know http works06:14
seeitthat didn't work, should I reinstall with letting it do the updates during installtion?06:15
IrcsomeBot1<jayantseraph> @val06:16
valoriewhich part didn't work, seeit?06:23
seeitI held down alt+printscreen nothing happened, I then typed those keys, nothing happened06:23
valorietry restarting06:23
valorieand getting into the terminal06:24
seeitwhat's a quick way to get into the terminal at boot?06:24
valorieif f2 or f3 don't work, try f4 or f506:24
valorieor f106:24
seeitit's magically working now, wtf06:26
seeitNow i need to get it to boot with the graphics cards plugged in06:26
valoriethat's progress06:26
seeitwas able to graphically log in06:26
seeitSeriously tech is weird sometimes06:27
seeitIt'll just start working by bitching about it on the internet06:27
valoriestill a good idea to see if any updates are needed06:27
valoriethere were a couple of zero-day changes06:27
IrcsomeBot1<jayantseraph> Is the problem related to a bug : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624071 ??06:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624071 in systemd (Ubuntu) "libnss-resolve: Fallback from resolve to dns breaks DNSSEC validation" [Medium,Fix released]06:28
seeitValorie It locked up trying to connect to the wireless, perhaps something is wrong with the hardware or what might be going on?06:29
seeitjust repeated and it locked up on the wireless configuation again, gonna try wired06:32
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seeitI'm having trouble booting to login after installing the rx 400 series ati drivers08:32
sonnehi, how do i change the behavior of kde-open? the "default applications" setting only shows very few entries, i'd like to change more - for example, i would like to change which application is opened when i click on a magnet url09:55
MartokGood morning. I installed 17.04 64 bit on my PC the other day. I have one wired etherenet that I connect to the internet, and the other wired port I share. For some reason it wont connect after I setup a shared connection. Any ideas how I can fix this?09:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:06
MartokBluesKaj: Good morning10:15
BluesKajHi  Martok10:15
MartokBluesKaj: I installed 17.04 64 bit on my PC the other day. I have one wired etherenet that I connect to the internet, and the other wired port I share. For some reason it wont connect after I setup a shared connection. Any ideas how I can fix this?10:20
diogenes_marted as duplicate :)10:22
BluesKajwhat won't connect , and how is the connection shared Martok ?10:22
MartokI connect to the Internet with my first connection which works perfectly, but when I try to connect my shared connection it doesn't do anything.10:25
MartokWhat's odd is when i create the shared connection, it creates 2 shared connections. Shared (enp1s0) and Shared (enp3s0)10:26
MartokWith all other versions the shared connection connected with no propblems.10:27
BluesKajI still don't get how the actual connection is physiacally shared10:27
MartokI use a VPN on my PC, so I share the PC's connection out to a router via Ethernet10:28
MartokI have 2 Ethernet ports10:29
MartokIt worked perfect with all other versions.10:30
BluesKajethernet ports on the router or on the pc?10:31
MartokOn the PC10:31
BluesKajso you're daisy chaining the 2nd ethernet with another pc which I've heard of , but with which I have no experience ,,, dunno how to help you , but I bet the #networking chat can help you10:37
BluesKajMartok: ^10:37
MartokBluesKaj: Thank you10:37
seeithi, i've got a pciex1 riser plugged into the pciex16 slot but it seems to be blocking the network from initializing during boot, any ideas how to fix this?10:38
BluesKajMartok:  add the shared ethernet/enp0s name(s) to your /etc/network/interfaces file10:57
BluesKajMartok:  you ca determine the ethernet/enp0s names by the 'ip add' command10:59
* BluesKaj sheds more light on the KB11:00
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MartokBluesKaj: Just walked back in and saw your post. I have the "interfaces" file open. This is what it's showing now: https://paste.kde.org/p6tv2zsjb11:21
BluesKajMartok:  add, auto enp0snames from the ip add command11:25
MartokBluesKaj: OK, thank you11:27
karkoonHi. Does anyone else has problems with 17.04? I can't get the DE up and running. I think it fails on xorg. It says that it has a wrong major ABI version or something like that. I have an AMD R9 390. What should I do?12:23
muhammettürkçe destek12:27
momkenkarkoon: I don't have 17.0412:29
momkenmuhammet: What is your probrem?12:30
muhammetkubuntu 17.04 wifi connect12:32
momkenhmmm. If your wifi uses broadcom you should try different broadcom drivers12:39
BluesKajmuhammet:  /j kubuntu-tr12:46
muhammetkubuntu tr help12:46
BluesKajmuhammet:  or /j #kubuntu-tr12:47
muhammetuser list 012:48
karkoonI have uninstalled amdgpu-pro and I think xorg started to use a default driver? I got to the login page but I've got a black screen after logging. There's a mouse cursor so maybe it's loading something.12:49
diogenes_karkoon, check is xorg.conf is still there13:04
karkoondiogenes_: xorg is running but I have a black screen after logging in. (I'll check if xorg.conf is there though.)13:05
diogenes_karkoon, do: ls /etc/X11/13:06
karkoondiogenes_: I think it's not there.13:07
diogenes_karkoon, ok13:08
karkoonthere is a xorg.conf.d in /usr/share/X1113:08
diogenes_karkoon, I think its radeon that's causing the trouble13:10
karkoonplasmashell says that QXcbConnection Could not connect to display.13:11
karkoondiogenes_: Radeon like radeon driver or radeon like the gpu and I have to downgrade to 16.10?13:11
diogenes_karkoon, radeon gpu13:12
karkoondiogenes_: I'm wondering why would it cause trouble?13:21
diogenes_karkoon, did it work on 16.04?13:22
karkoondiogenes_: on 16.10, yeah13:23
diogenes_karkoon, then my advice to you is to read carefully the release notes of 17.04 and see what major changes it brings to the table13:24
karkoondiogenes_: ok. Something chabged. I've removed .Xauthority files in my home folder because of an advice from a forum. Now I had a .Xauthority file which was owned by root. I have changed it to my user and restarted. And it works.13:29
karkoonSo... problem resolved. Now I just have to wait for 17.04 drivers from amd.13:30
karkoonThanks for all your help.13:30
diogenes_karkoon, it's always recommended to remove every .folder and config file from /home before you install a system13:31
karkoondiogenes_: maybe for config files but I have some programs that want to be in a .folder and they don't only contain their configuration. (eg games have saves, executables and big stuff.)13:32
diogenes_karkoon, yeah, except programs13:33
diogenes_you can leave those13:33
karkooni wonder if there's a list of common config files13:34
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> i dont like KDE Instant Log Viewer, IM Contact (Instant Messenger Contact), FeedReader, Akregator, KTorrent … How to remove it permanently?14:28
clivejoicibon remove the packages from your system15:33
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> @clivejo, How?15:37
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> How to get the package name?15:37
clivejo@icibon using a package manager or terminal15:37
clivejofor example in Muon, search for ktorrent and mark it for removal15:38
clivejoor in the terminal "sudo apt remove ktorrent"15:39
ronnocIrcsomeBot1: sudo apt-get purge <program1> <program2> etc.15:40
ronnocif you want config files gone as well15:41
ronnoco/ clivejo15:41
clivejohi ronnoc15:42
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> @ronnoc> IrcsomeBot1: sudo apt-get purge <program1> <program2, Will it remove the dependency also?15:42
ronnocIrcsomeBot1: It should unless other programs installed also need it15:43
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> So, is it safe using purge?15:44
clivejoif you really dont want the IM stuff and want rid you could just blitz telepathy15:44
ronnocIt 'should' show a confirmation before performing the action15:44
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> I checked dpkg - l15:44
clivejopurge would be more appropriate if you never intend to use it again15:45
clivejomaybe something like "sudo apt purge *telepathy*" to kill the entire IM stack ?15:51
clivejodo you use the other parts of PIM?15:51
ronnocspeaking of pkg mgt, is Muon a KDE app these days, or still under the Kubuntu umbrella?16:08
IrcsomeBot1<icibon> @clivejo, What is it PIM ?16:10
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ronnocit's the PIM (personal information management suite) from KDE16:23
Tweakhello. just wondering if anyone knows, what packages need to be installed in order to properly use gnome icon themes?17:37
BluesKajTweak:  system settings>applications style>hnome applications style>gtk themes17:51
TweakBluesKaj: thanks for the reply. I mean to use a gnome icon theme on the KDE desktop for everything17:52
BluesKajthen run gnome17:53
BluesKajTweak:  or system settings>workspacr theme>desktop themeget new theme type in gnome>17:55
Tweakokay. thanks.17:56
BluesKajTweak: correction, system settings>workspacr theme>desktop theme>get new theme>type in gnome17:57
DragnslcrYou can also look through https://store.kde.org/browse/cat/132/ for something you like17:58
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AppAraathi, in KDE Plasma, can different activities have different amount of virtual desktops? Like activity A has 4 and B has 8 etc.22:35
valorieAppAraat: as far as I know, yet22:38
AppAraatinteresting, I couldn't find the option to set it that way. When I removed virtual desktops in one activity they also got removed in the other.22:40
valorieI would call that a bug22:40
AppAraatshouldn't it be by default like this though? Where can I find the option to (un)set it? Perhaps I can try messing with the option.22:41
valorieI don't know, my computer use is all one big activity22:42
AppAraatk, I'll keep searching.22:44
mattpalermoHello Kubuntu community. Is anyone available to help me through the process of submitting a bug report? I have been collecting all the information I can about the problem over the past few days, so I do have something to contribute. I am also not afraid to run any experiments that you suggest (e.g. installing a different kernel).23:11
clivejomattpalermo: what is the problem?23:20
mattpalermoHi clivejo. I havea problem where the wireless network will stop working after about 10 to 30 minutes. The network icon in the task bar still tells me I am connected but requests to the network timeout. Disconnecting from the network and reconnecting fixes the problem.23:22
mattpalermoThe problem is highly repeatable if I wait 10 to 30 minutes.23:23
clivejohave you checked the system logs?23:23
mattpalermoI have. I have done the following process twice to collect system logs for the problem: Reboot system, wait for problem to occur, save the system log. Would you like to take a look at them?23:25
clivejocan you pastebit it?23:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:26
mattpalermoThankyou. I'll create an identity.kde.org account and paste bin it.23:27
clivejoyou dont need to23:27
clivejoor you could use https://paste.ubuntu.com/23:28
mattpalermoWhen I follow paste.kde.org it asks me to log in. It won't take me too long.23:30
clivejoI have to go soon23:30
clivejogetting late here!23:30
mattpalermoI'll use the ubuntu one for brevity :)23:31
clivejois your network IPv6 enabled?23:36
clivejo15/4/17 11:52 AMdhclientXMT: Info-Request on wlp3s0, interval 33930ms.23:38
clivejo15/4/17 11:53 AMNetworkManager<warn>  [1492221191.0506] dhcp6 (wlp3s0): request timed out23:38
clivejo15/4/17 11:32 AMdhclientXMT: Info-Request on wlp3s0, interval 36240ms.23:39
clivejo15/4/17 11:33 AMNetworkManager<warn>  [1492219985.6132] dhcp6 (wlp3s0): request timed out23:39
clivejoboth times a dhcp6 request has timed out23:40
mattpalermoI think I disconnected... did I miss anything?23:41
clivejoboth times the dhcp6 request failed23:42
clivejodo you use IPv6?23:42
clivejoif you don't use it, I would suggest disabling it as a test23:44
mattpalermowell, I'm not sure. But I tried `ping6 www.google.com` and I got `connect: Network is unreachable` and ping4 operated normally. So I think I am using only IPv4. I will disable it as a test. That test will take a while though. If you have any other suggestions I will try them out as well today, but I suspect you will be asleep before I finish testing.23:45
valorieit seems that many ISPs have been not dealing with IPv6 well23:46
clivejoin the connection settings, go to config and select the connection, then go to the IPv6 tab and change method to Ignored23:47
mattpalermoclivejo: Thanks, I have done that. I will switch to wifi now and see how long I last :)23:48
clivejoit only do it on wifi?23:48
mattpalermoclivejo: Yea, Ethernet works perfectly (thank goodness)23:49
=== valorie changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | FAQ: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | Kubuntu 17.04 https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-17-04-released/ | https://forum.kde.org/, https://www.kubuntuforums.net/
clivejocould be a wifi driver issue with IPv623:49
mattpalermoPerhaps. I am running a realtek RTL8821AE. I am now wondering if I should buy an atheros card :P23:50
Menzador!pastebin | confirming23:58
ubottuconfirming: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:58

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